Hey Pandas, What Is One Thing That Happened In Class That You Will Never Forget? (Closed)
Like when the quiet kid snapped or maybe something scary or weird, anything is accepted here.
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So I was sitting next to my crush and I farted. Like, I farted REALLY LOUDLY. And then I wanted to DIE.
so we were in 3rd grade and the class clown said have y'all seen joe today? and another kid said who's joe. you know what happened next. we were wicked immature and we were laughing to the point where your stomach hurts.
Joe mama... the oldest of all jokes. Ooh! I remember when “roasting” was a thing
2 occasions stay in my mind.
First was a boy who committed suicide in class.
The second was when our science teacher told my friend and I how to make smoke bombs, helped us make them and set them off in a way to fill the whole school with bright purple smoke. We were sworn to secrecy but think it's probably ok to reveal it now.
There was this one kid who did these kind of things most of the time but this one was the weirdest he’s done: We went to English class and he sat next to the window. He had a lighter with him and he tried to set his chair on fire. A little flame came and the teacher saw it. He put it out but the smell was pretty bad. He didn’t notice that the teacher already knew and he looked outside the window asking “What the hell are they doing out there?” Can’t count how many times he got suspended.
Someone's phone rang in my homeroom a few years back and the teacher walked over and read the contact name and said "oh its your daddy, you can go take the call outside if a family matter happened" funny thing is that he lives with two moms and no dads
8th grade, almost done for the day and had to go to the bathroom. Bathroom pass is hanging up by the door. I go do my business and come back. As I'm hanging up the pass, my teacher comes over to ask about a late assignment. I'm about to answer when this sharp pain shoots through my hand. Forget everything that I'm doing and turn towards the door, trying to push it open. The teacher realized what had happened and pushed the door open.
And now for what happened. Remember the pass hanging next to the door? Well, the door shuts very slowly so I had rested my hand on the door jamb so I could lean up to hang up the pass. When my teacher came to talk to me, I forgot to move my hand and the door shut on my fingers. Ended up with a fairly bad cut on both fingers but nothing broken and no stitches.
I made a dad joke and my friend looks at me like "really bruh" and I yell "Ayyyyy!!! Dad jokes for the winnn!" And my guy friend looks at me cluelessly and says, "Dad... jokes..?" And I say "Yeah dude, y'know- Dad jokes?" He continues to look at me funny and then he lightheartedly goes, "Oh!!! I've got one! Why did my dad cross the papers-" AND I BURST OUT LAUGHING I'M LIKE BRUHHHHH OH NOOOOOO
One time the gas stove started leaking (I go to a Montessori school and we have a kitchen to cook things) and we all had to evacuate