Hey Pandas, What Is One Question You Have That You Don’t Know The Answer To?
What is one question that was never answered? Maybe someone here can answer it for you?
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Why am I like this? I don’t smile anymore, I don’t eat much of anything, I don’t laugh at anyone’s jokes, I tried to be perfect but I failed miserably, I don’t say anything to my mom and dad, I try to act normal but it’s obviously not going well.
This sounds like depression. Have you told anyone you trust about it? It really sucks feeling "not okay" and not being able to tell someone. For me, a therapist and meds were really able to help with that. May you be happy, prosperous, peaceful, safe, loved, and free of all physical and mental suffering in your future. ❤️ If you don't have anyone in your life you feel comfortable talking to, here is a totally free resource I was considering using for myself where you can simply talk to someone and/or get some advice on what may make you feel better: https://www.thehopeline.com/about-us/?utm_source=topmenu&utm_medium=aboutus&utm_campaign=aboutustopmenu
Why are other people so afraid of ghosts? They've never hurt me & my home is very haunted.
Most people are afraid of what they don't understand... including hallucinations, Imagination and psychosis.
why to school staff ignore bullying to the point where some students get bullied into attempting suicide or getting beaten up? it rly does not make sense
In NJ there is less bullying because of Mallory’s law, Mallory is a 10 year old girl who committed suicide due to bullying so they keep the bullying laws stricter to prevent it from happening again. Sometimes I doubt it’s working.
If youre in a vehicle traveling at the speed of light, and you turn the headlights on do they do anything?
I'm a few years away from being an adult, going off to college, and starting my own life here on this world. What are your tips?
Take it all in. Enjoy the small things as much as the big ones...but if you ever feel uncomfortable by all means excuse yourself, mention it, or just leave. I remember my first week away at college and I went to a party with multiple girls (I am female). We were all drinking and all of a sudden I looked around and I was the only female left. All the males were very nice and friendly, but I did not know them. I told them that I was going to leave and my honest reason and left. They all seemed to completely understand.
is there a god? a higher power?
As a denizen of Hell, I can let you know: there is no place for you down here. Seriously, the overpopulation is a problem.
Why do we fight?
Now this question is a physics question and too long to ask Google. I've tried testing things out but theories seem to be proved both ways and it's confusing. Here it is: If a bird is in a car and flew, in no direction but just hovered there, and the car moved forward, would the bird move with the car or stay in place? This isn't a question about the bird's brain, the object can be any object that hovers in the air, but I've been wondering this for years
Simplest way to explain it: The bird would stay in the same position within the car because it's in and enclosed environment and not connected to the car. You can try it with a ball, sit in the back seat and gently toss the ball straight up, the ball will come straight down. The ball is already moving at the same speed as the car so is moving with it but isn't affected by outside forces. Tie some string around the ball and fix it to the roof of the car and it will swing with the movement of the car (but eventually settle if you keep driving straight) because it's connected and feels the forces that the car feels. More complicated answer is too long to fit in the comments box and is all about 'Relative Velocity', but still, check out this vid to see it in action : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zeqMsf66-mY
If a flower has a male part, and a female part, and a bee has to help the male part pollinate the female part so it can reproduce, isn't it basically a threesome?
Why do we sleep? I know it's so we all don't go insane but why do we go insane? Srsly brain youd better have a good excuse for me having to spend 12 hours a day with my eyes closed and then STILL wake up tired and groggy. Oh yeah I also forgot the part where you prod through my subconscious to take out me worst fears and BROADCAST THEM THROUGH THE BRAIN. GEE THANKS I LOVE WAKING UP IN A COLD SWEAT AFTER WATCHING MY FAMILY GET MURDERED. THAT WAS SOOOOOOOO HELPFUL BRAIN SOOOOOOOOOOO HELPFUL.
We truly still don't know. There are a few leading theories out there. One is that sleep is needed so we can sort and parse all the info we learn in a day, pruning or reinforcing neural connections. Another is that it is part of the brain's healing/immune response (separate from our body's immune system) and that during sleep cerebrospinal fluid "washes" our brain. I'm not up to speed on that research, though...
Astrology, i don't understand it. How can a "Scorpio" who was born and grew up in small town in Fiji, have the same personality type as a "Scorpio" who was born and raised in NYC? Completely different seasons, lifestyle, culture, race etc. I just don't see how you can label one group of people who were born in the same time period to have the same traits in common.
Spoken like a true Scorpio. JK I don't know anything about astrology
what came first the chicken or the egg? Cue debate in comments lol
Well shelled eggs evolved about 325 million years ago. The first animals that we classify as birds didn't evolve until 65 million years ago. And the domesticated chicken is only a few thousand years old. So eggs came first.
is it possible to braid your hair 9 times, then braid those braids together to make 3 braids, then braid those 3 braids into 1 braid?? someone just do it and comment it on here i wanna see it
What is love?
I mean, I understand the concept on an intellectual level, but not the actual feeling. How does it feel?
I think love is such a powerful emotion, that it doesn't just feel like one thing. It's nuanced. When I'm playing with my dogs and they're all goofy, zoomie, tail-wagging, what I feel is love. When my husband makes me laugh, I feel love, but in a different way. When my son was small and he'd hold my hand, I felt love, also in a different way. When I was an artist and I created something beautiful, I felt love for the process. Love is faceted, it can be big or small, loud or quiet...but it's all good, no matter how you experience it.
Why have I grown to dislike people, in spite of having met many good ones.
Your brain is hard-wired to focus on unpleasant results, possibly as a left-over evolutionary tactic to avoid dangerous situations. We have to make a real effort to pay attention to everyday pleasantness, in everything from nice food to good music to happy people. I like to think of it as spiting my ancestors.
What am I supposed to say when a kid asks me if I’m white or black? I’m both
Am I wasting my life? Is this all worth it? Does it really matter? Let me explain: Our world is slowly dying because of deseases, global warming, wars and so on. Still I wake up every single day and drag my a*s to work. I still try to be as productive as possible every single day in hope it'll get better one day. I don't know if it ever will. Am I wasting my time working and making money? I know money is important but if our world is going to die anyway why am I not spending my time and energy on things I enjoy? Why am I not making memories with the people I hold close? Why am I not travelling the world while I still can? Because I don't know if it'll get better one day. Maybe I'll have all the time of my life to make memories, maybe we'll all die within the next 5 years.
Chances are the world, while dying, won’t end in your lifetime. You don’t want to get to the end of your life, decades from now, and realize you never lived or took risks expecting it was all going to end. There’s evil in this world, but there’s also a lot of beauty and joy. Seek it out. Help one another. Improve the world around you. Then you’ll have lived a good life and will meet your end with peace.
"Am I *really* an alcoholic?" I'm 9 1/2 years sober, and this still crosses my mind. It's not worth the potential consequences to find out.
What qualifies as "home"?
IMO home is where your family is, blood related or not. I personally have had to cut out toxic blood related family members, because they were draining on my mental health like hell. My family and my home are my significant other, my closest friends, my children all of whom I love dearly, trust with my life. My home is always open to them, no matter the day or time and no matter what is going on, in their life, they know, I am a safe place for them. That to me is home.
What can we do to not feel so lonely when we're alone?
Why am I always SO tired??
Stress, burn out, life, money issues, job, kids, inflation, work life balance with no time to actually recharge. Just a few thoughts.
Can humans do their #2 without doing #1? Maybe I'm just incompetent but I honestly envy my dog for that ability.
At a certain age, you're just happy when you can do #2 at all. Let's not get overly concerned with the details.
How do blind people know if they have cleaned themselves sufficiently after using the toilet.
Who created God? Seriously, how did intelligence come into existence? From what did it spoken?
Sporn not spoken argh autocorrect was not intelligent design, this I do know.
Umm what's the purpose of daylight savings time anymore? It just messes with my schedule.
The purpose of daylight savings time is to ration oil and coal, as those are needed for the war effort in Europe and the Pacific. Don't worry though. As soon as we win victory against the Nazis and Japanese Empire, I'm sure we'll go back to normal sleeping schedules. I mean politicians wouldn't keep such a ridiculous thing going when so many people hate it, just because they can't be bothered to do something. I'm sure, once this Second World War is finished, they'll sorry it right out. Right?
What truly happens after death. Do we simply fade out of existence? Do we get graded on the choices we made during or lives? Is our heart weighed against a feather? Do we go to a heaven or hell? Or do we go to a ring of hell.
I don't think we can truly know what happens after death until we experience. What I believe though, is that there is a heaven (though I think this just means there is a place outside of the living realm where our consciousness stays, but we no longer have a need for feelings or anything). I believe everyone, regardless of faith (or lack of) has the opportunity to go there if they have lived a moral life. I also do not believe in hell, I believe if you don't go to heaven then you just cease to exist, both in body and consciousness.
Why are there SO MANY transphobes/homophobes? I get that religion is a BIG factor, but... ???
Why politics have to be brought into everything?
Why do people think abortion is is a good thing ?
And why people defy Jesus Christ when their is enough evidence for it to be at least considered?
We are all affected by politics so maybe it's because it's common ground? We all understand it to a degree. Abortion is not an ideal but is necessary in some situations. A good example of that would be abortion after rape. But I believe that if a woman does not feel ready to carry a child to term then she should be able to make that choice without question. It's her body and nobody elses. Regarding religion, people make their own minds up based on the information they have. It isn't your, or anyone else's, place to tell people what they should believe in. If it was such a hot ticket anyway, people would be falling over themselves to get into church.