Sorry for the long title.


One time I was playing Yahtzee with my family, and my father was gloating saying he was SO going to get a Yahtzee. He rolled and failed to get anything close to a Yahtzee so I laughed and called out NOTzee as a joke. I then realized what I had shouted and turned red... NATZI?! WHAT WAS I THINKING! I did, however win the game, but I still was SO embarrassed...



Usually, something that happened recently. Like saying 'you too' to a doctor who tells you to get well. Or all the awkward interactions I have, because I forgot how to human during this pandemic.



I lie awake thinking of all the embarrassing things I've ever done. I still think of things from six or seven years ago, in clear detail. The odd thing is, I can't remember much else from then- except for the embarrassing things. I lie awake thinking of how I could have made it right/avoided it. It's all very annoying.



Mine is the one time when I was 5 I went to the rodeo with my dad. He's that classic bald guy who wears worn out clothes all the time. We were waiting in line and I got a little bit lost kind of not really. I was 5 so everyone was taller than me and I couldn't see their faces. I saw my dad in front of me, and I hugged him on the legs.

It wasn't my dad.


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

One time when I was younger, I was on vacation with my family and we were at a zoo. My dad had picked up my brother and I'd gotten a little bit lost in the crowd. I found the little boy foot with my brother's sandals on it and stood next to that person for quite a while before I looked up and realized THAT WAS NOT MY BROTHER... THAT WAS NOT MY DAD. I did find my actual dad and brother, and then realized that my brother was wearing his tennis shoes that day. I was just awkwardly standing next to some random kid with the same sandals as my brother for like probably a full five minutes...

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I'll go first, so when I was in 4th or 5th grade I went through a really techy phase, where I wanted to make everyone think I was some super-cool hacker. And there was this one girl, maybe 2 years older than me, who I REALLY wanted to impress (now I realize it was a crush) and so I sent her an email with a bunch of lines of code, and at the bottom of the email I said, "Oops, sorry that was meant for my database." OH MY GOD, I cringe just thinking about it, at the time I thought it was a normal thing to do!



I lie awake four years later and remember the time I said “you too” to the waiter after she told me to enjoy my meal.



Mines complicated. I lie awake thinking of all the things I want to be, things I want to change, all these big ideas I think will help my mental health and physical health. I have like a can-do attitude about it and everything. But once I finally sleep and then wake, it is all forgotten. But at night I get angry at myself for not making an effort. And ways I can change, and then it's stuck on loop. Most days I don't want to get out of bed and I am just always tired, stressed and in a lot of pain. I want my night brain to be my day brain. Any tips.


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

So I actually keep a journal next to my bed (bedside table) and have a small light ready to turn on near it. If I have any big ideas, I write them down in the journal. This may not be for everyone, as it may take longer to fall asleep because of turning on a light to write the ideas down.

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Oh god. Here we go.

In my house, it is a common ritual to say "YOUR MOM :something that someone else called you:"

So one day, my sister said, "You're gonna die!" while we played video games. My mom was in the room.

What did I say?


Let's just say, not my best moment.


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The Chosen One
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

AAHAHAHAHAAA I'm sorry that probably doesn't help but that's really funny. Here have a upvote

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Well, I made a terrible joke that was kind of sexual with me and my friends, and even though I didn't mean for it to be bad, I realized it as soon as it left my mouth. (I don't want to say the joke because I don't nee that on the internet) It kept me up for like three days.



a recent thing:

choir teacher: think of a vowel is hum it out!

me: C!!!!!!

be aware, i am in highschool



not me but my brother
he was holding a pinecone and he said it looked cool. his friend slapped the pinecone out of his hand and there were red pinecone seeds everywhere
my brother was sad so he said, without thinking, "you spilled my seed"



Ok this one time when I was 19, which to put in context was over 20 years ago. I had a job and a lady I worked with had recently put on a lot of weight. A group of us were all talking and I asked her when her baby was due. She said she wasn't pregnant, my mind raced as fast as it could and I was like my mistake someone had told me you were. I don't think anyone believed it, but everyone pretended to so we didn't have to talk about why I really thought that. I am still mortified by this to this day and it pops in my head from time to time, unwanted, to keep me awake or distract me when I am working. Here is the thing it was just embarrassing when I was younger, now it bothers me because it was so wildly inappropriate on my part and I feel awful that I was ever so insensitive to think it was acceptable. It was an embarrassing moment of my life that always finds it way back into my mind to mortify me.


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J. Ryan
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This one just riles me. I am a tall woman on the thin side. However, I have some medical issues that cause me to be extremely bloated more often than not. The amount of times I am asked if I am pregnant is just f***ing mind boggling! Don't ever ask a woman if she is pregnant. Ever. Even if you are certain she is, don't ask. My self esteem is gone from people's comments about my body. I am constantly aware of my stomach and do all I can to hide it. I work out, I eat healthy, I do everything right, but the bloating is always there. So please. Don't. Ever. Ask.

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There was a church service when I was kid that had happened many times before but for some reason I just couldn't remember what happened during the sermon. So the guy asks a rhetorical question, about how he's from Kentucky and do you know what people from Kentucky are famous for?
"FRIED CHICKEN!!!" I shout with confidence from my spot in the pews, proud I answered his question with a good answer.
"Grits." The man says, bringing some Quaker grits out and smashing it with a hammer. I don't remember much of what happened that night but shouting out FRIED CHICKEN in a room full of Christians is an embarrassing to me.
Yes, I was thinking KFC= Kentucky Fried Chicken, a fast food restaurant chain popular in the southern part of America.



Every conversation ever with the opposite sex when I was a teenager. Didn't help that I spent most of 15-20 smoking a lot of weed.



That time someone asked what i want to get for christmas, and i said, a vacuum. I thought they were asking me what we should get for my mom. Lol



Once, when I was trick or treating, someone asked who I was. I said my name because I didn't realize they were asking who I was dressed up as. Oops!



once in 5th grade i read something that sleeping well helped you live longer so i asked a classmate how she slept and proceeded to die inside



I made a very strange joke in front of my parents when I was a kid it still haunts me to this day



When I was around eleven, my parents took my little brothers and me to a waterpark. We were very excited because it was our first time at a waterpark. This particular park had a slide with no lights, so you were engulfed in complete darkness while sliding down. Every time I went down, I sang at the top of my lungs, thinking that the noise of the slide would somehow drown it out.

My little brothers told me later that it did not. Apparently, everyone waiting in line gave them strange looks. I still think about this.



Ok, so one of my ways of dealing with embarrassing memories is to tell people about them, and then they become less embarrassing. The one I tell people about the most goes like this: I was in fourth or fifth grade and it was winter, so most kids were bundled up, including me. I was looking around and saw my friend (Jerry*) walking with his coat tied around his waist and he was fanning himself. Of course, this was surprising, so I said "Jerry! What are you doing?" and he said "I'm hot!" And my other friend was right next to me (Mabel*). She didn't hear our conversation, so I said (very loudly) "Mabel! Jerry's hot!" AND I FORGOT "HOT" HAD TWO MEANINGS... Yeah that was an embarrassing moment.
*I changed the names



this happened recently: So, I was on the couch watching Impractical Jokers with my grandma. I am not allowed to curse. I accidentally said SURFS UP ASSHAT! and regretted it instantly. My grandma was sleeping. I still feel weird about it.



once I saw the side of someone's face driving and I keep trying to find out who it is. Then, I see them again and they are one of my friends. and they got a new car.


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that time i dreamt about a dog head in a wall and i woke up hearing a dog sound but really i freaked out over nothin



I accidentally misgendered a trans guy. I called him a girl. I cringe about it months later.



The fact that I totally ruined any chances of me and my crush being together. I could go on but its too embarassing.



Where I live, there was a toys 'r' us across the street from a Video Only. Small (maybe 3-4 year old) me got it in their head that computers were called "adult toys." So passing the corner between the Toys 'R' Us and the Video Only, I yelled "Look mom! The adult toy store!" Still keeps me awake to this day.



When I was in 7th grade, there was a substitute Gym teacher, kinda cute, friendly, and charming. Well, the class (me included) was running laps around the gym and I sneezed. No worries. Kept running. Ran past the teacher waved. Ran past again. He waves. I wave. Third times the charm... He points to my shirt. I say “huh?” Look down and a big ol boogie was just hanging out on my shirt. This was about 20 yrs ago and I still think about it. *sigh*


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The double standards that women carry around with them. Also the fact that I was made to suffer and anguish. I spend ,y days slipping slowly into madness and insanity.



In the morning when I have to pee, and gf's getting ready to go to her job, telling her sleep well before I go back to bed. Then when waking up, thinking you dumbass...


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I was playing Uno at my friends house who was Mexican. There were 6 of us not including her family who was also there and we were spending the night before senior prom which was the following day. My one friend had just gotten a plus 4 and I saw his hand of cards for a split second and blurted out "Dang, Eriks got all the damn green cards" (Erik is also Mexican). I then received several harsh glances from her parents accompanied by a minute long silence. I didn't think about the context of the situation and was quite embarrassed.



(my sister, not me) This one time my sister and I were wandering around some offices looking for someone named Naomi and I said, 'maybe this is Naomi's office?' and she said VERY LOUDLY 'Naomi? Huh, I thought her name was Minnie. I once new a goat named Naomi!' ...she said this just as Naomi came out of her office


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alright, idk if it's weird(a little weird) so, last year in school, i had a crush on someone, and she said no when i asked her out, and her parents found out and hated me. this year, through gmail, she says: "delete this email as soon as you reply: what would you say if someone who you liked last year liked you back?" and i said: "depends who it is"
i feel stupid for saying that, but that's all i thought of saying, considering it might be her, or someone else that told her liked me...and i still want to know what she meant.


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So I was at school a couple days ago and we were all doing a writing assignment. I accidently made a mistake, erased the word and tried blowing away the eraser crumbs. I forgot I had a mask on and kept blowing like three times. I then realized... the kids around me looked as if I was dumb


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That one time I accidentally told my friends secret. I didn't mean to....I also think about the time I got rejected in front of everything and everyone.



Once upon a time, in Xinjiang, China, there was a sandstorm. The car I was in was in the middle of it. And then, curse the universe because in the WORST PART OF THE STORM I HAD TO PEE! My mom took me out and then, I got sand in my eyes and mouth. I coughed a lot after that.


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In the 6th grade we were given an assignment where we had to make a pretend tv show with a theme song. Most of my classmates just played music with someone announcing the characters, but not my group. I made up a rap about aliens who solve mysteries. I still cringe and I’m 35.



Once when I was at Walmart with my parents and my brother, I saw something interesting and turned away from my dad to get a better look at it. I liked the dress, so I tugged on the shirt of my supposedly dad and then turned around to find another guy in his place looking down at me. I ran from that spot immediately and I found my family near the devices section. That day still keeps me up at night. I will never forget.



I was listening to a song from Hamilton and rapping it at the same time during class. I forgot I had my camera on and my friend texted me to stop rapping because the teacher thought I was trying to say something. I was MORTIFIED!


See Also on Bored Panda

1984. December. Leeds City Centre, The Headrow. Inside John Lewis’ music department. Queuing to buy Saint Bob Geldof and his merry troupe of pop stars single Do They know It’s Christmas. The lady behind the counter announced that they had run out of printed sleeves for the record and it would be inside a plain white sleeve instead. Who asked if it was any cheaper without the printed sleeve? Only me. Still can’t quite believe I was so stupid.

For the really young devotees of Bored Panda, Do They Know It’s Christmas was a charity single to raise money for the relief of the 1983-85 famine in Ethiopia. This in turn, lead to Live Aid in July 1985.


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Laura Watts
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I think that's smart you should've got it cheaper really as you didn't get the printed sleeve

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so one time, about 5 or 6 years ago, I lived in another place and went to a different school than I do now (Thank GOD). during my time at that school, I was really into Diary of a Wimpy Kid books(DOAWK for short), and I was also at the young phase where I would copy anything I see in a book, TV show, or real life. I was reading the one DOAWK book (the hard truth, I think) where Greg need some new friends, and he lists some people he definitely won't be friends with, and one of them was a guy who pulled his pants all the way down to use the urinal. like, to his ankles, where everyone could see his behind (I think we all know where this is going). So, one day, the bathroom was pretty crowded, so while using the urinal, I decided to PULL MY PANTS DOWN TO MY ANKLES! EVERYONE COULD SEE MY REAR END! WHAT THE HECK WAS I THINKING? Thank goodness I'm in a new school now.


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Well, as a girl, if I was a boy, I would still be way too embarassed to use a urinal. Like no way. But I guess they aren't really used in Ireland that much

See Also on Bored Panda

I am 39 years old and I still remember it. I was about 7 years old, wandering blockbuster with my dad and sister. We were all looking at different sections. Once I found my video (that I do not remember) I walked to the line and pried open my dad's fingers to add my video to the one in his hand. It was not my dad. He was around the corner laughing though. Still haunts me to this day.


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I made a surprise birthday card for my friend and had everyone else sign it. But I accidentally sent it to my friend before their birthday (and asked them "Hey will you sign the card?"). Then when I was sending it to them "for real," I accidentally sent them a link to one of my very rough short stories. It was humiliating.



I was playing a board game with my family, I think it was called dicecapades and I was in the trivia portion of the game, the card was "name beatles songs" now i only know one so i was like "oh dang i only know one im gonna lose" and then i rolled the dice to see how many i had to name and i had to name one and i accidentally said a song (i cant even remember what song) by someone with their band name starting with B. I was so mortified when I was wrong and everyone was so confused, I quit and went and cried in a closet. It still haunts me to this day even though literally nobody remembers it.


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This one time at church i went into the little room that women feed their babies and sat in the recliner and a lady walked in and i hid behind it i was there for about 10 minutes scared to death and somehow got out.


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the most embarrassing thought i think about is when i was having it in my room and my daughter saw us



I used to ship FNAF characters.



One time, after school, about 4 or 5 years ago, my parents took us to Costco,(the store). and I managed to stain my pants before we went in (from the juice I was drinking). This happens to me a lot, so my mother packed a pair of shorts for me, just in case. now, my sister was a cheerleader at the time, and I was into basketball. my dad told me to go put on the shorts, and I found the "shorts", and spent about 10 minutes putting them on. when I got out, my dad took one look at me and put me back into the car, and the told me that the "shorts" I was wearing mere actually MY SISTERS CHEARLEADING SKIRT. I had to have my dad actually watch me pick out the right shorts and put them on before we went in.


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It was History Day at my school and they taught about cameras back then, which took like a day for one picture. I gasped and said, "Imagine school picture day!"
Like one of those fact books. Augh.
The people said, "They didn't have school picture day back then."
I was in 7th grade.


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Owwww I feel this! Wholesome thought but just so cheesy... /hug


Playing an online game with a few people I recently met in-game. We decided to do a harder dungeon together, so we all prepped ourselves and focused really hard and altogether it was about 7 hours over two nights of intense focus and communication. About 99% of the way there I clumsily stepped on a trap and killed everyone. Game over, start from the beginning, no consolation prize. Since then I can't stop thinking about the total combined time that I wasted for everyone, or the fact that if not for me, everyone would have a success story to tell. It reminded me of being in group projects in school, like I actually tried hard but am dumb and the whole group gets a zero because of that. I never spoke with them after the fact, just absorbed the disappointment, apologized and left with the promise that they'll get there with anyone else but me.


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Way back in 6th grade I loved learning about animals and sharing all of my interesting facts with others. I still do! Except back then I was so clueless to other people's thoughts that I didn't understand the silent horror that swept across the classroom when my elderly female teacher's heavy and prolonged cough prompted me to remember and blurt out loud the fascinating fact: "Did you know pigs cough up hairballs?" The look of confused pain on her face never left me.


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OK, so when I was little i would play using my imagination. but when people walked by i would pretend to be doing math equations, and i would say out loud "ok so that equals so and so" sort of whispering. oh god why would I do this.


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One time, I was with my friend in the park, and we passed a black Labrador. When I passed, the dog barked and growled at me, but when my friend passed it did nothing. My friend teased me about how horrible I was with animals, and wondered why it liked him but not me. Then I said the famous line, "Its because you are both black," now, I myself am a REALLY pale white girl, and I have only seen two people paler than me. Someone who was Albino, and this friend.

I still get teased about it to this day. No idea why I even said that!


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Once, when I was about 11, I was in the supermarket with my mother. Although I'd shopped with my parents countless times, this was the first time I noticed the sign for "Sanitary Napkins" at the end of that particular aisle. Being a somewhat intellectual (nerdy?) and very logical kid, I began to rather loudly explain to my mother how stupid it was for the supermarket to label this. No, I wasn't suggesting the sign was inappropriate. I was asking things like: "Aren't ALL napkins sanitary? Who would buy UNsanitary napkins? Oh, what, you're going to wipe your mouth with a napkin that isn't sanitary?!" My mother made a few hushed, unsuccessful attempts to get me off the subject. Finally, she said, "Carl, shut up!" I did so immediately because now, decades later, I've never heard her say those words to me or anyone else again.



file:///C:/Users/melan/Downloads/clipimage-5fe20ea938608__700%20(1).jpg (copy and paste)


See Also on Bored Panda

I was younger than you are now when I was given my first command, I led my men straight into a massacre, I witnessed their deaths firsthand, I made every mistake, I felt the shame rise in me, and even now I lie awake knowing history has its eyes on me



The thing that bothers (and sorta embarrasses me) is I went to a friend's house after school, without notifying my mom. It was in biking distance of my house, but I lost track of time. Mom realized I still wasn't home, and hadn't even started my paper route. Well, I made it home when she was on the phone reporting me missing to the police. I even got a nightmare from it! Or getting totally mixed up when my sister's fiancee put me on the spot with a riddle TWO SEPERATE TIMES. Doesnt help the one time was math...I have a math learning disability, and math anxiety doen't help.


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When I was in grade 4, I did a fitness class thing. One lesson I was really puffed out without really looking up I saw someone wearing the same t-shirt that my dad normally wears. I immediately ran up to him and hugged him. then I looked up and realized it wasn't my dad, it was a random man. I was so embarrassed and flustered. I mumbled a quick sorry and ran over to my actual dad that was standing over in a corner watching the whole thing.

I am still so embarrassed about it to this day.


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So there are two parts. P1: I had a dream that my crush kissed me on the cheek in front of all of my friends. I was BEAMING (in the dream). That was extremely embarrassing. P2: I TOLD him, the idiot that I am. To his FACE!! I think about that at least once a week even tho it has been 5 years. I still have a crush on him, FYI.



A cousin of my husband was going out with a girl I knew vaguely from school as she was a bit younger that me so when I saw her I meant to say I recognise you from your face but instead said I recognise you your eye brows are the same it’s been 29 years and I still think about it 🤦‍♀️


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The time i wrote i note to santa saying when im 80 i wanna be an elf so that parents wont be mad i died ah yes they probably read that like the heck


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That I was too depressed to complete the tax return for my company and had £17,000.00 convisgated from my business bank account.


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This is probably going to get buried but I think about this one guy WAY too much as I'm falling asleep. I imagine kissing him, holding his hand, just being with him. It makes me fall asleep faster. :P


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I used to have this recurring dream about a tiny door in the back of my grandmother's closet leading straight to my aunt's house. I would go through and open a closet with a
giant stuffed bear. Then the bears would come alive and try to attack. I know it sounds hilarious but it was terrifying. The bear is about 80 pounds from what I remember and 7 feet tall. I would run into the kitchen away from it but then I would fall. And if you've ever fallen in a nightmare, you know that it's near impossible to get back up. The bear would then crush me. This dream happened every week and gave me PTSD, I wouldn't go near my grandma's closet until the dreams eventually stop.


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javascript:void(0); I once had walked in some people doing some sexual stuff, and I just watched. I did not say a word... I wish I did, but I didn't


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Arguments for discussions that sometimes went back years. Some of these discussions were over 10 years ago. Mostly in school, with teachers. I was a kid back then and I think about what I would say these days.


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Where did I park my car?


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I ran up and hugged a stranger thinking it was my cousin :


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Classic: I called my teacher mom once, 4 times in a row.


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Well there was this one time when my mom's friend's son was in the same class as me (like outside of school and such). I just said "hEy [person's name]" and I went all flirty or something on some kid I didn't even know. Never talked to him again...


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The time that I was at my schools summer camp and my friend was hiding on top of these cabinets and he got stuck

This was in the middle of July and the air conditioning was broken

He called for us for like 1/2 hours. We had forgotten about him until someone was like “ wait, where’s (friends name)?”

When we found him he was having a mental breakdown



i have 2
1: i brought my nintendo switch to school. me being me i got caught. i eventually got it back but i still am SO embarrassed about it
2: this is kinda off topic but i have 2 stickers in my room this is a optical illusion there both the same size but they look different and their colors are different and i think about when i cant sleep


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When I’m in the grocery store and I make eye contact with a stranger for more than 5 seconds I’ll lay awake at night thinking “why were they looking at me ? Was my makeup ugly today? Was my hair messy? “


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