Is it to change careers, learn a foreign language, travel, run a marathon, start a business, or lose weight?

How long has it been your goal, and what was your inspiration? Realistically, do you think you'll achieve it before "kicking the bucket?"


Recovering from PTSD and Panic disorder (fingers crossed 🤞)



    i've wanted to go to switzerland since i was 14. i'm now 67, and going there next june with my younger daughter, and we're going hang gliding in the swiss alps! can't wait!



    Building a holiday house for families with a terminal cancer patient so that they can spend one last holiday together with family.



    To transition. I live in a strict, transphobic, and Christian household (not that all Christians are bad). I'm a closeted trans masc, and I have a whole list of things I want to do. Cut my hair, maybe dye it a fun color, get new clothes, a binder, testosterone shots, name change, etc. I love my family, but I'm counting down the years until I can move out and be myself.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    my best wishes! People are pretty accepting in this community besides a weird handful lol. I'd definitely recommend dying hair fun colors and experimenting with it. It's a great way to express yourself and I always get compliments when I change mine lol. When it gets hard remember that I'm a random internet person who supports you ❤️

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    I have recently been (late) diagnosed with ADHD - I’m a 47f.

    I want to now learn how to retrain my brain to help me achieve all the things I have been ignoring/avoiding… simple things like,

    Organisation, clutter, housework, eating properly and regularly, self worth, exercise, finally looking out for me… and not letting my head get in the way



    My bucket list is pretty much only about traveling, as long as I still can. I'm having health issues which only will get worse so it might not be possible for very long time. But recently I went on several little one-day trips to see some airports because I'm a huge aviation lover and "devotee of airportism" 😉 (love hanging out at airports doing planespotting). Now I'd love to go to at least 2 places again after my memory card broke and I lost all good pics 💔 and to two or three more. Depending on my health conditions and if I can afford.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Hang in there and I pray God helps you to see and experience better health and longer trips. Love and light to you.

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    Publish a book. Have my own little fanbase, have people who find comfort in my writing, who connect with my characters.


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    Freya the Wanderer
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I have written a nonfiction book and am seeking an editor and a publisher. Always have somebody edit your manuscript! Others have suggested going the self-publishing route, and I do have that in consideration; however, I would like to find an established publisher. I have written to dozens, but so far gotten either crickets, no or maybe.

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    I have many. My number 1 priority is practising self care to keep my mental health strong till I can get therapy. I want to study well enough to go to Harvard and decide on my citizenship before getting my dream job to be a planetary scientist. My minor goal is to get at least 100 subscribers on my webcomic. I want to live a life that isn’t dull and boring but not too exciting either. Once half of these goals are achieved, I will be at peace with the world and myself


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    Lisa H
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    What's your webcomic? I'll check it out and I'm sure many other pandas will as well!

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    I want to earn a ton of money and buy a decent sized open style house, and allow people to stay in it if they can’t pay rent yet.
    I will have food banks to support the people.


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    Caro Caro
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That is so very kind. I hope you can do it. Good luck and hugs.


    To build a life I can enjoy, in my own house that I bought last year.

    I have a disability pension, and child support, and a little income.
    I also have ptsd, childhood traumas, coping mechanisms, depressions, hoarding tendencies, and a recently diagnosed ADHD.
    I am a woman of fifty-something, and I am sick and tired of being sick and tired!

    I’m getting there, but it takes soooo long to unravel a lifetime of unhappinesses


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Here, take some encouragement 🍀 and my upvote! Wishing you to be happy and joyful even though it's taking time. Don't forget to be good to yourself!

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    Travel, Im a history geek, i want to travel to certain countries, for isntances Greece, Athens ( and try an site my a*s on the Partenon, widout getting arrested ), Italy, Rome to be more exact, Scotland, for the castles, stuff like that.


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    Happy Panda
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Same! I'm not very good when it comes to historical facts but I have always been interested in places that has history :D

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    Learning Indian Classical Music, creating an instrument that is acoustically able to generate the sounds of a Guitar, A lute, and a Veena, starting India's first Veena-centric band, creating an affordable and practical multitool for Indians( we are famous for make-do with watever we have at hand, and thats not right), learning and mastering multiple forms of martial arts, commuting to-and-fro anywhere on a specialy built bicycle.
    Yes iampretty poor at setting priorities. but then I'm a 12th-grader from a Midddle-class family, so not like it'd help anyway.


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    Hypoxia Smurf
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm primarily a guitarist but I've 'played' (diddled with) sitars and other classical Indian instruments. That's a serious discipline, with much more improvisation than in Western 'classical' musics. I love to improv. ;)

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    To travel when I get older.


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    This is going to sound really cliched, but I really want to get married someday. I want to find someone to fall hopelessly in love with and live a nice life together. It won't be easy and I very well know that all relationships are a ton of work, but I miss that feeling. A lot. I have a lot of work I need to do for myself, first. I'm getting there, but it's going to be a long journey.


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    Caliban Taylor
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Legit, same. It’s not even something I can really put into words, I just want to know someone is as committed to me as I am to them, I guess? I’m losing hope. I’m 40 and just starting treatment for ptsd from abuse. Maybe I’ll be ready to date by the time I’m 50 and meet a nice woman who wants to get married. There’s a chance it’ll happen.

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    I want to go to Japan. Only item not checked off my list.


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    Happy Panda
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Noice! I'd like to visit Japan too :D So many interesting things there! I'd like to try their hotsprings and their cuisine.


    Quit drinking and save that money to go to Australia with my wife!


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    Travel to at least 15 different countries.


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    Hypoxia Smurf
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The US Army only sent me to (then) West Germany and Luxembourg, I've otherwise managed Italy, Canada, Mexico, and seven Central American states. I don't know if I've reached fifteen yet. ;(


    im a volunteer for an association that works with both kids and animals, and i want to be able to make the most out of it.

    that's it.

    there are also other things, that will take longer tho :.)
    learning korean/japanese/russian/LIS, meet my idols, publish a book im working on, study enough to have my dream job, and stay childless.


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    I want to play the cello solo in Rimsky-Korsakov's Schéhérazade in concert. I'm a cellist, and I've been the principal or assistant principal for every orchestra I've been in, so it's not an *entirely* unrealistic goal (but still mostly unrealistic).



    To go the rest of my life without getting shot anymore.



    I’d like to feel what it feels like to get knocked out by a blow to the liver. Hopefully executed by a professional kickboxer/MMA fighter :p


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Really? 😅 I hope if you're going to have that experience being knocked out won't cause any harm to you! Take care!

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    My list-toppers are traveling for musical instruments. Back to Paracho, Mexico, for a fine handmade guitar, or on to Hawai'i for a handmade 'ukulele. Those are what grab me now.


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    To be happy, and to see others be happy.


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    Danish Susanne
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I loved to read these wishes, because I think nobody can be truly happy if people around her are unhappy.

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    Get my nose pierced! Actually I already ordered the stud online :)
    My aunt agreed to pierce my nose for cheaper, and she’s done it on other people before. I’m hyped!


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    I am going to visit some of the famous national parks of North America before I die! I want to experience the greatness of Nature firsthand,


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    Lady of the Mountains
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Dont skimp the recreation either, there are lots of kayaking, skiing, river rafting, hiking, swimmimg, ziplining, and other experiences that are very available im the park areas. Bryce canyon (Utah) has a very good stargazing attraction if you can hang out after dark, and yellowstone is huge, so dont just stop at old faithful. Junior ranger (for all ages) is a great way to get famillar with a park in a day trip.

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    I would love to have a veg garden and grow my own food. But I hate yard work with a passion, and the top soil in my yard is just dead. The area I'd like a garden in would need to be tilled with manure and leave fallow for a season to revive it. I've tried container gardening, but it's just to hot in Central Florida for container gardening.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I hope you find a method to enjoy gardening! Eating homegrown veggies is 100% the best! 😁


    To be healthy would be at the top of my list. My left knee went bad back in 2010 due to a mishap and I have had to use a cane when outside my home as time went on. I traveled a lot when I was in the Navy for 20 years and was stationed or visited several places like Italy , Japan, Germany, etc. and would love to revisit those places. I still remember standing on a side street, that tourists didn't walk, in Florence and watching the sun set over the Arno river or being on the back side path of the island in Capri. If I had to pick one particular place, it would be the place where I almost got assigned for 6 months, but my boss at the time changed his mind and sent me to Florida with him. That place would be Iceland. If it was a U.S. locale, it would be Monument Valley. That desert area has been the scene in some movies. The thing is I can't kneel down to tie my shoes anymore and so to walk long distances would be tiring. I should be greatful I can still work, and be semi-retired, but I watch travel shows and wonder if I could walk in that area. I would love to visit the areas I have been or want to see. Now to see them with my relatives would be a bonus. Renting a villa in the Tuscan countryside would be fun to do with them. I did travel alone a couple of months ago to see a Rammstein concert and did some walking around San Antonio. As long as I don't fall, I am "Aces" as they say. Being healthy to travel though would at the top of my bucket list. That is what is needed to have any special experiences.


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    Make a very large amount of money and use it to build schools or power stations for my country.


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    I want to go to Italy and see everything that's there.


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    Go west and see the red woods, sequoias, etc. before they're gone from wild fires and/or drought.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    One of my top choices as well, and very sad that there's an urgency due to the fires.


    I've always been very interested in Greek mythology and so I want to go to Greece someday. The culture, food, Parthenon, and so much more. I hope I make it happen.


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    Seeing my wife cured from her handicap.



    1] World Peace
    2] Comfortable Sox



    Reach 10,000 subs on youtube.

    I'm workin towards it.


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    Stardust she/her
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Can you post a link to your channel? I’ll visit it when I get the time

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    Be an extra in a horror movie. I don't even have to have lines, just as long as I can say that I got to do something like that.


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    David Furritus
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I actually got to star in a local public access movie as a zombie and got shot in the face! Good times. I hope that your dream comes true!


    Top of my list is to go shelling on Sanibel Island. A couple years ago I had a trip planned, but Red Tide struck hard. Then Covid-19 put the kibosh on travel. Now Hurricane Ian left his mark. One of these years!


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    What is "shelling"? I'm guessing it means collecting seashells? 🤔

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    Taking my wife to Japan to see Harmonyland or visiting Salem, MA around Halloween...


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    Go to Universal Orlando. It's been a lifelong dream to go to Florida (I have been, but not to Universal.


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    David Furritus
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It is the best! The wife and I like to go to Universal Studios every October to their Halloween Horror Nights event. If you get the chance, check it out - but, be warned: It can be a bit hot and crowded...

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    Write a book (maybe publish).

    Make it to a women's hockey league maybe even the Olympics!!!

    Interior design a house

    Get a gf? (i've had a crush on a girl in some of my classes for a while)


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I hope you ask her out and she says yes. Good luck! 😁👍


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