

Heights! Like not even that high! I physically cannot bring myself to climb ladders with more than two rungs. Stupid, I know.

Also I'm quite claustrophobic


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I don't like ladders, climbing things with red tape markers. It looks even more dangerous and foreboding.


    That someone will break into my room and inject heroin into my body. Don’t read The Seventh Wish. People always ask me why the book is so terrible and I just say “no comment.” Then they read it and TALK TO ME. Then I just can’t sleep for a week.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Before I went to UK on a trip, some old biddies at work were trying to warn me about gangs that would hang out at the airport, wait for a lone traveller, run up to them and inject them with heroine then wait around for the traveller to not be high anymore and then approach them and get the traveller to hand over all their cash belongings for another hit of heroine, because to these ninnies, apparently heroine addiction happens that fast. I don't know how they are believing that nonsense.

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    It used to be irrational but not so much now. I have a fear of steep inclines. Not heights but like steep stairs or hills. My knees have started collapsing in the last few years so it's legitimate now, though I've had this fear for as long as I can remember. Never actually fallen down stairs though.


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    (It’s more of a dread/hatred of mine), but I do NOT want to get misgendered at my funeral.

    Also I hate cockroaches with a vengeance.


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    Michael Myers .....


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    Bees! I’m terrified of them. If one gets in my car or house, I lose my mind. I’m not allergic but my sister was allergic when we were growing up. She was terrified so I learned to fear them. Their sting barely hurts. I’m terrified of wasps too. I got stung once. That hurt bad for days.


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    Being flicked with a rubber band on the arm or something. I can deal with ponytail holders or anything like that, but the second someone pulls backs rubber band around me I try to get as far away from it as possible by any means necessary, even if I have to fall out of a chair. One of my friends discovered this and now he says he has, "MakBook (that's his nickname for me because the first three letters of my name are Mak) repellent." I have literally no reason to be afraid of rubber bands, I just am.


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    1 Sleep
    2 Hurting myself without meaning to and wanting to do it again deliberately
    3 If I keep running I’ll never stop
    4 forgetting something
    5 being left alone
    6 thinking to hard
    7 people not liking me
    8 saying something wrong
    9 hurting someone by accident but like deliberately (like me and my friend whack each other all the time but like I’m scared I’ll do it to hard and hurt them and they won’t like me)



    Empty, drained swimming pool and vacant filled pools. Pools found in abandoned places still filled with water. Not being able to touch the ground in a lake, especially when I can't see the bottom. (That one might not be so irrational. The lake we go to has a lot of random, hidden potholes that you can fall in over your head, and it's happened before to me.)


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    1. Tornadoes
    I don't know why, storms and such just freak me out in general.

    2. Taxidermy Animals (I don't know if that's the right term or not)
    I know it's weird but the way that they look so alive is scary. Their beady eyes seem like they're staring into your soul.


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    Its really weird but eggs, i found blood and stuff in a egg when i was little and they freak me out 😬
    Also clowns and dolls even though ive never ever watched a scary clown or doll movie?


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    For context - around 10 years ago I was thrown out of a parking area from the 4th floor, a failed hijacking. I broke many bones, including my cranium, and had to be in an induced coma for a while. I now have retrograde amnesia and can't really remember anything before I was 21. I was drawn to photography in a big way and didn't know why, until I had seen a therapist. I take photos of everything. I think it's because deep down, I can't live a life without knowing (and experiencing) my past. Again.

    Not so irrational, but what are the odds of crushing my skull again?


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    Deep dark waters.. altough I can swim in a lake or sea when I stay close to the shore (or it has to be really clear) you wil never get me on a boat.

    Heights even looking at pictures can make me scared.

    I'm also scared to lose selfcontrol. Like jumping from a high building or driving in the car before me or getting really crazy when I'm in public, even hurting other people. I don't know where this is coming from, I have cptsd so maybe there, but I have never done such things or do I want to. It was really bad, it got to a point I had panic attacs every day, luckily with therapie it is a lot better.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I wouldn't say deep dark waters is an irrational fear. Sounds pretty rational to me.

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    Grasshoppers 🦗


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    Ants ants ants ANTS ANTS ANTS


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    I had spectraphobia for awhile and it went away but it is coming back and when I first had it I had to put towels over all my mirrors


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    1. Falling
    2. Clowns
    3. Star-nosed moles
    4. Spiders
    5. Clowns
    6. Clowns


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    i have megalophobia

    big things scare me for no reason

    also geese


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    That my dogs will be stolen by horrible people.

    I have a fenced in yard and my pups love to play outside when the weather is nice, so I will let them out alone sometimes when I have stuff to do in the house (particularly, cleaning - which is nearly impossible with inquisitive dogs around)... but - within five to ten minutes or so - I start to get this horrible sense of dread and immediately have to bring them inside. Sounds pretty stupid, right?

    I guess it might help to mention that my three dog's are seriously like kids to me. I have a 3 y/o APBT / Rottweiler mix, a 13 wk APBT puppy, and a 14 y/o JRT who is mostly blind, partially deaf, missing most teeth, and is at least somewhat senile. In terms of any actual resale value, they wouldn't be worth much at all.

    But what worries me the most is the occasional dog fighting operations that get busted around this area. They're not something that you see in the news all the time... not even every year... but -then again - you only ever hear about the ones that are busted, right?

    I guess it never really hit me that something like that could happen until I saw a post about an 8 y/o APBT (American Pit Bull Terrier) that was stolen off an enclosed porch here in my city. The owner put up a massive reward and - within a few weeks - it was found in one of several poorly kept outdoor kennels in a little yard downtown... supposedly, a person who was working on the house recognized the dog and stole it out of the pen... only after confirming that it was the dog with the reward. How many other stolen dogs remained there "unfound" and left to be abused or neglected?

    And this hadn't been the first pitbull in the area reported stolen from an enclosed space.

    And then I think about my poor innocent big baby who wouldn't even know what to do in a dog fight... who's never known anything but love and treats and toys and cuddles and his own spot on our "people" bed. He may look and sound intimidating, but he's just nothing but a big baby... And it makes me sick to think about how scared and alone and mistreated he would be if someone like that took him.

    And then I think about my lil' old guy and young puppy... who - from most of the things I've ever read on the subject - would most likely wind up as bait dogs. Their lives - just like my big baby - also know nothing other than love and joy. If they were stolen for baiting purposes, there would be no hope for recovery at all... just a sad, painful, and tragic end to their very treasured little lives.

    Now, I know that the likelihood of this ever happening has got to be ridiculously slim... but I really don't think my heart could take it if something like that ever happened to my dogs. It's been a year or two since I saw that horrifying story, but I don't think I will ever stop being afraid that something like this could happen.


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