Hey Pandas, What’s An Interesting Or Creepy Science Fact You Know? (Closed)
Science is cool.
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The pink, grotesque, slime-looking image that comes into your head when somebody says “blobfish” is a fish that has been violently killed. Many deep sea animals have adapted to the deep sea pressure by requiring it to hold their bodies together, like the blobfish. When caught in a fishing net and dragged up to the surface the blobfish’s organs and skin begin to expand, painfully killing it. Like how a human in an area with high pressure implodes, but the opposite.
This is what a blobfish should look like:
Proboscis monkeys of Borneo have long nose which can be upto 10cm. They got nine stomachs to process hard to digest fruits which are inedible to most other animals. They are so adapted to these kinds of fruits till eating plain bananas is poisonous to them. And the males have permanently erect pènis.. talk about always ready to 'perform'.
Studies have found that people with arthritis and/or vertigo can sense changes in weather.
It would take a person an average of 23,034 slaps to cook a chicken. (One slap creates an increase of 0.00089 degrees Celsius according to calculations)
That Patagotitan was so large, it couldn't be warm blooded, because it would take too much energy and leave the skin cool, and couldn't be cold blooded because that wouldn't penetrate deep enough, so was inserted warmed by basically just its biological processes, which worked due to its size. This is called being gigantothermic.
Introducing the hairy frog:
This freak of nature is found in Cameroon and in other surrounding countries of Africa. What makes them unique may disturb you. Males have several hairs growing along their bodies that are only visible during their breeding season. To defend themselves, these frogs force out bone from their fingers and through their skin that act as sharp claws. The skin is later regenerated as the claws slide back into their feet. How is that for creepy?
That there is a super volcano underneath Yellowstone that is overdue for an eruption, and that when it does blow, most of the North American continent will be wrecked.
Speaking as a medical doctor? What Covid does to your cells. There is something uniquely horrifying to me about the way cells grow *antennae* in some cases. (Technically, it's called fillopodia, but they reach around and "check" the environment, so antennae are a good analogue.) HIV and HSV1 also do this, but that doesn't make it less horrifying.
The universe will end. All of the stars will die, and the universe will be just expanding into nothing, with only star corpses to show it was really there. We will all end. Nothing permanent.
There’s a lot of power in a snap, and a sneeze. There’s an article somewhere saying how fast your finger travels from your thumb to the palm of your hand. And sneezing- shoot, if we could shoot bullets out of our noses, we wouldn’t need guns. Just pepper, a feather, and sunny weather
Apparently, if you grind a sea sponge into a saltwater sieve, the sea sponge will reorganize itself back into a sea sponge. It’s the only animal we know of that can do that (I found this on r/cursedcomments)
Also, captivity raised ostriches can become sexually attracted to humans (again, r/cursedcomments)
Banana slugs (all slugs) are hermaphrodites with each individual having both sets of sexual organs. After mating, sometimes in groups, they chew off each other's penises which is known as apophallation.
Pineapple contains an enzyme called bromelain, when you eat pineapple, this enzyme digests protein in your body; it eats you back!
That the signals in your brain move faster than your awareness of them... which means when you think of picking up an object your brain has already sent the signal before your awareness that you wanted or needed to pick it up. Control is an illusion.
the milky way and andromeda are set to collide in (roughly) 4.5 billion years. once it occurs, our galaxies outter rings will disappear and the andromeda's black whole will devour ours; it has the mass of 1000 million suns, while ours is only 4 million. the collision will vause a huge elliptical galaxy. in theory, most of both galaxies will survive, but will be flung into different positions.
( please let me know if there are any inaccuracies !! i learned about the collision when i was, like, ten and got a lot of the information from other sources. )
( sources: google, tiktok, my fifth grade hass teacher, reddit )
Some tumors are able to grow hair and teeth. I don’t remember the exact explanation for how this works though, so don’t ask me how.
If you were to venture within about 600 miles (1,000 km) of a magnetar, its magnetic field would tear the electrons away from the atoms in your body, turning you into a cloud of monatomic ions (single atoms without any electrons).
And if you bring a magnet within 0.635 cm of Wooly W***y's face you can change his looks. Willy-649f...d9e290.png
If you wanna skin a human alive, you had to do it in a warm place or else they'll die of hypothermia.
Read this in a YouTube comment somewhere ¯_(ツ)_/¯
female hyenas. first, their sexual organs have a psuedo-male part. but, that isn't the worst. apparently, their vaginal canal is so extremely narrow that in giving birth they literally get ripped open. just can't imagine how horrible and painful that is. no wonder that after they mate the males get the hell away because the females often get very aggressive with them.
The komodo dragon is not venomous as many believe. Actually, the saliva of the dragon has a bacteria which infects the blood stream of a wounded animal. If this animal happens to get away, the dragon can follow the scent for a long time until it comes across the likely dèad animal. However, it’s hard to escape the jaws of the Komodo dragon because of its shark-like teeth.
There is a disorder called Exploding head syndrome in which you will be awoken by an exploding sound (or loud crashing sound) whenever you try to sleep.
Sometimes I am awoken by the sound of someone calling my name, though no one in the house has. I hear it as clear as day. I wonder if it bears a similar relation, if it's just anxiety, or something more spiritual.
My favourite ones (yes I’m weird) is that birds can’t pass gas, and that herring communicate by passing gas :D
This is a very simplified fact but if a small glitch occurs in the quantum realm, the universe will end and the glitch can occur at any time
It's a scary concept, but the idea of some bit of the universe going "Wait. Darnit. Lemme adjust some stuff real quick" and then wiping out all of existence in the process of said adjustment is. Almost amusing, in a dark way. C'mon, couldn't you have figured this out about thirteen-point-seven billion years ago? No? Okay...
The reason people who have had chickenpox before can have shingles later in life is because the varicella zoster virus hides out in your nerves until it decides to emerge and cause problems again.
Shingles generally manifests on the skin (where it is, indeed, enough of a problem). However, in severe cases, it may also manifest on the visceral organs - that is. Inside.
It's an excellent guest, really.
There is something called transgenerational or intergenerational trauma.
Aaaahhhh yes. We have this in my family. Our trauma is that my great grandfather went to fight for the Germans during ww2 (his parents had come to my country from Germany and they seem to have raised their kids to have a German mindset. So I am convinced my great grandfather felt that he fought for his "real" country). Still, to this day, my mom tells me that I must not tell anybody because if I do they will probably think that I'm a Nazi. Because he was. (Well, he hated ALL people. My granddad still talks about what a sh***y man my great granddad was). My grandmom always got upset whenever ww2 was mentioned in any way. My mom seems to think the ideology my great granddad fought for runs in the blood somehow? Or fears that other people will think it does? Oh, and the entire family on my mom's side is broken and scattered. But I "signed out" of that as a teen and only kept contact with my mom. It's way better for my kids this way!
Cows can remember human faces :)
Can confirm, they react differently to people they know and people they don't. Even out of smelling distance.
99.9999999% of your body is just... empty space. There is literally nothing there, because your atoms are just tiny nuclei with even tinier electrons. And the universe as a whole? It's even more empty than THAT. We are barely here.
Almost. Atoms aren’t nuclei. The nuclei are made up of nucleons: protons and neutrons. The nucleus is surrounded by electrons. The nucleus and electron shell together make an atom. But you’re right about the empty space. For instance, this is why neutrinos are so hard to detect. Imagine a jumbo jet (proton and neutron nucleus) with a swarm of pigeons (electrons) spread out it around it, and the pigeons are miles away. If you shoot a billion BBs (neutrinos) at your giant, miles-across “atom”, you’re gonna hit empty space almost every time.
Hippos and whales share an ancestor
And humans and hippos and whales and fungus and watermelons share an ancestor! 🙂
The praying mantis is the only insect capable of turning its head! It can turn it a full 180 degrees and uses the ability to track prey. I didn’t believe this at first, it’s crazy that it’s the ONLY insect with this ability
Life on earth is a serious anomaly as far as star systems go. For one, the star itself, or in this case, the sun, cannot be to big or too small. If it's too large, the star will explode before evolution can take place. If it's too small, solar flares will destroy any life before it has a chance. There is also the other planets in the system that play a role. We have Jupiter, which is large enough it protects earth from a lot of space debris due to its massive gravity. Then there's the planet itself. The habitable zone is only for if the atmosphere is the same as ours. Pressure differences and greenhouse gases, however, can affect the temperature. Both are determined by the planet's mass and composition. Then you have to get to the fact life developed and had to find a way to reproduce in the first place. It is highly unlikely, at least in my mind, that life exists elsewhere in the universe, and it's a miracle that we even exist at all.
On Jupiter it rains diamonds :)
The fig is first of all a flower (like all fruits). It attracts bumblebees. When a bumblebee comes to take its nectar, it closes in on it. And becomes a fruit. Since then, I no longer eat figs.
Spider blood is clear or a pale blue in color.
snow is the whitest natural material on earth. charcoal being the darkest one. this is measured with the power of light reflection