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Walking past large machinery or vehicles that have the engine running, I have a irrational fear that it’s suddenly going to tip over sideways onto me.


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3 years ago

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    Chainsaws. They scare the hell out of me.



    Getting my eyes poked out. I hate looking at hooks or nails on walls. I don’t mind antlers on walls unless they are eyeball level. I also usually walk in the dark with my eyes closed because I’m afraid of walking into something and getting my eyes poked out lol.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I have this exact fear. I can be driving (passenger) in a car, drive past some wooded area or bushes and have to close my eyes, like no if's or and's, I get the sensation that if a piece of wood ever got in my eye, i'd probably go blind. This is not the case, but it is very real in the time.

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    Being below a quarter tank of gas in my car.



    Big Buildings. When ever I walk under them I always have this random thought that they would fall on top of me.



    Dropping my car keys and losing them down a grate. I never take the keys out of my pocket if there is a grate between me and the car.


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    Amy-Lee Kempi
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Same! I clinch them really tight inside my pocket the whole time I’m within risk of dropping them in a grate or other gap. Like getting off a train and stepping onto the platform.


    This is my time. I can shine here!
    Road Tunnels.
    Compressed Air.
    Beach & Ocean.

    Yes. I AM in therapy :D


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    Vision Jinx
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    With wood is it the specifally dark wood? And the little patterns in wooden doors? I understand this one if so!

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    Eating long pasta noodles


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    Julian McCallum
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    When eating a noodle, you are devoted to not stop slurping until it gone, and when its really long, you don't know when it will end

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    Needles. Not sure why...but I just can't do it.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Same, its weird, my family is fine with them but I can't deal with needles


    Whenever someone talks about getting blood drawn, I immediately have to tuck my arms in. Blood doesn’t scare me, but thinking about bloodstreams and blood cells makes me queasy. I first learned this when I watched that one magic school bus episode xD



    Walking out the elevator, when halfway through the lift falls and there’s just half of me on the floor.



    I'm not a fearful person, but the weirdest fear I've is 2 members of my fmily are terrified of fish and butterflies.



    Dying and having my cats eat me before being discovered. Everytime they lick me, I imagine they are testing to see how ripe I am.


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    David Houde
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I have a coworker that had a family member go through this. His aunt lived alone, passed away and was not discovered for about a week. Her dogs got hungry enough and the desire to survive kicked in.

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    I'm 30 years old and can't walk through a dark room by myself. I will run like I am being chased by a killer on the loose! In darkness my brain immediately starts thinking of scary stuff like evil creatures I can't see, dead people I am about to trip over, etc. It's so irrational and I am 100% aware of that fact but it still spooks me to be in complete darkness alone. When I saw It the movie I slept with the light on for two weeks. It has gotten better since my boyfriend moved in though. He is aware of it and doesn't make fun of me lol.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I guess maybe it’s better than mine, I close my eyes while walking in the dark in fear of getting my eyes poked out 😂 at least you can see what you are running into? Idk?

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    I am elderly and since childhood I have been afraid of wolves/monsters hiding under my bed....I could never sit on my bed with feet touching the floor...when I discovered sheets with valances it changed my World....silly really,but I was terrified for years.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Could not agree more - valium+++ & hypnotherapy. Last therapist asked whether my consent forms would be valid as I was under the influence of valium! Good question.

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    Getting my throat slit. It impacts me so much that I constantly pull on my shirt if it touches my neck. Same with seat belts.



    Getting trapped in a public washroom stall. All the ways out are embarrassing/filthy on top of panicking


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    I get super queasy when I go over a bridge in a car. Walking or riding in any other vehicle is completely fine, but cars... I just can't do it for some reason!


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Take a look at the Skyway Bridge in Tampa. I would literally get on the floor of the car because I was so scared. It was hit by a ship 42 years ago and 35 people died. I still can't go over that bridge.

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    Lately I have been irrationally afraid of our first dog dying. She is still young, only 4 years and in good health. But for some reason it got in my head that she is going to die and everytime that she is a bit nappy or not as "puppy like" as she was (or as her younger sister is) I feel that she is ill and will die. F**k you brain and your absurd paranoia


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    Clouds.... I don't know I just have the fear that they'll just fall...


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Do you fly much? And floating through the clouds when skydiving is incredible.

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    Toes. Especially ones with yucky toenails


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    F-cking escalators


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Don't blame you. I've gotten laces caught in those and some people have fallen on them, badly injuring themselves or killed. It would be like falling on serrated knives.

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    Small children. They scare the crap out of me.


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    Around in public


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    Getting a cold.. I just have to be able to breathe through my nose always otherwise I panic.


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    Being buried - I have a definitive section in my will (and have informed everyone I know and love), that after I die, I am to be taken to the local crematorium and burned. Following that all of my friends and family will be told of my death and will be given a time and place (probably a hotel / pub, where money will be behind the bar and food provided) where they can party and talk to their hearts content about me or anything that is relevant and interesting.

    Burial gives me the w*****s.....


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    Ann Dennis
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Did getting the w*****s just get censored?? Given the number of euphemisms there are for the various naughty bits available, the screen is soon going to have more stars than the night sky.

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    I can't stand anything around my head/face. I can't wear chokers or earmuffs. And if a shirt is up around my neck I freak out, like I will rip it off. My 1st cruise, we're all doing the safety thing and the purser had to come tell my husband I didn't have to put the life vest over my head. I was hyperventilating trying to do it. Damn near passed out. Purser said I could just float on it LOL!


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    Going upstairs with the lights off I am not afraid of the dark but used to and still does scare me so whenever I go up there I turn the lights on as quickly as possible even if he is not home


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sorry typo it does not make sense it is supposed to say my brother used to scare me


    Context: My finger is currently in a splint, and I am on my school’s soccer team.
    My weird fear is that I will fall, the splint will break in half cutting my finger, and it will get trampled by the other players


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    When I was a kid I feared clouds. Mostly because I had a big imagination. Clouds have no chill


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    I wouldn't call it a fear but rather irrational imagionation, but any time I have a zit on the back of my neck, I imagine some of my spinal fluids leaking out if it pops, so I'd drop to the ground paralyzed.



    I’m not sure why, but I am really creeped out by monkeys!



    The spores on the underside of ferns they just freak me out


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    Wooden bridges. I don’t know why. They just give me that gut feeling to run and hide.


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    I’m scared from the combination kids + balloons. I hate to be scared by loud noises and kids with a balloon are bound to make the balloon pop…



    Eating kiwi fruit skins. Someone at daycare was disgusted I was eating the skins and said they give you worms.


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    Getting stuck in a an elevator.


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    Spicy Mickey Mouse
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yes me too. When I'm in one I am freaking out the whole time. I been on Walt Disney World's tower of terror one too many times.

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    Im terribly afraid of worms at the point I often have panick attack whenever I see one


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    staring at a dim mirror for a while. its actually a thing called the troxler effect, where you start to see things and hallucinate if you stare at a mirror for too long in dim light





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    The fear of republicans
    Aka idiotophobia...
    And butterflies I'm seriously scared of butterflies


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    Spicy Mickey Mouse
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm sorry but I'm cracking up right now! Specifically because of the republicans!😂(sorry to all the Republican pandas)I have that fear too.😂


    I'm afraid of space for some reason...


    See Also on Bored Panda

    Going over big bridges scares me, like the Mackinac Bridge. But what REALLY scares are those acres and acres of giant wind turbines. It's all fun and games until they become self aware and come down and chop everybody up. Mark my words!


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    Doors that swing toward me. Absolutely terrified of them, like full blown panic attack terror. I cannot open them. If a building has a door that swings toward me to enter and no one is with me I leave. I have a valid reason for this though. A few years ago I was in an old building working and we had to use the stairs. The exit door on the 1st floor was stuck so we were pulling on it for what seemed like ages. When it finally broke free it swung back at me hitting me so hard it broke three vertebrae and herniated the discs in my neck.


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    Fire, like the idea of sparks burning me or flying past me scares the heck out of me


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    Ketchup. Someone squirting out the last bits from a squirty bottle, I have to leave the room!


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    Knee surgeries, or any surgeries on that matter. The back of my knee just starts to hurt whenever I hear or see someone talking about a surgical procedure. Quite ironic cause I aspire to become a physician one day.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I very much dislike kneecaps. there actually not technically bones, neither. I believe it is called genuphobia


    On the highway, driving behind a cement mixer, mixing. I’m afraid it’ll get out of balance and spill cement all over the place, resulting (somehow) in my death. The other is driving behind car carriers. I worry that a car will become loose and fall off into traffic.


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    I have a fear of stepping into an elevator when the doors open. I am worried, I step in and theres no lift, it's just the deep dark elevator shaft and I fall in it.

    When I was a child, after watching Jaws, I had a fear of stepping on dark blue carpets. This lasted for about a year.


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    I’m not afraid of heights but being in a 2+ story mall…I can’t ever stand by the railing. I had this dream one time that I did and I literally just fell over the side. When I stand by it, it feels like i’m leaning over and I hate it


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    Ok, last time I said this, I got downvoted a lot but someone has to agree with me.

    My fear is that Camilo wont be in the next Encanto movie, he is best, I have reasons in my bio for why he is best


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    Popping balloons! When I see a child playing with a balloon or someone inflating a balloon in the same room, it's extremely stressful and I just panic. I have no idea why I developed this..


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    Donna Johansen
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    especially in tree branches or fruits, when something has burrowed in...


    Odd numbers.

    I don't know why, but I am uneasy and anxious if the TV volume (or anything else) is set to an odd number. There is no rhyme or reason to it and I know it's silly but it's a very real fear.



    I am scared to death of butterflies. I know its a pointless fear. I know they are harmless. I went to a butterfly tent when I was 7 years old (pre-butterfly fear) and the next thing I know I was covered in about 100 of them. I've been afraid ever since.

    I did get a tattoo of a monarch on my hand and it has actually helped me a little


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    Stairs/Bridges that don't have VISIBLE supports.


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    Storm drains. Everything falling into darkness and never coming back.


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    Donna Johansen
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Absolutely. You just don't know what's down there or how far down it goes.

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    Drains and grills in swimming pools. Doesn't matter how big they are. Won't swim over them, certainly won't step on them. If the pool has too many, won't even go in. Just don't know what's underneath.


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    I’m generally an anxious person but most of my fears are pretty usual. My strangest fear is objects flying at my face… and my sister plays volleyball.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I was in grade 2 or 3 and I repeatedly asked not to be in dodgeball. I was awkward in every sense and that red rubber ball came straight to my face and broke my glasses in two. Ever since then, I flinch HARD when I think something will hit my face

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    Actually, animals I guess!
    Not really a fear, but animals are unpredictable. Humans can be very predictable, but animals like cats or dogs even are not to me.
    My friends with cats and dogs tend to make fun of me when I jump because their pet pounced on me, or I am super high-strung and even a slight “meow” or click will scare me.
    I have a gecko, and she is even worse with that. She loves to jump on my arms and crawl along my back, but I can never feel where she is (seeing as she is only about 5 months old).


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    Fireworks/balloons popping - phonophobia


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    freaking pokemon


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    I have an incredible fear of being late. It's so bad that when I'm stuck in a traffic jam or my train is late, I get a panic attack and feel sick and dizzy.
    It affects my life to the extent that I am always at least an hour earlier than I need to be.


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    Case moth cocoons. Whether something is in them or not doesn't matter. Creepy, disgusting, horrifying crisp stick-skeletal grey things that just turn up in your garden or on a wall. Terrified of them. Can't tell people because then they feel the urge to just take that twiggy thing off the tree and hand it to you....


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    I know I was already on here but I have another fear. I have this fear that a crocodile is going to burst out if the floor and attack me while im in the shower. Idk why


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    Dorothy Parker
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Probably heard the rumors there were crocs or gators in the sewers. That translates to drains.

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    Freddy Krueger


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    Escalators. I don't mind the smaller ones in shopping malls, but I'm absolutely terrified by the long ones in subways. Some of them, you can't even clearly see where they end. Many of them are really fast too. My fear of heights doesn't really add up to it. Whenever I have to use them, I close my eyes and tremble all the way up/down, praying that I don't trip, lose my balance and fall over, etc.


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    I flinch. At like, everything. Cocking a nerf gun? Yeah, that counts. Notification from my phone? Sure, why not. Also I'm afraid of my own hearing because even though the tests say I'm average, i can hear conversations through the wall very well and am afraid i may hear something i shouldn’t. Don’t forget my irrational fear of being sexually assaulted while sleeping. (Thanks, Gavin.) Did i mention my fear of falling, getting kicked in the balls (thanks, 7th grade.) being blackmailed, being framed or breaking something within arm’s reach? Couldnt hurt to add that. Oh, and who could forget the most annoying two: Mu fear of heights and my fear of farting in a large room.


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    Jude Fire
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Jeez, why are all of these so relatable. You ever scare yourself by screaming when you got scared by something else?

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    I’m afraid of passing a big rig/18 wheeler and one of it’s tires explodes and crashes through my windshield, killing me. I speed up to 90 if I have to pass a big rig on the highway.


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    Ghosts,the dark,and being alone


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    Toasters. You never know when they will pop.


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    Okay so... I'm afraid of gagging, vomit and anything that looks even remotely similar to vomit.


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    I'm deathly afraid of snakes and I am convinced that one will pop out of my shower drain. Those things give me nightmares. And don't get me started on how creeper out i was when my 4th grade teacher decided to teach us about the coral snake. I wouldn't stay in the shower unless my older sister was in the bathroom.


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    Ants. When I was very young and on a long car trip without any rest-stops for miles, my parents stopped on the side of the road to let me pee. I accidentally sat on an ant hill and in seconds I was covered in ants! To this day, even if one ant crawls on me, I freak out!


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    Nail clippers. Only seen them makes me cringe. Hard. I use scissors or file them instead


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    Sitting out on the toilet and then finding out that I'm in women's toilet.


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    Receiving a package in the mail that you don't recall ordering...always get freaked out that it's a bomb or something


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