Could be a thesis, hypothesis, or a conspiracy! I'm bored and don't care.
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Dragons. Were. Real. Let me explain: you look at all of these cultures, African, Chinese, Indian, etc. Around the same time period, these cultures have drawn pictures of dragons, told stories of dragons, and even claimed to have slain them. Now we can assume that every dragon was different or at least different species but the point is they were all scaly (maybe) reptiles with wings or can fly. There are multiple theories of how they died out, but I think the most reasonable is they were just killed off by these cultures (assuming that there were very few dragons in the world) and the reason that we cannot find fossils or remains of dragons is because people believe they had very similar bones as birds, which have semi-hollow bones. That's why we can't find many bird fossils, because there bones break down easily. So if dragons had these bird-like bones to help them fly better, than that explains why we can't find any fossils. There is a fascinating Joe Rogan episode with Forrest Galante where Forrest explains this theory. Have a good day, and httyd was non-fiction
Oh yes, let's all listen to Joe Rogan, a racist, Covid denying woman hater.
im not saying listen to joe rogan, im saying listen to forrest galante
Load More Replies...I like your profile pic! Super cute.
Load More Replies...Dogs are cats in disguise
i have had this theory for a very long timein the show barbie: life in the dreamhouse, raquelle is definitely barbie’s secret sister. let us go back to raquelle’s birth. ryan was raquelle’s twin, but he was quickly chucked out and put up for adoption because the psychotic parents of raquelle and barbie only wanted girls. at first, raquelle was treated fabulously, but then barbie was born. because barbie was blonde, pretty, and flawless, her parents gave all their attention to her. the only reason they didn’t put raquelle up for adoption was because they had the tiniest bit of hope that maybe ONE DAY, raquelle would grow up and become just like her sister. barbie and raquelle grew up, and raquelle’s seething jealousy towards her sister only grew larger. barbie had managed to steal everything raquelle had ever had, and paid no regards to raquelle’s unhappiness because the incessant love of her parents was more important to barbie. when raquelle got older, her parents figured it wasn’t worth it and reunited her with her long-lost twin brother and his family with a sister, sister kind of situation. then, barbie’s parents had a whole bunch of perfect kids and eventually started selling illegal drugs. when they were found out, they moved to finland and left their oldest child to care for all those perfect kids. the reason raquelle hates barbie so much is because each time barbie’s perfection shines over raquelle, raquelle is reminded of her horrible childhood. raquelle is so obsessed with getting ken because she needs something that barbie doesn’t have to prove to raquelle that she hasn’t always been worse than barbie. raquelle has become nutty trying to prove this to herself. please tell me if there are any massive holes in my theory.
by the way this would also mean that ryan really wants to date his biological sister
1) Christians may be offended by this but here we go. The Bible could be considered a book of myths, thousands of years from now.
2) Everyone has the same amount of spice tolerance, some people can just hide it better then others
Epstein didn’t kill himself
Republicans are anti-education because they are trying to farm future voters.
from a competition i was in today: that the other group that's been cyberbullying us paid the sound techs to purposely sabotage ONLY our groups (cause we were the only ones who had messed up sound)
I am going to get A LOT of hate for this, but here is my conspiracy theory:
My conspiracy theory is a certain group of individuals in United States paid the Wuhan Lab to purposely release the COVID-19 virus. The year 2020 was a presidential election year for the United States. In 2020, prior to the outbreak of COVID-19, the Republican Party and the Trump Administration had positively increased the quality of life for citizens (I didn't say that they weren't pissing people off. Just that the country was doing well). The United States economy was booming. The United States was one of the most powerful and respected countries in the world. The certain group of individuals saw the economic success of the administration. They needed something to destroy the United States economy and the faith the public had in the current administration. They decided an outbreak of a virus would cause an economic collapse and distrust. Their intent was not to hurt and kill individuals, but to turn U.S. citizens against the administration and therefore destroying the possibility of being reelected. It worked better than they had hoped. Not only was there an economic collapse, but individuals fought over masks, social distancing, and the vaccine. The divide in the United States caused the undecided voters to vote for the democratic candidate. Therefore, all of the death and destruction COVID-19 has caused was to just sabotage an election.
Well I hope this isn't true because millions of people around the world died just to sabotage an election!!!!
Humans are slowly turning into birds. (Like, it'll take a few hundred years slow)
If soemeone speaks an opinion that doesn’t 100% agree with someone else’s such as..I dunno..a will be shamed, called named, and be like that for the rest of eternity no matter what you do to redeem yourself
GIR the robot is a furry. Im sorry, but it just makes sense
There is proof of God's existence. We all know that God doesn't rely on time, though it was one of his creations.
So hear me out. All those supposed billions of years in which animals lived and died were the same years God spent creating. (It wasnt necessarily 7 days.) Even the animals God created first in the Bible -sea animals- matches up with the ones from evolution. Then there's the flood, included in many cultures stories, which not only could have helped wipe out all those species of dinosaurs, buts could have played a role in the the splitting of Pangea.
See what I mean? You just have to connect those dots and you get the whole story.
Feel free to look up more about it. This theory isn't exactly my own.
I'm not Cristian, and idk who tf downvoted this but people should not be downvoting this just because they don't agree. This person did not say anything offensive, so there is no reason to downvote. If you don't like hearing other people's opinions, then don't look at the "ask pandas" section of bored panda. It's full of stuff you won't like.
All women secretly hate each other. I say it jokingly, but I kinda believe it too. I understand if this upsets anyone.
No? I really love my friends and we’re all women. I don’t feel resenment or hatred towards any of them