We all get in trouble sometimes, even if it's by being framed. Tell us about getting in trouble with your bosses or anyone else for the dumbest reasons.
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I got in trouble for accidentally getting stuck in a mud hole while running through the playground. I didn't see it and stepped hard into it and couldn't get out. So because I caused "such a ruckus" (her words) apparently just trying to get unstuck a crowd formed and my teacher (the her in question) who was on yard duty at that time said "if anyone helps her I will have you expelled overnight." After one kid brave enough to help me got me unstuck she suspended me for getting stuck and bothering all the students for help, and tried to get him expelled like she said for helping me but couldn't. she was an absolute horrible woman.
Basically, she would have left you there?? Sounds as if she was ready to endanger a child and risk a lawsuit. If she was truly concerned about child safety, she would have told the kids to stand back and let her help you out. Kudos to the brave one - I hope the parents complained.
My gf and I worked at a restaurant that happened to serve pie. We went to the back to go take stock of the pies we had, and put a new one in the front case. When we picked up one of the fruit pies (with a pretty perforated crust)… an entire swarm of flies shot out of the pie. I mean *shot out* at our faces. Obviously we trashed the pie, and to our horror, the other fruit pies had the same problem. Anyway, my gf and I got reprimanded because we threw away four whole pies. The audacity of us to throw away pies that were so graciously housing hundreds of fruit flies. (The manager suggested that they could have been salvaged…)
Too bad someone from the Health Department was not there to witness the flight of the flies. Good for you for having the integrity to do the right thing. Shame on your boss.
i got suspended for 1 week for saying that santa didint exist
Whenever people talk about the "war on Christmas," I want to say, "Goody! Where do I enlist?"
In high school, I got grounded for a house party my older brother threw while my parents were out of town. I was at my grandmas the whole week, where they sent me.
Dress coded at school. Need I say more?
As a child I would always get yelled at because of the most minor incidents. There was only me, my sister, and our mother, so no other people around for support either. Such as when I wanted to help putting groceries away after being to the store. I got yelled at because I did not close the door to a cupboard all the way, after I had put food in there. Next time I remembered to close those doors. But then mum starting yelling at me, because she thought it was not "necessary" to have those doors closed all the way.
If I came home from school before mum came home from work, I wanted to fix something for dinner. Of course I made enough for both of us. But when she finally came, she only took a few pieces of bread plus a cup of coffe. Then she started bitching and moaning about how I was "wasted" her food (and therefore her money) on something she was not interested in. So I did not bother with making any dinner after that (and even if I did, I only made enough for myself) but then she startet to complain even more, how "stupid" and "selfish" she thought I was because I only made dinner for myself.
When she wanted to get laminated floors where we lived, I was not allowed to walk with shoes inside at all. Not even in the small entrance where she did not bother with new floors. So I had to take of my shoes outside the house, and leave my shoes outside the door - either at the porch on one side of the house, or at the entrance on the other side of the house. But my mom (and my older sister) still walked all over the house with dirty shoes on. They could walk in from the porch (on one side of the house) walk through the kitchen and living-room, before finally taking their shoes of at the other entrance. But I still had to take my shoes of outside the house. But if I took my shoes off, mom would claim that I got dirty socks by stepping on the porch with only socks on. So she would still get pist off. Yeah, I got yelled at if I walked inside with shoes on. If I took my shoes off, and walked in with my socks on. Or if I took both my shoes and socks off, and walked in barefoot. No matter what I did, I would still get yelled at. But my older sister could still do what ever she wanted. But if I tried to do the exact same thing, I would never hear the end of it.
That’s honestly so terrible. You were nothing but kind and good to her. I hope you are ok now
Got in trouble for arguing with someone who was screaming homophobic slurs at me and my friends
He got off with not even a warning
Oh ho ho, I been waiting for this.
Only happened a few years ago.
I was in middle school. I had just gotten my period the day before so was kind of new to it. At lunch, my old felt kind of heavy, and the rules were you could go to the bathroom but since it was so cold no leaving the cafeteria for anything else.
Well I started feeling self conscious, thinking, oh god, this must be over flowing! And what if it drips? And that’s my crush over there…
Anyways, I bring my backpack with me to go to the bathroom. Change my pad, feel much better, and go back.
As I’m about to sit down a FEMALE monitor walks over to me. “Where were you?”
“I was going to the bathroom.”
“With your backpack?”
“And why, other then sneaking out, would you bring your backpack to the bathroom with you?”
“Uhm, you know..” I tried to give her to look.
She scoffed. “I don’t know.”
Quite a few heads were turning as she scolded me, asking what I was doing. You think a sixth grader went and vaped in the bathroom or something just now?
The fact she was a female, an adult, and someone who should understand this, made me question human existence.
She tried to send me to the principal, thinking I had snuck out. She brought another monitor over, and told her. This monitor just sighed. She bent down real close, and whispered, “Was it your period?” And I nodded.
She then pulled the monitor aside and told her. The monitor seemed defeated.
And to think this monitor was almost TRYING to embarrass me in front of everyone in my grade, while I’m a self conscious girl who doesn’t know much about periods and was kind of nervous about my first one.
Fūck you
So I use music and art as a huge coping mechanism. Like there's a lot that goes through my head and a lot going on in my life so I just use music and art to kinda defuse everything. So a while back I was having sorta a rough day and I just needed a break. So I pick up my guitar and started working on a song I've been trying to learn (perfume by lovejoy, highly recommend) and a few minutes later my mom comes bursting through the door. She was furious that I would playing guitar when there were things that still needed to be done around the house....things I had literally done that morning....I showed her that I had already completed these items and still got into trouble for playing. Now I kinda avoid music or painting when my parents are around...Those two are the ones they hate the most so....
When I was 6 I got in trouble because my mom thought my 2 year old brother had eaten a rock from my rock collection (he didn't). I had to sort through all my rocks and prove none were missing but at that point my butt was already sore..
At my Montessori school, we would go to this cabin in the woods biannually. The week we were going to go (we departed on Thursdays) we would prep food. I got in trouble for making chocolate muffins instead of chocolate CHIP muffins. Because it’s too similar to a cupcake. Literally changed 0 ingredients or quantities, just melted the chocolate chips and mixed in instead of putting them in as chips.
I looked at my mother wrongly.
she told me to do somthing and i turned to her.i promptly got in trouble.
I got written up & my wages cut down $3.50 by my supervisor at work for being late one day. (I overslept by 45 minutes) My supervisor is late every single day by AT LEAST 10 minutes & takes 2.5 hour long lunch breaks with no repercussions. I love my job but my supervisor is completely useless.
Is cutting your wages as punishment even legal?? That sounds sketchy af to me. I'd be looking into it.
I was called up to the prprincipal'office, as a teacher, for telling my students, during a lecture on the Holocaust, that mass murder was not okay. My "opinion" had no place in the classroom. I am jewish. I broke my contract that very day.
Once I got suspended for telling my principal that one of the aids cursed, which was the truth. So when I got home I told my mom what happened, and she told the principal to unsuspend me and take the incident off my record. So after that the principal told my mom that she couldn't unsuspend me "even though the principal could." And then a rumor started and my mom got mad at me, and after that I did nothing but sit in my room and talk to myself like an insane person.
I remember when I was in the 4th grade, I got in trouble on a test, because I switched my pen. That's right. In the middle of the test my blue pen ran out, so I switched it to a black one, and I got an F, even though I had gotten all of the questions right. I asked the teacher, and he looked at me like I was mad for even asking why I got a bad grade, and I was almost in tears, because I had gotten every quetion right! Anyway, he never fixed my grade, and 5 years later, I'm still mad.
For changing your pen? That dude sounds like a real nasty piece of work.
My brother kicked me dead-ass in the shin, with BRUTE FORCE and obviously I started crying a little. I was also on the phone with my sister, I don't ever see cause she is on another continent. I hadn't talked to her in a while and then my dad called me to his study and I got in trouble because I complained that my brother kicked me hard. I had to go to bed, not make any more noise and couldn't talk to my sister.
I was around 17 and had had my driver's license for about a year. My dad listened to a police scanner everyday, as he was off work for surgery. So I was driving about a block away from home and had gotten pulled over by a police officer for running a yellow stop light. My dad heard my name come over the police scanner, ran over to my car and proceeded to bitch at me for running a YELLOW light! After my dad told me to get my butt home and park the car when the cop was done, the cop told my dad to go home lol. The cop gave me a warning but my dad grounded me. So lame.
When in high school I drew a picture that was a harmless exercise in sick humor. To understand it, I'd have to type three or four paragraphs explaining i) two stupid movies, ii) a stupid TV show, and iii) a silly Star Wars fanfic I wrote as a teen. I showed the drawing to some classmates. The teacher was appalled, and accused me of being a monster. He wouldn't budge even though he brought me to tears!
I didn't really get in trouble, but a substitute teacher that I had for English scolded me in front of the whole class for getting "handsy" (I hate that word, it suggests something more) with a guy. But he was the one who came to my desk and started talking to me. I was hardly even looking at him! After class he was like, "You know that was a joke right?" I said yes but that was so embarrassing and it looked like I was getting in trouble for something I didn't even do! It did feel like I got in trouble though.
In the infantry. We were in the field doing training and a fire broke out near our camp which we got it under control pretty quick. I got in trouble for suggsting it was caused by one of the officers demonstrating some training explosives in the area shortly before the fire when it was obvioulsy a complete mystery.
Well of course it's a mystery. Bosses/Superiors can't do anything wrong. Didn't you know that?
I definitely deserved this, but when I was about 8-10 years old, I got in trouble with my homeroom teacher when she found out that on certain days like Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, I would say to the teacher in charge of the lesson that I have to leave early by saying I have to catch the bus (context, school ended at 3:00 PM and I would always say that to the teacher at 2:52 PM so that I could leave at exactly 2:55 PM) people suspected that I did this to get out of school early, but in fact, it was so that I could find my 5-6 year-old sister who would usually get lost on those days and I didn't want my mother to stress about trying to find her in a sea of people. In the end, I managed to get away with this for a month and got punished severely.
At school, I finished a science exam (Period 1) and everyone else was still working. I figured I had some time to do work, so I started working on my Spanish work. I submitted it in science class and instantly got a comment back from my teacher which said: “This should not be done now. This is in class work.” I understood that and dismissed it after reading by saying sorry. LITERALLY 4 PERIODS LATER, (Period 5) my teacher scolds me for doing my class work in a different class. She also threatened to tell my science teacher even though my science teacher knew that I was done. I didn’t have the words to say that it was an exam day in science to her.
I was once called into a boardroom formal meeting because I type too loudly.
I've told my mom that she should clean something herself (she forced us to clean the house every day). She went nuts because apparently, children can't suggest doing chores to adults. I know the audacity of my remark, she was a very neat person and did a lot of chores of her own.
I looked at my friend laughed and got sent out.
I have the kind of dad who always needs to be right. So one time, I we were eating at Jersey mikes. I was really hungry, so I ordered a large sandwich. He told me I wouldn’t be able to finish it, but I could anyways. He got so mad for some reason that he had us all go home instead of spending the day outside like was the plan, and went for a walk to cool off.
Another time, when I was a lot younger, I slid to the other side of the backseat of his car. It made a small smudge on a part of the car that I didn’t notice. But he did. He got so mad over a smudge that took him two seconds to wipe off, that he claimed I didn’t care about other people, then smashed one of my toys on the ground and mocked me crying. A few weeks ago, he made this claim again for something I didn’t even DO, and had the audacity to say that if he ever messed something up, even by accident, he would have replaced it.
He never replaced my favorite toy that I had spent my birthday money on.
What a monster! Remember this: You will pick what nursing home he goes to in his old age.
I had a quarter size whole in the knee of my jeans cause from a fall that happened earlier that day at school. I was expelled for 3 days for not complying with the dress code. No wholes in pants.
I was taking a German class in a North Carolina college. When it came time for the final exam the class was noisy with people talking to each other. The teacher did nothing about this . I then asked him if I could take my exam in the hall as it was too noisy for me to concentrate. He yelled at me saying I could do not do that because I might cheat!!
observing that the terminal "for" is not only ungrammatical but unnecessary. Just delete.
its bad your health. mmmmm no. its bad for your health. mmmmmmmmm no.
So, we had this assignment in class. And a substitute teacher. The day before, my real teacher had clearly stated that we had TWO DAYS to complete the assignment. I did the assignment quickly, but didn't have the time for one of the questions. So the sub wrote a note to the teacher saying I was "off task".
I got in touble for finding my mother's ice-cream stash and eating all by myself. ( The night that I ate the ice-cream was the day my ass swelled. My mom unleashed the fitflop )
Not technicly "In trouble" but It ceartainly felt like it. I was in kindergardan art class and we had a sub. We were drawing star wars droids. I finished my picture and asked the sub if I did a good job. She took my picture, showed to to the class, and said "This is an example of what you don't do" in front of the whole class and made me draw it again. This was kindergardan art class. Screw her.
I had a head on a beer I poured as wide as my pinkie (we were trained to have it no more than an inch tall). Other person able to pour regularly has 2 inches tall on hers with no problem
I called DR.CAROTHERS Ma’am on accident. She isn’t missy, ma’am, lady, missus, or lady. She is DR.CAROTHERS
Ok so my best friend yells "F*CK YOU" at his mom and gets time out when me and my friends are at his house (still got to play videogames that day with us)
I decide to practice my band instrument for only 20 minutes instead of 30 because im tired, i get grounded for a MONTH (they wouldn't even let me watch sports on the TV for a week)
Long story short.
I was on a long vacation , and had lots of pending work. I didn't complete anything of g.k , and the Next class was of g.k. soooo , I was writing sooo quickly , That I buy mistake ticked on my ticks ( the question was tick the correct answer and my mam already did those answers but I was in soo much hurry ) . Then , When she checked my book , She got sooo mad , She litreally slapped me in front of everyone and shouted on me . I couldn't control my tears. Then , She wrote her number in the book and told me to tell my parents to call her. I cried all day long. Luckily , My grandma handled the situation
Not exactly trouble, but I got a lecture. This happened a few days ago. We
had just moved after living in two separate hotels for a total of like 3-ish weeks because of the closing date or smth. Ok, so, fast forward 2 weeks into living in our new house. My stepdad was being pissy because of some stupid reason before he got mad at me. I had forgotten that the dishes needed to be dried, so I had to go from my room to the kitchen at the other end of the house to start drying the dishes. He starts going off about "well you're just not responsible and will never learn responsibility!" and "you're a moron!" and "never known punishment!" and sh!t like that. (Please. Nothing anyone could ever do to me would hurt as much as my internalized hate.) Anyways, I was putting away dishes, and I put down my water bottle a little too hard b/c I was angry at him. Realizing my mistake, I apologize. He looks at me like I just grew another head and asks, "Why are you sorry about closing a cabinet? I didn't even hear a cabinet closing. Why are you sorry?" (even though he could clearly see me putting down my water bottle. So I got a lecture about not being sorry about my actions. Another time, I was drying dishes and dropped his coffee cup. I apologized, and he told me again to not apologize for my actions. He asked me if dropping a cup was normal. I responded yes, because I thought he meant accidentally. Apparently, he meant if dropping cups on purpose was normal. So I got a lecture about how dropping cups on purpose was not normal (no sh*t Sherlock) and that I needed to stop being sorry for accidents. Should I be?
I got the belt while playing "touched you last" with my brother after my father warned us to stop. And I just couldn't lose... If you know the game, you understand.
I was being yelled at for like 30+ minutes, and I was told to grow up cause I was crying.
This has happened to me as well... the only difference is that I was punished further for crying.
my teacher once made me move my clip down on the chart in 2nd grade because i was tying my shoe when she was reading a book to the class. another time, in the same grade, i had a habit of picking scabs, so the school nurse put a bandaid on one to keep me from picking at it. my parents saw and thought i picked at it, and i got in trouble for it. plus they didn't believe me when i said i didn't.
In my school, we have this witch of a deputy principal who tells you off for everything imaginable. No lunch? Detention. Forgot your pencils for just one day? Detention.
I had been wearing leggings under my shorts and formal skirt for months when it got cold. She passed me one day and told me to take them off because it was a school rule. Pulled out the diary with the school rules and proved she was wrong. Got detention for it.
Can you tell your parent(s) about this and have them talk to the principal?
I kid you not, I got in trouble at school for reciting the "Johny Johny Yes Papa" video. Apearently someone names Johny who I didn't know thought I was insulting him? This was in middle school by the way.
Happened to me in elementary I almost thought you were someone I knew!
Once got yelled at over the phone cause I was in the middle of doing my homework, and was instructed to walk the dog. (I was in the middle of something and I couldn't exactly leave it)
I grew up in a very strict home and was given specific curfew times to be back home whenever I left the house.
My boyfriend at the time (who is now my husband) and I were driving back from the movies when the clutch went out on his car. This was in the days before cellphones, so we had to walk to his house and call my dad to say I would probably be late getting home. I ended up only about 5 minutes or so after curfew, but ended up being grounded from going out anywhere for at least a month.
One job I had, I got into trouble because I sounded too happy when I answered the phone!
I sneezed in class. Mrs. Witch decided that this was unacceptable and gave me a detention. It might be added that her favorite and talked all through her class and was on her phone when this happened (I was the class scapegoat)
Had a laughing jag with my friend doing high school morning announcements over the PA. Oops.
Not me but one of my friends fell down a lot of stairs and was crying because he dislocated his leg and this awful teacher came up and yelled at him to "shut up and stop crying" and then sent him to the office. Luckily a nicer teacher helped him. Now we joke with him that he should have dislocated his leg quietly.
one time, i got in trouble just because i dropped something and forgot to pick it up, another time, i got in trouble just because i sat on the couch for a break after a deep cleaning, and finally, just maybe about a week i got in trouble for eating too slowly and then got a lecture in the car about being a better person. YEESH
Needing a pee before doing the dishes.
Dinner was done as soon as I came home from work, so I sat down to eat with family. It was my turn to do dishes, and I told dad I was going to use the bathroom and wash hands before doing dishes considering that I had just come in from work as dinner arrived. Had pee, washed hands, did dishes. On way to do the laundry after I was dragged into the living room by my step-mother and shouted at as to why I didn't do the dishes when told, why do they even bother letting me live there (because I paid dad rent and did chores, according to my dad), how worthless I was if I couldn't take a simple order, and about whether I should be considered worthy enough to be called family. Then ordered to f*k off and make sure that her clothing gets washed at a hot enough temperature.
It sounds like she’s really, really insecure and is jealous of you because you and your dad seem to have a healthy relationship.
In my theatre class literally today we had a sub and my 2 friends were playing pool on their phones and they got in trouble because its "considered a type of gambling"
I fell into a hole covered in mud at baseball practice a couple years ago covered in mud I was grounded for about a month to go outside 😔 I mainly got in trouble for ruining my dads wedding tea set which added about another 5 months to my sentence😔
I got suspended for speaking my feelings about today’s public school system… dare I say more?
Really depends what you said and where you said it. Shouting at a teach about how school sucks is a valid reason for getting in trouble. Have a quiet chat with someone about how you wish you'd been taught about taxes and its no body's business. You probably do need to say more, because your audience doesn't know where on that spectrum the incident lies.
Mkay so I was at school and I started choking on something (this was in 6th grade) and my friend got the teacher, and the teacher just stood there while I was choking, watching me with a stern look. We were supposed to be watching a science movie or something, and everything was silent until I started coughing. HE JUST STARED AT ME WHILE I WAS DYINGG AAA and my friend got all worried and stuff and then when I finally stopped choking, the teacher pulled me aside and gave me a two hour detention for leading my friend on and being a disruption to the classroom as my face starting turning every shade of purple.
I leave my signature on police car's hood with a coin at my 18 birthday
I got suspended from school when I was 16. As a Native American I had to put up with alot of racist comments and remarks from students and teachers, so I was pretty much used to it. I got suspended when I stopped a bunch of teachers beating up a black girl because she refused to "hide her hair."
My(then) middle school daughter asked me to buy her a Diet Key Lime Faygo soda. It tasted about how you would expect. I got in trouble because...it was yellow in color. My wife is a Mountain Dew drinker. Thaaat's right, found an empty..filled it to about the right level.. and swapped it out with the one my wife had on her end table. She is still cussing me on that one. Daughter and I had a good laugh though.
A boy once kicked me in the balls right in front of a teacher. I screamed an expletive in pain...and she gave me a detention. When I asked what she was going to do about the boy who kicked me, she ignored me.
In elementary school we had to put our gym bag in a cabinet. It was divided to 2 parts the lower part where we could put our coat and above that a shelf where we had to put our gym bags. The shelf was around 1.5 meter from the ground. One day me and my friend was in charge of putting away the gym bags of the class. We were 8 years old at that time and not taller than 1.2 meter. So the only way we could put away the bags was by throwing them up, so we did just that. Then the headmistress exited her office at that time and saw us do it. She asked us why were we throwing the bags up. I answered: Because they belong there. Or something like that. Then she started lecturing me for 5 minute. And I thought that was it, but no because until she retired she made things difficult to me. For example when I was bullied and got so mad at my bullies that I threw my sandwich at them and shouted I got in trouble for causing a ruckus and throwing food. And cases like this.
I got in trouble for so many stupid things I once was swinging and this younger kid from the back KICKED me off the swing from the back I fell forward and face planted on to concrete broke my nose and got suspended for screaming in the playground and got in trouble at home for getting in trouble at school so at the time I had a broken nose with no doctors appointments for about 3 weeks.
One day in my childhood I picked all of the lemons off our lemon tree. I then threw each lemon into our neighbor’s pool. The lemons floated and covered the surface of the water. My mom was so mad she made me get every lemon out of that pool. It was so fun!
Got grounded for getting hit by a car. Back when I was 17, I was on my way to school in my new car of about 4 months. This was in Lafayette, Louisiana & there’s basically only two long roads throughout the entire city. I turned around because I had forgotten one of my books, and on my way headed back to school, a soccer mom side-swiped me in her husband’s giant Titan. She was profusely apologetic and said “my husband is going to kill me, I’m driving his truck because I wrecked mine last week.” My father and a cop showed up, where the cop proceeded to tell my father how impressed he was with me for staying so calm after getting hit. I got grounded for the accident, because my father said, “you wouldn’t have gotten hit if you had gotten to school on time”
I got in trouble years ago when I was playing with a flashlight in the dark. Apparently it was "bad for my eyes". Got spanked afterward.
I'm assuming getting spanked is worse for you that playing with a flashlight...
In middle school I forged my moms signature on a good report card.... I don't really know how I got good grades with that kind of thinking.
#I got in trouble for smoking under a tree in the dark.#
Asked a girl at work out for a date(yes: stupid 16yo in the 90s)
She said no, i courteouslyrespectfully thanked her and got on with my shift.
After work, i stopped biking home to smoke and wait out the rain under a tree (to decompress).
Well, apparently that was on her way home: she thought I was waiting on her, got scared, almost got me fired by talking to my boss and and the neighbourhood police came to have a chat with me.
_I got in trouble for smoking under a tree in the dark._
I rented a booth in a very small hair salon (there was only 3 of us there) and the owner hated any change, even the slightest thing. I got "in trouble" after I moved the waiting area sofa because every time anyone opened the door it would smack the sofa preventing the door from fully opening. I also got in trouble for changing the light bulbs from yellow traditional bulbs that were hot and made the hair look warm, to LED natural colored bulbs. Needless to say I didn't last long there.
Worked in fast food on the front line. This particular night I was working the counter with another girl, while 2 other girls were on drive thru. A customer in the drive thru was very rude to one of the girls (I don’t remember the details) but she got what she wanted and left so we thought all’s well. Next day we find out she wrote corporate and said a brunette girl on front line flipped her off, which absolutely did not happen. My managers solution was to write up every single girl who worked that day, including myself, who had bright fire truck red hair. They didn’t check cameras or try to figure out what happened at all, just wrote every single girl up. It was a horrible job.
Drawing during a video in class. I was in fact paying attention to the video and explained to the teacher it was helping me focus. She still took it away. Jokes on her I didn't pay attention for the rest of the video.
the stupid thing that got me into trouble was lying to someone and that stupid little thing got me into trouble
I excellerated when my traffic light turned green and immediately hit a moped scooter that ran through his red-light. He didn't get a ticket. I was ticketed for failing to look both ways before preceeding on a green light.
I had a policeman freak out at me because when I entered the intersection the light was green, but it turned yellow before I crossed all the way in my car. After he finally let me go (without a ticket) I ended up pulling over because I was shaking so badly. I can't help it that I cry when I'm scared, and this guy made that worse by screaming 'don't cry!' at me while insulting me down to my toes. (I'm female and was around 28 when this happened.)
I excellerated when my traffic light turned green and immediately hit a moped scooter that ran through his red-light. He didn't get a ticket. I was ticketed for failing to look both ways before preceeding on a green light.
I had a policeman freak out at me because when I entered the intersection the light was green, but it turned yellow before I crossed all the way in my car. After he finally let me go (without a ticket) I ended up pulling over because I was shaking so badly. I can't help it that I cry when I'm scared, and this guy made that worse by screaming 'don't cry!' at me while insulting me down to my toes. (I'm female and was around 28 when this happened.)