Hey Pandas, What Is A Movie, TV Show Or Book Character That You Most Relate To? (Closed)
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Remus Lupin from Harry Potter.
Every time i eat chocolate, i think of him! 😭😭😭 RIP ❤❤❤
Bilbo Baggins - I am not very tall, I am a little overweight, I like to eat, and I like to walk and travel. I think Bilbo and me would get along fabulously.
Moonwatcher from Wings of Fire. She was always so worried and scared about what other dragons would think about her... even when she could literally read their minds and see for a fact that they weren't actually judging her that much, she still had lots of anxiety about it. (But later in the books she was able to get more confidence, so maybe I will too someday!...) She was also one of the only ones to see the good in Darkstalker... I always see the best in people and give them the benefit of the doubt (maybe too much sometimes).
It’s great that you see the best in people. I really like Moon, and I hope you become less anxious one day!
Loony Lovegood from Harry Potter.
Malcolm from "Malcolm in the Middle". Unconventional parents with unconditional love but still hold you accountable. Brothers who might set off an atomic bomb to create cool wall art but would jump in front of the blast to save you.
The white rabbit from Alice in wonderland cuz I’m always late
Reyna from the riordanverse. She's also asexual.
Rue from the Hunger Games, I really like to climb and I am good at taking care of people
There was water on my face and my eyes were watery when she died, but I wasn’t crying. I swear.
Yeah those of you who read the books know hes a very noble and humble man, but I see myself as Scythe Faraday.
I would say Clove from the hunger games because supposedly I always get into people's heads like she did when she was about to kill Katniss and that I constantly have to prove myself to people
I've got a couple:
Remus Lupin from Harry Potter
Nick Andros from Stephen King's "The Stand"
Athelstan from "Vikings"
Yeah, I guess I've got a kind of 'wounded hero' complex, but it's also how I've felt most of my life.
Qibli from WoF. For one he’s brains not brawn based, he makes witty remarks, and sharp observations. I also encounter the same dilemma of wondering “Does thinking bad things make me bad?”
eosinophil from Cells at Work! legit nearly sobbed from seeing her get cheered on bc she's such a freaking MOOD
Ruth Patchett (Roseanne) in She-Devil. The scene at dinner was heartbreaking. To her husband, the food was more important than his wife. Even her mother-in-law stood up for her.
donald duckling (donald duck but i call him that)
I think mine would be iyouma I think that’s how you spell it if you don’t know who iyuoma is they are a character from MHA (my hero academia)
Hange Zoe from attack on titan
Hermione granger looking kinda sus....... I mean there's another account with Hermione-
There are a few characters so I will list them and tell you why.
Nagito Komaeda: Honestly because we view ourselves as a terrible worthless person and many people see me as Insane. Also because I lowkey sound like him when I laugh. (Ref to my Depression and Personality disorders.)
JD From heathers: Once again. Self Loathing and destructive behaviors. Same with the unstable issue. (Ref to my depression and Anxiety)
Ibuki Mioda: I'm very loud and sometimes talk in 3rd person. I love music and can play Uke and Guitar. Also like very weird and spontaneous. (Ref to my ADHD)
I guess Asta from black clover (If that counts)
Because I tend to get underestimated by people around me a lot.
Asta does too but he proves to the world he can do better than they think
Bobby Singer. Knowledgeable about many things (mostly myths and monsters), tired of people's crap, but always helpful.
The Count
Magnus Bane from The Mortal Instruments/Shadowhunters. Just his personality is so great and I relate to it so much.
Dirk Strider from Homestuck. A very aloof and awkward person due to his unconventional upbringing, he feels very strongly towards those he loves and cares about, yet has no clue how basic social interaction works. He often feels the need to be in control of every situation he becomes a part of, and even sometimes believes that he is the one making the rules, however most of the time this is not the case, and it's mainly just him craving control over some facet of his life after it being out of his hands for so long. He craves intimacy but fears rejection, even going so far as to self-sabotage to jump the gun so that he's in control of his own downfall rather than anyone else. Really, he's just a troubled hero. He's a good person, yet he doesn't believe himself to be. He's incredibly relatable for a lot of reasons to me.
Rayla from The Dragon Prince. We both have trouble expressing our emotions and we have pretty low self esteems
Lieutenant Commander Data from Star Trek: The Next Generation. There are some things about humans that we just don’t get.
Caliban from Shakespeare's The Tempest. I'm an unwanted kid and I was constantly reminded.
I read this and just wanted to send you a giant hug through the ether. 🤗
Probably Sayaka Miki from Puella Magi Madoka Magica.
I relate to her because
1. Even though she is portrayed as a huge tomboy, deep down, she's a girlie girl at heart and loves dreaming about boys.
2. She is portrayed as naive but is actually very intelligent.
3. She has a friend who is extremely homophobic and rich
4. Her man actually likes someone else, and that makes her really upset
5. Thought she was straight but was so, very wrong
i really don't know who i relate to but i guess a combination of sans (from undertale) and ranboo (mcyt). but i prefer to be asy because i am me
I would say I'm some kind of cross between Tyler and Zila from the Aurora Cycle. I'm like Zila because I'm 'nerdy' and I typically prefer to work alone but when the situation calls, I often act like Tyler and take on the leadership role.
(P.S. Just because I'm like Tyler does NOT mean I will be kissing a Syldrathi in a control room to avoid getting caught. [You have to read the first book of the series to understand])
Alex Russo from Wizards of Waverly Place-- She is just one big mood.
Knema Kozume from Haikyu!!- I also do not like gravity.
Dr. Temperance Brennan from the TV show Bones. I loved watching that show because, like me, Dr. Brennan struggled to relate to the people around her in what they considered the appropriate way. I finally got to see someone struggle with the same things that I struggle(d) with socially and who thought in a similar manner to me - very black and white and struggling to make sense of some of the more uncommon idioms, as well as the struggles to "get" sarcasm all the time. I also enjoyed seeing her and her colleagues and eventually friends, find a dynamic in which everyone's contributions to the relationship(s) were appreciated and in which Dr. Brennan was not the person making all the efforts to understand her colleagues and friends.
Holden Caulfield. Catcher in the Rye. Not fun, I know...
Are you kidding? The kid who finds fault in everyone but himself, lies, hides, doesn't take any responsibility. This guy's not even a good friend to anybody. Re-read this story!
No one is going to know this character but I'll put her here anyway. She is from the book Now Voyager which was made into a movie in the 1940's. Charlotte Vale. AKA Camille.i relate to her in every way, especially when she confronts her controlling mother and says "I'm not afraid anymore mother. I'm not afraid." It was a revelation about not being afraid of life. The title "Now Voyager" as was pointed out in the movie is from a poem by Walt Whitman.
"Untold want by life and land never granted, now voyager sail thou forth to seek and find."
I have "Now Voyager......"tattooed on my left forearm. It is surrounded by stars which represent the last line of the movie. "Let's not ask for the moon when we have the stars".
Louisa Durel
Amy Santiago from Brooklyn 99! Even the binders and everything 🙈
Alex from Akarnae as we are both ready to fight back we are both sarcastic and we both have great friends that always end up in trouble.
Unfortunately, Katara from ALTA. Which was slightly lame to realize since I didn’t much like her in the show 😪
Charlotte Lucas from Pride and Prejudice.
Is not that I wouldn't make a compromise just to be safe financially like she did but I appreciate her honest way of seeing things.
She's not a romantic, knows exacly what she wants and just feels like very honest.
I always related to Anne Shirley from Anne of Green Gables. I always lived in my imagination.
Theres this one rwby character.... I forget... *neon katt vibes*
if there was a duck tho, i would be that character
Maude, from the movie "Harold and Maude" (1971) Cried and loved it when it was new. Now approaching her age, I'm just as eclectic, adventurous and will check out on my term when I can't laugh at the world any more. (And my life has had just as wonderful sound track at this movie. Do yourself a favor and see this gem!)
Dr. Percival Ulysses "Perry" C*x, M.D.,
So BP censored Perry C*x... A character from the Scrubs TV Show
Malcolm Reynolds from Firefly. I've lost some battles even though I was on the side of right. I can't win those past wars but I'm passionate about looking out for my family and keeping my 'ship' flying by hook or by crook.
Alex Bailey from The Land Of Stories. (someone please tell me I'm, not the only one who has read these books)
Shinji from Evangelion. Everyone from Evangelion had something I could relate to, but Shinji was basically just me with a giant robot. The most common criticism of Evangelion seems to be that Shinji is too unlikable though...
The book was ‘The Cay’. I want to say I was about 13-14 years old when I read it. Every since then, I have always thought if I was on a tropical island by myself, I would be good. Mind you, I need comfort items, but not having to deal with people on a regular basis... I am an introvert through and through.
Meursault (L'Étranger), Antoine Roquentin (Nausea) and Harry Haller (Steppenwolf). All combined.
Yoshikage Kira from Diamond is Unbreakable. I relate to him because all he wants is a quiet and normal life
Yoshikage Kira from Diamond is Unbreakable. I relate to him because I always wanted to be left alone and have a quiet life. Do I support what he does to achieve that goal? No, but I do understand his end goal.
mabye scorpia from she ra ( the new one )
The sister from the incredibles. I have long dark hair and am pale. Also, I am shy and can go unnoticed for a long time.
me anakin skywalker look just like him because i played him
If it is indeed you, you did a fine job of it too! Let the irrational fan boy fanatics and haters hate, those Star Wars movies were very enjoyable and you did a remarkable job playing Anakin. You were also amazing in Shattered Glass and Factory Girl. I also loved Jumper, Takers, Outcast, and First Kill. If you are not winding me up and this really is you, thank you for all the memorable roles and movies. Imagine meeting you here, so to speak!
When I was a kid I identified a lot with Anne Shirley from Anne Of Green Gables because 1) red hair, 2) loved to read, 3) didn't really fit in, 4) wild imagination, 5) a fairly traumatic past
I have never seen the adams family, but my brother says that I am practically the little sister from it
Margo from Despicable Me.
I have two younger sisters and feel very protective of them, sometimes especially when it comes to some bad behaviour from our parents (the youngest one is the only one who still lives with our mum...and mum can sometimes be waaay too much). I consider being a big sister to be one of my most important roles in life. I haven't seen the film in a while but I remember the scene where Margo needs to jump or slide or something from one flying vehicle to another and how she helps her sisters and then struggles to take care of herself a bit and that resonated so much with me it made me cry. Plus there were other scenes in the film as well but I need to watch it soon to be reminded.
Seems like the classic girl books -- Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm, Anne of Green Gables, A Little Princess -- all have a bright, lively, imaginative girl at the center, and of course the reader is supposed to identify with her. She usually has a friend who is loyal and goodhearted but rather dull. At the time I first enjoyed those stories, I really did identify with Rebecca, Anne, and Sara. But now, decades later, I realize that I am much more like Emma Jane, Diana, and Ermengarde -- which has helped me figure out the answers to a few things I've wondered about over the years.
I want to choose somebody from the HoO universe so... Hazel? People would see me as Annabeth, I am Hazel and I want to be Piper.
Rue from the Hunger Games (oh except for the fact that i'm not dead...)
Rue from the Hunger Games (oh except for the fact that i'm not dead...)