Hey Pandas, What Is A Fact About The LGBTQIA+ Community You’d Like To Share? (Closed)
What the title said. I'd like to learn a bit more about the different parts of the LGBTQIA+ community. I already know a bit about the LGBT part, but I'd love to learn more.
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a lot of us have been through stuff, we are used to discrimination, hate, awkwardness. It's just another day when people hate on us, accepting us and treating us like people makes our day
(at least for me)
I feel bad that just being treated like another human is enough to make someone's day, are the standards really set that low?
That's its just another day I worry about being bullied for being me
That, no, i do not have a crush on you just because you're a chic
And, no, I am not confused.
Peak comedy is sometimes just watching homophobic potatoes try and offend us.
You can identify as bi sexual and never sleep with the opposite or same sex. You can just find someone else extremely attractive and it just not be wrong morally. That's all i got. 🙃
Beside a few great experiences in which I just let things go and tried myself out I have to mention that I’m a Cis hetero guy. Sure open minded and without any preconceptions, on Festivals I sometimes like to crossdress, but In the end just a usual cis Hetero man. Few years ago I had the great opportunity to join a few Queer parties at clubs in berlin, LGBT, LGBTQ call it what you want. Man this community is sooo lovely and kind, the spirit was mindblowing, I never felt so free and accepted like on these parties. It was really an honour for me to get invited and I enjoyed it to the maximum. It really opened my soul and i will never forget it. I feel so sad for all you LGBT people out there who have problems to be yourself just because community has these thoughts and preconceptions about you. I had many conversations about this with queer people and some of them were really heartbreaking.
That is my experience I had with the LGBTQ community and the fact you questioned for is: this community is just lovely and If you have the chance to get into it, take it.
Sorry for any „wrong“ descriptions, titles and so on. Sometimes it’s not easy to find the right words without steeping on someone’s toes. Peace
Thanks for the post, this is really helpful! I think your thing got posted twice, though.
just because we're gay does not mean we wanna sleep with you. and it's not an excuse for not wanting to sleep with you either. no one likes you. stop it. (you= you know who people)
When people say homosexuality is unnatural, they are in fact ignorant of the thousands of animals that are gay
Or trans. Lots of fish will change gender if necessary, and I had a chicken (biologically hen) grow spurs and start crowing
That’s it’s not easy to just “come out”. For some people it could mean the loss of a family, and the feeling of acceptance. It’s not that easy.
yeap, i knew id be accepted and i still was a nervous wreck
Just because I'm gay doesn't mean I like you :)
Beside a few great experiences in which I just let things go and tried myself out I have to mention that I’m a Cis hetero guy. Sure open minded and without any preconceptions, on Festivals I sometimes like to crossdress, but In the end just a usual cis Hetero man. Few years ago I had the great opportunity to join a few Queer parties at clubs in berlin, LGBT, LGBTQ call it what you want. Man this community is sooo lovely and kind, the spirit was mindblowing, I never felt so free and accepted like on these parties. It was really an honour for me to get invited and I enjoyed it to the maximum. It really opened my soul and i will never forget it. I feel so sad for all you LGBT people out there who have problems to be yourself just because community has these thoughts and preconceptions about you. I had many conversations about this with queer people and some of them were really heartbreaking.
That is my experience I had with the LGBTQ community and the fact you questioned for is: this community is just lovely and If you have the chance to get into it, take it.
Sorry for any „wrong“ descriptions, titles and so on. Sometimes it’s not easy to find the right words without steeping on someone’s toes. Peace
These are the best ways to describe my feelings.
I just can't ignore muy feelings.
If you're bi, or pan, or anything else, it's common to have a preference. And it's not like 'Im bi, so I have to like all girls and some guys'. I'm bi, and I prefer guys but also like girls. Preferences are a thing.
lol im the same way. I tend to have a preferance about 70% men, and 30% women myself. My friend whose pan prefers woman more then men.
Oh, also--I know this is the second one I'm posting but it's important.
It's possible to be gay, or biromantic, or panromantic, or anything else, and also be ace. Aromantic isn't always paired with asexual.
YASSS! I'm bisexual ace myself. I can crush on people whilst having no physical attraction to them whatsoever! What's your superpower?
I'm so tired of the rainbow alphabet soup. Everytime another identity pops up, we add another letter. It's gotten so ridiculous that now people are just adding a plus sign. I'm not straight. I'm gay. Not LGBTQIA. Just gay.
Also, while I love Pride festivals, parades, and honorary months and the like, I'm not "proud" to be gay, any more than I'm "proud" to be right-handed.
As far as alphabet soup, it's mostly that us towards the back get forgotten :/