We all have weird/scary dreams, and I find it's fun to discuss them. Post yours here!


The night before I got my first vaccine, I had a dream that terrorists got into our health field and created a vaccine that everyone trusted. 20 years later it started killing people and they had to find a way to save the planet from the vaccine (very backwards if you ask me).

I got the vaccine the next morning. A bit scared, but I'm confident I made the right choice.



    I went to an IKEA/Goodwill so all the prices were low but they had everything. I miss it.


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    I've always thought that if aliens ever asked me if I wanted to go with them, it'd be a no brainer and I'd just hop on. Well in my dream, they came to me but I would go because my husband wouldn't go with me. So they knew how to push my buttons. The first present (if I'd go) was an Aquamarine with tiny Dolphins in a beautiful ecosystem. The second was an Hawaiian lei that was musical and spritzed perfume. The thrid present were 3 oysters and when they opened inside were teeny tiny mermaids sitting on the pearl, they were also singing, but you had to really lean in to hear them. Then I woke up.


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    3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I meant to say that I wouldn't go because my husband wouldn't go. And another mistake, it should read aquarium. Aquarium not Aquamarine. So sorry. Rats man, I messed this all up


    ok so:
    there was a gummy bear conveyor belt, like, it was made out of gummy bears and gummy bears were on it, it was a sunny day behind one of the houses at this is the place (a place in Utah near where I live) then it switched to a family of like a lot of different types of bears and they were having waffles with chocolate whipped cream and the little white bear was messy and its mom told it to not get it on anything and then they left the house but the moment the little bear stepped outside everything (everything) got covered in chocolate whipped cream. Then everyone turns and like yells "what did you do??"

    yes its very odd.

    for a few months when I was younger I would have a recurring nightmare of my family falling off a cliff, but rarely me


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    i was sleeping on a mat when in my dream i 'woke up'. i was on my mat and looked to the side. Suddenly, the mat and the floor beneath it flipped over and i fell down onto a beach. It was very sunny and sandy and i liked it there, until i realised that the sky was a painted ceiling and nothing was real - then everything grew dark and the spot I was lying on became a hole and I fell. i kept falling until I reached another beach and the same thing happened - this time i was confused: what in the world was going on. i got up, but suddenly i fell in again. finally i realised it was a dream and 'woke up' back on my mat. but then - my mat overturned and -


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    i was a waterfowl by best friend was kookubura who were having a rock spitting contest while in a river there was a emu and a ostrich fighting near the river. and at their end there was a river a octupus trying to hide from us



    I had a dream that a gas pump went to a grocery store.
    I also had a dream that my dada let me go to a school dance during a pandemic, and then in the span of one night kissed a girl, had my first period, got raped my bully, and got pregnant. I was 11 at the time…



    As a girl with four older brothers I was teased contently. I was okay with most of it, but there was one thing they would do that absolutely terrorized me. I had a deathly fear of grand-daddy long-legs. I also had very long, thick hair. My brothers would throw them in my hair and it would freak me out.

    I have had a recurring dream (once every few years) since childhood of opening my bedroom door and a single grand-daddy was in the room totally filling it up. His body against the ceiling, legs from ceiling to floor.

    Dang those brothers! I still can't stand grand-daddy's!


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    I was walking down the streat when I figured out i was dreaming. So, i decided to try flying and i flew staight into a truck.


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    I was trapped in a dark room and when I escaped it I "Woke up." I went downstairs. I heard a thump from upstairs. Someone was in my room. I went up to investigate, only to discover it wasn't a human. Its limbs were too gangly, its waist too thin. It didn't seem to walk. It drifted. I couldn't talk. I couldn't move. The thing approached me. I stopped being petrified and ran. It kept up with me. I tripped and fell. It stopped and looked around. It lost me somehow. I still somehow didn't realize that I was still asleep. I looked down and saw that I tripped on my best friend. She yelled at me and I cried. She called me an ugly b**** And then stabbed me with a fork in the leg and then the monster came from somewhere and ate me and then I woke up to my dog staring me down. No staring nothing down, she was looking at a closet. Like she saw a ghost. No one else woke up and my family are very light sleepers, so I wasn't screaming or crying. I don't know what alerted my dog but she was in the defensive position she always gets in when she sees another person. That was horrifiying.


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    I have two "issues" that keeps comming back in my dreams.

    1) I often dream that I'm running and jumping, the jumping gets higher and higher, I'm feeling happy and free, but I always end up unable to control it, and it feels very uncomfortable.

    2) I'm on my bicycle, I love biking, I'm exploring cities and countrysides, and it's all good. But then the bikelanes get confusing, the trafic gets heavy, and again it feels very uncomfortable.

    In my day to day life I'm not affraid to lose control. I actually thinks it's nice I just have to do my "chores" and somebody else has got the control and the responsibility for everything. So I think it's weird that in my dreams I am.


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    This isn't exactly one dream, but ever since I was young, I kept on having different types of dreams that all happened in a sort of dreamscape map of my hometown. I've had countless dreams that have happened there and I know the layout by heart. Now that I've moved, I have been having recurring dreams surrounding my school and I almost know the layout to that at heart. Should I draw out a map? I kinda want to show people.



    I was in the Navy and got in trouble for getting drunk on the job. Then I had to go to a party in the captain's quarters, I kept looking for a place to get drunk again, but there were too many people. In real life, I've been sober for 9 years and haven't had a drinking drinking dream since I was about a year sober.


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    I once dreamed that I was being chased in the woods by Snow White and Merida with rifles then suddenly a giant rubber duck blocked my path, I turned around and my mom was with tiana ( both wearing the green leaf dress) and my mother blow on a whistle and I woke up. I don’t know if this was a bad dream or not because it didn’t scarce my just left me thinking about it at random times.


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    I had a dream that I was covered in slugs, but it wasn't THE PLAGUE OF SLUGS, I just had the ability to summon slugs out of thin air and arrange them alphabetically. Later that night, I had another dream where I was wearing earrings, but they were attached to my teeth and I couldn't close my mouth. So that was fun.


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    Frequently when I'm stressed out, I have a "House" dream where I am in a house that is supposed to be our house, but it isn't, yet familiar as if it was.

    The worst one is a big Victorian house ,really beautiful but sinister. The scariest rooms to go in are the kitchen and bathroom. It's as if the house is alive and doesn't want us there. I try to remodel the kitchen, but it keeps turning itself back to the way it was.

    The feeling of anxiety, foreboding, evil, and fear is so intense, I feel sick. I want to run and get out of the house, and the dream, but I can't. The house hates me but won't let me leave.

    Eventually I wake up, but the sickening feeling stays with me.


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    Camilo to be real


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    Buckle up, this is a weird one: In my dream, I was in this weird sort of comnination of my Middle school and high school (I was indoors the whole time and some of the rooms were from the middle school some from high school). In my dream I was getting chased by people, it wasn't scary to my dream self though, I felt no fear. don't know who was chasing me or why. It was during the day and the building was full of people but no one paid any mind to it, as if it was normal. Eventually I went to science class. The room was pretty much a safe zone for some reason. I left and went back to running, and eventually everything went digital. Things got super weird now, it was like I was in a video game I remember some of the stuff that happened, but not in what order, I'll list them:

    I went third person mode a bit In a room
    I gave sap to these wierd trees that gave me stuff in return
    (I do know this happened after the tree thing) one of the trees gave me a key that opened an oven that had a weird off brand video game cartrage in it

    I woke up some time in the digital portion. This dream was weird. I could not make this up if I tried.


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    Spice Man. He was a recurring made-up villain in my childhood dreams who did all kinds of weird stuff. The weirdest was this one time where he acquired a herd of bulls for some reason and chased me and my grandpa with them in an empty warehouse that suddenly was full of washing machines so we got in one to hide from the bulls, then Spice Man laughed and shut the door and turned on the washer to drown us. Even as a little kid I woke up and was like "WTF was that!?"


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    When I was 3 or 4 I had a dream that Ursula (from The Little Mermaid) was trying to kill all the fairies from Neverland, and me. Tinker bell and I were trying to stay alive, and this was all at a “Disney hotel” type thing. For some reason the cubbies we had at preschool were in the “extermination room” so we hid under that while we planned how to save the fairies from the mechanical flowers that would crush them into dust. I woke up before it ended.

    That morning I watched The Little Mermaid again. I was an odd child.


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    i had a dream where i was in Australia getting railed by a giant spider.... it was heccin weird


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    Nitro Codes
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017


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    I once had a dream where I stumbled upon some organization on the internet. I was curious what it was and my twin brother was too, so I just clicked on the link. NEXT THING I KNOW, some guy just told me my address and said that there was this challenge where I had to kill people or they will kill my whole family. There were 2 options, Yes, or Yes. I exited from the tab. Just about 3 minutes later, I hear screaming from upstairs and then a loud thumping noise. Then the door busted open and i woke up.


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    I dreamt of going to Costco.
    Like downright, I went to costco, got lost and had no one to help me :/


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    I have had these weird reoccurring dreams and reoccurring themes in dreams since I was a child.

    The reoccurring dream I've had several times was me, my Dad, and Sister going on a walk. We find like a fast food playplace with the tunnels and slides on the banks of a river in our town. Each time I dream of it the tubes are different colors. It's like it appeared at low tide and was previously abandoned. We are walking all over it exploring.

    Some reoccurring themes I dream about are:
    -finding old stuff in an attic or old building. Usually like my Mother's childhood toys or old and vintage belongings from a different time. I am always excited like I have uncovered something magnificent. It has like a nostalgic feel to it.
    -Being cheated on or catching a boyfriend cheating. It is always never my actual boyfriend at the time. Their body is that of someone I never actually met but they have the same name. If I am single it is my ex boyfriend bragging to me about their new love.
    - For some reason I always dream about weird artitecture in houses. Like we move into a new home and there is something strange about the building or a room. Once there was a bedroom you had to enter like it was an attic and it had a trapdoor and had banisters like on stairs. Another the floor was uneven like a pool is with the shallow end and deep end. The homes are always beautiful though and I am sad when I wake up that they aren't real. There also is always more rooms then is natural for a regular home. Sometimes I will dream about a regular house and then actually go there in the near future. I have dreamed about a boyfriends kitchen before actually going there. It is so strange.

    My favorite dream I ever had was a dream I had while I was on kindergarten. I saw this evil man eating tree. Like something out of a horror movie. It had a face like a jack o' lantern and several leafless branches. The wind was blowing very strong and there was this man in a yellow rain coat swaying in the wind. He was near an old house and was in the same frame (like this was a movie) as the evil tree. In the dream I woke up and I had a poster of the evil tree's face behind my door. I remember telling friends at school about it. I always felt like that was a really advanced dream for a 5 year old to have. And even more insane that I still remember every detail.


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