Scary or not, dreams can be weird and stick with you for a while. So...I wanna know: what is a dream that has stuck with you?


I have problems with sleeping, and I struggle to fall asleep. I always tend to wake up early in the morning when I finally do fall asleep and not be able to go back to sleep. So I tried a white noise machine. I actually like it quite a lot, but the first noise I tried was of waves crashing. I fell asleep after awhile like usual, and I dreamt I was drowning. Never using that sound again. I love the raining and thunderstorm one though.



    So bit of a wild one here. I have this social app, kind of like Omegle or Discord I suppose. Anyway, I meet this man here, and we talk for a while. Soon he asks for my snap, and I trusted him so I gave it. He adds me back. We talk for a month or so, and he tells me that he just thinks I'm hot. Tells me he's literally obsessed with me. I am a minor, this man was in his 40s. I block him right after, because no. Just absolutely not y'know. But I had this dream where he confronted me about it, and I woke up in panic. It was horrifying to me, I don't know why. I've never been as scared of someone as I was then.


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    Disclaimer, this might be a little scary for some. But I kinda laugh when I think about it now.

    So I had this dream where I was being chased by an old, old friend, but that's not the important part. I ran into a building they couldn't follow and was relieved. By now I was panting and out of breath.

    Then out of nowhere, I couldn't breathe anymore. The moment I needed to catch my breath, I literally couldn't. And what was happening irl? I was actually holding my breath.... Subconsciously?

    I couldn't control it and it felt like I was trying to kill myself. But as every dream goes, at the last second when I felt I'd pass out, I jolted up and didn't sleep the rest of the night. Thank you.


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    Book Worm Panda
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You know, once I woke up with the feeling I couldn't breath or move. I was completely paralyzed for second...then I went back to sleep. Thanks for sharing!

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    Had a nightmare a few years ago. Some thing in the dark kept coming at me when I was sleeping (in my dream). Dark, tall figure. Had some kinda wings. It wasn't Batman.

    Kept coming closer. I started screaming "It's here, it's here" again and again. Nothing stopped it from coming closer, I couldn't move. Then it reached out to my forehead and touched me there.

    That's when I woke up....screaming the sentence "It's here, it's here".... I touched my forehead. It was ice-cold.... felt very real. Never forgot about this dream since... My wife beside me got a bit scared too.


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    Stolas <3
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    God screw that lol. I think the last nightmare I had was were this demon came into my room (kinda like David Bowie in Labyrinth) and dragged me to hell through my floorboards. That was a fun night.


    I once had a dream I was dating my friend. There has never been anything romantic between us. He even had a girlfriend at the time of the dream. I woke up very confused, and never thought of it again until seeing this. Weird



    i'm sitting on my parent's bed as a maybe 4 year old (their room was upstairs at my old house) and a car drives into their room. this was a recurring nightmare i had as a young child. now it's kind of funny but it wasn't back then.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I had a similar recurring one but instead I was running on a footpath and it was trying to run me over

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    A nightmare where i was experiencing everyones death. I woke up bawling and snuggling my pug as comfort cuz i thought he was dead fr


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    Stolas <3
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Ive never dreamt of someone dying, but I have seen my grandma in my dreams before. The only part of my dream I really remember is when she reached out to me and hugged me closely, told me she loved me. I woke up in tears, as she's been dead for about 7 years now. It was very sweet, gives me a little hope sometimes lol.


    Idk if it’s gonna happen or if I’m 100% serious about it but I’ve thought about it from time to time. I’ve even mentioned it on here before. Only person I think remembers it was Spamming Troll/ Russia on an alt goodbye account. I appreciate that message by the way. Anyways I kinda want to pitch a show to Adult Swim. Kind of like in a Rick and Morty/Family Guy style. I’ve had a few ideas but so far they are just ideas.


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    Stolas <3
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oh awesome! I have so many ideas I want to execute, I just haven't yet because I have a creative block rn lol.


    I have recurring dreams where i am exploring houses that are endlessly huge, decorated with extreme detail, and often haunted. I explore these houses in wonderment.

    I have found nothing in dream interpretation literature about giant houses with impossible decor.

    I did live in a pair of really big homes from birth to age 8, one of which was built in the 1880’s, so the cigar might be a cigar.


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    I'm very down to earth and don't bother analysing my dreams. However, the night after my dad died, about 10 years ago, I had the most vivid dream involving nature, animals, clocks, sunlight shining into a dark shed and my dad telling me everything would be OK.
    I don't for one minute think he was "sending me a message" but I found it interesting how my brain was helping me see that my dad would have wanted me to be happy after his death.



    I had a dream that i came to school with a black eye. When I get to school, my bestie has the black eye.


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    This felt more real than an actual dream but I actually saw both Heaven and Hell...Hell first though. One minute I'm heading down a big stone staircase towards the flaming gates of Hell looking up seeing Satan himself overlooking those who are about to enter, the next after asking for help I found myself standing dead center in the palm of Jesus. If I had any sort of artistic ability outside of stick figures I would have drawn exactly what I saw. I'll never forget it that's for sure.


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    Stolas <3
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That is insane! I had a dream where a demon dragged me to hell through my floorboards, I feel as if my dream was trying to convey a message.

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    I had a dream in which I was being chased through a maze type structure. I never saw who or what was chasing me, but I ran around a corner and was so relieved to see someone at the end of the hallway, so I ran towards them. I have very poor eyesight irl, and it was the same in the dream, because as I got closer to who I thought could save me, I realized it was me and I was running toward a mirror. As I reached it, the thing chasing me was upon me and and stabbed me in my back, so I went down with my face almost right on the mirror, and I realized I was about to die because blood was pouring out of my mouth, as I collapsed. The blood was so vividly colored I will never forget it.


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    (Dialogue is mostly made up from fuzzy memory but everything else is original)

    I'm at a funeral with everyone from my congregation, some are crying but no one speaks. I'm standing by the casket when some guy rushes unto the room.

    "OK, everybody with blue shirts form a team. Same with the red shirts." He says.

    Everyone goes into a panic trying to find there team. The only people left are me and the other people wearing blue AND red shirts.
    Every one is rushed outside where two tables are set up. One for red team, one for blue team. The rest of just womander around confused.

    I decide to walk away trying to find a place to sit. Instead I find myself in a mine craft forest.


    In my wandering I find a giant stone tower, going up as far as I can see. I circle around and find an entrance at the side.

    Inside there is a hallway-much to long for the tower- extending as far as the eye can see.

    Across from the first door is a door way. I head inside and find a storage room packed with lunch ables and milk the ones from Pre-k and kindergarten.

    I leave the room and head left down the hallway. I open the second door and poke my head in.

    It's a square room with a wrap around counter and a open window, like the ones at a restaurant drive-thru.

    Inside is a big black man and his two teenage sons. They wear aprons and chefs hats.

    The boys sit on the counter while the man looks ou the window.

    "Hey, want to see a trick?" Ask the first teen, about 16 years old by looks.

    Without an answer he begins to jump up and down. My dude jumped 10 feet and didn't hit the ceiling.

    I joined him.

    So there we were jumping up and down, passing the time until we had customers to serve or something, and when we did we served them those luchables and milkcartens on the purple plastic trays. 🤔 reminds me of something...

    Anyway it was bout then the dream finished, but I remembered it because it was interesting.

    Quick question, do you guys ever have sequals to your dreams? And how many of your dreams do you remember?

    I have one about a glass museum. One about country murders. One about the old man who "lost" his key. One about t-rex.

    I just love telling my dreams to my siblings, it's pretty intertaining.



    This was a recurring dream/nightmare I had when I was 6. It started out with a bird's-eye view of my neighborhood and zoomed in on this giant white monster truck type vehicle. For whatever reason, it had really long spikes sticking out of the wheels. Not out to the side, but down so that the spikes went into the ground. The truck started driving around my neighborhood and driving over other cars, completely crushing them. I'm pretty sure some of the cars still had people in them. Eventually, the truck came to my street. It didn't crush my mom's car, but it started driving up our driveway, then up the path towards the front door. I was standing on the other side of the front door, watching as this giant truck came towards me. It was about to slam into the door and run me over, and then I would wake up. I don't know how many times I had it, but it was a lot.


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    When I was four or five, I had a really vivid, bizarre dream that’s stuck with me since then:

    I’m standing in a huge, flat field, just sunny sky, grass, completely flat and empty, holding my mom’s hand. In front of us is an enormous white circus-style tent, which we go into. I think it was supposed to be a carnival.
    So we go inside, and it’s full of bed frames with mattresses on them, all in rows, and these mattresses are super brightly colored and patterned.
    I climb up on the one directly to the left of the entrance, and start bouncing on it, giggling and screeching at mom. As I’m bouncing and just having the time of my life, I say “I WANNA BE A MONSTER!” because. 5 year old. Don’t ask me.
    Suddenly, poof, Mom’s gone, the mattress is gone, all of that disappears and I’m in some brightly lit underground place, sitting in an otherwise empty bathtub, surrounded by these bright, funny looking monsters. And I’m a monster too, I think I was green? with a big thick long tail. And so I’m sitting in the tub, and I keep saying “bigger, please,” (the please was SUPER important, for some reason) and I’ll grow a little larger, and larger, until I can’t fit in the tub anymore. So finally, as I’m starting to get weirded out, I say, “I want to go home, please.”
    And then I wake up.
    Honestly, aside from the vivid, crazy, ridiculous imagery, what sticks out to me the most was a feeling of sadness. It was just really lonely.

    Oh yeah, and my on-and-off reoccurring nightmares from around the same time. I’d be running up the stairs, being chased by a mysterious *something,* and right when I’m about to get to the top, my muscles slowly begin to get weaker, and weaker, until I end up paralyzed, waiting for *something* to get me.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I used to have dreams like this. One I had late last year was an old woman chasing me and my friend through a garden with wire fencing around it, next to a house in the middle of nowhere. She was really fast, and when I tried running, my muscles would feel really weak and not work properly. Then I’d wake up.

    See Also on Bored Panda

    This is one of the coolest dreams I’ve ever had! November 27, 2022 (I write down my dreams).
    So this dream was set in the near future and at my school. We had to be in groups of three for some surprise competition, so my friends (I’m going to use different names) Grant and David got into a group. The competition was that he had to race through different dimensions against other groups to solve clues to get to the finishing world. Every group got different dimensions. From what I remember, there was a 1940’s world, a spy world, a Sherlock Holmes world, a backrooms-like world, a futuristic planet, and a lot more I just can’t think of at the moment. At the futuristic planet, we were at a dance in a beautiful all-window building overlooking a distant nebula. To get to the next dimension, we had to win a dance contest. As we got ready, Prince’s “Baby I’m A Star,” started playing. David (the goofy one of the group) started doing a bunch of embarrassing dance moves and such and I dragged Grant (the cute but shy friend) onto the dance floor. It was such a memorable moment and so cool! Then I remember when we won the entire competition. We were soaking wet and all hugged. It was so cool and I will never forget it! And then the next day we had to write an essay about it 😂


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    I dreamt that I was at a Huey Lewis concert (look him up yunguns’). I don’t know why it was about Huey. I’m a fan, but he’s not like my favorite of all time. It was in a very small venue, like the size of a living room, only 15-20 people there. He’s was playing “Power of Love”, which was in Back to the Future. In the middle of the song, he just stopped and said that he had to take his medication. He came off the stage, laid on the ground, took his pants off, pulled his legs back, and his wife (I don’t know who his wife is or what her name is, but in my dream it was clear that it was his wife), proceeded to put peanut butter up his a*s. While the audience patiently waited for the next song. Huey Lewis’s med was peanut butter, up his a*s. Don’t ask me??!!


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    I had a dream before we moved into our apartment. It's like I was looking down on the complex and my dad was right beside me. We watched an ambulance drive away from the apartment all the way out of the complex. My dad said, "Everything will be alright." It appeared that I had died and I was being taken to the hospital.


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    I have boatload of weird dreams I could share but one I had a few months back has stuck.

    *a bit graphic?* So, in this dream, I was sitting in my art class.

    The guy who sits next to me (irl too!) asked me if he could borrow my hot glue gun. Of course I tell him that he can so I hand it to him. I look back down at whatever I was doing, then hear people start screaming.

    I look up and see the guy I gave my glue gun to literally fully on fire. LITERALLY ENGULFED IN FLAMES.

    I start panicking and screaming too and I run towards him. I watch him burn and turn bright pink (kind of like a newborn baby?) and shrivel a little.

    He got taken away (to the hospital I assume) , and thankfully survived.

    When I woke up from that not only did I feel awful because I gave him my glue gun which is very likely what caught him on fire, I couldn’t even look at him irl for the next few days without panicking and remembering how he looked while burning.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I tend to have a lot of really f*ed up dreams and always have had. Not sure why, my mom says it’s my imagination.

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    Okay, so basically I was on the beach and this kid in my grade named Ajay comes and jumps me. Then, I give him a yellow candle and a green candle. After that, he says “Be back with the red and blue candles in two days.” Two days later, I get the candles, but also freeze some jam. Then, when I saw Ajay again, I gave him the candles, but I also gave him the jam- candle and said “Here, it’s a purple candle “, and then I woke up.


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    Recently I had a dream where I made my mother angry for whatever reason (I think I came home late). So I’m going to the living room (I’m in a random house btw) just texting me online friend on Quora. My mother then comes down the stairs saying she’s tired of everything I’ve done or something. Then she slaps down a thick booklet on the table that says “NO-PHONE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL” and tells me she sending me to a tech-free boarding school.


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    Neither one of these are really a dream, but like a vision almost.

    1) Just before I fall asleep I’ll have the image of a starving, rabid cannibal slipping out of my closet or from under my bed. They jump up onto my bed and use their nails to tear out my vocal cords and then they use their teeth and nails to tear chunks from my skin. Later my mom comes in to wake me up and she sees my half eaten corpse laying on the bed.
    2) I’ll be about to fall asleep when someone will slip into my room and hold a gun to my head so I can’t scream for help, and I’ll scream anyway, but he won’t kill me he’ll kill my family. I’ll hear a gunshot from my parents room and brothers room.


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    I had a dream that I was going to meet with some person’s boyfriend to play a combination between football and badminton. I took a shortcut through a building and got lost. I tried to go to the “first ground floor” but there was no exit there so I went to the “second ground floor” where it was dark and no exit or person was to be seen there. I went to the first floor where there turned out to be an infinite series of hotel rooms and there was an icecream stall in the hallway. There were no normal flavours there so I ordered some guacamole+sour cream ice cream which tasted delicious. Eventually I met a member of the army in a staircase who told me where the exit was and my alarm woke me up then. Another dream I remember is that I was in the final battle in Hogwarts and Bellatrix Lestrange killed me but I didn’t completely die as I could communicate with the living on Whatsapp.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I've had almost the exact same Hogwarts one, but it was Ron that killed me (no idea how or why)

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    I have had multiple dreams about a beautiful green valley surrounded by really tall rock walls. Theres a weird hotel in it every time, I don't remember specific details from these dreams, but those 2 specific details have stuck with me.


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    I dreamed that my 4 year old sister had brain damage. That was the worst. My mum woke me up and I shot up into a sitting position so fast my head span, and yelled “IS (sister’s name) OKAY?!” Hated that so much.


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    This is a warning
    A Great Force shall return
    A Great Force shall return
    A Great Force shall return


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