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Personally, my sibling has gotten my Phone taking away from me and now I can't have one until I'm 18. (Right now I'm 12.) If you want to know the story, she's been lying to my parents that I've been going on my phone at night and playing video games. But guess what the most painful part is? SHE was the one I let play video games at night! SHE was the one going on my phone and I LET her! And she just betrayed me... :(
Well I hope she is asking for forgiveness in 10 years when your rich and famous and have a successful life! I'm 12 also and have an Ipod instead of a phone. Unrelated, but one day, on a weekend I asked my brother to take our dog out to poo because I stayed up till 3 last night. He said yes, but only took him out to pee becaus e" It was to cold " and he pooped on my moms favorite rug and said we cant let him downstairs anymore ( where we spend most of our morning and afternoon for online school) AND I HATE HIM SO MUCH NOW!!! He even blamed ME for trusting him with such a difficult task. And here is the really sad part, HE TOOK OUR DOG OUT FOR THE PAST 6 DANG YEARS! But anyway, feel free to vent to me, because I'm here for you!
Anything I’m passionate about I have to remember not to tell my brother. He thinks everything I tell him as a threat or insult to him. For example, I really love a specific genre of music. I wanted to show him a song by one of my favorite bands because I thought he’d like it. For some reason he got really intimidated and called the band “a cringey piece of sh*t no offense”. I love sharing my music preferences with people but ever since that comment I don’t even want to say the genre of music because I’m so embarrassed about liking it. I brought it up to him later with my parents and they called him out on it, but he said he shouldn’t apologize because it was his opinion. I’m sick and tired of misrepresentation between siblings, because it’s not always happy sunshine and rainbows. I feel like older siblings don’t realize this, but your judgment on things can really impact your younger siblings views. A little insult from an older sibling can go a long way, and vise versa with younger siblings.
Sorry about the rant I really needed to get that off my chest haha
My f*****g twin brother framed me of looking up how to kill myself on YouTube. My dad (as always) believed him and got us both banned from it. My family is always teaming up against me. All they do is make me mad then when I'm mad I immediately get in trouble for it. I f*****g hate my family. I get blamed for everything. If I make a tiny mistake (like forgetting something) they say that I'm just using it as an excuse and then i get grounded. It's like they really don't want me anymore.
Telling my sister a secret, next day my mom mentions it. :(
Ok so my brother is a complete imbecile and love to lose and break everything (he is 8) and one day I was building this model car and we had just gotten the spoiler on and the next day I wake p to see the wing had broken off, so I ask my brother what did he do to it and he said 'I only touched it' in a childish manner and obviously I got mad at him, so I had to sand it back down, put the glue back on, and let it dry.
My account on bored panda, and when she bosses me around and gets all up in my business! It makes me want to slap her in the face! She also acts like my guidance counselor and piles all of my stuff up on my dresser! @!#$%^&@!!!!*&^^!!!!!!
I have had a really long day and this makes me feel better
For the author, You are a very nice and supportive author. You have made my day with all of the comments you posted. just wanted you to know.
For the author, You are a very nice and supportive author. You have made my day with all of the comments you posted. just wanted you to know.