We've all had one of those days...
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well, a friend-of-a-friend had this.
so friend-of-a-friend(we'll call them FOAF) is walking to a store, blahblah. FOAF goes inside, and overhears cashier talking to karen.
cashier: the 50% sale is on saturday, miss.
karen: but i wont be in town can't you move it to today?
cashier: no, and would you please wear your mask properly?
karen: dont tell me how to wear my mask!
cashier: im not, the government is. also i dont want COVID
karen:why can't you make the sale today!?
cashier: because that's not how holiday sales work, you are asking me to make (whatever holiday i forgot) on a different day.
karen: *random karen stuff*
One time I was at a store, and you know how it's super hard to breathe on masks? Well, I went into a corner and removed my mask for like, 5 seconds to get some actual air. And then, I THOUGHT I put my mask back on. So I was just walking around the store when my mask on my chin. Then this worker said to me, "Ma'am, you have to wear your mask FULLY." And that's when I realized I was not wearing my mask over my nose and mouth...accidental Karen!
I, luckily, don't think I've ever run into a Karen.
my mom took my and my lil bro took Mc Donalds and we got to the drive thru and i ordered a spicy habenaro chicken with fries and a drink. then she asked to person the have no salt on said fries.
thats not the worst part. when we got to the window to pick up thee food, the guy gave her the cardboard tray with d***s and because my mom touched the tray, he could not take it back after my mom tried to give it back. she said she will leave her car where it is until the guy takes the tray away. we waited for 4 minutes before the guy finally took it back. and during all of this, i was telling my mom to just go. but no. then when we got home she took away my phone, my computer that i use for homework, my ps4 and my apple watch.
So my school is right by this park and our class goes there for recess like every day. my two friends and I were sitting on a park bench, and this woman with the classic Karen haircut and this baby in a stroller comes up to us and is like, “what school are you from?” So we tell her and she’s like, “okay, I’m going to talk to your school because...” and she proceeded to go on and on about how she payed taxes to come to the park and we were running her experience, and how she was gonna call the city, and how there were 50 of us (there’s 38 of us) and how it was a public park so she should be able to use it (all the kids in my class were just playing around they weren’t doing anything wrong, and if it was a public park, that means we have the right to be there too) and when we suggested that she should go talk to our teachers who were sitting on a different bench she was like “that won’t help,” which I dont understand how talking to a bunch of kids helps anything either.
She also told my other 2 friends that they were running the park, but my friends jus rolled thier eyes and walked away.
Also, the city said that we are allowed to go to the park as much as we want and they signed something that says so.
Well i was at Mcdonalds beung stupid walkin round the drive tru then a f*****g karin comes at me shoves me i slap her she pisses of the next day shes in the druve tru and calls 911 and says her burger had pickles and oinion wich she dosnt like but orderd and tries to sue me for no reason so i puss off get the police thats the last i saw of her