I was thinking about what some people were grieving about with the downvote system. So now I'm asking you what do you think Bored Panda should implement to this already awesome site?

No inappropriate comments, no drug dealing, no hate language, for the love of god NO POLITICS, and no trolls or spam messages. This is a civilized site, and I've already gotten d**k pics and all of the above.

Have fun!


THE DOWNVOTE SYSTEM! I cannot emphasize how much this ticks me off. 10 downvotes or less can get you banned temporarily or permanently and the staff don't even listen or reach out to you! So many great members got banned due to a couple of rouge comments that were meant as a joke and such. Maybe we can replace the downvote system of banning with a downvote doing nothing and having a report button instead.

Also, I think it would be very cool if we can edit answers or even change the font of our answers. Or maybe having a helpdesk or chatroom for people with questions and members with getting unbanned and such.


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Caro Caro
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2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

The downvoting is something that makes me very angry. Many are downvoted for a normal opinion or bc other's don't get the joke. I have contacted BP staff about this but the answer wasn't very clear. Maybe I could email them again about this. There is a button now that you can use to report and it works. I have also emailed about hate-speech and creepy stuff and have always received an answer and these users were banned. It is getting better .... but not perfect.

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    Admins need to ease up on the censoring. Some of the words that are censored have absolutely no logic to it


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    Robert T
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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I've seen a few Scunthorpe problems in some of the image censoring. This needs to stop. It makes the site look look stupid. The comment censor is over sensitive and you really do need to learn the difference between p-a-w-n and p-o-r-n.

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    Too much tiktok rubbish on here now. Needs to go. 🤔



    - Good News should have its own category. Right now it redirects to the people category and there are mostly depressing and sad stories, the opposite of Good News.



    I would suggest stopping contracting the vaccine threads. So for example of you have a thread of 100 images, don’t reduce it to 30 with the link to see the rest of the images. Just show the 100.

    I would also like to see formatting in the comments. So we can separate our comments into paragraphs etc which would make it easier to read.
    A notification if your comment gets 100 upvotes. You have it for 1 and 10 upvotes so why not 100


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    A Wild Bean
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I absolutely agree with the last one. Idrc if I get one upvote, but I live for making people laugh at my dumb jokes, so I want to know what really works.

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    More positivity.


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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I agree! This site used to be primarily focusing on posting listicles and articles about fun things happening around the world. They also posted a lot of artwork from new artists. Now, a lot of their listicles are fairly negative and make me feel really bumped out. It's all AITA stuff and bizarre melodrama about TikTokers.

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    #2 The ability to edit your post right after you send it.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Perhaps the app doesn't have an editing feature? I used to have the app but unless your fingers can scroll prefect up or down... It flips to the right or left for next page and going back would take you straight to the top of the list.

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    An option in our profile to always show the full post. If you've got a few "replied to your comment", and you have to load the thread, scroll to the bottom, click show all, wait for it to scroll to your reply, read it. Do it all over again. Particularly when you might have a few such replies/10votes etc. I'm not on dial up, just show the full thread (or put the show all at the top)


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    Robert T
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Or have the links to comments automatically open the full rather than the shortened view if the comment appears after the cutoff.

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    Quit selling out for ads! I used to spend hours a day reading the stories but having to close out 3 ads EVERY SINGLE TIME I open a story is too much.


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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I think that this is a hard one as unfortunately annoying advertisements provide BoredPanda with money to keep posting listicles.

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    Stop suspending people for downvoted opinions (the ones that are not abusive)



    Add one more level of nested replies.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If it's the intention to encourage more discussion then yes, this would be good, although TBH most conversations don't really go that deep, or wide enough that this is a problem.

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    Some kind of DMs or chats (with a block option, for the trolls) would be fun. I know this probably wouldn't happen, I'm just thinking out loud :)



    the ability for private chats... without giving private contacts...


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    Caro Caro
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I've thought about this but I think it's a lot of organisation and stuff. I do have contact with other Pandas (private) ... I have an email account specifically for this. I would love to talk to you in private :)

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    dark mode, to bright for me (did not see one so I am saying this)



    More questions that allow answers to be added, like this one, will encourage more participation. Conversely when a set of answers (pictures, quotes, whatever) is so quickly limited to display the first n only, based on upvotes, it's difficult to see any new answers. Maybe only restrict the number of answers shown after a few days, rather than just a few hours as it currently seems to do.


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    Editing comments in the app. I hate switching to the browser view but the app does not offer editing to me.



    fix the mod systems because all the bots arent banned but i am? thats kinda messed up


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This, those bots spamming us with adds is quite annoying. Besides they can filter out "bad words" but cant filter out an add?

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    Fix the notifications. Sometimes I click on it, and it says there are none there. Sometimes I click on one, and it doesn't load at all. Sometimes I click on it, and it takes me to the article, but not my comment.


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    Kate Jones
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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yes. I added a similar comment as I didn't see this but yes, I have the same problem sometimes. In my opinion, the notifications is literally the appeal of this site. Without knowing if anyone is engaging with you, then what's the point? It makes me happy when I open the site and see I have 20 notifications waiting. It's like a rush of dopamine, lol. If this isn't working properly, that's a problem.


    dark mode (did not see one)


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    Well,s top hiding submissions for a start, b/c three are already hidden and I have no idea why.

    But please, please stop the incessant "Turn off your Adblocker" c**p. I get it. Money. Revenue. But I remember BP having ads so bad that you couldn't see the site through the pop-ups.... and now BP gives me a pop-up to turn off the adblocker! I just wanna browse your site!


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    This may be an issue only I'm having, but I find that the notifications don't seem to load properly sometimes to see any new comments/upvotes. So I have to go into my profile and go through each comment to see if there was any activity overnight. I also always make sure I copy anything I'm going to post because sometimes I'll click on post and everything I just wrote out disappears. Sometimes I have to do it more than once. Not sure if anyone else is experiencing these glitches but it's been going on for a while now.


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    When someone gets banned, Bored Panda erases their comments but does nothing to the negative points. If you are going to delete the comments, why ban them in the first place?


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    Block button. Please.


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    I see many comments regarding how downvotes are broken. I'll probably get downvoted for this suggestion: If you think about it, clicking upvote signals your approval, agreement, or you were entertained. NOT clicking upvote signals disapproval, disagreement, disinterest or just not entertained. You don't need a downvote button. If you don't like it, don't upvote. If you remove the downvote button and just leave Upvote and Report Abuse, then there is nothing complicated left to fix.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Addendum (repeating myself from another comment): if you want to express your dislike, you don't need a downvote button. Just leave a comment. Better yet, if you explain why you don't like something, maybe the rest of us will learn something.

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    I still don’t know how to upload pictures


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    Robert T
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    In a browser you tend to need them on your device, though I have managed to symultaneously download and upload a picture by sticking a URL in the file chooser box.

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    Private chats, no banning, no downvotes, ability to delete own posts



    oh and srry for 2 posts (i cant comment) ive been banned from commenting 3 times now for the same comment which i cant even find now


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I had my account suspended because of that. It wasn't even a bad comment as well. I contacted the BoredPanda team and they still haven't reinstated my old account.

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    Make it less addictive



    Blocking. We should be able to block people who consistently bother us- they don't see our posts, we don't see theirs.


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    To be able to add a photo in the comments. Sometimes we have something relatable but miss the posting time. It would be fun. Not sure about links outside of the site but just a photo as a comment to with a comment.


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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    What does this button do ;-) Afbeelding...f1e8a5.jpg Afbeelding3-63ebfe8f1e8a5.jpg Edit I see what you mean, was sure about being able to post photo's before?

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    Not something too terrible - just annoying to me.... Alphabetize the Categories!


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    less aggressive censoring and make removed comments say "(removed)" instead of just vanishing without a trace


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    And don’t let people continue to downvote deleted comments! If you make a dumb comment and try to delete it so you don’t get banned, people can still downvote/upvote it. I can guarantee people will go “They must’ve said something bad” and then downvote it.


    They should add different icons for each type of category.


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    Banning People. It should stop. They should make a new system for it


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I wholeheartedly agree that there needs to be a better system. Unfortunately, it is usually the good users who have supported this site for several years that end up getting down-voted by trolls and getting their accounts banned or suspended for no reasons.

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    please please please nothing with "malicious compliance " So 2022!


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    Get notified every milestone in upvotes, not just 10 upvotes. ie, 50, 100, 200, etc.


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    Maybe I have missed it on here, but I would like an easy to find link to "help". For things like how to post, how to edit a post, how to delete a post and things like that.



    Add a notification for a comment getting downvoted to a negative score. That way you can see when something is clearly rubbing people up the wrong way.

    If banning people for negative scores remains a thing, then it would also let you go and delete the offending comment before a ban is made.

    However, I have to say that banning should only because a comment is clearly offensive and not because people don't agree with an opinion. The new reporting mechanism is a better idea for controlling offensive content.


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    i wish we can post videos


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    for some reason u got downvoted but i agree it would be rly cool. then i could post lego stop motions here :D


    Banning people from commenting for no reason. Bp isn’t letting me make comments at all! What do I do? My original account is banned from commenting, and this one isn’t able to make comments either! You pandas are helping me through sadness and bullying, I can’t lose you! Please tell me what I can do ☹️


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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If it make you feel any better I got my account I had since this site started suspended for telling a spam bot to go play in a blender…yeah…I got banned for writing a sassy comment to a bot. BoredPanda is going to lose all their users if they keep on doing this.

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    Less of a strict sensor, words are only bad if you use them or see them that way and most "bad" words have multiple meanings most with scientific meanings. It all depends on context. Also, if you are going to censore women's breasts why not censor men's breasts? If you're only censoring women's breasts than stop. Why censor them? They're not incorporate.


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    I’m not sure if this is already here but the ability to make little groups with people where you can share posts you find and just go at with people


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    I emailed the BP staff and this is the reply: Hello CaroCaro,

    Thank you for your email!

    We have recently made some changes to our community moderation system.Previously, if a comment received 10 downvotes, the comment author was assumed to have violated our guidelines and could face temporary or permanent suspension.

    However, we have now implemented a more effective approach. Instead of relying solely on downvotes, we have created a report button that allows our team to more easily identify and review comments or posts that potentially violate our community guidelines. This way, our dedicated team of moderators can more effectively and efficiently review all reported comments to identify those that spread hate speech or any other inappropriate content, and take appropriate action to maintain a positive and safe community.

    Please feel free to review the updated community guidelines:


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    Please ad page numbers at the bottom, then we can skip from page 1 to 50


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    Please please please stop randomly reloading the page. It’s not fun when you’re on #67 of the post which contains #100 pictures. And the format also changes based on the points. It’s annoying.


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    Sometimes I accidentally click the profiles of other pandas. I lose where I am in the post. It would be much better if it can be fixed.


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    Up the character limits. Sometimes you're actually having an interesting conversation and have to end up splitting your responses into multiple posts or you have to delete a lot of your response to fit the limit. This isn't twitter. I understand limitations to keep people from spamming with 40 page essays, but the whole point of this site to make comments and add to conversations. Can we please lift the limits to a reasonable amount??


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    The downvote ban system is stupid. Make downvotes actually mean dislikes and not a report button. Make the report button the report button.

    Stop being so tight with censorship. How is “porn” not censored but “pàwn” is?! This is an internet site, not an elementary school monitored site.

    When I delete a comment, I want it FULLY deleted. I don’t want to get banned for a deleted comment because people kept downvoting it because “It was already downvoted so it must be bad!”.

    And I don’t want to be punished for a comment that already got me in trouble!


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Lol, my school blocked coolmath games and not this, a few years ago.

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    Please stop the questions. So many repeat or are just dumb, should relate to a person's interests.



    That every single time you change your profile picture or account bio. Bored Panda staff don’t have approve your account again over and over each time. I can’t comment cuz I just did that.



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