What does it mean? You don’t have to share your name, just the meaning, but you can share your name too!


My real name is Amidhaar, and it means “the flow of the nectar of the gods”. A little too elegant for me, so everybody just calls me Amy lol



    So my name was meant to be Halley, like the comet. That name means ruler/protector/hero.

    However no one proofread my birth certificate-- instead they wrote Haley, leaving off an all important second L. This changes the meaning from something badass to hay meadow/ hay clearing/ haybale.




    My daughter's name (Natalie Eva) means Gift of Life from God. Years later, I found out I have had terrible endometriosis all my life. The number one cause of infertility in women, apparently. True to her name!



    Mine is Lee which has an English meaning of "Clearing, meadow or pasture"



    My name is Iris in Greek " Ίρις ". Iris is the known flower. But my parents named me after the goddess Iris from Greek mythology. Before the 12 gods of Olympus took charge, she was the messenger of all god's. Then, Hermes took her place and she became the personal messenger of Hera. She is also the goddess of rainbows 🌈. Plus she is the guard of a sacred river whose waters can turn people immortal. She is the only one who can touch the waters, even gods need her permission to touch it. So, yeah, she is a lil badass. I love my name!



    My legal middle and last name means "Good-smelling Bringer of Joy". My preferred name is Henry, which is also a unit of electrical measurement, so now it means "Electric Bringer of Joy", which is 1,000x more badass.


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    1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    "Electric Bringer of Joy" - Sorry, but as dirty minded person I had to chuckle (no offense intended)

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    Crystal - meaning, well, crystal XD

    "A clear, transparent mineral" if you go for the noun definition, and "composed of or resembling crystal; clear, transparent" if you go for the adjective definition.

    I was named after my grandmother's chandelier. True story. XD



    my deadname means "the bee" so my chosen name is bee, which means "bringer of joy" :) (and i don't wanna say my deadname but it's easy enough to figure it out and i used to be called that on here so some of yall already know it)



    so basically my real name is madison and it means either the son of Matthew but It also comes from the german words maht and hiltja which put together mean strength in battle


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    My name means "she who is anointed". I like this thread as the meanings of names always interests me. Look forward to reading more!


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I also love the meanings of names, I will look up my friends and they're all absolutly amazing.

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    My real name is Pallavi. It is a sanskrit word and it means "small red coloured baby leaf of a plant" or "a new sprouting shoot". It also represents a new beginning and spring 🌱🌷🌸


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    My full name means dark hair from the birch woods. My younger brother's full name means little bear from the birch woods.


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    Esmeralda just means emerald but I go by Esme which means beloved :)



    Not my real name, but Nico is what I want to change my name to. Not because of any particular meaning, but just because it sounds awesome lol. If you know what it means, please tell me, I don’t feel like googling it lol


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    Lakota Wolf
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It means "victory" or "victory of the people"! It's Greek in origin. I hope you get to change your name soon, and that it gives you years of joy to be called what you want to be called :) On a personal note, I too like the sound of the name Nico!

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    My name is Marcia (like the Brady). It's means Brave. You have to be brave with my name, due to the fact everyone I meet says "Marcia Marcia Marcia" like as if they were the first person to say it.
    Sidenote - I was named Marcia because I was born on my dad's birthday and his name is Mark.



    My birth name is Eleanor, which means bringer of light or shining light. Which I mean, I’m super pale and don’t go outside, so I’m kind of reflective in the sun, but it’s ironic bc I’m to quote my mom, “a basic white goth girl” my preferred name is Ellison, which means son of Ellis, but the name Ellis means kind or benevolent



    Real name is Tessa and its greek for either the fourth child or gather/reaper



    My name means "Maiden", "Daughter", or "Star"
    My middle name means "Star of the Sea"



    I've googled mine, and apparently it means pearl? I was named after my great-grandmother, so I don't think that was the reason my parents chose mine.



    It's the nickname for "Sophia" aka "wisdom"


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    The name derives from the Irish name Caoimhín, which originates from the elements coém and gein, meaning “handsome” and “birth,” respectively.


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    I don't even know, something super Christian. It wasn't my intention when choosing the name but that's how it goes


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    Not going to write my "Real name" Because I don't like it but,

    Lu means Light or a famous warrior.


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    ace pirates (she/they)
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Your pfp is beautiful. Trying to convince my parents to let me get a snake and that image is now my main argument


    My name means “gift of God” or “prophecy of God”


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    my real name is georgiana so farmer
    rice farmer



    My full name is Rhianna Ellen Grace so
    Great Queen Light Charm



    Mine, Sarah, means 'princess' in herbrew, since my mom and her family are catholic.


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    My name is Olive. Which I think is unique in itself. It means "peace" and is a symbol of "forthcoming peace". I wasn't named after anyone so I'm not sure where my name came from, and I was born before the crazy or "unique" name craze came around.


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    my real name is kayleann (pronounced kay-lee-ann) it means slim ,fair ,and pure biblically but in just the meanings it means dove. and my name was supposed to be Katelyn so that one means pure
    ( i most likely spelled a lot of things wrong in this sorry)
    when i see your comment i will up-vote it because i cant comment (i got blocked because of my religion) so have an amazing day hope its filled with joy, laughter and everything inbetween!


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    Olive Harper
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Hey glad to see you on the community again! I was just scrolling through and saw your user name, it always makes me glad to see it. I'm sorry you comments are blocked. If I see you around I'll be sure to give you an upvote.


    1st name means Lily of the valley 2nd means God is precious


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    Kayla is of Hebrew and Latin origin. From the Hebrew meaning "Who is like God"; Kayla the variant of "Michaela" from Latin, similarly also meaning "Who is like God". In the Bible, Michael was an archangel; one closest to God.



    I just googled it. Apparently Elizabeth means "God's promise". Although, I don’t think my parents were thinking about that when I was being named. They had kind of run out of names (third child, and both of my siblings were named after our parents). My mom named me after her best friend at the time, Elisabeth. She changed the spelling because "the letter Z is cooler" in her words.


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    My real name is Catrin (deadname) and it means pure. It's welsh btw.

    My chosen name is Darcy and it means dark one.


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    𖤐 a m y 𖤐
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    i love your name! and i love that it means “dark one” lol that sounds so badgrass

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    My first name means "Brilliant, bright, light" and my middle name means "God's promise." The combination would be really cool if I weren't an atheist, but I'm happy with my first name. :)


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    WELL, my cousin who’s first name means gift from God… he has no middle name lol. He used ti really dislike not having one.. wanted it to be the regular version of his Spanish name. Yknow how José Is joseph (I think)? It’d be like “José Joseph [last name]”

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    some hebrew meaning that i probably wont say bc it shall reveal my name and i dont want to



    First and middle name together: Pure Star of the Sea :)



    My name's Shehbaz (note: NOT Shahbaz). It's the Farsi word for "Golden Eagle", an actual bird species. In Persian and South Asian literature, this bird represents intelligence and fearlessness.


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    𖤐 a m y 𖤐
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    that’s so cool! it’s really beautiful, and as a south asian the golden eagle thing is a nice touch!

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    Mine is Alina
    It means bright, shining and beautiful

    I hated my name for years but I have finally started to like it



    My first, second and surname together would mean something like "foreign date palm merchant" 😅


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    1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sounds like it’s along the wavelength of my first, second, and last name meanings lol

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    Though I go by Nova, my real name is Grace. My dad is partly Irish, so Grace in Irish means 'God's favor', which I thought was interesting.


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    ace pirates (she/they)
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I considered going by Nova as a chosen name. Still not sure if I’m gonna change mine but it’s still really cool :)

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    Who is like god. I’m being dead serious lol. I know I have a God persona on here (bc I am God) but that’s seriously what my name means



    my dead name means queen of the sea, and my name is dutch for scholar. (my name is skyler btw)



    My sister and the nurses at the hospital didn't know how to spell it so they made it up. First time I saw my name spelled my way, I was a kid and it was on a product. I had to ask my mom what a douche was . Thank God it is no longer manufactured !!


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    A Scottish shrub bush. Ain't that lovely?


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    Son of the right hand... if you twist the meaning just a smidge it means favourite son :D



    Jan - which means "God is gracious" (which is kind of ironic for people who know me)



    Mine translates from Urdu as "Grand Distributor of Happiness." I try to live up to it ;P but it doesn't always work );



    My name is epic: An American guitarist and singer. He started the band Nirvana and was the one who thought of 1991's Smells Like Teen Spirit" and is of American origin.

    So basically, I'm this guy's reincarnation



    My name means God's life, power and righteousness given to us by unmerited favor.” ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ


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    my first name (merriweather) literally translates to happy weather. it, combined with my middle name (rose) which is what i go by is how i came up with my username


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    Pineapple (he/him)
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    have you ever played gta5 bc theres a private military group called merryweather in the game lol

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    My real name is Alexa, (not short for Alexandra, or Alexandria just Alexa) it means "defender of mankind" It's kind of suiting because all my life I've been the mom of the group and would make sure even strangers are okay. The amazon Alexa was named after the Alexandria library. I started going by a nickname because I got tired of the "alexa play despecito" jokes but I'm rather proud of my name and try my best to live up to it



    my dn comes from a saying, but the name alone means "of the sea" which seems to fit, because I've always loved the water and swimming. My name now doesn't really mean a whole lot, but I like it


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    "This just in..."



    Ella - it means beautiful fairy maiden, which I love!



    Mine means the self or the soul, and it’s the collective name for a group of butterflies 🦋


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    mine means “free woman/man”


    See Also on Bored Panda

    My name’s Natasha lol and it means birthday of the Lord.



    first, middle, last: wise, beautiful, happy mountain.



    My name is Native American and Scandinavian for "pure", Turkish for "rock", and also "my elder little sister", "fragrance", and "yew" but I forgot the origins.


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    My name is "Jozefien" I am named after Saint Joseph, and the meaning is: "Added to the family"


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    My name is Liv.
    It means “life” in contemporary Scandinavian languages. Traditionally, though, the name has even more meanings. Such as “Defense,” “shelter,” and “warmth”.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I used to dislike my name due to how “boring” it was. But now I quite like it, cause of it’s uniqueness

    See Also on Bored Panda

    Comes from Latin agnus, meaning lamb. And refers to purity. In other languages is Agnes, Agnese..


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    My real name means “the one who’s always happy” but my parents keep joking that they should rename me to “crybaby” or something like that


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    Louis Phillip= famous warrior, loer of horses


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    idk exactly but something musically related.



    My real given name is Sean, just like my username. It’s essentially the Irish Gaelic form of the Hebrew name Johanan, which is also the origin of the English name John so I technically have a biblical name. It means “god is gracious” or “god is merciful” in it’s original Hebrew form.


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    my name means lion cub in hebrew, and coincidentally is life in french-lavi.



    My first name means bearer of light, noble desireable. My middle name means breeze, and my last name means feeling, adaptable or noble. :)



    Mine means clever curly haired which I’m said to be both 😅


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    My name is Lynn and it means waterfall


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    My name is Shelly which means "meadow's edge". My nickname, Pyro, has no definite origin, but they call me that because I really love fire.


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    My name is Nyx and I'm named after the greek goddess of night my middle name is melinoe who's the greek goddess of nightmares and maddness which is funny now because I grew up having nightmares and love alice in wonderland and wonderland is full of maddness


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    My name is Shianne (pronounced like Cheyenne). My mom wanted to name me Shane, but she butchered the spelling. The funny thing is Shianne means "Speaks incoherently" and all my life people have pronounced my name incorrectly. Thanks mom.


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    My real name is Emma, which means entire or universal. Me and my friends joke about it because I have an entire fantasy world I made up in my head, and it has if i'm estimating about 300+ characters. Yeah.. that's about it.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    that's a beautiful name. i showed this to my friend named Emma and she said that she has done that same

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    My daughter's name. We had come up with Rachel for her first name but couldn't find a middle name we all liked. Her dad had watched a semi-porn movie and as the credits were scrolling saw a name. McKenna. Rachel McKenna was born soon after. She loves the story about how her name came to be.



    Mine doesn’t have a straight answer. I’ve gotten multiple uncertain sources say different things about the most common versions of my name, and I’ve gather: Olive, Most Beautiful, and Great Joy. Yep.


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    My name -Bente- means The blessed one… not quite sure how I feel about that


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    The moon is involved, but that's about as clear as it gets.


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    Emily (The name Emily is derived from the Roman family name Aemilius. The Aemilius family was a prominent and powerful family in ancient Rome.)

    or Em¡i¡lie

    1. from a Latin word meaning “industrious.”
    2. The name may come from the Latin word aemulus meaning “rival,” or the Greek term aimylos meaning “wily” or “persuasive.”


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    Deadname means “wise river”. (I don’t go by my legal name online due to privacy reasons).

    Current name means “worthy of admiration; admirable“, while my other name is named after a genus of flowers. Alternate meaning is “sole ruler" and "forever powerful.”


    See Also on Bored Panda

    My real name Means lion/lionheart



    My real name is Kaiden and it means: Companion; Warrior. Deriving from Arabic, Celtic, and American origins, Kaiden is a gender-neutral name that offers a twist on the original "Kaden." The name is popular in the Christian religion and means a "loving companion" and "warrior" for baby who is affectionate and committed.



    Well my nickname is in Chinese and it means dewdrop my real name is just my grandmother’s name



    My name is Eleanor which means bright which I think is quite nice :)


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    My name is said to be: A variation of the name of a Celtic goddess "Brighid" ['the radiant'/'the bright'/'the fighter']. ••• A germanized adaptation from the nordic name "Birghir" ['the helping one']. ••• Or it also might be an adapted combination of the old German words for 'Baum'/'Holz' (tree/wood) and 'Schild' (shield), so~ 'wooden shield' - explained by grandma... ••• I never researched, but I hope grandma is right



    im sorry, but define real? because my name is Ashen, but legally, its Jaylah. and its Arabic for "his generation" no im not arabic, my mom just liked the name, but Ashen is actually english and arabic as well, and it means "ash" like volcanic ash, and the color ash (smokey gray) its like a spinoff of the name "ashley" and "ashe" which mean "ash tree"


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    My ‘dead name’ means idk but its a city and there’s a BUNCH of songs that have it… my new name is just Ming and idk what it means, either.


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    Giulia is a feminine name of Italian origin, meaning “youthful” or “dedicated to Jove.” This spirited moniker is thought to be derived from the Latin word juvenalis, meaning “youthful,” or the Latin name Iovilius which translates to “dedicated to Jupiter.” A name like Giulia will teach baby to remain young in body


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    I'm non-binary, so my birth name is irrelevant-but my chosen name is Charlie, which means "free man". I feel like that's really nice, because when I'm called Charlie by my friends and others, I feel freer.



    My name Дмитрий, nickname Митя means “earth lover” or “follower of demeter” apparently- learned this just thirty seconds ago lol 😅



    Apparently Leah in Hebrew means weary...
    Oh how right they were to name me that!!


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    My first name means strong, healthy and brave. My last name means steep path by the bridge.



    I’m not going to share my real name, but the name you all see is a nickname for it. My name is so unique, you can google it and immediately get me. Its an acronym of powerful women’s maiden names up my family tree, and then “len” from my mom’s maiden name. And then my middle name is “Skywalker” because my dad is a nerd.


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    My real name is so interesting lol, it has a French and Greet origins and come from the Latin Dionysos or Dionysus, referring to the Greek god of wine. If only I liked wine it would be fitting.


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    Name - Lauren
    Meaning - The Laurel Plant symbolising Victory. :)


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    My real name means "Redheaded", which I have massively failed at, being a brunette. I was named after an author my dad says taught him about grace. My pen/internet name, Raelin, means "pride, peace, and loving".


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    My real name is Kaiden and it means: Companion; Warrior. Deriving from Arabic, Celtic, and American origins, Kaiden is a gender-neutral name that offers a twist on the original "Kaden." The name is popular in the Christian religion and means a "loving companion" and "warrior" for baby who is affectionate and committed.



    My name comes from Anastasia from the Greek mean the resurrection or the one who will rise again. Guess I’m coming back through reincarnation



    I was told that 'William' means 'Protector of his friends'. If that's true, I think I can live with that, and take comfort from it.


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    My name is Clarissa and it means clear and bright. And my name is the same as Clarissa Explains It All.😅


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    My real name has something to do with my username and carries the meaning 'God is Gracious'.

    Not sure if my personality fits the name though XP XD


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    My real name is Ituah (ee-too-ah), it is a Shian Indian name that means "Strong Sturdy Oak". I am not Shian, but my parents liked it. I did catch hell over it in school, but my parents left my middle name for me to pick.


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    My first and last name mean something like "Free man of the mill" or "From the mill", but I had to Google that


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    My name refers to different goddeses or nymphs from norse, germanic, egyptian, indian and greek mythology, so the meaning depends on the religion or mythology i guess? Curiously it doesn't mean anything in my own language.


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    My first name is Seraphim and the Seraphim are the highest order of angels that surround God and sing of his glory.
