What do you think your pet thinks of you when they look at you or see you do something? Do they think you're weird or kind? Maybe something else? Tell us down below!


They prob think of me as a weird animal persons who says cats can learn tricks ( they will learn one day i just know it )



    “The humans talk too much” “I was told to get in the truck but I think that when I’m about to jump, I’ll dart out towards the street again for no reason!” “ hear water, I must pee myself to get out of bath time”






    Why does she keep STARING AT ME?!?! All I'm doing is sitting on my porch. I'm tryna take a nap!



    My dogs were growling and I screamed hey at them and they all looked at me weird, and later that day the dog growled at the door to my room and I growled back and she looked really dumbfounded.



    "And she's sitting there again. Doing nothing. *sigh* I guess I'm just gonna have to meow at her over and over and over and" *I try to pet him* "DON'T TOUCH ME"



    Tee Tee looks at me like, "Is your lap going to stay still for at least 10 minutes? Otherwise, I'm not gonna bother."

    Lily just hollers at me when I walk in a room ...apparently, she has a thing about attention.



    He thinks the top bunk of the bunk bed in my room is his giant cat tree. He sleeps there almost every night.



    My parakeet: (*screams*) LET ME OUT RIGHT NOW!!!
    Me: I'm on my way! (*opens door*) there you go.
    Also my parakeet: (*proceeds to fall asleep*)


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    Mary Rose Kent
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It looks like a Budgie to me. [From an ornithological point of view, parakeets are parrots with long tails, and budgies are a specific species.]

    See Also on Bored Panda

    My cat was laying on my stomach and it growled he looked at me like "hoomans can pur too?!?!" He probably thinks I'm weird.



    My cats think I am a human Pez machine dispensing treats for them.



    "oh god here she comes again... making all that noise- UH OH SHE'S COMING CLOSED HAVE. TO. HIDE. IN. A. BALL!!! THE BLANKETS BEING LIFTED AHHH SHE'S GOING TO EAT ME ALIVE OH N- oh wait im safe with this sent :) calm down okay i just need to squirm loads and shell put me back so i can finish my dream about taking over the world and being ruler of all hogs!" {I own a hedgehog}


    See Also on Bored Panda
    See Also on Bored Panda

    Slinky-cat: he thinks I am a good hooman because I snuggle him but he is annoyed that I always try and snuggle him when he des not wan snuggles
    Ginny-cat: she loves me because I give her kisses and I tell my sister not to torture (pick up and never respect personal space) her but she is annoyed because I pick her up al the time and sometimes lock the cat flap.
    Matilda-bantam chicken: she loves me but I don't see her much


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    "Sleeping with ehr tonight. She doesn't scare me. Unlike that weird human tha scoops up my poopies. Ahhhh pets.Her pets are the best. Hey don't take that hand away. I only want you to stay.

    "Thank you human for turning on the weird thing that you move across your body. AAGh you're naked. ewwwww. Only me gets to be in shower. At dinner time: Oooooh not the big guy, not the little guy. Not someone she calls mom. Oh! Here she is. It looks like she showing me her food. Now i'm sitting. I LOVE Food" Both are cats. I trained Fang because he loves food too much.


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