Hey Pandas! What Do You Think The Correct Plural Of Octopus Is?
I know that there are multiple scientifically accepted words for more than one octopus, but I want to know your opinion.
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Octopuses. Now if I'm trying to sound like I know what I'm talking about I'd say that's cos it's from the Greek not the latin. In reality its just such a fun word to say idk why you'd ever pass up an opportunity lol.
I think both octopuses and octopi are considered to be correct in the terms of being plural.
I guess if I was writing a thesis to try to be for formal I would use octopi? But I honestly use octopuses in the rare chance indi
I noticed that no one had said octopodes yet and thought I'd remind everyone that it is an option.
Also thought I'd mention that the collective noun for octopus is a consortium.
I love how this post has exactly 8 submissions. (Also, Octopi!)
I love how this post has exactly 8 submissions. (Also, Octopi!)