The USA is large and has a bad reputation.
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I, personally, love it. And I mean, of course it has its faults, but what doesn't.
It could really use some change, but we just the the right tip of the iceberg and real improvement, then maybe I'll figure out what on earth I'm trying to get across with this.
I think America is awesome, but people should do more to clean up the cities. And people should learn to get along, no matter our differences or political views.
I think that if the US continues to make the choices in law & regulation it seems to favor, especially these past few years (ex. human rights, healthcare, environment, guns, corporate involvement, abortion, etc.), then what they (Americans) know as ‘Democracy’ will come to have an expiration date.
I’m proud to be an American where at least for the most part I’m free….🎶🎼🎵🎤
i look at the USA as a big family. there are definitely some issues, big and small, but no family is perfect. we learn, we adjust and we grow. i have a good life in the USA, but i worked for it. i didn't whine about being poor, or 'white America' holding me down or how its a man's world. i choose how i live. and i choose happy and fulfilling.
I think the people of USA are the nicest and friendliest you could hope for, but it's not the people who decide anymore.
I see all the hating and trying to take your votes and weird if it wasn't done in 19th century it ain't happening arguments. Sounds like the fundamentalists are tryina make you like isis, but christian. Stay safe people
It’s got it’s bad… but… in america you can visit other places since it’s such a big country without having to leave the country. The drinking age makes car accidents much less. And with first hand experience, people are kind. The education system has good quality material. It has its bad also. Me being an immigrant, I face a bit or racism. But not like how everyone thinks it is. I’m Asian, and there is very little racism thrown at me. Plus, us is Really good at one thing that people of t really talk about: technology and science. Just look and learn about the James Webb telescope. See what marvels the Apple company can do. And look at the innovations all over. That’s why I stay in america, and maybe it’s just me. I just have always loved science and technology. It probably is just me, but that’s why I stick with america. And America is loyal and helps it’s Allies. It *tries* to help other nations grow.
I’m not saying it doesn’t have problems. But all countries have problems. Maybe 3 million people in america is bad, and entitled idiots.
There are more than 350 million people in america. And so you would still be judging less that 1% of the population. Maybe we have bad presidents, but you can’t judge america on its presidents, just like you can judge All Russians on Putin.
I'm proud to he an American. I'm thankful beyond words I did not grow up as a female in a country that sews up girls private area or a country I have ro keep my opinions to myself and follow a strict religion or get stoned to death if I do not. Or a place all of my kids would not be welcome because I had more than two. Or have to get a VPN just to see what is on the internet. No human on this earth is without faults and to think one country is the worst because of one past you happen to know about? I will take all the down votes you feel is necessary and still be thankful and take pride in a country that gave me what freedoms I have.
I honestly think the USA gets a bad rap. I'm not from the USA, I'm from Scotland in the UK. We have issues with democracy too, like most countries so the USA is not unique in that respect. The current UK government, for example, is a majority government but they only got 43% of the vote at the last general election. In Scotland we've been stuck in a constitutional quagmire for the last 8 years and it looks set to continue for years to come. I voted for Scottish independence in 2014, but I accepted the result to stay in the UK. Everything is overshadowed by independence in Scotland, and the Scottish government constantly say they can't do this, that or the other until we're independent. The Brexit vote in 2016 has caused a lot of damage in the UK but it was a democratic vote where everyone in Britain eligible to vote had their chance. I voted for the UK to stay in the EU, but once again the vote went the other way. I didn't like it but I accepted it. I have been to the USA several times to visit family who moved there. It's a fantastic country to visit in my opinion. I can't explain the feeling of seeing in person so many places and landmarks which are so well known. Let's not forget that the USA can usually be counted on by it's allies when it matters. So while the USA might not be a utopia, the problems it does have are the same type of problems every democratic country has. Only dictatorships are free from these problems!
It’s not what our forefathers and mothers signed up for.
I’m American, and I think the US is an okay place. I mean, we are better off than many other countries, but it could use some serious fixing up. For example, healthcare. We take advantage of people who are ill by making them pay $7,000 for a month’s worth of medicine. Then we have taxes. Taxes on EVERYTHING. Yeah, let’s pay the government for paying us, and let’s pay for items, then pay for those items because we payed for them. All in all, the US could be fixed
I've been fortunate to have a good life here, and there are many things I love about my country, but I fear for us. The wealth disparity, poor education, corrupt healthcare system, absurd nationalism, electoral college, SCOTUS....we are not in good shape. But the people with money and power are only concerned with keeping their money and power. After the Trump administration, the larger population is so polarized, no one is willing to work together to fix it. And it's so discouraging to feel so hated by the rest of the world, when so many of us do look to more socially evolved nations as examples of how we could function. I need to go pet my dogs now....
I honestly think American is a massive cult. There’s good people in there like any cult but having to basically worship a flag and the pledge of allegiance in schools… it’s literally a cult on a massive scale.
America, being so much younger than most, is going through growing pains long overdue. But most countries have gone through similar in their history. Give us time to get better, just as your countries did. Yes, we're struggling right now. But at least we're trying. We have some problems that we need to correct ASAP, and we are slowing getting there.
Its awful, but it could be worse
maybe we should ask countries like ukraine, Afghanistan or North korea how their country is. maybe then you would realize that dispite some hiccups along the way, we're much better off then many.
The USA reminds me of that one uncle everyone has who is very loud, thinks they are the life of the party, but really they haven't been cool in over 20 years.
I think with all the arguing over what is in the constitution, people forget what the preamble states.
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
I especially draw attention to Secure Domestic Tranquility and Promote the General Welfare. These are two ideals that seem to be long lost.
I moved to the USA from Australia because my dad's job had an exchange program like thing.
I regularly get asked if I moved here for a better life and if America is better than Australia.
I can usually stop bitterly manic cackling before they back away slowly... Usually. And don't even get me started on common political points. Basically it doesn't make sense here, and when I point it out it often gets dismissed by people going "America eff yeah" and they wonder why my rellies elsewhere often ask if the US is okay. It's not. Lol. *Eye twitch*
We live in the greatest country on this planet! Those who think otherwise should move. God Bless America!🇺🇸
It’s like the new person at work that thinks they can fix everything and make things better. Meanwhile the longest tenured employees (other countries) look on like it’s not working. But they keep going on pretending they are the best.
I wouldn't want to live there. But I would absolutely love to visit. There are many amazing places I wish to see and I'm sure most people are lovely!
thank you. saying you don't want to live here doesn't imply you think it's bad, just that you're happy in the country you're at. the USA does have issues, but it's a big country with lots of people. most people make the best of it, while others like to whine.
I’m losing hope for my home.
Sorry for the duplication. The first one published, but the gear kept spinning.
I hate it here. It could be worse though...for now
I love the US, but it's mismanaged. We've become too big. The nation should be subdivided into regions (e.g. West coast, Midwest, Southwest, Southeast, Northeast, etc.) that manage regional laws for their states underneath the Constitution of the United States. Each region should have it's own regional, for lack of a better term, President to guide regional laws and direction. These regions should then belong to the greater United States, convening to address national concerns. It essentially places another layer of government and protection from areas that have different values and concerns from being acted upon by those separated and ignorant of their issues. For example, those in Southern California and Arizona will face different struggles and have different concerns of those in Wyoming and Montana.
I'm sad that America has an embarrassing history - that we just stole land from native Americans. It makes me sick
Honestly, most countries have an embarrassing history, america not that bad. Britain conquered and eradicated and erased cultures. Germany started the holcaust. Spain erased most of south America’s culture, now they don’t even know what language they spoke before the Spain came. Britain had a lot of slavery, and so you can’t judge a country on it’s past.
I like the idea of the USA. The reality, however, really sucks if you're a woman or poor or disabled or LGBT+ or a POC or any other minority.
I’m an Asian girl in america and can tell you it has a good disability help system, and accepts LGBT+ more than quite a few Europian countries, and also is much less racist.
Load More Replies...I like the idea of the USA. The reality, however, really sucks if you're a woman or poor or disabled or LGBT+ or a POC or any other minority.
I’m an Asian girl in america and can tell you it has a good disability help system, and accepts LGBT+ more than quite a few Europian countries, and also is much less racist.
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