Hey Pandas, What Do You Think Of The New Bored Panda Premium? (Closed)
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BP’s going downhill…I wonder if it’s cuz they need more money or if they’re getting greedy. They’ve slowly been adding more ads, putting less effort into their posts, and adding more interactive stuff for clicks like polls and quizzes.
I think it's stupid. Subscriptions should ADD, not take stuff away from everyone else. If they just made it so you got a super upvote/downvote or something, no ads, or better features, I wouldn't care.
But taking away dark mode from everyone else? Wtaf???? It's the only way to see the site well if you have eye issues/sensory issues like me.
Had 4 ads on screen just because I don't have it, so I think it's a despicable cash grab. But also, are they actually restricting content for us? Giving us limited articles?
Going downhill...dark mode is a premium feature? What the hell? Just like YouTube and streaming services...next thing will be ads in the premium service, but you can get all the features back if you get super double secret premium... and on.and on.and on. Youtu....er,I mean BP used to be a good place.
I hate the idea. I used to love this website and visited it often. Then, I stopped since it since it's not as it once was and they added to many new features. I now decided to come back but will probably leave again.
Over the two years I've been on this site, I've seen BO go downhill from it's peak. A lot has to do with the consumers obviously- most of my online friends and pandas have left. While I do understand the staff needs income, and adding this feature isn't that bad, I also agree with many pandas that this is setting themselves up for failure.
I prefer the normal Bored Panda, because, i don't what to pay for a Premium edition of the social media. Even when you're watching memes on Bored Panda, theres every single time a message with typed "Subscribe on Bored Panda Premium to continue reading". Its annoying, they try to do their ads EVERY TIME bro, like, no bruh.
I prefer the normal Bored Panda, because, i don't what to pay for a Premium edition of the social media. Even when you're watching memes on Bored Panda, theres every single time a message with typed "Subscribe on Bored Panda Premium to continue reading". Its annoying, they try to do their ads EVERY TIME bro, like, no bruh.