Hey Pandas, What Do You Think Needs To Change To Protect LGBT People? (Closed)
Pride Month is almost here! There’s been a lot of problems in my country. As a member of the LGBT community, this makes me sad. So I want to hear the voices who demand change. And please be nice. So what do you think needs to change?
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We are just like everyone else… human. The fact that we need to have things addressed as a community is the entire issue. If people stopped caring about the fact that all humans don’t need to be alike to be left tf alone we’d be fine. I wish it didn’t matter that I’m a woman, bi sexual, bi polar or black.
Laws to keep trans people safe and in control of our own bodies
Speaking from the perspective of a grandmother with Bisexual/Gay & Trans along with several straight grandchildren I fail to understand why a person's sexual/gender orientation is such an issue. My family members are the same people they were before they came out.
For LBGT people to be safe society needs to learn that it is not anyone's business how other people choose to live their lives, what kind of sex they want to have or who they choose to partner with.
Today's society needs to understand that LBGT people have existed since humans have existed. Animals also are often gay! Also, just because your religion says being gay is wrong does not give you the right to create laws that harm LGBT people. Because LGBT people are not going away.
why are all of the grandparents on here so NICE!!!??? MY GRANDPARENTS ARE SO MEEEEEEAANNN
Shutting down religious zealots who are anti gay because it’s in the Bible. So is having tattoos, eating shellfish and pork, but you don’t hear them going after people for doing those things.
I’m a Christian here, but we don’t get after those because Jesus declared all foods clean and to not follow the rituals and ceremonies of the Jews. However, in some parts of the Bible translated to English, it talks about The unholiness of sexual impurity and the sin of homosexuality in both testaments. However, I’m not antigay because we all are sinners and can come to Christ to cleanse us of our sins. I too, am abro, so I’ve liked girls before, and I wished I didn’t. But God made me like this, so I’ve learned to accept it
We are just like everyone else… human. The fact that we need to have things addressed as a community is the entire issue. If people stopped caring about the fact that all humans don’t need to be alike to be left tf alone we’d be fine. I wish it didn’t matter that I’m a woman, bi sexual, bi polar or black.
treat us like we're f****n' humans, not some s**t you pulled offa the sidewalk. as a texan, it makes me wanna knock someone out anytime I hear BLATANT homophobia. like, they're the type of people to tell someone to touch grass, when that's what they need
Maybe I’m getting downvoted for this. But I really mean this in the most loving way.
I feel like lately the discussion about pronouns and “people” that can get pregnant or periods gets out of control. When a cisperson disagrees with something they are immediately canceled or labeled transphobic. This means that there is no room left for debate or for things to change for the positive.
For example, when you cut people off and say they are ignorant or transphobic that shuts the door and is also disrespectful (not saying that cispersons aren’t disrespectful). If I agree with someone saying only women can get pregnant that doesn’t mean I’m transphobic. I was raised in a really open mind stated house. And I love each and everyone of the LGBTQI+ community. But I feel like the discussion spirals out of control when we can’t even disagree anymore. And suddenly you are an ignorant hateful person, just because I don’t get the pronouns right…
Edit: the way to keep the LGBTQ+ community safe is to stop the discussion amongst everyone and just let everybody LIVE THEIR OWN LIFE. I don’t get why people get upset because someone choses a different gender for themselves. But also, I don’t get why people would be upset if I don’t understand the whole them/they pronouns…
I think that the adoption system should be reformed to allow more LGBT couples to adopt children they really want instead of cis couples using this to discriminate against them and also damaging the kid. I’ve seen it on the news of a cis man who prevented a gay couple who would’ve protected the daughter and called himself a better fit, but instead SA’d and R’d the poor girl instead. We need change!
One, simple thing; think about what the world would be like if people kept having children. Just think about it for a second. Take it as you will
Recognize that erasure is a problem too, and that everyone has different experiences. I've been told that bi people "don't exist" because they think it's impossible to like more than one gender. How do they think that just because they don't understand/experience something, it doesn't exist??
THIS. I'm Omniromantic, so I like any and everyone, no matter gender, pronouns, etc. This doesn't mean we "don't exist", like come on people! Explain to me how someone else's love life affects another person. How? Why do people care so much. AAAARGH