This is the description if which I am to describe what this is. The question is; what do you think makes a person good?
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If my dog likes them
All the upvotes for this. And if your cat likes them too, they really are good
Someone who is kind and considerate of others. A person who respects all the people that deserve to be respected. Someone who doesn't oppress or judge other's because of their particular lifestyle ( if the lifestyle is not harmful or hurts people obviously).
So many wrong people get respect and recognition and the people who need/deserve the respect and recognition get put in the shadows of those people. Then there are people who bring light and recognize those rightful people.
Being able to except people and their choices even if you don't agree with them.
When someone knows how to communicate about difficult topics without offending anyone (racism, weight..etc)
I can talk about those topics but somehow I actually will get in trouble.
A Good person is someone that has compassion for others and shows kindness. They don't speak ill of others, but know where to draw the line in the sand through calm conversation and reasoning. A Good person is selfless, but knows how to take care of those around them without losing their ability to self-care. They don't judge, they don't gossip and they don't hold grudges. And a Good person takes responsibility for their own mistakes seeing them as learning opportunities and not failures. There is no perfectly Good Person out there. But you can strive to be a Good Person everyday to make a difference in other peoples lives and inspire them to be a Good Person too.
If they are compassionate for when bad things happen to others.
Those who don't discriminate. I'm deaf-mute, and I've been sent away at multiple food places as well as been rejected by many people because of my inability to say what I need/want verbally, and the other person's entitlement to not read my phone/paper where I wrote it (if they don't know ASL)
I think that people who accept others for who they are and don't ridicule others for liking certain things make a person good. Let me just say this, if you make fun of others for doing something they genuinely enjoy, you are the worst type of person.
I always felt bad when people made fun of others. I know how it felt.. I was once bullied for liking the same thing as someone else. I always like seeing others enjoy what they like. :)
Acceptance of others, especially the ability to listen to and accept that which you do not understand. The ability to listen to what others are going through with respect. Patience when dealing with people who can't understand them, either due to age, hearing problems, disabilities, or language barriers. Supporting those who are struggling, no matter what it is they're struggling with. There's more things but it essentially boils down to basic human empathy, supportiveness, tolerance, and patience. Or quite simply, doing your best to be nice
Oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon, calcium, and phosphorus...also a wee bit of a few other elements, but not much.
Empathy, humility, kindness and a sense of humor.
Judge cruelty. Try not to judge other things. Care as much as you can. Live gently and fiercely
I am not connected with the Boy Scouts but I think following the 12 Scout Laws would make someone a good person (although the Scouts do have a religious viewpoint which may not be universal, I think the part about respecting the religions of others still applies).
I honestly don’t know cause I don’t think I am a good person. My mom says I am a good person but I don’t think I am, so uh sorry but I can’t get you guys good advice currently
Even a good person can do bad things and make mistakes sometimes. As long as the good outweighs the bad.
Showing true love and compassion for animals, elderly people, and disabled people.
Honestly as a disabled guy, I prefer it if people just treat me as they would others. Including calling me out if I'm behaving like a d**k or rude to you, I'll have way more respect for you.
Someone who doesn’t judge beliefs. I can have different beliefs than you and still be friends. In fact, I’d love that.
If they show respect to anyone and everyone. Sure there might be the occasional person they don't particularly like but they don't show any sort of hatred towards them.
There is no such thing as a good person, there is only you, me, them, us, everyone else who you'll never know or meet.
Good is a construct made by us humans, and doesn't exist in a vacuum.
I've always believed that good people read good books, and good books make good people. It's always an identifiable factor - if you want to make friends with someone, check what their taste in books is.
Too many good books to list. Who is your favorite author? And yes, I know this is off topic. Just curious..
What makes a person good is their ability to notice that someone is troubled, depressed or stressed and help the through what is going on in their life.
My house caught on fire recently and people have been coming from all over to donate to help me and my family.
I have been so thankful for the help.
People read about the fire and decided to help total strangers.
This is what makes a person good.
As boring as it sounds, someone who understands the reason for rules and sticks to them no matter what. We seem to have about 3-4 generations who come from a level of entitlement that is just mind-bogglingly wrong on so many levels, to the point where they will actively break rules / the law if those rules and laws don't suit them. That's not the mark of a good person, that's the mark of someone who grew up without a steer on their moral compass (and it's not helped particularly in the UK by our bloody awful standards of policing)
I like this answer. If you understand the reason for rules you're more likely to keep them, even when it's hard and it goes against what you want. If you understand why it's wrong to cause others pain, you will avoid doing it or letting it happen. Knowing what good behaviour is and sticking to it are two different things, and it's not easy to stick to the right thing. Good people regulate themselves and have principles which they maintain. They behave like a good person, even when it's hard. We all know what that looks like.
Compared to what, ice cream?
A person is good if they don't leave someone because of that person's disabilities and illness.
"The longer you live, (), the more you'll discover how necessity forces hard choices on us all. It seems to me that goodness does not consist of remaining untouched, but of acting honorably under difficult circumstances."
~Judith Merkle Riley
"...acting honorably under difficult circumstances." This answer.
A good person will do the right thing even when no one is watching.
A good person will do acts of kindness without expecting anything in return.
It all depends on what type of person you are
Courage. You can be kind, compassionate, caring, believe in fair play, etc, but without courage to act on those believes, they don't mean much.
The way they treat animals. And I don’t mean petting cats and dogs. As a vegan, I mean not eating them or their bodily fluids.
Also the way someone treats someone who can’t do anything for them (as in, hasn’t got the time or resources to help with anything.)
I was so with you at first, but I'm taking this as anyone who eats meat or animal products is a bad person. This really can't hold up in my head. I personally wouldn't be able to get enough protein on a vegan diet, trust me my aunt is vegan so during Christmas we all eat vegan because she can't even eat if she smells meat, and with my medicine I get very drowsy and it's hard. Sometimes the way meat is brought to grocery stores is terrible and I agree but it's just not possible for me personally, sorry if that makes me a bad person. EDIT I immediately felt the need to add that I also have a good few food allergies that I can't eat so that's less protein options
If they treat me, an ugly tanned girl, with respect
Being born.
We are born good. Inherently valuable. It is only actions we choose after the fact that can tarnish our value to society. But more often it is society’s judgements that take it away.
How people treat those in the service industry. You ever screw up making coffee at home, yup they can too. Give them a break. If someone treats a server, waitress, waiter like c**p, off my list.
The question is, “what do you think makes a person good?. One characteristic would be a person who has heard detrimental things about someone, they know, and never shares what they heard to that person.
Living, acting, thinking, speaking with integrity - that is, moral wholeness. A good person is one who walks the walk, as they say. It's not a religious quality but a spiritual pathway. Good people treat others as they themselves would prefer to be treated. "Be the change you want to see in the world." (Gandhi)
Salt and pepper.
And a sprig of rosemary... maybe a bit of thyme... Now I'm hungry.
Not being perfect, but being yourself
Why is this one downvoted! All of this is an opinion so why hate on it?
Not being perfect, but being yourself
I can’t support this one. There are a lot of awful people who are “just being themselves.” No, you don’t have to be perfect, but it’s a good direction to steer toward.
Someone who is fair ex "what's right is right". Not a yes man. Has strong beliefs and a strong moral compass. Believes everything has a soul everyone has a mother sister and considers that b4 getting angry or violent. Stands up for people who can't stand up for themselves. Selfless will help even if they themselves have nothing. Kind will listen not just hear. Gives more than they receive regardless of financial situation. Doesn't mock others or bully people. Is kind to all animals puppy's cats spiders sharks cause again everything has a soul. Will not accept any form of any type of abuse neglect or otherwise done to anyone especially children.. and lastly knows how to love
More than anything, I'd say common sense. You wouldn't be able to tell I have cancer or epilepsy just by looking at me, and it's the basis for many other 'good' traits. (That also applies to certain groups in the American population.)
Someone who just has general respect and consideration of others and animals, and just want to live in peace. People show their kindness, gratitude and love in their own, individual ways. It's all good.
someone who listens to and genuinely cares about other people. Also someone who doesn't judge other people or being different from them
Being able to realize that not all villains are truly villains, sometimes they're just trying to be a hero, they just took the wrong road
I think what makes a person good is how much genuine effort that person puts forward to try and be a good person.
Being reasonable, compassionate, reliable, modest. Not pretending to be somebody else, not sharing confidental information, not looking down on others without second thought.
Being nice towards other animals, for they don't have a voice and cannot praise you for acting kindly towards them.
Generally, doing things because then, they're done, not because they're seen. Also not doing evil things, regardless of others knowing or not.
Even more generally, acting based upon what you reasonably think is right, not what allows you to expect the greatest revenue.
well,just being nice is a very good start.
i try to make my little part of the world a bit nicer by actively give random people compliments if see something i like and i send postcards for no special reasons. instant happiness
A Good person is someone who shows empathy and fairness towards others without any exclusions.
This includes animals.
Being honest and fair while maintaining healthy boundaries.
Someone who always tries to do the right thing.
Acknowledging their mistakes and legitimately making an attempt to not only make up for what they did, but also making an attempt to not do it again. Also, if when they apologize for something they did wrong, and you immediately say "its okay" and they say "no its not" because they are holding themselves accountable and not taking the easy way out.
It is very difficult to describe a good person, but you always know when you meet one, because you feel a need to be one too.
100% It is just a vibe that makes you want to be good. It is tricky to explain!
Load More Replies...It is very difficult to describe a good person, but you always know when you meet one, because you feel a need to be one too.
100% It is just a vibe that makes you want to be good. It is tricky to explain!
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