It can be anything. Nothing's cliche, nothing too weird. I wanna know.


You roll back into a mode of existence that you were in before you were born. You lose a little of your sense of self, but you don't stop existing altogether either.


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    I, personally, think you become an infant again. Everything about you is different, but your soul is the same.


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    (Also, your profile picture looks like Bill Cipher, my namesake!)


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    You sleep forever.


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    I feel like you just kinda go to sleep like nothing special happens till your soul goes into another body because I can remember things from a past life from what I’m assuming was the 30’s and I am pretty sure from context clues that I drowned at a beach on a family trip ;-;


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    I think that after death, the soul can either move on to a Spirit Realm if they were good, or they will have to roam the Earth for all eternity, tormented all the time if they sinned. I think that the soul can also choose to be reincarnated as any organism (whether same or different species, it is chosen at random)


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    You conscience merges with a universal mind which contains the wisdom of all deceased beings.



    I believe that nothing happens. As I see it humans are just another mammal, a bunch of cells with complex functions. At the moment that those cells die and the body starts decomposing the animal is gone. Some people find comfort in the afterlife amd that is find but I personally think that this is much better. Then you die and everything is over, no more suffering, no worrying about your loved ones, no hell or eternal torture. Just oblivion.


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    Oh God. I have a fear of this. For me, I think that you get reborn. Y’know how when you die there’s “a light”? What if that light is the hospital light? And you come back as a baby? All of your memory goes away, but little bits and pieces stay with you. That’s what deja vu is.

    Welp, I’m a bit nervous now hahahaha



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    I think it would be really cool if you got a choice to either go to heaven or relive your life over again exactly the way it was. That explains deja vu as well. I don’t know for sure but I just think that this would be cool.


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    Jesus, who was alive and actually walked on the earth, was crucified on a cross, died and then rose after being dead 3 days has told us what will happen. A person will either live eternally in heaven with Him or eternally in hell separated from Him. That is why people do not think this life on earth is the “end of things” after someone dies. They instinctively know their souls go somewhere.

    If you want to know about Jesus and what He taught, read the book of Luke in the Bible. You might be surprised!


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    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It is ok to believe in after death and this thread is to talk about this. But saying that all people believe in it its just intolerant and rude

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