I read some comments on BP about how articles often list the bad or shocking differences between the USA and Europe. And it's true there are a lot of these posts.

So I wanted to make one with only the good, weird, and funny differences between us. And please skip the obvious healthcare/school/vacation things... I'm looking for the small and personal ones ;-)

Here's one from me: the fact that every state in the USA has its own catchphrase always makes me giggle... Who came up with these ones??


One is a country and the other a continent to start with


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    My uncle has a fiancée from Boston (we're in the uk), so whenever they're around we swap accents; it's hilarious, she suggests a cuppa and a scone or the footie on the telly every five minutes and I end up sounding like every high school movie trope at once having a stroke.


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    Many words have different meanings. F*g = cigarette Rubber = eraser knock you up = come see you. I'm American and those are a few I remember from living in London


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