Do you think it's good or bad, real or fake?


Does anyone actually believe it is good? Like genuinely, wtf.



    It’s definitely real and definitely bad. Hopefully it won’t be as bad as some climate scientists make it out to be, but no matter what its effects will require fundamental changes in how we live.



    It's progressingly getting worse, you can see it with the wildfires, droughts, hurricanes, extreme hot temperatures, etc. It's bound to get worse from here on out. I believe next year there's suppose to be the continuation of the El niño, which is a warming of the ocean surface, or above-average sea surface temperatures, in the central and eastern tropical Pacific Ocean, or in other terms, things are about to be become a whole lot hotter next year during spring/summer.


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    Huddo's sister
    Community Member
    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm in Australia and I'm genuinely terrified of our oncoming spring/summer. There are already fires in one of our states and warnings of hurricanes in two others. Plus the fact that other countries still have fires burning, and we have sent our firefighters there. It forecast to be even hotter here in the next 6 months than it has in the northern hemisphere the past 6 months, and more than we have been for the last three years, which is saying something!

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    I feel that I won’t have a future anymore because we’re going out of control and we’ve broken the record for earth’s hottest day on average thrice in a row in the past few months. The heat is intense and I’m scared


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    I think we should all listen to Bill Nye. He has a clear and easy to understand video on climate change that everyone should watch. Find it on youtube by searching "Bill Nye the plant's on f****** fire. It's a 30 second video from the John Oliver show.


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    It's hot honestly...



    ;o time to rant! [trigger warning: caps]
    It’s very scary, I wish climate didn’t change to murder us all and people actually LISTENED and stopped doing their STUPID FOSSIL FUELS! Seriously I panic a lot knowing when I’ll be older Climate change will be super severe! Can’t y’all stupid companies just LISTEN AND SAVE THIS LITTLE TINY WORLD FROM ENDING ?! I dont want this world to end because you want extra cash! Please actually help and dont urge consumers to do it!

    Ha I assume I’ll probably be downvoted as this is a rant , please dont I just wanted to unleash my anger lol-


    See Also on Bored Panda

    It's pretty hot


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    I am terrified. How long do we have, really? Will it be worse than predicted? I can't, I really can't. If I thought about it too much I'd live with a constant stream of tears. What have we done????


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    I'm disillusioned.
    I'm disillusioned about those who don't even bother researching it.
    I'm disillusioned about those who only tokenistically oppose it.
    I'm disillusioned about companies more concerned about virtue signalling than being virtuous.
    And I'm disillusioned about fearmongers using it as an excuse to spread chaos or gain power.
    I really hope climate change doesn't exist, since I've given up hope on us humans fixing it


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    Its real but the people who have control of it are the third world countries where all your stuff is from. Thankfully the earth is good at adapting.


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    Good for the community


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