Hey Pandas, What Do You Do To Calm Yourself Down When You Are Being Bombarded By All Of The Emotions? (Closed)
What do you do?
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instead of doing drugs, weed, and alchol, listen to music! inspirational music! whatever music u like! i recommend This Mountain by Faouzia. happy things!
A couple of music artists that really help me are NF, and Citizen Soldier. <3
If possible lock myself in a bathroom, with my phone, talk to my friends, and listen to music. Or freestyle dance to music. Sometimes I write stories with characters struggling with various relationships or mental health.
When I'm feeling like everything is going wrong, I'm so stressed out and angry that I have knot in my stomach and over-tired I'll stop trying to do what others are expecting me to do and focus on what my body needs. I'll make myself food, something warm or just get some water because I'd be likely dehydrated and irritable. Have some quiet time, maybe a nap. Clean. Sing using my head voice (if done properly it's like a head massage.) Watch some stand up comedy for a life. Listen to some 80s or early 90s music that seems to have an uplifting vibe. Talk to someone.
I'm blessed to have a dog in my life. When it gets too much I put my face against her and the tension dissipates like ice in warm tea. Handling the gecko helps too because you have to be calm and gentle. Our pets are so much more than animals, I feel so undeserving. Also picking up the guitar focusses the attention and energy to something creative and positive.
I like to cuddle my cat, talk to my bestie, cuddle my gf, or read a book/watch a movie. Anything that can distract me or let all those feeling out. Oh, and sometimes I talk to my cat.
I lock myself away, Listen to music and read or write
I hug my kid, he rolls his eyes at me, but he lets me hug him for as long as I need to.
I really hope he never grows out of letting his Momma hug him.
I actually had one of these days today. I was at my basketball practice and the coaches were pushing us. Now, I’m the type of person that doesn’t respond well to being yelled at and/or pushed around. By the end of the practice, I didn’t feel like I was playing good enough for the team or the coaches. So I took a shower, had some music on, and bawled my eyes out. I feel so much better after doing this and like a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. Try it! See if it works! Best wishes!!!
If I am not able to do the usual things I do to calm me down, what I do is take a deep breath in, like so deep I can’t fit any more air in, and then breathe out till there’s no air left. Then I gradually go back to normal breathing. I feel like it works because I imagine the breathing in being sucking all the negative thoughts and feelings up and then breathing them all out.
That's what I do. Good thoughts in through the nose and bad out through the mouth.
When I am attacked by stress I sit down, breath in and hold my breath for 7 seconds and out for 5(my gym teacher recommended this and it works!), after doing that I pull out my ear buds and blast my music. While I'm listening to my music I get back up and start something productive. [Like cleaning/dancing] (If I'm not doing that, I'm laying down in bed)
Some days nothing seems to go right. If my emotions (anger, anxiety, frustration, feeling defeated, etc.) start getting the best of me I have found my personal solution that works. I decide I'm just going to go with it. I stop everything I'm doing, or trying to do. I grab a cup of hot tea, turn on a good TV program, grab a handful of munchies and plop down on the couch for the rest of the day. I keep reminding myself tomorrow will be better. And guess what.. it always is. Sometimes we just have to give ourselves a thumbs up to a bad day.
I analyze the situation that is causing me emotional distress. I look at from my experience, look at the other person perspective/motivation, think about how it could have turned out differently. I will accept my own shortcomings, the other persons shortcomings, and think about why the situation caused me distress. I do not fear looking at myself because this way I can understand what happened. I am open to my full emotional response and begin to heal.
My life has been pretty bad lately, and by lately I mean for 2 years. I have been very stressed, and ppl keep telling me I have depression, and when I say I don't, they say that denial is one of the signs. So I've been thinking about that, to. It makes me mad and sad. To top that off, I barely get any sleep and sometimes, I just drink a bunch of coffee for breakfast. And some days, I barley eat anything, some days, I eat a whooole bunch. Idk what's wrong with me, and If one more person tells me it's depression, I will lose it. But most of the time, when I do feel like this, I read educational stuff, and I do work, and I workout bc it takes my mind off all that
Personally, I think it's just hormones 🤷🏻♀️ but there's my healthy way of dealing with it, lol
I try to listen to music, but when I can't I take my wonderful 3yo dog, Stella, for a walk. always improves my mood even when I don't really want to do it. When it's rainy and I can't do that, I like to work on my 'story' basically a novel i'm starting to write. maybe you guys should help me decide whether I should release it on here ;). OR when i'm really bored and desperate and I have writer's block (which happens often) I like to talk to my friends on discord.