What shouldn't be normalized but is and people seem to not care enough to change that?


"...Are you SURE you weren't forced?"
"Oh, so that really was your own choice? Hmm."
"So you're NOT oppressed?"

Y'all just let me wear a goddamn cloth on my head who am I hurting


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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I feel awkward and uncomfortable without my wristwatch. My kids do not wear one. They do not see the point. Once you have spent your entire life wearing something, it becomes second nature and feels weird to not do it. I am not oppressed by westerners' wristwatch ideals.

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    Oh i’m so ocd, i love cleaning. Omg i’m so bipolar today!! Was that a shadow, i’m so schizophrenic 🤪. I’m literally having a panic attack over this lmao. All of these are things i’ve heard and while i’m not diagnosed with any of these (parents refuse to take me to a psychiatrist) it’s so stupid because people struggle with these things.


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    Chexmy Licks🇯🇵
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    i hate it too when people use mental illnesses as their "emotion" or to gain attention

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    “I can’t believe you like that!” Said every time I eat lunch at my desk. Seriously? Do I come over to your desk, interrupt what you’re doing, and criticize your dining choices? Go away.



    “Well you seem functional” to people with disabilities you can’t see ( PTSD, seizures


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    Nikki Sevven
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The response to any version of "you don't look disabled" is "well, you don't look stupid, so it's clear that appearances can be deceptive."

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    Basically all sentences starting with "All men", especially relating to sexuality and relationships. Some highlights:
    "All men need sex no matter what."
    "All men are promiscuous in nature."
    "All men want to lose their virginity as soon as possible."
    "All men are attracted to big chests."
    "All men dread being chained to one woman for the rest of his life."
    Now of course, all of those are annoying stereotypes to say the least, but I'm a guy on the asexual spectrum and this kind of stuff makes me super uncomfortable.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    then say “well if you like it so much then how about you go f**k yourself?” (said with a sarcastic recomendation kind of tone)

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    Where I live?

    "God only gives you what you can handle." or "God doesn't give you more than you can handle."

    Got it. God's an ar$ehole.


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    Chexmy Licks🇯🇵
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    fr its so annoying when they r trying to make u feel better by saying "God is only doing it because you are strong" instead of helping u they r making it worse that it was before

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    -"No Offense but" and then they proceed to tell you the most offensive and abhorrent thing you ever heard
    - "Oh my God, I'm sorry I murdered you and your whole family, I have ADHD." Please don't blame everything on your mental illnesses
    - "LGBT is so controversial." It shouldn't be. Why is a gay person's existence controversial?
    -"Godzilla could actually beat Ultraman with EASE, he's much bigger and more powerful" No. As much as I love Godzilla, Ultraman has much more experience and is a very skilled fighter. As intelligent as Godzilla is, he is still an animal and could not outsmart Ultraman. Ultraman has defeated countless enemies larger than him. This fight would be very even, with no one having the advantage, and if anyone did, it would be Ultraman
    -"I'm vegan, and my dog LOVES her vegan diet" No, she doesn't. Give her a plate of whatever vegan food, and a steak, and she will go for the steak 10 times out of 10.



    Honestly, people enjoying influencer culture… I hate toxic influencers in general, but people keep trying to get me to like them.

    That, and being accused of anorexia because I’m skinny, this was by a doctor, btw, and could clearly see that I had a severe thyroid issue and they did absolutely nothing about it


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    Blue_Mouse (queen)
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    What the actual f**k with your doctor. Anorexia because you are skinny? I have not clue what thyroid issues can propose, but I’m sure it can contribute to weight loss!!!

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    "Ugh, he's so ugly why do you like him?
    "You have no standards"
    No, Susan. I just don't judge people by their appearance, so go run on down to your 6'5 football captain boyfriend who you think you can "change" and let me date my 5'1 boyfriend with depression who I actually CAN help.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I seriously don't understand why people have height requirements, let alone any beauty requirements. Like yeah, dating an attractive person is cool, but dating a person with a good personality is better

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    Assuming someone's name. My legal name is Nathan, but people keep thinking that my legal name is Nathaniel. first off, if I introduce myself as Nathan/Nate, that's what you call me. Second off, why do you think my name's Nathaniel?


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    Michelle Smith
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Logical assumption, but we should always refer to people by the name with which they introduced themselves because it’s obviously what they prefer

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    "You're going to regret those tattoos when you are older". Nope, 20 years later still don't.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm getting a new one next month :). Not that anyone cares just since we're talking about tattoos

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    "You need glasses!"

    Said by lots and lots of people when, for example, they see me trying to read. I then either patiently explain that not every eye disorder can be corrected with glasses or say something snarky like "You mean like Ray Charles or Stevie Wonder?"


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    Donkey boi
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    1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Someone said that to my sister once, when she was reading a sign at the trains station while squinting slightly. She just shouted at him 'I'm concentrating mother f****r!'.

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    When I go somewhere with someone I know, and all the people I don't know starts asking away.... where do you live, are you married, why not, do you have kids, why don't you want kids, then tries to convince me to have kids and that is what I am suppose to do, where do I work.... Jesus Christ, I didn't realize I came to a fckn interview! Did I get the job??? F off. I know it is a conversation starter, but there are sooooo many other things to talk about, I would know, because I tend to avoid those type of questions, because people will usually tell you if they want to talk about it.


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    Leo Domitrix
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The US Midwest. Total strangers asking about the status of my uterus. What the....

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    "Jokes" about serious issues. Also, way too many people are comfortable using slurs (especially the r, t, and f ones)


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    crowspectre (he/they)
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My school uses the r and f slurs like casual insults and the t slurs specifically for me and the other like two out trans kids. Idk why people suck this much

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    The boyfriend jokes every. single. goddamn. time I mention a boys name. I go to a girl's school, so all the relatives get a bit over excited when they find out I do, in fact, talk to a couple of boys. I've been fielding comments about this one boy (who I've always been pretty close friends with) since we were both about 5.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The Straights™️: oMg YoUrE fOrCiNg YoUr SeXuALiTy oN cHiLdReN - Also The Straights™️:

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    Speaking in hyperbole and using the word "literally" to mean it's exact opposite, "figuratively". As in:
    "He was so angry he literally exploded."
    Did he really explode? Hope you had an umbrella handy.


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    Mya Lugar
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Ones that make me cringe are: Ya know what I mean? (Well, I think you mean what you just said) and It is what it is (Duh, keep that to yourself, I don't find the observation at all enlightening)

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    I live on a farm so a lot of people ask me if I’m a horse girl, which, I guess I am cuz I own them and I like them but like??? Why is it cringe to like horses???


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My daughter has always loved horses. She was really into them for a long time. Still is. When she was in Pre-K, the school and social worker questioned me about her "obsession" with horses. I'm like "Is that a bad thing?" They were like "Well, it's not normal." Wth??? How is it not normal for a little girl to love horses???

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    "You should get out of your comfort zone."

    No, I have tried that and it's uncomfortable. Now, you should shut up and make the zone comfortable.

    The need to get out of one's comfort zone is coined up by extroverts who thrive on new experiences, hence their comfort zone is "outside the comfort zone".



    that eating disorder kids are 'skinny people'. people in general come in all shapes and sizes, and you don't have to be underweight to have an ED.



    "You are going to want kids when you r older" I find it annoying every time some one says it to me



    "What are you reading?"

    What in the exact hell is the point of this?? Not once in all of having known you (even if it's some stranger on the bus) have you implied that you may have even the slightest interest in reading, and this is the WORST possible way to "make conversation'. The book is there TO AVOID conversation! If someone wanted to talk to you, They'd do it!


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    "what're you reading?" you can clearly see the cover and title. "What's it about?" I don't want to stop reading and explain it. Please just look it up "Is it good?" In my opinion, yes.

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    now remember, never go in a PLACE YOU DON'T KNOW.



    fOuR KiDs? Haha, iSn'T tHaT tOo MaNy? Are they asking you to raise them? If those people are willing to have them, quit judging their choices. In my native country, if you now have more than one or two kids you are considered to be "uneducated" :/



    People, stop asking me about my short story/poem/art ideas. I am not bloody interested in discussing the gravity of a story I had worked hard on formulating.
    Also, if they are being obnoxious,tell your kids to behave!
    PS- Ik I seem like the old


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    As someone who was really into art, I get it. There's really nothing too deep about my art work, and I'm hearing from song writers that some songs are really not as deep as people try to make them out to be. I know music lyrics & stories are analyzed to the letter in English classes. But, really, whatever aspects/perspectives people try to search for is not purposely thought out by the creator. I have a sketch I draw and shaded in HS art class. I have a sketch framed on my wall. It was really just a recreation from a computer graphic image I googled. My mom visited, stared at this picture for a bit then asked "Soooo... what's the story behind this picture? What does it mean?" I replied there was no meaning. She cut in "Yes there is." I had to tell her repeatedly there was no meaning.

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    People always ignore your mental health & treating it as an excuse just to "get out of things". MENTAL HEALTH IS JUST AS IMPORTANT AS PHYSICAL HEALTH. I'm sick of people treating it like it's an excuse.


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    A gay cat man (he/him&Tré/Trè)
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    well, i am devising a plot with my therapist to get me out of PE cuz of my bad intrusive thoughts... >:)

    See Also on Bored Panda

    "(insert my name), when are your parents going to get you help?"

    "your so stupid, reading is the easiest subject!" ... I have ADHD and dyslexia...

    One of my friends (recently): "Your not Italian, Italians don't exist!"

    Random popular kid in 3rd grade when I said I had Dyslexia: "Ewww! Get away from me, I don't want to catch it!" For some reason, people think you can catch things that are genetic...

    One kid in my grade when I said I have Asthma and was taking my inhaler : *grabs my inhaler and throws it across the room* how 'bout you just BREATH AIR


    See Also on Bored Panda

    This is very specific to me, but I am very cold-natured (due to my chronic illness/invisible disability) and so I'm often wearing more clothes than other people and strangers LOVE to comment on that. They've even laughed in my face because I was wearing a coat in the winter? My favorite is when they say "you can't possibly be cold." Like...really? It's against the laws of physics that I'm cold when you're not? But literally everyone does it. No one thinks there's a problem with commenting on how my body works. And I hate it.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I get this. The MINIMUM length of my sleeves is about an inch away from my elbow. Anything shorter than that I hate. Singlets and spaghetti strap tops are awful for me. Jumpers and jackets are my best friend. Jeans, leggings, track pants, long skirts. All f*****g amazing! I like to be covered up. NOT A PROBLEM

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    "I want to say something..."
    Want to and should are 2 different things. Usually when someone says " I want to say something" it's my mom wanting to start a one-sided argument she calls a lecture.


    See Also on Bored Panda

    It is what it is.
    That’s what she said.
    Thank God it’s Friday
    Keep in touch.



    People who start a statement with "To be perfectly clear..." Do they normally obfuscate?


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    Ima Manimal
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If they’re talking to somebody who says “obfuscate”, they’re probably just making sure you can speak relatably to other people

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    Calling me Bruce, cause of my last name Li....


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    Coyote Osborne
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I have to wonder if these ding-dongs do that to everyone with the last name Li. Isn't that one of the most common surnames in the world? You'd think they'd get tired of the joke after telling it a jillion times. And not having people happy when they do it. I couldn't even tell you how many people I've met who have that last name. It's like Smith, or Patel, or Johnson. I kinda feel like this is also an example of casual racism. Not to mention that making fun of or making jokes about someone's name is something you'd think people would outgrow before high school.

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    Oh my god!!! I relapsed!!! I feel like im gonna faint lmaooooo they are splitting!!! Bro shut up, we know damn well you just want attention. It’s not funny .


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    Chexmy Licks🇯🇵
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    this happened to me when i was in 6th grade, my best friend was cutting all of the sudden when she feels sad. I asked where she learned it from? and she said you. She was never like this but she told me she felt like doing it because i did it too and she thought it was fine bc i was doing it. ive never been this fast to ignore and unfriend that person. The consequences i faced her "friends" kept bullying me for not being her friend n how i look like a zebra

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    Just how people call me by my name. Always drawing out the vowels and the 'r'. It sounds like I'm in trouble.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    There are a few songs with my name in it and I would get so embarrassed when someone sang it to me "for fun"

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    "OMG I like totally couldn't focus in class. I'm so ADHD!" As someone who deals with ADHD, has lived with it, and will continue to live with it, it makes my blood absolutely boil when people chock it up to just "not paying attention". Particularly when it's not that they, you know, literally couldn't focus no matter how hard they tried, or how much effort they put in, and they just chose to not pay attention. I also hate all the "ADHD isn't real," "You're just an addict. HAHA just kidding." "Why are you so bad at doing things on time? Are you broken or something?" And just stuff along those lines. I've spent way too much time masking and just trying to survive my ADHD for people to belittle it and make it into a joke


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    When people ask me why I do bad in class or whatever, I just say "I can't focus sometimes" or "I get distracted" or "I get bored quite easily"

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    one thing i want to add that I didn't put in my last post... my parents telling my brother (when we argue) that one day I'm gonna want to hang out with him and his friends because I'm gonna have a crush on them... One of these days there going to figure out I'm gay and have no interest in men


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    1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Ooh. Alexa, play Little Do You Know! And then maybe Girls Like Girls after!

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    I'm a 37 year old woman and I don't care if people ask if I have kids, but I hate when I say 'no, I don't want any' and people say 'oh don't say that', or 'you never know'. Worse when they ask 'Never?! You're not going to change your mind?' 20 years ago I thought going to work stoned was a good idea, people change, so I can't say for certain that 10 years from now I won't. Also, if I say I don't have kids or want them, that's not an invitation to continue the conversation.


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    Clown fish
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    1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I have 3 I would not recommend children. It doesn't mean I don't love mine but it's hard work and a lot of the time lonely work to and the f#cking worry about where they are and if I'm a good enough mum sends my anxiety on one all the time!

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    Please and Thankyou..
    It's so rude because you're outwardly assuming somoene is going to do whatever you're saying Please for.. like you're pushing them into it

    Also... Thankyou Kindly..
    Every customer who ever said that to me turned out to be the worst tipper
    Like they think throwing "kindly" in there makes them have good manners



    Dont ask why these became a thing because I don’t even know
    “Your _________ as a bag of hammers”
    Like this one time someone said to me you’re as beautiful as a bag of hammers I mean like is that a complement? It happens all the time in my family


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    Doi Lookdumb
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's a new one... I've only heard that blank filled with 'dumb', which makes sense because...I mean, it's a bag of hammers.


    “I’m so OCD”
    “I’m so ADHD“
    “I’m so schizophrenic”
    “I’m so (insert mental health issue/disorder here)”



    Do you want fries with that....Hun? (Or whatever you want with that...Hun.)


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    Nichole Harris
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I call everyone Hun or babe.....I can't remember names for the life of me

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    "Perrrr-fect." Usually in response to answering a question that requires personal information, such as your email address or an account number.




    As a fair skinned, freckled person I find it annoying when people tell me I need to get some Sun (or a tan).
    Fpr one it is a direct insult that insinuates that I am less than, or ugly as myself.
    Also these people are old enough to know that not everyone has the same melanin levels.I tried to get some color a lot when I was younger, now all that skin is old, and damaged!
    My genes are not the same as yours. I don't tan, I burn.



    Everybody knows,
    Everybody thinks
    I'm just saying what Everybody is thinking....
    All designed to make the opposing view look like it's not relevant and only what they believe is right because every right minded person thinks like them.
    NO, you do not speak for Everybody, you speak only for yourself, if others agree they will say so, if they do not they may stay silent or let you know.



    “Omg im like So (literally any adjective)”
    We Get it sally! You don’t have to tell us!


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    These bitches are like... Oh-em-geeeeeeee, I'm like, SUCH A CRACK HEAD. *Shoves muffin in mouth* LOLZ, THE INTRUSIVE THOUGHTS WON, HAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAHAHHAHAAHAA


    omg omg omg you must be so special if you’re neurodivergent



    Random students in high school: Hi, do you want to be your friend?

    Me: No.

    Them: (in a weird voice) Hi, do you want to be friends?

    Me: (in an annoyed voice) NO, did you listen, I say NO!

    Them again: (in the same voice) Do you want...

    Me: Shut UP! Shut UP!
    (P.S.: I have ADHD and autism by the way.)


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Really don't understand the need for the 'PS' - tad unrelated.


    the r-word.

    i'm neurodivergent, and srsly, that word is really, I don't even know how to describe how it makes me feel


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    my brothers screech that out at the top of their lungs

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    sometimes when annoyed with people "learn to deal with it, you'll find this at every step of your life" yeah well some people need to grow up and fix their own issues, if i say i can't then i won't, let them do it


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    Double down.


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