
Hey Pandas, What Commonly Ridiculed Opinion Do You Think Is Not So Absurd?
Explain why you think a position (not necessarily one you agree with) that is widely considered absurd is actually more reasonable it sounds.
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That anyone can be subject to, or perpetrator of, racism.
If you discriminate against someone based on their ethnicity or skin colour then that's racism.
Sadly some folks think if you are a particular race you are automatically a racist scum. Or, the flip side, that if you are a certain race you CANNOT be a racist. Ridiculous assumption since we are all human and all equally capable of being a racist d!c&
Puns are great! They aren’t cringy or groan worthy, they are funny. We should be allowed to admit that
Opinion I have that is frequently laughed at: Electric cars do not save the planet.
My reasoning: You're still using electricity, probably from a fossil fuel-gobbling power plant, not to mention the funky minerals and such for the high-tech batteries, etc. Unless your car runs on its own solar panels, no.
Also, we don't know how to recycle solar panels for the most part. In 30 years, there will be a huge pile of dead solar panels we, at current technology, don't know what to do with. Also, the magnets and other exotic metals are transported by cargo ship all over the world, which is one of the dirtiest forms of transport when it comes to CO2 pollution. I'm sorry someone down voted you, because you are 100% correct.
That it's bad to put pineapple on pizza. I mean, come on!! Let people eat the food that they enjoy without criticism.
Also, I think pineapple on pizza is tasty!
I agree. I don’t like pineapple in general bc I’m a picky eater but you guys get a ridiculous and unfair amount of hate.
Pit bulls are mean.....
The truth is pit bull dogs are friendly protective and loyal.... Mine is 5yo 96 lbs and can't figure out why he no longer fits in my lap
Every household should be allowed chickens to provide food (eggs) like America did in WWII.
Pre-pandemic, before I worked from home, I was sitting on the commuter train one day, trying to sleep, but these two women behind me were talking, loudly, about this one woman's chickens, the eggs they laid, etc. Then the other woman said "Maybe I should do that, two." But the first woman replied "No! Don't do it! You'll drown in eggs! And you can't sell them." (Well, not without jumping through countless, impossible hoops put up by the Agriculture Department.)
Thinking that it's okay to sing Christmas carols when it is nowhere near Christmas- those songs have sometimes lasted for hundreds of years, because they're great tunes. And it's okay to enjoy a song you like anytime you want.
I get it, but if someone asks me to stop I usually do out of respect.
To be Athiest or Agnostic. A lot of us get speeches about religion. We're happy.
Christians don't get that a large number of us atheists are former Christians. Yes, we've heard about Jesus. No, you can't put toothpaste back in the tube, so you're not going to convince us that he's real all over again. Yes, as former Christians, we already know your rhetoric, and it doesn't work. Leave us alone and take your nutty religious beliefs with you.
That indigenous populations have been brutalised the world over by colonists. Whilst we understand that the present generation of descendants of those colonists did not do the brutalising, they have to admit, of sheer historical fact, that the descendants of the indigenous populations find themselves cordonned off in "Reservations" or "bantustans" or "west banks" etc., and as a result cannot fully participate in the economy of the colonial nation-state. The result is that even though no direct violence is targeted (debatable, e.g. George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Flint Michigan, etc), the current descendants of colonisers BENEFIT from having been coincidentally born white, and the descendants of indigenous tribes are oppressed coincidentally having been born into that group. So, my hot take is GIVE THEIR LAND BACK.
UCC 1-207. I am not responsible for any contract I didn't enter knowingly, intentionally, and voluntarily. I may have possibly benefited from others' actions in the past. That does NOT make me responsible for them.
Coffee is gross. It’s addictive, bitter tasting, and stains your teeth.
I have few ideas of how it could realistically happen, but America needs to split up. Yeah, yeah, all that old rhetoric about a nation divided, but Conservatives and Liberals have two vastly different understandings of reality at this point. If Christo-fascists want to live in a country governed by the bible, let 'em have it. I want to see them live the reality they claim they want. So let the South rise again! Or let Texas secede. Let them establish Trumpistania or the Jesus States of America there. They can even build a wall around it. As long as they leave the rest of us alone and keep their religion to themselves.
The trouble with this is that there would be no civilised american states (meaning the coasts) to stop the fascist part of the usa from becoming a full-blown fascist state like russia, and subsequently using america's vast military power to conquer the entire world - including the nice parts of america - and subject the entire world to moronic fascist ideas.
The word 'religion' and 'faith' do not mean 'Christianity', and atheists need to understand that most, in my experience. Some of us are Pagan. Some of us are Muslim. Some of us are Jewish. And you're just another kind of proselytizing Christian if you're an Atheist that says stuff like 'all religions are dumb' when you've only ever known Christianity because you're an ex-Christian, and so you think that's what 'religion' is. Like do you hear yourself? It's two sides of the same Christianity-centric coin. Take a religion class. Heck, take a folklore class. Dismantle your cultural Christianity before you hurt somebody.
I have taken religion classes. I do hear myself. Do you hear YOU? If it requires you to accept something as true on "faith", then it is brain breaking garbage and deserves ridicule. The specifics of what that faith is about or how it is expressed are utterly irrelevant.
That gender-neutral pronouns should be the default in most contexts because a person should be allowed to keep their gender private if they want to.
I've used "they" for decades without caring about the grammatical point. German does it as well. The respectful form of "you" in German is "sie" but it means "they". Old English had this form as well, it was "sé". He was "hé" and she was "seo".
That it's kind of ableist to make fun of people for being unintelligent.
As both student and prof, I've found there are vast differences. Ignorance is one thing: someone can't be faulted because they didn't have the privilege of access to learning things. If someone just hasn't had the opportunity to think about something, or gain new information, that's not anything to be ashamed of or castigated for. Learning disabilities, too, or different ways of learning are not wrong, either, obviously. OTOH, the number of people who are proud of being stupid because they think "intelligence" is "elitist" is jaw-dropping. People actively refusing to learn because they DON'T want to think about things should be ridiculed.
People like to laugh at the idea of being on lockdown in their houses and not leaving (in 2020) but I like it!
I wanted to continue with it but I wasn't allowed 😏
I even got to work on my de-tan!
I live in Washington State, about 100 miles from the Canadian border, in a rural community. So, as you can probably guess, I believe in the existence of Sasquatch. Never had the privilege of seeing one, despite hiking for miles in very remote areas, but I've met people who claim to have seen one.
I've never had a problem with cryptozoology. I think it's quite fun and eagerly await proof of these creatures. Heck they found the hobbit on island of flores which shows that paleological species of humans survived into the stone age at least, so the idea that there may be cavemen walkign around somewhere in forests, to this day, seems ok to me.
1 marriage and a few proposals I discovered I’m allergic to captivity! My life, my rules.
Me too - eventually I realised that I would have been a lousy mother (but am a good aunt) and that I'm an aromantic asexual. I have to be free. You must be the same, so I salute you!
Albert Einstein is one of the most famous violinists of all time. He was both famous and a violinist, though his fame was not related to his violin playing.
Aliens probably exist, it would be really weird if the entire rest of the universe or multiple universes apart from one small planet was completely empty. They might not look anything like humans or anything from earth though, maybe we wouldn’t even recognise them as animals
The most important thing we can do in the near future regarding the existence of extraterrestrial life, is to find evidence of it, past or present, elsewhere in the Solar System. At the moment, the question of life in the universe is on a spectrum running from unique on Earth to commonplace. If life arose independently on at least two different planets (or moons) in the same solar system, then it stands to reason that it is commonplace everywhere. “Independently” is the key word, as it’s possible for microscopic life to exist on one planet, be blasted off of it by, say, a large meteor strike, and then survive the trip to another planet and take root there. It’s not hard to imagine tardigrades doing well on the surface of Mars.
Again from a Canadian lefty; the PAX AMERICANA better than the alternative of a bunch of second-tier powers playing RISK with the globe.
That is an opinion I agree with... I don't like it, but history shows what could happen. Not good. Reallllly not good.
This is from a CANADIAN lefty....Trump is not always wrong in what he says.
yes he is. In fact if he even says the sun is shining I'd go outside just to check. f*****g liar.
That our country- with all of its ills and problems- is a whole lot better place to live than almost any other place on the planet. I believe that people who hate it here should use the freedom they have to try life somewhere else. Just don’t give up your US citizenship as there’s a very good chance you’ll want to come back.
The people who are accused of "hating" America are almost always people who have spotted problems and are trying to fix them. Those who try to save their country are the true patriots.
A group that isn't really a race can experience racism if the people targeting them think they are a race. For example, Islam is a religion, not a race, but some racist idiots hate Muslims and also think they are a race, so it can be argued that their Islamophobia is a form of racism.
That wine connoisseurs are alcoholics. Whilst they look down on 'alkies' they themselves usually start having a glass of wine with dinner. This progresses to one whilst waiting for dinner and another one whilst relaxing afterwards. This happens ever day - except for additional wine at 'Wine tasting Weekends' The wine gets stronger and the glasses larger until they drink three large glasses of wine before, with and after dinner ever day. This is a full bottle of strong wine, the equivalent of a half bottle of spirits within an hour every single day. They still look down on 'alkies' as they have taste, they have a hobby. They are alcoholics although it could be called 'Genteel Alcoholism' Their liver will be just as bad as those drinking a half bottle of vodka every day..
"Man being born, as has been proved, with a title to perfect freedom, and an uncontrouled enjoyment of all the rights and privileges of the law of nature, equally with any other man, or number of men in the world, hath by nature a power, not only to preserve his property, that is, his life, liberty and estate, against the injuries and attempts of other men"
-John Locke Section 87, Of Political or Civil Society, "The Second Treatise of Government"
"every man has a property in his own person: this no body has any right to but himself. The labour of his body, and the work of his hands, we may say, are properly his. Whatsoever then he removes out of the state that nature hath provided, and left it in, he hath mixed his labour with, and joined to it something that is his own, and thereby makes it his property."
-John Locke, "The Second Treatise of Government", Chapter 5 Section 27.
"Socialism, like the ancient ideas from which it springs, confuses the distinction between government and society. As a result of this, every time we object to a thing being done by government, the socialists conclude that we object to its being done at all. We disapprove of state education. Then the socialists say that we are opposed to any education. We object to a state religion. Then the socialists say that we want no religion at all. We object to a state-enforced equality. Then they say that we are against equality. And so on, and so on. It is as if the socialists were to accuse us of not wanting persons to eat because we do not want the state to raise grain."
-Frederic Bastiat, "The Law"
"As every individual, therefore, endeavours as much as he can both to employ his capital in the support of domestic industry, and so to direct that industry that its produce may be of the greatest value; every individual necessarily labours to render the annual revenue of the society as great as he can. He generally, indeed, neither intends to promote the public interest, nor knows how much he is promoting it. By preferring the support of domestic to that of foreign industry, he intends only his own security; and by directing that industry in such a manner as its produce may be of the greatest value, he intends only his own gain, and he is in this, as in many other cases, led by an invisible hand to promote an end which was no part of his intention. Nor is it always the worse for the society that it was no part of it. By pursuing his own interest he frequently promotes that of the society more effectually than when he really intends to promote it."
-Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations
"There's no such thing as free lunch"
-Milton Friedman
""Government...is but a necessary evil..."
-Thomas Paine"
""If socialists understood economics, they wouldn't be socialists"
-Friedrich Hayek
All of these quotes are under attack by progressives and self-described socialists these days.
well because you are quoting non-socialist authors, that's why they oppose them. These statements are all made by classic liberals or capitalists. A bit like quoting Ayn Rand that selfishness and individualism are good and then crying that socialists don't agree. Wow. surprise surprise. Socialists disagree with an arch-capitalist. Like Adam Smith, who defined capitalism itself.
That neopronouns and xenogenders are utter nonsense. Like seriously, you arent a Dog or bug or whatever so why are you calling yourself one.
I do not understand all that stuff with pronouns. I am not against it at all and if it makes some people more comfortable in their own skin to be called they/them or whatever, then it's fine by me. I will do my best to remember to use the wished pronouns. Just because I don't understand it for me doesn't mean I can't be respectful about it when it makes perfect sense for someone else.
I love this page! No matter your opinion you might get a lot of hate for it and that’s stupid. We should all be allowed our opinions.
People coming here to ridicule the opinions are really not getting it.
I love this page! No matter your opinion you might get a lot of hate for it and that’s stupid. We should all be allowed our opinions.
People coming here to ridicule the opinions are really not getting it.