Hey Pandas, What Common Thing Do You Appreciate More Since The Pandemic? (Closed)
What common thing (like walking into a store for instance) you took for granted, do you appreciate more since the pandemic?
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Simple answer: my foster parents. They have done so much to keep me and my foster brothers safe. they are adopting me and my foster brothers. adoption should be finalized by late of this month early june.
Having a job.
My dog. Did not even need to think about my answer. He's always happy, always up for a walk. He's kept us all grounded and sane.
Alone time. Being able to have the house to myself for a few hours while the rest of the family goes on a road trip or out to eat at a restaurant.
I would give up my left arm if my parents would leave the house for something, for even just 30 minutes.
Silence. It's really hard to get some when everyone is always home. Neighbours either loudly f*****g or yelling at each other like 24/7, kids running around outside my windows instead being at school, people all around the neighbourhood doing reconstructions of their apartments because they finally have time for it... Silence is the best music there is.
Being able to see my family
Doctors and Nurses (m/f/d). The (German) health system in general...
We are so thankful. Wish they will be better paid in the near future.
People taking the time out of their day to help others get the food and supplies they need during covid. I know it sounds kind of cliche' and cheesy, but it's the only thing I could think of that was positive.
Sunday dinners. Sunday dinners are a huge deal for my family and we used to get together every Sunday and eat and just hang out and talk.
We didn't have them for over a year and now that most of us are vaccinated and the weather is nicer, we can have Sunday dinners again (mostly outdoors) or in an indoor/outdoor space. It wonderful to be able to get together with my brothers and SILs and their hell spawn and get caught up.
Haha awe the adorable little hell spawns - they make the dinners os much more entertaining don't they :)
This might sound self-centered but my ability to be alone and self-sufficient for lengthy periods of time.
I do however appreciate having my job all through the pandemic. I've seen many co-workers in debt because they were laid-off or had reduced salaries.
A certain company beginning with A for the home deliveries of moggy biscuits when my usual supermarkets couldn’t.
But a big thank you to all the lovely delivery people who worked very hard during the pandemic.
Having a supportive work environment that values what I do for them. First time I've ever had bosses (yes plural) this encouraging and I love them for it.
Spending time outdoors
As a teacher, seeing my students face-to-face. The pandemic has made me realize that it isn’t my love for math that makes me want to teach, it’s the students themselves.
Teachers. Teachers deserve all the money. I have three kids doing virtual school and I can't explain English grammar or algebra, or gym class, or why mommy is doing shots at 11 am (joking).
music, before I didn't really think much of it but now.. it's my everything as it gets me through my ups, downs, lonely everything!
Silence and alone time. My mom retired right before the pandemic hit, then I got layed off and found a new job WFH. We are together 24/7 and I'm ready to pull my hair out.
This may sound dumb but I really appreciate weekends now. Before everyday ran together. There were no designated rest days. It was work when you can, rest when your done. Now that I’ve gotten back to school I can really appreciate coming home on a Friday afternoon and enjoy it.
Hugs! Thankful I had my partner and dog to hug but have missed hugging so many others I love
Social interaction cause I’ve kinda got more introverted and didn’t talk to people a lot but now I’ve come more out of my shell.
being with my family even though we all still argue we are a happy family ever since my parent's got married this year
Taking time out for a run, even if it's only 20 minutes in the park, whilst my kids play with friends.
Free time. Now that lockdown is over and exams are on the horizon, I have little to no down time.
um let me elaborate. it helps connect with friends and relatives. sorry for the shortness! (of other submission.)
Being able to give people glares and stink eyes when they don’t wear masks. I like it. I would like to keep glaring at people. Plz can we keep that?
Hand sanitizer. I didn’t have a care for it before this, and now I find myself using it after each of my classes lol.
Teachers. They all work so hard to keep us learning, even during COVID-19. They have to deal with kids slacking off, but they keep on trying. Yay teachers!
Delivery people!
I've got no car and my bike broke down during the first lockdown, and if it wouldn't be for delivering services I pretty much would've starved out. I had not way to do my groceries without paying a real elevated price for and Uber/taxi ride, but delivering fees are much lower.
Everytime I've got delivered something to my house I make sure I thank properly to the delivering guys and offer them some water or a treat.
Honestly, having a job that is considered “essential” and not having to be in an industry that was shut down. I’m glad I was able to work while so many were not. I hope everyone recovers and life can return to “normal”
I miss seeing my friends all the time, I really didn`t understand how good thing were before
Travelling and meeting new people. I used to travel for work 2-3 times a month and meet new people every trip. Nothing for 15 months and probably not for a long while still.
I went to the supermarket for the first time since Feb 2020. I felt like an immigrant from a 3rd world country, gawking at all the food.
Only things I can think of is that the roads have been quieter and no damn tourists walking past our house, oggling in the windows or letting their dogs crap on our verge
My container garden. Having lots of plants (indoors and outdoors) have been a lifesaver for my mental health, both to keep me from going crazy with boredom and because having lots of greenery is very relaxing. Not that I took it for granted before, but nowadays I just appreciate it that much more.
Only things I can think of is that the roads have been quieter and no damn tourists walking past our house, oggling in the windows or letting their dogs crap on our verge
My container garden. Having lots of plants (indoors and outdoors) have been a lifesaver for my mental health, both to keep me from going crazy with boredom and because having lots of greenery is very relaxing. Not that I took it for granted before, but nowadays I just appreciate it that much more.