Hey Pandas, What Childish Things Do You Still Do, Even Though You Feel A Little Childish? (Closed)
Share the childish things that you still do.
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I still sleep with a stuffed animal and ‘lovey’ (blanket). My stuffed bear has been on many trips. Whenever we travel I take pictures of him doing adventures. He’s been to Greece, Spain, and numerous states in the US. I made the blanket for a school project in 12th grade about 35 years ago. It’s been recovered twice. I don’t let anyone use it. I tease my husband and son I will be buried with it so they can’t fight over it.
When baking I still need to count out the number of spoonfuls of something. If the recipe calls for 3 1/2 teaspoons of something, I need to carefully count 3 1/2 spoonfuls out loud.
I have a stuffed animal that hides in my pocket wherever I go
Play 4 square (very competitively) but in my defense you can't let your 10 year old be better than you at anything #badparentlol