“It’s Actually Very Odd When You Think About It”: 50 Things That Are Considered Normal But Are Weird As Shared By Our Community
I believe we all can agree that people are strange creatures. We do loads of random stuff without really thinking about it. Our society is built in such a way that we tend to normalize things or expect someone to act according to a typical pattern. However, when you really think about it, some patterns appear to be pretty odd and bizarre.
So, I got curious about what behavior our pandas think is considered to be normal but is actually weird. I was surprised to receive so many insightful answers! Scroll down to read them and don't forget to share your opinion with us!
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That the best paid jobs are likely to be non-essential for sustaining our societies, like cosmetic surgeons or stock market brokers. And that essential jobs are paid so little, like cleaners, teachers or social workers.
This ons needs to be higher. Remember a while back in Milan the bankers went on strike and there was a panic but nothing terrible happened? And then the garbage cleaners/collectors went on strike and the city was a filthy mess. Essential workers need better wages because they are the people that make the world a better place.
Liking, following, and worshipping influencers. They’re just people, and most are faking their looks and profiles, yet it’s normal to idolize them. No thanks.
Voting against universal healthcare, paid time off, and higher taxes on the ultrarich.
When someone is in a situation (think being hurt/attacked) where they need help and instead of helping, everyone takes out their phones to record video of it.
People have been idle bystanders for a long time before cellphones came with cameras.
Hunting animals as a leisurely activity. Not for food, but fun. Like fox hunting in the UK. Hunting humans for fun is illegal, murder and very very wrong. Surely people who hunt animals for sport have psychopathic tendencies and psychological issues?
The whole concept of Religion is actually very odd when you think about it.
I have no problem with faith. The problem lies in the man made rules that define the organized Religion. Made by men with ulterior motives, like power and/or wealth
Forcing relationships on kids at a young age. I’ve seen shirts made for infants that say “ladies man” and similar stuff on them, and I think it’s disgusting.
Mine had a shirt with 'eat sleep s**t repeat' and that was far more accurate as 'ladies man'.
Sexualizing literally everything that does not need to be sexualized. Eg, tacos and hotdogs. Let me enjoy my food without losing my appetite due to some unnecessary joke.
I hate that too. It's really bad in the cultures where friendships between genders are regarded with doubt.
Asking when you’re gonna have a kid! Why is that normal and ok? I’m gonna monumentally change my life because it’s socially acceptable, nay, demanded that you procreate on an already overpopulated planet!!!
And when you state you don’t want any, you’re told that you’ll change your mind!!! Or if you’re over 30 as a woman, your body clock is ticking?!?!?
Not only from family, but strangers!!!
I tell people I simply can’t have them (half true) or that I would eat them if I did… second one is great for family dinners… lol x
It's fine if people ask you if you have kids. It's not fine when people start questioning why you don't have kids.
It should not be normal to pierce a baby's ears. I know that earrings can look really cute, but that is not good enough a reason to penetrate healthy skin of someone to young to agree to it.
If a child actively asks to get their ears pierced, it is if course totally ok. But no baby ever asked for this. They don't talk. They're babies.
Forcing kids: "go hug/kiss your grandma/grandpa/aunt" body autonomy level zero. That's what kids are taught from a young age, they have no right to choose who can touch/kiss them, or forced to give away their affection against their own will. :(((((((((((((( NOT NORMAL at all
I grew up that way and always thought I had no choice. Far forward to age 13 where I was a junior bride's maid and at the end of the after-party, a man, about 80 years old, asked me for a kiss as we were leaving. The dirty b*stard stuck his tongue down my throat and made an mmm sound. Now, a 51, ANY time a man kisses me and makes that sound, I want to vomit.
Idolising billionaires. Like when people think people like Elon Musk have a willingness to save the planet.
(US) abundant luxury but scarce necessities: plenty of choices for entertainment, gaming, clothing, travel, etc. beyond your grandparents’ imagination. But… housing at < 1/4 your annual income and cars < 1/2 of it, like the formulas your grandparents lived by? Affordable education and healthcare? All de-normalized. Having nothing in savings and no expectation of being free from debt has been made normal.
Trying to talk people who decline a drink into having 'just one'. Stop it! You don't know people's situation. Stop with the bullying/peer pressure BS. 'No thank you' means no! Not keep trying until I submit. Stop pushing people off the wagon just to save face.
Totally this. Had to go to a dinner party thing recently hosted by a couple I’d never met. They asked my partner what alcohol they should buy for us, and he told them I don’t drink alcohol so not to worry. Their reply? “She will be doing tomorrow”. They have no idea why I don’t drink, and I think it was a real out of order answer. Of course they then tried to get me to drink all evening.
Cancel Culture! Even when joking about this, it's an incredibly childish thing to do and normalize, especially when people jump on the bandwagon and attack anyone, especially celebrities for messing up or doing something that even slightly rubs people the wrong way. Everybody makes mistakes, don't harass them for it!
It works both ways. Conservatives are just as guilty as liberals, if not more so.
Taking pictures of strangers without permission, and worse, go ahead and post them on the internet.
Shaming women for not breastfeeding. People should just mind their own business!
And shaming women for breastfeeding publicly. Like: As a mother you can't do it right, since you are judged anyway.
Celebrity culture
Expecting women to cover up or leave the room to breastfeed a baby. If the woman is more comfortable that way then fine, but treating feeding a baby as something dirty is really strange and unhelpful. People who want women to cover up to nurse a baby should try eating a meal with a blanket over their head!
Expecting children to socialise with everyone and share everything. I was a very shy child so when my mum invited her mom friends over they’d all send their kids to my room to play with my stuff and it was like a form of torture. We should teach children about reasonable boundaries and respect - We don’t expect the same behaviour from adults so I don’t see why it’s acceptable to do to our kids
Actually, we do expect the same behaviour from adults. In a work environment, it's called networking and everyone seems to hate it but it's necessary for doing business. Also, how else would you meet new people at a party?
Sharing your kid's photos on social media. Family albums are okay, when they are printed, or storing the pics just on your PC. It really stays on the net like "forever", or at least, as long as the internet exists.
How we encourage and love models and actresses who wear short clothes, but if a girl does it, she is attacked with the words hoe, dirty and shameless
How 40 seems to be the cut off point for desirability in workers. Being over 40 is like a death march in life. Experience means nothing. Over 50 and people might as well just retire because people act like you are 100 years old.
So true! When I was in my 40s, I couldn't get a job to save my life. However, we recently moved to Washington, and I got 3 job offers after 2 months of job hunting. In the state government application system they ask if you are over 40, and it weighs your application in your favor. I presume it is in response to the discrimination you described. I had two public and one private job offers, so I guess the culture here is different? I've lived in other states where my age was definitely used against me, so Washington has been a tremendous relief!
People swearing and screaming at retail workers and they’re just supposed to take it?!
Reality tv shows that are clearly scripted and rehearsed.
Before the ad break you’re shown a clip of what’s to happen , then we see an interview shot telling us what is going to happen , then we see it happen then another interview shot explaining what just happened
The novelty of reality TV wore off for me about halfway through the first episode of Survivor. Can’t stand the genre, don’t watch it. It needs to go away.
Colour coding babies clothes so that people know which genitals they have.
When I had my twins, I wanted to be surprised by their genders so I asked for yellow and green outfits and color schemes for the bedding and such. When they both turned out to be boys i didn't automatically change everything to blue either ☺️
As an American, all the reasons we have to ‘party’. I’m not necessarily complaining because I like to get together with friends and have a good time but I don’t remember my parents’ generation having this many ‘celebrations’ to go to. For only ONE young couple we know, we have attended the engagement party, bachelor/bachelorette party, the bridal shower, the wedding, 3 housewarmings, and soon to be 4 baby showers. They have been married for 6 years. I believe next year will mark their eldest child’s kindergarten graduation.
People who talk to me on the train. Dude, I’m wearing headphones and have a book in my hand, take the hint!
Is it a good book? What kind of music goes with the book you are reading? I have questions
The fact that so many jobs exist where you work full time and do not get paid enough to support yourself independently. And you are then told you have to go tens of thousands of dollars into debt to get a job with a living wage.
The greeting, "Hi, how are you?" Or "How ya doing?" And then everyone just says "Fine." In the first place, it seems like noone really wants to know how you actually are. And in the second place, noone says how they actually are. I mean, most of us are not all that fine a lot of the time.
I greeted a server with "how are you" the other day. She responded with a shrug and a "meh." I said, "You know what? I appreciate your honesty. It's 2021; none of us is "fine." She laughed. Be less afraid to disrupt the status quo. Be human instead.
Not acknowledging men’s mental health issues except to put down women’s. Like, they’re both huge problems that deserve to be individually seen and taken care of, but neither is a weapon to use against the other, or anything.
Youtube channels of toddlers and young kids. I believe parents do it for themselves and their ego, I hate that content is mainly about opening new toys and products.
Excessive consumption of alcohol. Getting drunk/plastered/etc never ends well.
I agree. I always monitor how much I drink because I don't want to be in a state where I can't look after myself. It's rude to expect others to get you home and make sure you're safe and I think it's shameful to get yourself into those situations when going out with friends.
Being expected to have a gf/bf/ef. Like, seriously, we get it, you want me to be in a relationship. This is especially true in schools with other students.
What pisses me off the most about this is people telling me I just haven't met THE ONE yet. It doesn't cross their mind that maybe I just don't want to be in a relationship.
Giving merit to the opinions of actors or famous people based solely on their fame or monetary status. Treating these individuals as if they are gods or goddesses rather than talented ACTORS making a s**t ton of money to entertain us🤷♀️
Especially when most really have no clue what they’re saying. Goes for a lot of people, actually.
Shaking hands. Now you have touched everything I've touched recently, and vice versa.
Staring at a medium-sized screen on a desk all day then relaxing at home by staring at a bigger screen on the wall while also glancing at a tiny screen in your hand.
"How did we do?" I'm so tired of being asked to 'rate our performance' Like a bunch of two year olds who want a trophy 'cause they just did a poo poo.
Working more than 40 hours a week, even working overnight. Seriously, if you are going to dedicate all your waking hours to work, is that success?
Is this success? Not in my book but you'd get a different answer from my boss who thinks you're lazy if you work less than 12 hours a day.
Taking sport seriously. I mean, it is fun to watch and fun to do whatever sport you like. But it is and should be just that: a fun way to exercise and meet others. The world is not dependent on wether your team/favourite sports person win or not.
You mean taking supportership too seriously. Sports can be taken seriously if they're your actual job.
When female celebrities can touch/kiss/smack/whatever a male colleague and it's not considered harassment
It's like this IRL as well. I have seen women slap men in pubs or other public places during an argument and storm out and nobody would bat an eyelid. Some of them would say "He probably deserved it". But if a man did this all hell would break loose and the police would be called.
Stopping what you're doing to answer the phone.
Would you immediately stop what your doing to talk if someone was nearby shouting ring ring ring ring, I'm stopping in 10 seconds if you dont talk to me?
No, you'd ignore them until they leave.
The kiss hello greeting, why do people do this?
Pretty much everything humans do is weird. We are weird animals. 🤷♀️
Why are almost all the comments from 9 months ago? Is this an old subject, dredged up to today?
Pretty much everything humans do is weird. We are weird animals. 🤷♀️
Why are almost all the comments from 9 months ago? Is this an old subject, dredged up to today?