Yoinked this right off of R/confessions but who cares.


My neighbors were horrible, cruel & neglectful dog owners. I secretly trespassed into their yard, stole their dogs and re-homed them to loving homes. They got another one after those, and I stole that one, too. I just don’t understand how some people can be so flippantly cruel to another living creature.



    I broke the nose of a bully in school. He belittled and teased his juniors to no avail.
    The irony is that he was an year older than me and after that he stopped bullying others.
    He complained about me straight to the Principal but I stood my ground infront of her and called all of his victims. He ended up getting suspended and with a plastered nose for 2 months.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I blamed myself for sometime but the more I thought about it the more it seemed right 🤷‍♂️

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    I found a baby bird once. It had clearly fallen out of its nest, so i went to grab it to call animal services. A teacher told me not to, because if i got.my scent on it the mother would regect it. So i left it, much to my annoyance. Then through the day i began thinking 'wait, it doesn't matter if i get my scent on it. The mother can't get it back and she certainly wont protect it when its on the ground. its already been abandoned.'
    So i decided that my teacher was full of s**t. I took the bird home with me and got my parents to call animal services. It grew up and learnt to fly. No regrets


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    Freya the Wanderer
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That was not a bad thing at all! You probably saved that bird's life. The claim that birds will abandon offspring after humans touch them is B.S.

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    When I'm on YouTube, I actively troll the trolls. Of course I don't feel bad about that.



    I got someone suspended in high school. He kept being sexually harassing me and some of my friends. The last straw was after rehearsal at school when I was at my locker he tried to pull my thong and grab my cr*tch. He then sent me a text message asking me if I was ever going to get my cl*t pierced.

    I was the only one who reported him. Everyone else thought I made it into too much of a big deal, boys will be boys, he was just joking, etc. and at the time I thought maybe I should have just let it go. Now that I am in my mid-30's, I am so damn proud of myself. That behavior should have never been tolerated in the first place.


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    Danniee Gyrl
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I really dislike that phrase "boys will be boys" ... I said this to one Boy Parent: So you are teaching your son that the word NO means nothing to him?? So you are teaching your son being mentally and verbally ab*sive to someone is OK? So you are teaching your son when a woman rejects him he has a right to harasses her no matter what? ... She stood there confused and not knowing what to say after that. The next day she said she was clearly wrong in thinking that not teaching her son or correcting his behavior would set him up to ab*se women.

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    Not sure if you can qualify this, but I more or less cut my ties with my biological father last year.

    He's more of a Conservative with his political views, and very much indulging in conspiracy theories and "Fake News". He had the audacity to try and imply that I should avoid getting the COVID vaccines, and if my workplace mandates it, let them fire me. I did get all three vaccines to date, and had my first one before he even suggested to refuse vaccination.

    Less than two months later, he's the one who gets fired by his workplace, government security, for refusing to get vaccinated. Now, he has to live with grandma, is unemployed/barely made an attempt at finding a new job, and continues to say stupid anti-vaxx and conspiracy on his Facebook (among his most "memorable", he believes the government is using the war in Ukraine is to try and regain control after the COVID narrative is falling apart).

    I'd like to avoid him as much as humanly possible. Ever since I became an adult, I've been realizing more things about his behaviour, and can realize in hindsight that he wasn't a good influence on me. He was coming off as more and more toxic the older I became.



    When my Ex broke up with me on a date, I excused myself, and left without telling him.


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    Daniel Engel
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Hell yeah you did.. hopefully you drove the both of you to the date site


    Apparently it was bad of me to bring up a certain youtuber's repeated scamming past, since he was collecting payments for a supposed mass merch order shipment.(Where fans pay for the items they want ahead of time and then the youtuber puts in all the orders at the same time.) When the date of shipment passed people started complaining and getting worried. The youtuber kept making excuses. I don't think anyone got their orders but I hope he kept his word of refunding everyone.
    I got blast shamed on Twitter with the whole community and the youtuber and his cronies started harassing me on every platform they could find me on.
    I thought, at the time, I should've just not said anything. However I was scammed not long before that, and my fraud sensors were on full alert. I just didn't want anyone else to be a victim of fraud.
    I now do not feel any regrets. I wasn't the only one to get shamed on Twitter by these guys. Some people got it done to them for a lot more pettier reasons. Got to see the fan community, and the youtubers, for what they are, and I'm glad I'm no longer part of a cult fan base.


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    Samia Guled
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm so sorry this happened to you, hopefully that "Youtuber" and the people who helped him get so much regret!!


    Neighbor had an unspayed dog and allowed her to have 3 litters of puppies one right after another. Because of the back to back litters, she became underweight and severely malnourished. My husband and I came home one Sunday afternoon and the mama dog was in our carport clearly hurt. We walked to the neighbor's house to tell him about his injured dog and no one there so we left a note on his door and called and left a message. A few hours later he called us and told us the dog looked okay; we did not agree and told him the dog needed to be taken to the vet, she was obviously hurt. The next morning, I watched as he left for work, the dog still on our car port injured. I called into work and took a personal day, gathered some of the neighborhood kids who helped me get the dog in another's neighbor's truck and together we took her to the vet. The vet said she was in as bad shape as any dog he had seen and wasn't sure she would live. She lived and it turns out she had been shot with buckshot and had lost sight in one eye. The vet treated the dog not asking us where the dog lived or who the owner was - he didn't want to report us as taking the dog. The neighbor never knew what happened to his dog but after being "hidden" at a friend's house, she became a wonderful pet for my in-laws. In fact, it's another story but the dog actually saved my mother-in-law's life. She was a great dog.



    I regret encouraging my dad to watch Dead Poets Society right after my sister's funeral. She did anything for his approval, got nothing, and I figured my dad needed the burn. But it made him so sad that I feel horrible thirty years later, and I'm sure I'm going to hell for it. I'm sorry, Dad. It was petty of me, and my youth doesn't excuse it.


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    Caro Caro
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Your youth does excuse it. It was a long time ago and I'm pretty sure you won't go to hell. Kids just do this, especially if and when they have a reason.... HUGS

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    I don't regret turning most of my gaslighting ex's friends against him. they hated him in the end, I was basically their little sister :)


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    Kristy P
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I wish I had told my ex's friends about him. I didn't & I regret it.

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    Once my high school (girl ) BFFs tried to ‘help’ a little pigeon that had fallen onto the sports field, but with their clumsiness I was positive it would kill it.
    They didn’t want to call animal rescue because they wanted to sneak it back into the dorms, because they think it’s cute.
    But I called the nearest animal rescue center (yes it exists) and they came and got the pigeon.
    When my friends came I told them it flew away.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Good, you did the right thing. The animal control can send it to a rehabilitation center to get better :)


    I cut my losses with my former roommate when he got out of rehab. My fiancé and I were planning our wedding, and I asked him if I could invite J, the former roommate. His response was “Sure! As long as you don’t want a groom there!” Fiancé ended up being my husband of 13.5 years now, and former roommate overdosed and died shortly after that.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Thanks. Former roommate was just bad all around so yes , I did make the right choice.


    pretty long and not perfectly written but, i let my dad die a probably painful death, he was an alcoholic and abused me, my siblings, autistic brother and younger sister and my mum, he didnt hit her but made her take it up the a*s when she stepped out of line he said it wasnt rape because they were married,
    when i was 14 he started sexually assaulting me saying he was teaching me "how to say no" i got the worst of the violence, siblings were smacked hard enough to cause welts on the skin,
    he made comments saying kids sometimes fantasize about having sex with their parents asking if i did and asking if i ever tried to look at his penis, he slept naked at night he thought that because his quilt had shifted it was me,
    when i was 18 and he did the "teach you how to say no" i kept pushing back until he threatened to have my bf put in hospital so i let him assault me, i could go on but itd take a week

    anyway with all his alcohol intake he got liver disorder and liver failure, it was to the point it was a struggle to wake him up whenever he fell asleep on the couch, sometimes he forgot things after he woke up, who i was, where my mum was, she left when i was 11 i had to care for me and my siblings, stuff like that
    the big point is that, as you can understand i was terrified of him, and he hated doctors and hospitals, a friend of his visited for about an hour when he left he told me to call an ambulance, i told him dad doesnt like doctors, the guy said "he's dying, he needs an ambulance now"

    an ambulance was called but not by me, my boyfriend spoke to a doctor the next day without telling me, not for the ambulance but just for advice but they sent an ambulance and he died the next day,
    the friend that visited said that he couldve been saved if something was done sooner, i was too scared to call one because i thought i would get a beating again
    i genuinely thought his behavior was because of love, that he was doing his best as a single parent and that i deserved that stuff to happen, so it took a while before i realised that he deserved way more pain than he got and im glad he's dead
    again sorry for the crappy typing and the long post


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    Weed in the Garden
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You have nothing to apologize for and don't hold yourself responsible for any of this. He made his bed, you let him lie in it.

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    I regret a lot of things, but one that I don't regret is flipping off my toxic friends when they revealed their true colors. I got a lot of s**t for it, but I honestly didn't and still don't give a f**k.


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    Mel Schmidt
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That kinda happened to me. This guy who was married, just had a baby and he was wanting to leave his family for me. I told him no way! You man up and stay with your wife and newborn.

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    Break minor laws like jaywalking, and I don't care because I don't endanger others when I do it.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Statistically, jaywalking can be safer than using crosswalks. A lot of people in crosswalks think the painted lines offer some protection, but in reality, they can provide a false sense of security. Jaywalkers, OTOH, know they're putting themselves at risk, and are much more vigilant crossing streets.

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    This one teacher cussed at me in grade 10 and failed me because she didn't like me(she also said many horrible things such as I faked my depression for attention, and that I should be *deleted* because I am bisexual). I went to someone on the school board about it and the principal marked my work instead and passed me. She almost got fired(she had a record of being horrible to students), her husband divorced her because he found out how she treated her students, and up until the day I graduated, she would glare at me when we passed in the hall.
    TLDR: teacher was a jerk, I almost got her fired, I caused her divorce, and she hates me
    I regret nothing, she deserved that and more


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    2 years ago

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    I punched a little girl in the nose for saying my mom was going to hell for teaching evolution. Her older sister was supposedly going to get my mom fired. Hitting her seemed like the only answer to my 6 yr old brain.


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    Ok so revenge story:
    Not so long ago in a land not so far away…
    Dundundun dun dundundundun dun dundundundun dun dundundundun…
    (Star Wars theme)

    So one guy let’s name him… Al. And the other girl… ari. So ari and Al had a classic love story… girl meets boy, girl falls in love with boy, girl and boy come together, y’know. Then this other guy, Carl, meets them. (This story takes place in america, Carl is British) Carl was a jerk. He thought he was the coolest for being British, tried to take over the school, etc stc. He was on the brink of bearable. Then a few years later we meet sia. Sia was a British again (no grudge against British here, just telling the story.) So, they both gang up. They are racist, gender discriminative, entitled, idiots. They thought britishers should be treated better In america because america “needed them.” This did not sit well for Native American Ari. So she told them off. They made fun of her a lot. They teased her, bullied her, and blamed her for things so she got in trouble. Al one day joined them (Al is her boyfriend, incase you forgot). Ari to us practically devastated, crying, hysterical, me and a group of friends were really angry. But instead of just yelling at Al, we anted revenge.

    So, first we got rid of their tea because we heard that was pretty big to British. But that was just a starter. We filled their locker with confetti, so each time it oppened it would burst. And then we changed their locker codes. We made very shuttle changes, easy to be seen as a glitch on the paper with the actual code. If you have ever used a school locker you know what I mean. Now here comes a new girl. Her name is Sanchi. She didn’t want to get in trouble, but she is really smart. So she decided to stick with them, even though she truly believed in us. She stuck with them and so we had a “spy” on their group. Now Al copies of her tests, and so she put in all the wrong answers (IN A TRUE OR FALSE TEST) and then went up to turn it in. Al got up also. Then Al turned his paper in while she made a show of seeing something on the page and going back to remove it. She filled in the right answers, and then turned it in. There were a lot of tests, and they copied her, only to get a 0 on all of them. (To be fair, he was copying in the first place). So then they start teasing us again, but she recorded it and presented it, along with other pieces of evidence we had collected on the way like the test scores, to the principal. At first he was skeptical, but sanchi has a photographic memory and knew each answer she had given for all the tests. This, along with the videos of them teasing and bullying others, got them suspended or expelled… idk which.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I hope those idiots haven't completely put you off British people, the majority of us would not accept that sort of behaviour.

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    When my dad was in hospice care my husband wanted to leave us so we could talk and say goodbye. My dad said that I didn't have to and I thought "f**k it" and left. I should have been stronger. .


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I don't really understand this one. Could someone rephrase it for me?

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    I purposely move things around the house when I mad at my husband or just looking for entertainment, I then watch my husband stumble around the house looking for said item.
    Is it bad yes, is it hilarious, also yes because he is the worst finder in normal cases so its extra funny.



    I went to DisneyWorld with a co-worker and his girlfriend for a race. They were running a marathon and I was there for support. After the race we were back at the hotel room with a bunch of the other runners for drinks and recreation. I don't drink but they insisted that I join them in a couple rounds. From the first sip I knew it was a bad idea so I just pretended to drink and pretty much just acted like everyone else was acting. At one point my friend was making out with some other runner that was not his girlfriend. His girlfriend gets upset and starts making out with me. Nothing worse than that happened and the next day everyone said they didn't remember a thing because they were drunk. She made a point to say that she didn't remember a thing either, so quashed that hope of mine :D. I remember it completely and don't regret a second of it.


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    Ok, so my Momma thinks that I talk back to her (I'm 13. HELLO, SASSY TEENAGER!) But she doesn't get his much restraint I have. I don't go off for her unrealistic standards, her husband being a absolute child who days swears, and my Momma trying to let my sister explore her hobbies be trashing my room looking for something to support one if her Five Minute Hobbies. It's just so angering!😠 Can I get some advise? What should I do?


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    Missy Roberts
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Explain to them that you would like your room to be your safe space. Your sister shouldn't be coming into your room and definitely not going through your stuff. If they want to support her hobbies, that's fine, but not at your expense. The rest of your rant sounds like you need to get your attitude under control and be more respectful. If you find controlling yourself too hard (hormones and puberty suck, I feel for you on that) talk to your mom about therapy. It sounds like you've had a lot of upheaval in your life. If you're struggling, therapy will help.

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    I didn’t give a mentally ill homeless woman her dog back, I know it sounds bad but hear me out. I found this beautiful black older German Shepherd in the middle of a busy intersection desperately trying to get into anybody’s car. I’m in dog rescue so I took him in. He had a collar, no tags and was microchip but when I called the number they said the owner had moved out a year prior and they had not seen her since. three days later the owner called asking if I had her dog, I said yes and was very excited to reunite them! Here’s where the story goes off the rails, she told me she did not have a leash or a bowl or food or anything for the dog and she had to go get it and would call me back because she also did not have a cell phone. Fast forward 4 days later, she finally calls me and tells me she’s essentially in the psychiatric ward at a hospital. by this time she gives me a second version of how her dog got loose, which did not match the first version at all. she also changed his name. This is where I started to grow concerned. She also gives me her full name, so I start doing some investigation. Turns out she has a long (public) arrest record, and the dog winds up in the shelter every month pretty much and with her welfare money she bails him out. At this point, I’m still not convinced I need to split them up. I’m still hoping for reuniting them. The story drags on for four months, essentially winds up with me talking with her caseworker finding out about her history, finding out that she refuses to be on meds because she’s with this dog and no shelters or homes will take them in. Ultimately I decided he would be safer with me and she would be safer and best in a facility that could get her on proper medication. I had to change my number, but I still called her caseworker and told her what my new number was and she could call me if she felt they could be reunited. The case worker never did. The dog was rehomed and lived a wonderful life - the new owner was fully aware of all the details. I hope that woman found a same home and got the help she desperately needed.


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    Jaqi Hegland
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'd say to give the dog a stable home, but sometimes bring the dog to visit her, it might help her, and showing her how well the dog's doing in a stable home might make it so she felt better staying somewhere that can help her.

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    the guy who lived next door to me was a registered sex offender i keep putting nails under his tire so he would get a flat tire when he drove off i did this so many time, 30 at least he wrote a "letter to the editor" of our local newspaper complaining about how the city should inspect the roads for nails.
    i feel good about all the work he had to give to the local tire store.


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    Jaqi Hegland
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Ah, America, where having gotten in legal trouble will sink you for the rest of forever. Reform? That's too soft! Gotta keep punishing people for the rest of their lives. If he was living next door, he's finished his prison time and should be left alone, as long as he doesn't start creeping on someone else.

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    Had a dear friend with a drinking problem. I also worked with her husband, and we had a couple of mutual "friends" at the office. Found out that one of our "friends" was covering for her when she went to bars at night. The other was talking about it to others. It was a painful decision, but I ended up telling her husband what was going on, even though I didn't really like him and I knew that it would possibly ruin our long friendship. But there were two young children involved. She was angry, and husband pushed her to go to rehab. It would be a few years after she was clean and sober before she would accept me in her life again. The "friends" were never my friends again, but that was perfectly fine by me. So not really bad, but it blew up a lot of relationships and created a lot of drama. And I would do it again so she could have those years with her kids. She died of Covid in 2021.


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    I would not consider it bad but I probally could have been jumped for it by my peers at the time. (o.o) I snitched on two girls who were trying to sell vape to one another. I remember about a week later while changing in the locker room I overheard a conversation about how a bunch of people got busted for vape but how it started with only two girls who got caught and ended up telling on more people to lower their days in GAP. :)


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    This isn’t really bad, but I tackled a bully in 5th grade.
    The teacher told him it was time for him to walk the fence (our punishment during recess), but he didn’t hear. My little sister politely told him what the teacher said, and he started shoving her. He kept trying to shove her head into the concrete, so I flung myself at him and tackled him. A week later, he threatened to bring a knife to school to kill her, so I grabbed him by the hair and told him that if he ever even thought about hurting my sister again, the English teacher’s fish would have some extra food.
    The worst part is that the little f^%#er wasn’t even punished.😡


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    Not neccesarily "bad" but I definetly don't regret it. About a year and a half ago I came out as nonbinary. Really helped me to discover myself more and for the first time I am slowly starting to feel comfortable in my own body.



    Knocked out the kid who wouldn’t stop touching me at P.E. . Got suspended, but it was worth it.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I asked him multiple times to stop touching me and he continued to touch me and then he pushed me

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    I was at the rehearsal dinner for my first marriage. It was a very stressful time, as I’d also just started a new job. My brother-in-law decided that was a good time to pinch my rear end. Without thinking, I turned around and punched him in the gut. He had to go lie down for an hour or so because I hit him so hard. My, then husband’s, entire family blamed me. Not a single word about BIL’s inappropriate behavior. Did I mention that this is my ex-husband?


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    Well, I'm usually not supposed to create accounts without my parents knowing, but I created thus and don't regret it! I'm planning on asking them and acting as though I just only created it



    Vandalising a bathroom stall. Someone previously wrote a homophobic slur in sharpie, so I came back with markers and covered it with rainbows and LGBTQ+ flags.


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    Divorce my husband. When my school age daughter brought home a language paper on which she wrote: "My Dad knows how to drive with his knees", I knew the marriage would not end well.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Who doesn't know how to drive with your knees? How else do you eat breakfast and text on your phone at the same time while driving?

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    my mom is deathly afraid of cats but i got a kitten and now she and the cat are best of friends. she still fears other cats tho, but i totally dont regret getting a cat even when my mom didnt want to. ik it sounds bad but i had the intention of making it work out and it did so yeah


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    Refused to comment on parents' will or beneficiaries; am now executor and sole beneficiary.


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    I let another man sleep with my wife. A friend of mine when we are all drunk. A few years later I found a larger man for her on a dating app. That was a lot of fun as well. Going to be having that happen again in a few weeks.


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