Talk about something you liked, wanted to say to her or your feelings about her death.


Honestly hearing she died doesn’t seem real to me,she lived through so much and it doesn’t feel like she really just died



    I'm born and raise in America, and yet I can't imagine a world without her. Can't imagine how her people must feel. To me, even though she was born into the role, she was an amazing example of what a strong, committed woman can do. She wasn't perfect, and her family issues played out for the whole world to see, but she faced everything with a power and grace we will not likely see again.



    Brit here. I'm going to be quite honest here, I couldn't honestly care less about her death. A random old woman I don't know died after a long and comfortable life. I don't see any reason to be sad personally. And yes, I know this is a horrible sin to think, I've certainly heard enough of my apathy being terrible already. I don't think I would care about any of the royals passing either except for the kids, and even then it would only be an "oh they were very young, that's sad". But you asked for what I thought, so here you go.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    100% agree. There were many other items in the news yesterday that were far more pertinent.

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    Sad. End of an era. It’ll seem strange hearing “King Charles “ on the news



    I surprised myself by being a little sad and having a sense of loss. Surprised because I am not a royal fan or follower. But it somehow seems like another big change in a changing world.



    To paraphrase Monty Python, I didn't vote for her.

    Whilst it is sad for the family, she was in her 90's and is not a shock.


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    Lily Anne
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Strong, intelligent woman , a true leader. She worked real hard for Britain, and will be greatly missed.

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    Not unexpected but still sad to hear. I feel like I've lost a distant grandmother or great aunt.



    I feel awful, so much is going on in this world, everything changes. Sadly more bad, than good things.
    But she was there, always a smile in her face; keeping her promise to be devoted to her people and her kingdom.

    She felt immortal, for all my life, my parents life she was the queen of the british empire.
    And now?
    I cannot think that royals, whether it be british or any other, will be the same. Or will be here or as important for a long time.

    Nowadays with all the feminists and all this, I think everyone forgets about the queen.
    She was there as a woman and stood her ground. She was respected and loved and noone talked about her being a female.

    The world lost a great human being with her.

    Still feel sorry for Harry, for not being able to say goodbye.



    It brought back memories of a meeting my Dad had with Her Majesty…

    People who visiting my Mum and Dad’s place over the years often commented on a photo of my Dad (Circa 1977) with the Queen in which she was laughing…

    My Dad was in the Royal Australian Navy for 21 years. Part of his career was in Submarines in the early 70’s. Because Australia was developing their Submarine fleet, officers were sent to the UK to train on the British vessels. As such he ended up being part of a Royal Navy event which the Queen was inspecting. At one point during her inspection, just near my Dad she commented about the “SubmaREENers”.

    Without thinking, Dad automatically replied. “Actually Ma’am, we’re Australian so we are SubMARINers”

    Based on the death glare look he got from his Captain who was escorting The Queen, dad fully expected to be on the new boat back to Australia. The Queen however apparently smiled and replied something along the lines of ”I will remember that” and moved on

    Fast forward several years and my Dad was back in the UK doing some more training during the silver jubilee festivities. Once again, Dad was in line as the Queen was inspecting the troops… She walked down the line and glanced at my dad and took a couple of steps forward before stepping back and saying.

    “You’re my Australian SubMARINer” Her Majesty said, pointing at my Dad.

    Dad was absolutely stunned! He said he blurted “Yes ma’am!”

    She smiled at him and said (with apparently a twinkle in her eye) “I told you I would remember” and laughed.

    It was about then that the Photo was taken. Dad said it was one of the best moments of his Naval career.

    From that day until the day he passed away, my Dad would never hear a bad word for Her Majesty. He would be devastated about her passing…


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    Malina TinyKittenTitan
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It says something about how she saw the people she met. As that and not seas of faces in a long life.

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    She was the best person for a job she truly didn't want. I have nothing but respect for her as an individual. RIP our Liz.


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    McMouse Condolences UK pandas
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Your Liz was a quiet force of nature. We'll never know the full extent of her dedication - it wasn't advertised for the world to see. However, you only needed to see her face as she greeted her subjects to see how thoroughly she cherished you all.

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    I can dislike an institution and still see the humaity in that institution


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    Ru Bee
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Me too I find the idea of monarchy abhorrent but I have nothing but respect for Elizabeth the 2nd...and Elizabeth the 1st too... Weird.!

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    a very strange day to wake up with a new King. King Charles has very big shoes to fill. RIP


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    I work as a news anchor at a small station, and I messed up and said Queen Elizabeth instead of "King Charles" and just started crying. She was my queen for so long, and always will be in my heart.


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    McMouse Condolences UK pandas
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    So sorry for your country's loss. A lot of people around the world are feeling quite sad at her passing. Even as an American, her presence in the world was something that couldn't be matched and she will be mourned and missed, but never as much as your nation and commonwealths. You've lost a precious part of your lives and I'm very sorry for that.

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    To me the best memory is this video where she is having tea with Paddington. It is not a deep fake video, she went all in showing her fabulous sense of humour



    When I heard the news, it felt so surreal, so wrong, even though I’m not from Britain or any of the Commonwealth nations. There was always a Queen Elizabeth, that was one thing that didn’t change, regardless of how much the world did. She wasn’t perfect, but she was a strong woman who wasn’t afraid to show people who’s boss and was so respected and loved by people around the world. And now she’s gone. I don’t know how to feel. RIP Queen Elizabeth II, good luck King Charles III.



    Queen Elizabeth II was a very steadying hand for her entire reign. She faced many challenges - both public and private - as the public face of the United Kingdom's government. She didn't rule - she advised.
    I've admired her determination to fulfill her duties to the best of her abilities. “I declare before you all that my whole life, whether it be long or short, shall be devoted to your service, and the service of our great imperial family to which we all belong.” - Queen Elizabeth II, 1952


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    The two absolute best monarchs of England were the two Elizabeths... End of! Both screwed over by their close family members, both forced into the job by circumstances outside of thier control. Both legends in thier own time.... Pm me to #changemymind



    Oddly enough, the way she died. Going to sleep and not waking up. I've had family that passed away in hospitals from varying causes, an example being my dad. His kidneys were starting to fail and he had a sickness that he was battling on and off through out his life. Both the very things he was scared of dying of. I didn't want to lose him and as morbid as it sounds, I'd rather he had just, gone to sleep and not woke up. It sounds like a more peaceful way to go.


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    Adam Jeff
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yeah I think 'passed away peacefully in her sleep' is just what they always write on these occasions. I mean it's not like the newsreader is going to come out in a black tie and say 'the queen died while explosively s******g herself'. The real circumstances of her death are, quite rightly, private to her family and nurses.

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    Not a Brit but living in Britain. Objectively speaking she was just a person born into privilege who managed not to become a complete twat throughout her life (which is an achievement nowadays, I give her that). But she was neither a saint, nor infallibe, she stole money from her subjects and her favourite child was a sexual predator. Sad for her family but Charles managed to split up the spoils within 24 hours so hardly seems like the world has come to end. Just another day in The Firm


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    Sarah Richardson
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Not stole, it’s taxes, everyone everywhere pays them. And Charles didn’t divvy anything up, it wouldn’t be up to him, it would have all been decided and laid down by his mother (and probably his father). Guessing you are a yank….

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    I get chills every time somebody reminds me. My dad (who is British) was speechless when he saw the article. It feels surreal. This was the only monarch I have lived with, now we have a new one. It's very sad. I have a lot of emotions, but don't know how to express them.



    Hearing "King Charles " , for a second, I feel like we've just been thrown back 400 years.


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    Tris Hunt
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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    At least it's not King Henry or King George. 😖😣

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    I sorry, but I don't really feel sad, just shocked since I thought she would live to be a hundred. I don't really know what she did so I don't feel sad.



    She was absolutely awesome. When my friend told me she died I was like "I thought I would never hear that.". I always have liked her. Now we will all hear about king Charles so it will be a little weird to get used to. Also, it's a little crazy how unexpected (but kind of expected) it was. Even though I live in America, it just feels so sad and crazy and weird to hear that. It's just too sad that she has died 😢


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    (I'm in the USA, btw)
    I learned about it when I was walking into French class and one of my friends greeted me with "Queen Elizabeth died"
    "No. You're lying."
    It's really sad. I thought she would live longer. I had heard earlier on a website that she was under medical supervision, but I didn't know she was going to die.
    RIP Queen Elizabeth II


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    Huggy Wuggy
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I was in after school when I found out. My friend took her computer out and about a minute later she said "Queen Elizabeth is dead!". It's kinda weird when you find out something like that.

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    I am sorry about her death but she was also 96. But I am very sorry about her death, and I send my condolences


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    I just feel, off it’s not normal


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    There will be some who will not mourn the passing of Her Majesty but I bet they’ll make the most of the Bank Holiday that King Charles has said the day of the Queen’s funeral will be.

    I’m certainly not one of those people. Queen Elizabeth has been the only monarch throughout my life and it seems strange that we now have King Charles III. I remember the day in 1977 during the silver jubilee that all schools in the area converged on the stadium at Elland Road, the home of Leeds United football club. The Queen and Prince Philip slowly rode around all 4 stands and the noise was incredible. All of us cheering and furiously waving our little flags. Unlike North Korea we weren’t forced to cheer, we cheered because we were proud of our Queen.

    Imagine yourself in the Queens shoes. You have another public engagement. You are tired, exhausted in fact. You feel you may be starting with a cold as your head aches and you have a sore throat. But you know it is your duty, and you continue with that duty until you are well into your nineties. Over sixty years!

    Thank you Ma’am. Rest in peace.



    Personally, I have no strong feeling about the news. But I have talked to many people from countries that were colonized by Britain and the majority of them are actually happy to hear the news. It was eye opening to see that so many people are still angry about this period of Britain's history.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    How ridiculous of these people you’ve been talking to. It’s was the queens doing then, was it? They’re glad she’s dead because it was her fault? People need to stop blaming us (the people of now) for our ancestors choices. Nothing we can do about history except learn from it and not repeat past mistakes! Do we blame others and make an issue out of being invaded by the Saxons, vikings or Romans?

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    I woke up at four in the morning and looked online and it is sad


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    First thing I thought - popped right into my head!- was “Thank GOD that tRump isn’t pres. Can you even imagine the ignorant, rude, insulting, STUPID things he would say and do?! Fingers crossed he won’t decide to “pop over” and make the U.S. a cringing laughing stock again.
    Oh yeah, sad an old lady died. She seemed nice.


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    Ru Bee
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I feel this, I thought thank god Boris isn't PM anymore the scruffy immoral rubber faced clown.

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    She's the only monarch in the UK I've ever known. I live in the US, and the concept of monarchy is strange and sad to me, that there's a family that, while privileged, basically belongs to its nation. And yet, whatever my feelings about the institution, the queen was a fixture in my life and the lives of many others. It will take a long time for me to get used to hearing "the King of England" or "the King of the United Kingdom", and it's even stranger to think it's likely to be a king rather than a queen for many years to come.


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    I mean she was a cute old lady but other than that who cares?? She was a British Royal who lived a comfortable life for 96 years.. I have way more important things to be "shocked" about..


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    ...i agree with you.....but i got downvoted elsewhere for posting similar so be careful dude.....


    Comedy is shut down in England because of that.
    English people normally live longer than Americans.
    And things will get interesting in the Royal Family.


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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Quality of life and longevity in the UK vs the USA come down to healthcare. The UK has universal healthcare, which means the country cared enough to grant all citizens equal access oppose to the US, your focus isn't about health but wether or not you can pay for it. And worst, in the US it's not the doctor that determines if you get care or treatment, it's the insurance companies that determines whether or not they will approve your care plan, and even if you are approved, you're still paying out the difference and that can cost thousands.

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    While my condolences go out to our British brothers and sisters, at the end of the day I personally feel nothing, as she is not and never has been my leader. Americans divorced themselves from the crown centuries ago. Our modern day obsession with the royal family is perplexing.


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    McMouse Condolences UK pandas
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I don't think it's that perplexing (this isn't a criticism) - there's something to be said for a nation's devotion to the person who's been a mainstay in their lives and to others around the world. No, we don't have a monarchy and that's fine by us, but I can understand the mentality, both good and bad, in regards to the royal family. There's a tradition to it all that seemed to bind the Queen to many of her subjects, that we just don't have. We have and had beloved figures in our collective lives, such as JFK , and the world saw how we reacted to that loss. Can you imagine how much worse it could have been if he had been the head of our country for decades longer and then assassinated? People crave consistency and we just don't have that (except maybe Tom Hanks. He's consistently good. He would've been a good king)!

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    As an Scots-Irish-Indian American I have mixed feelings. One, she was an amazing woman who shared my name and a bada** who fought in WW2. She seemed like a nice woman who had an amazing sense of humor and was a major historical figure! I know she will be missed not just by me, but by many nations worldwide.

    On the other hand, her country is responsible for the deaths of some of my relatives in both Ireland and India. I realize Liz may not have been directly responsible but all I can think about how she could have done something. A statement, an apology, anything even if symbolic.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    As an Irish person, we have learned in order to move forward, we must leave the past in the past.

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    I'm British, this all was pretty hard to hear. She's been all my life, I don't think I know many people who know any other monarch apart from her... it feels surreal to have her gone instantly, I think absolutely no-one was expecting this. My condolences to her family and to everyone else who knew her.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    oops, meant *She's been here all my life, not "She's been all my life"... :P


    I was chatting with my friend online and he was like 'hey did you know the queen just died??' My first immediate reaction was, 'are u sure that's not just clickbait or something. Was kinda shocked it actually happened.



    She was a bridge to a time that seems so long ago. Looking at what she lived through. Telegraph to social media. Mechanic during WW2. Her words are on the moon, and She sent the first Royal E-mail in 1976. Along side her 15 prime ministers, were presidents Truman to Biden. When you think about her PMs, Churchill, the first, served as part of an honor guard for Queen Victoria, (she was the only monarch he never personally met in his lifetime) means the queen had a direct line, to Queen Victoria, through Churchill, and all of us, via Her Majesty. It’s an odd feeling, but, a hopeful one. While she was the only Monarch most of the world’s population has ever known, His Majesty is well prepared for the job.



    Goodbye Lizzie Darling
    The greatest ever Queen
    Our light in times of darkness
    And so much more you've been

    Goodbye Lizzie Darling
    You're finally set free
    We knew that this would happen
    But hoped it couldn't be

    Goodbye Lizzie Darling
    Now millions cry for you
    You were our friend and mother
    Your love was strong and true

    Goodbye Lizzie Darling
    We know you loved us so
    And we in full returned it
    We hope that you did know

    Goodbye Lizzie Darling
    You really were the best
    And tears will flow like rivers
    When you are laid to rest

    Goodbye Lizzie Darling
    I see Charon drawing near
    Soon you'll walk in fragrant fields
    With those you hold so dear

    Goodbye Lizzie Darling
    It's time for us to part
    You'll live on in my memory
    You'll live on in my heart


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    McMouse Condolences UK pandas
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's really lovely and heartfelt. I'm sorry some people are spiteful asssholes. Sorry for your loss and I hope you all come to respect and maybe even love King Charles. I think he's had major blunders, but all in all, he seems to have evolved into a man who at least tries to be good and useful and progressive. There's something to be said for that.

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    Never cared about her life, so why would I care about her passing? I mean, 96 is a wonderful age and she lived a full life and accomplished so much stuff. What she did right or wrong, that's not for me to say. It definitely feels weird, but it just doesn't impact me on a personal level.


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    I am canadian and dont really care although i feel bad for her family... i think the monarchy is an outdated institution and hope that we can have a referendum to end the constitutional monarchy. Also can we start returning all of the items that were stolen from other countries in the name of colonisation ..


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    The number of people (public figures and people I know)/organisations/businesses expressing "heartfelt grief" about it having never previously expressed the slightest interest is just weird, like everyone's afraid of causing offense because they're not seen to be sad - it's like a mild version of nobody wanting to be the first person to stop clapping after Stalin made a speech.

    A 96 year old woman died. It happens. Stamps and cash will look different, maybe a couple of countries will take the opportunity to become republics, but in the grand scheme of things this isn't going to make the slightest bit of difference to anything, so can we all just move on please?


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    Neon Star
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It's like you're offended cuz ppl needa just want to recover from what they've heard...The live long queen just died and it's so weird to accept this fact actually

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    I'm American, so I wasn't as directly affected, but I found out in class. It was actually AP Gov, ironically. It's a pretty small class, and we're all pretty close. So when I kid shouts "The Queen is dead!" during group study time, we all decided to put our work on hold and start looking into the British Government, and her death, and the ceremonial aspects of a member of the royal family passing. It was pretty cool. The whole school was abuzz, kids running down the hall saying "Mr. Smith! The Queen is dead!" I hadn't heard that she was under medical supervision, so it was a bit shocking, and I feel bad for the people that idolized her and for her family.


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    Sally Horrocks
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I do find it fascinating that you are (presumably) in the US, yet people are saying 'The Queen is dead' rather than 'Queen Elizabeth dead' or 'The British Queen is dead'. I think that sums it up, she was THE Queen!


    My mom died the week before Queen Elizabeth did. Two great ladies lost in such a short time. I'm extra sad because of my own mom. I fondly remember when we went to Buckingham Palace when I was a child and one of the guards brought me in behind the fence so I could watch the changing of the guards without the wrought iron fence obstructing my view. My mom had to stay outside.



    It's not a tragedy - she lived a long life. But I am still heartbroken and will miss her. A true "anti hero" : someone who never asked to have to carry the responsibility of her role, but who did so with tireless and unfailing dedication. Her life was not her own, and I could never envy her position. I could not have done half so well as her, I like my privacy too much. Respect.


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    sad, a bit unreal, but altogether not unexpected.


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    It's going to take longer than he's got to get used to "King Charles"


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    Is it wrong that I'm waiting for all the memes about her being immortal to be replaced? Is it just me? Too soon, right?



    it doesn't feel real and whenever I think of her I think oh she's at the palace but then reality hits in. I feel as if a part of me had died with her. I don't know why I'm feeling so sad like I barely knew her and did not even meet her in real life. I feel as is something is not normal and its strange. like I thought shed live like until 100


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    Although we are all saddened by her passing, a lot of Australians are already "Viva la republic", to quote a text message mum sent me that morning. We had a referendum in 1996 or 97 and it was strongly opposed, I think due to the faith in the Queen and everything she has seen for so long. Now might be a very different story, as NO ONE has ever really liked Charlie here.
    Also *Charles in charge theme music*


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    H M
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yes, a rich UK 96 yr old lady died. More interested in my 90 yr old mum than some English tourist attraction, sorry.

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    Happy Traveller
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Apparently, god plans everyone's life even before they were conceived so yeah, it was planned, depends who you ask.


    I'm a 13yo American, so I don't know much, but word gets around. All my life, I've been hearing about her, and I'm sad to hear that she died. 😥😭


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    It’s rlly disappointing I thought she was immortal or smthn


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    Umm everybody gotta go sometime


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    Momma Panda
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    She lived a long comfortable life. If she wasn't a royal she probably wouldn't live that long. She was almost a century old, so no shock there. I'm more sad of people who died in their 40's, leaving young children and family behind. Still sorry that she died.

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    It feels like the end of an era. It is one more severed link to the past. She lived through so much and did so much as both princess and queen.

    One thing I remember seeing is a clip of her cutting a cake with a sword. When asked why she was using a sword rather than a knife, she replied either "because I can" or "because I want to," which shows she was still a human being, behind the strict rules and pageantry.

    I hope they have a plan for all her corgis, because she had a lot (like 17?) and actually played with and fed them treats, despite servants doing the walks.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    They're going to her family members. She only had a few left as she'd stopped breeding them in 2018 so that she didn't leave them behind when she died.

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    Regardless of what many think of the royal family. As someone from outside the UK, I can understand the depths of her passing. For generations, she was a beacon of hope to many, young and old, who grew up knowing there was A QUEEN. For her lifetime, her work, her memes, and so on, people could at least show their respects. All I knew my life as well that the UK is represented through her, Her Majesty WAS the UK, so now that she is gone, for many, I could at least try and understand what this means. She was respected by many, loved by more, so this is indeed a sad loss for the whole world. If you don't like her, just wishing her death or even saying that you're happy that she's gone or wishing anything bad for her family, or anyone regardless, is inhumane. Compassion is free. Humanity is free.


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    I just imagine the dinosaurs up there just being like, “omg is that Lizzie?” “ dang, I thought she was immortal” (this is a joke,please disregard it)


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    Godspeed on your way home, Your Majesty. You have lived a beautiful life.


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    I'm not a Brit in the slightest, but the Queen has been a thing my entire life, something that was just "out there" and seemed permanent, like Big Ben, or the Eiffel Tower, or the Statue of Liberty. It feels weird to know she is gone.


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    I’m Irish. I don’t have any time for the monarchy. I recognise that she was a human so I’m not devoid of the baseline compassion of the death of a person but she did not exist in a vacuum that separates her from her legacy. She was reigning while many atrocities were carried out under colonialism, including Bloody Sunday here in Ireland. She may have been a “nice old lady” and an interesting person as an individual but I cannot celebrate her in death, it’s just too complicated. The history of colonialism is too cruel and dehumanising to get absolved from. Ireland was brutally oppressed for 800 years. It’s a different time now and one doesn’t carry hatred into the future but that doesn’t mean we should bend the knee in respectful reverence because she died. An article from the Irish Times says it quite well (citation given):

    “Having a monarchy next door is a
    little like having a neighbour who's
    really into clowns and has daubed
    their house with clown murals,
    displays clown dolls in each window
    and has an insatiable desire to hear
    about and discuss clown-related
    news stories. More specifically, for
    the Irish, it's like having a neighbour
    who's really into clowns and, also,
    your grandfather was murdered by a


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    As an Australian Republican, I feel for the passing of a public figure and a human being, but not as the Queen. The monarchy means absolutely nothing to me


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    Pretty surreal, I mean we all expected it to happen eventually but I personally thought she had a couple more years left in her. That's life I suppose. One little comment I have to make is that in Canada it's crazy how many pointless little pleasantries and such need to be kept up, like changing all the signs to king instead of queen, the bills need to be changed, plus no important announcements can go out out of respect for the mourning period. Not saying any of these things are bad, but since the monarchy has no real power in terms of the democratic system it does seem like a bit much.


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    Went in one ear and out the other. It was one of those things where I thought, oh I didn't know she was even still alive? I have never understood the fascination with royals.





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    It’s so odd for me, I was just looking up cookie dough recipe’s with my friend when we saw that she had died… it feels like nothing changed, but everything changed.


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    I started watching the series "The Crown" a little while ago. I'd always liked and respected the Queen but I feel like the series made me understand her a little more (I'm American, by the way.) I heard the news that she'd passed away the day after I finished the first season. It felt so strange because she's always been around, so it's very weird to have her gone. She was a true icon and I miss her very much.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    And of course my heart goes out to her family and everyone in the U.K. Just felt like I should mention that.


    Well...I don't have strong personal feelings about it. But I do feel for the people who do. I've grieved the death of public figures and it's a real thing.
    Also, dying with a sharp mind at 96 in her own bed in her sleep? Goals.


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    I am an American and glad of that but will say that though she represented a country that did some. pretty evil stuff some centuries back, she was admirable in how she led her country for 70 years. She was a well-respected, amazingly strong person but a real lady in every way.with a good sense of humor. I admired her and would very much have liked to have met her in person but a trip to England, though much desired, never happened. She will be missed. It just doesn't feel real to know that she is gone and that now, instead of our talking about how Queen Elizabeth is doing so and so or going to this place or that, it'll be King Charles doing it and visiting this place or that, or giving a speech about whatever. I somehow cannot envision him as the monarch now. He doesn't somehow fit my image of a king. But hopefully he will do the things expected of him in the correct way at the correct time and carry on his mother's legacy in a befitting manner. Good-bye, Your Majesty,. Rest in peace. You deserve it. Signed, Sue Solender



    TIL how dam funny she was! RIP


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    I cried during science class when I found out. It’s not like I was sobbing, it was a few tears, but i was really sad. My teacher got mad at me for “disrupting the class over unimportant things”. When i asked how it was unimportant she said her death shouldn’t matter to me because i live in America. But it did matter to me. I think i should be able to share my emotions no matter where i come from, because all emotions are important and should be acknowledged. Queen Elizabeth was an amazing person and role model. I will miss her.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It might not affect us as Americans but we are witnessing a historical event take place that nobody has seen in 70 years. That's worth noting, I think. And our fascination with the royals probably has a lot to do with how different it all is from what we know here.


    I hope this will be the end of the monarchy.



    I honestly just don’t know. It was literally yesterday when a friend whisper yelled, “The Queen is dead.”


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    It very sad. It new page that has been turned. And it feels so strange. It just so sad.


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    Honestly, I feel so crushed. She is a true leader and role model for all of us. Hearing "King Charles" instead of Queen Elizabeth" would seem a little strange. RIP Queen Elizabeth.


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    It was a shock. For those kinds of people always it seems like it will happen some other time. And like someone said before it will be weird hearing King Charles on the news.


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    It was sudden. I was aware she was quite old, but was doing very well. It's a sad surprise.


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    to me it was quite shokking because she was a queen that looked up to and i still cant belive she died.
    (sorry for any spelling mistakes)


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    I dont understand American obsession with British royalty. We literally fought war to get away


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    I see so many people going on about how wonderful she was and how dignified and obviously she was those things but she also watched quietly and with dignity, especially in the beginning and middle parts of her reign, as atrocities were carried out under her name across the globe! Britain was still pillaging the world not so long ago
    I feel so much more for Africa and the other countries that were hurt where millions died
    I don't respect the fact that she just condoned all of that
    Keep calm and Carry on sure it's dignified but you never have to say sorry


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    Not a massive royalist, but I was brought up to have respect. They didn’t ask to be born into that role anymore than I did to be born on a farm with absolutely jackall. I had met Prince Philip (D of E award scheme), I felt sadder when he died. Now it’s sad still but they had a long life together and now they are together again. A new king will make no difference to my life, but he seems an alright bloke - let’s just see what happens next.


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    All their wealth was stolen from India and other countries in Africa. No taxes are paid.


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    Annoyed that there’s so much fuss over an elderly person dying without mentioning that her estate isn’t paying any inheritance tax ( nor is POW paying for inheritance from king chaz) other peoples funerals, cancer op, kids schooling put on hold to pay tribute to this bunch of unapologetic racist ( original slave trader/ POC only for servant positions)privileged, tax dodging sods


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    I stopped caring in 1776.



    It's like for most people she was just a stranger, they can't exactly say they "knew" her.... I'm in different to her death but do feel for her family. It's mad to think she 'ruled' over one THIRD of the world's population....



    I just didn’t believe it it’s one of those things that’s just there like Lizzie is the queen that’s all I’ve ever known.


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    She died. And that's it. I don't see much to it. To my country her being immortal was a meme so I'm sad that ended but not much more.


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    Karen Attiah on Twitter said it best: Black and brown people around the world who were subject to horrendous cruelties and economic deprivation under British colonialism are allowed to have feelings about Queen Elizabeth. After all, they were her "subjects" too. ** She was a shitty person, who allowed & fully condoned shitty acts - Good riddance.



    As crazy as it seems, at the time I was thinking about it happening. I dunno if you knew Technoblade, but it was the same. Am I a world destructive?


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    I really couldn't give less of af, that geezer actively participated in colonialism, and it was only until the 1970s non-white people were allowed to have positions of a high status in the Buckingham Palace because they (the British Monarch) believed said non-white people were only worthy of servant jobs. Not to mention she's responsible for enslaving millions of POC, most notably the thousands of Kenyans she had brutally tortured in camps when they tried to revolt against Britain's rule.



    Honestly I'm indifferent to the news. Sad for her family of course. But she was in her 90's. It's not really a shock. I can say that some of my friends who are from countries that were colonized by the British Empire (that even she participated in) and happy that she has passed and to be honest, I really can't blame them.


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    Does not matter how one feels or one's opinion of her. A family still lost a mother, a grandmother and a great grandmother and that in itself is a sad thing.


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    As a Scottish person I can’t say I’m overly bothered about royalty, I don’t think they’re necessary but at same time it’s not like they chose to be born into that family, so it’s not something I dislike them personally for, if that makes sense. As for the queen herself I can’t say I have any personal feelings on her death, it really doesn’t effect me. I feel for anyone who has lost a family member, grief is a difficult thing. Losing my own dad gave me a very clear view of hard it is to lose a parent, but he was only 59, her family are lucky to have had her for so long, but doesn’t mean her loss will be any easier. I won’t be watching the funeral, certainly won’t be going to visit her coffin, I’m a bit scunnered with it being the only news everywhere. I also find it rather hypocritical that for years people have been saying old Charlie wasn’t fit to be king, to selfish and egotistical etc, and now they’re all kissing his a*s.


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    As an American I can't honestly say that I cared all that much. She wasn't our monarch, our nation broke off from Britain a long time ago, and so on. I felt an odd kinship with those from across the pond, but all in all she was just a person. We all pass on eventually, no one is immortal not even a queen. That is a sobering thought, and one that I think people needed to see.


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    Brit here and I wouldn’t say I’m a royalist by any standards, but hearing about her death filled me with tears.

    She dedicated her life to serving her country, and nearly all of us no nothing but her as our monarch. She didn’t ask to be royal but has done her duty, which she executed with such grace and dignity.

    At the end of the day it’s someone’s mother, grandmother and we should respect that if nothing else.


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    I held a respect for her, she modernised the monarchy and she helped create the Commonwealth by forming personal bonds with the new leaders of former (badly treated) colonies. She may well be the reason that UK has good relations with many of these countries to this day. BUT, when her passing was announced we, the public, were not permitted to grieve in our own way. The government has enforced how we will grieve in every conceivable way. Obviously there were plans in place but they have taken it too far. All TV was pushed aside and CONSTANT coverage in its place, after 20 mins they simply repeated themselves. When TV came back on comedy shows and soap operas were BANNED! No one was allowed to hear from anyone with republican views either (many republicans admired her personally so it's not about disrespect) Then they started arresting people in the street who said anything anti-royal. It went further, there were a group with a blank banner in the style of the Russian anti-war protesters, they were arrested too!! Now I understand that the day of the funeral will be a public holiday to allow people to view it on TV but the government have forced hospitals to cancel appointments and shops providing necessary groceries and electric/gas top-ups are being told to close too. What with the enforced bans on entertainment and the arrests it seems like we've gone back a few centuries. This just makes it harder to show respect to someone who did their best for our country..


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    Something bad is going to happen...and it will affect us her death is the price we will all pay what is about to happen...



    Is it too late to play, "God Save the Queen"?


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    I just wonder if people from England are as fascinated with America as we seem to be with them…



    Charles the 1st was executed and his grandson, James 2nd, deposed by a Dutch invasion. Wonder how Charles 3rd will do?


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    Feels very strange, unreal, the end of an era etc. My mum remembers being involved with celebrations for her coronation as a young child. Although we knew it was coming sooner rather than later due to her age, there was a sense of 'she'll live forever', after all her mother lived to 105. No one is quite sure how Charles will reign, what he will change or keep the same. Due to his age, he won't reign for long, so we are in a state of royal flux.


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    I am British and never met her, but saw her quite a few times. A great lady.


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    Its not a career move I would choose for myself, but I think she'll be okay.


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