No fake sexualities, such as anime sexual, plant sexual, dracosexual, etc.
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I'm a cis-gender girl and I'm pretty sure I'm straight.
I have no gender preference, and have never had an interest in sexuality. Try that one. I tried explaining it once, and got a ton of responses none of which mattered then or now. There wasn’t even a term for it. I don’t fit into the LGBTQ community either., (at least that’s what I’ve been told) Doctors and therapist? Here are some pills. Friends? “You’re doing it wrong”, Family? Don’t ask. So, I am still me at the end of the day. And this is the first time I am sharing this so openly so all I can ask is that you don’t flame me too much, Thanks for listening.
I’m differing between bi and les
Help me please I live in a homophobic family how do I cope and or come out
Shh. It’s okay! Questioning is perfectly normal, because sexuality’s are very hard to pinpoint! As for coming out to your family, I would say, come out once you have already moved out, then if they disown u or kick you out, you’ll have a house to live in and a whole new life ahead of you! And remember: you are valid!
Pretty sure I’m bisexual but I haven’t liked a guy for a while so currently identify as heterosexual but idk
lesbian and confused about gender ( maybe agender or demigirl idk)
In our culture, it's not acceptable to share it with everyone very openly, even if you're heterosexual. Though now the trend seems to change due to anti-LGBTQ sentiments in my country.
I’m sorry if I offended you and your culture, but, I will not take this down. You do not need to share if you don’t want to! So, please if you are uncomfortable please leave
I think pansexual.
Not 100% sure.
Am still not entirely sure whether ace or not.
It’s okay! Sexuality’s are a spectrum and they are very hard to pinpoint! It took me years to see if I was gender fluid or not! So don’t worry! And remember, you are VAILD!
I’m not quite sure yet, I used to think I was bi- maybe not tho- I’m just questioning for now I guess lol
I'm a asexual gay boi
Demisexual biromantic non binary