So I'm Bisexual, Fictosexual, and possibly Pansexual
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Asexual and Aromantic, and aesthetic attraction is really annoying because I can’t just go up to someone and say that they’re attractive but like in a platonic way.
THIS! I'm ace and aro-spec, and I've gotten so many platonic crushes lol... some people are just so cool and pretty and (platonically/aesthetically) attractive :)
Old boring homo.
Bisexual with a touch of gay.
aroace. - no attraction to anybody, romantically or sexually. i can only experience platonic effection(the type of love you feel towards friends and family)
sapphic/lesbian oriented aroace (subtiliasexual and subtiliaromantic) :) i'm also loveless, lovequeer, non-partnering and sex-repulsed.
What does subtiliasexual/subtiliaromantic mean? (I tried to google it, there are no results)
I would say that I am attracted to girls and enbys but I had a crush on a trans boy in my class, he actually looks sort of masculine but I still have a crush on him, maybe I am attracted to all genders at varying levels but boys don't often fit my taste (cool looking hair and cool fashion sense especially glasses)
Enbys are lowkey attractive ngl (For me, not in THAT way though, it's hard to explain haha)
The issue is I'm in the middle of an identity crisis and might be pan, but I've gotten myself in the sticky situation of having all my accounts being based on being bi (don't judge me I was a dumbass tween) and I either can't change the names or it would take too much effort
Remember, It's completely okay if you're going through a identity exploration. Is it possible to create a new account or modify account names with minimal effort, as you mentioned earlier? Even if it takes some work, it could be worthwhile once you find what makes you most comfortable.
I'm not entirely certain about my sexual orientation, but I do recognize that I have an attraction to the same gender.
I am definitely heteroromantic, but seks is just plain disgusting so i think i might be asexual... I do very much have a crush who is opposite in the gender binary, so i definitely ain't gay
I've always thought I was straight before at the age of 29 I found myself having a huge crush on a woman. Now I dont know what I am but I think i may be somewhere between Heterosexual/Bisexual and gray asexual. So to all you young people/teens its OK not to know and its ok no to always identify the same way
I’m pretty sure I’m lesbian but I also think I might be somewhere on the aroace spectrum because I rarely get crushes (especially on ppl I don’t know). I would like to be in a relationship (not yet though) so I’m definitely not aroace but it’s just hard to figure out.
Ooh I just remembered I found this guide to help you figure out where on the aroace spectrum you are (obviously it's not always 100% accurate, but it might help a little!) arospec-fl...5-jpeg.jpg
I'm Neptunic, ace, and abroromantic.
I hope I said that right? Abroromantic is kind of like being aromantic and then maybe demiromantic the next day right? Idk lol
I don’t really know. I’ve not been in love with anyone yet, like really, really in love but I’ve had some crushes on boys. (kind of? idk)
Technically abrosexual, but I’m mainly a lesbian so o just call myself a lesbian for simplicity’s sake
Fictosexual is basically where someone feels attracted to fictional characters more than real life people. Sorry if that doesn't clarify, it's my first time explaining.
Load More Replies...Fictosexual is basically where someone feels attracted to fictional characters more than real life people. Sorry if that doesn't clarify, it's my first time explaining.
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