Hey Pandas, What Are Your Problems? Let’s Try To Solve Them In The Comments (Closed)
Let's hear about each other's problems and help each other out as best as we can! Give tips, educated opinions, your two cents, and wisdom! Let's be respectful and try to understand each other, don't judge.
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I have trouble making friends. HELP
So I recently just found out a few months ago that I'm not straight. Since then, I've been trying to figure out who I am. In the back of my mind, I think to myself, I might be bisexual. But I don't know. Is there any way to confirm it?
I guess the easiest way is imagining scenarios. How would you feel about dating a girl? What about a boy? If you're not asexual, how do you feel about sleeping with someone of the same or opposite gender as you? I did this last year, and it helped me a lot
i have 5 classes i'm failing
Make sure you're turning all your work in, and participating in class. If you're active in trying to learn, the teachers MIGHT be more willing to help with extra credit and whatnot. STUDY. It helps so much. As a technique, try writing the important things down by hand. It helps it get etched into your mind
I dont know who I am. i mean..i know ho i am but what if im more. i know that I'm pan but what if I'm agender or trans or something. also, am I mentally disabled? i just don't know who I am. i have weird instances where my personality will change from teen to acting like a kid or a small child. i also talk to myself a lot. and when I talk to myself its a one-sided conversation and only I can hear the thing I'm talking to respond back to me. I'm also very emotional and I actually had a weird breakdown last night. i was just listening to music and trying to sleep
ook, i accidentally published that and i had more to say. i was just listening to music and trying to sleep when I guess a song triggered a panic attack and I just started to cry and hyperventilate at like 3 in the morning. i have insomnia so its hard for me to sleep so I will listen to music. i usually listen to lofi live music but last night I did sad music and I just broke down. i also sleep with a fan so that made my eyes hurt because I was crying and facing a fan.
alrighty. so, I'm out as bi, but I recently found I was genderfluid too. eee. my parents reacted well to me being bi, but idk how they'll react to a gender change, especially this close to Christmas. someone told me to "test the water" and say one of my friends is out as genderfluid and see how they react, but idk what else to do other than that.
plz help
Oh I have the exact same problem! I'm out as gay though. Have a hug, I'm as clueless as you are :)
I have the biggest problem ever! I cant find a good red velvet cupcake recipe! Somebody help! lol
1 1/2 cups Flour (may use all-purpose or cake flour) 3 Tablespoons Unsweetened Cocoa Powder. 1 teaspoon Baking Soda. 1 teaspoon Salt. 2/3 cup Buttermilk. 1 1/2 teaspoons White Vinegar. 2 teaspoons Vanilla. 1 teaspoon Red Gel Food Coloring (if using liquid red food coloring, you may want to add more) Hope this helps, Bye! -edit, I put the instructions in the reply section, sorry bout' that
Ok so I know what and who I like but I don't know what 'label' to give myself.
I'm a girl, I like girls and boys (girls a bit more) in a romantic, not sexual way. I do not like and am not interested in sex. I don't know if I like transgender people or not.
I think I'm either bi ace or biromantic, idk if there the same thing or not, I've done some research but found nothing. Please can you help find my sexual orientation? Thanks so much xoxox
how do you feel about nonbinary and agender people? You seem to be asexual, but depending on the first question you could be biromantic or panromantic, I would like to politely note that trans women are women and trans men are men so that doesn't really factor into your sexual orientation.
So I'm in middle school during covid and I'm an introvert now and I can't make friends cause I'm scared. I just don't have friends
Maybe you befriend another introvert. If you know what they like or what they're good at, ask them a question about it. If you're good at a particular subject and they're not, offer to help them with it. Don't worry too much if there are moments of silence. One of my good friends and I go for walks in the woods and sometimes we don't talk for several minutes and it's not a problem at all. We're enjoying the walk together.
My friends are doing real life school while I'm online. I feel like I've lost connection with them and they might be hiding something from me. I don't know why I feel like they are hiding from me there is no proof. I'm not sure what to do...
This is my problem as well but I found out was to communicate. (via phone, text, email, games, or discord) and try to make them feel good. The happier they are the more likely they are to reveal something about themselves. You can slowly ask some questions. It's like making people drunk with happiness sort of. If they feel well about themselves they will most likely answer your question.
My problem is having a 1% percent in band and I'm only a freshman in HS so I was wondering do I still get credits in band or will I have to repeat it again?
Studying Tips
Organized Tips
Anything will help plz
Write in blue pen. It helps memorise things better. Also if u write things down you're more likely to remember them. Listen and take notes. Ask questions even if you know the answer, to test yourself. Get plenty of rest, maybe set a time schedule for studying. Rewrite things to remember more. Do extra research if possible. Create flashcards, or a recording of your voice saying the question, a pause for you to answer, then the answer to see if you were right. Ask friends to help you study. Hope that helps 😊 xoxox
I’ve heard that sleeping on your stomach is bad for your health. I sleep on my stomach and when I heard this, I started sleeping on my back. Unfortunately, I’m so use to sleeping on my stomach that I have trouble sleeping on my back. Sleeping pills are unhealthy, so what do I do?
There are lots of things you can find online but here's a few: Shower right before bed. It lowers you core body temperature as you're drying off, and makes it easier to sleep. Sleep in a relatively cool room. 65 degrees should do it. Sleep with socks on. It helps. Eat a kiwi or two. They have natural melatonin. When you're in bed, deliberately try to stay awake. Reverse physiology will make you fall asleep out of spite. Hope this helps!
I never feel truly happy. I became quite good at hiding my feelings behind a mask, but the mask is breaking. I´m terrified. I´m in a storm of negative emotion, with no way out. I feel trapped.
Something I do that helps me with negative emotions...write out how you feel. If someone's actions have made you feel angry, write them a letter, but don't send it. Just getting your thoughts down on paper addressed to that person will help.
I keep fake smiling and is never really happy . . . . . . .
help ?
I´ll give u the same advice I've been receiving. Talk to someone. Take time for yourself. Spend time with those that care. Do something that makes you happy, or try out new things. U can do it, I know you can.
I'm not really in the best shape. I've kinda been living two lives and having trouble handling both. I cant be the person I am at home at school and vice versa and right now I'm having trouble keeping a "happy" smiling face at school. Any good coping mechanisms for depression that I haven't tried?
I can tell you the two-faced thing is life long. When you get into the work world you will need one face for work and another for the rest of day to day life. You will even be a different person for anyone you fall in love with. I’m not saying”suck it up and move on”. Far from it. I’m saying love and be reasonable and forgiving to both. And unless you’re doing dangerous or potentially self-harming stuff because you’re not happy at school, understand that not every day is one worth smiling about. My entire high school and college experience stunk but I got past it. I’m 63.
I have anxiety
If you have anxiety your going to want to do a selfcare and focus on your self, your also gonna have to acknowledged that you cannot control everything in life or in your own life and your going to want to welcome humor into your life and at some point if your not talking to anyone your going to at some point let your feelings out and tell them how your feeling and your also going to have to learn what triggers your anxiety so you can just stay away from the activities that get your blood rushing and get you into your anxiety attacks, so that's my advice to you sorry I'm not the best at this but hope it works.
I am thinking of changing my gender from male (in secret) I have my friends support, i am thinking of becoming some sort of demigender or something and i need to know how to talk to my mom and dad about it. I believe that the 100% won't accept this and i am socially awkward about stuff like this....
There is an ask pandas about coming out and I think it would be good to pull some ideas from there. Also "testing the waters" by telling them a friend is trans would be a good way to see how they would react. If they don't take it well and you still depend on them it might be better to wait a while.
I’ve entered puberty recently. Some days I’m fine, some days I’m really not. I haven’t found any advice that helps me get through it. Any tips?
Hang in there. You'll get through it sooner than you think and there's really no tips or tricks to make it through. The new hormones you're body is producing are overwhelming and it just takes time for everything to level back out. It's legit like a rollercoaster, it seems like it's never going to end but in a couple of years it'll be over. Even if you have a uterus, you get used to be periods.
I need to get into Harvard's MBA program, but my GRE scores aren't doing too amazing. I'm in the 150's range and I need to be in the 160's range. I keep prepping but there are so many vocab words and roots to memorize as well as math problem solving methods! PLEASE HELP ME!!!!
Word association helps a lot. Also music. Pick a piece of music and listen to the song on repeat while you study that section. When you go to test or whatnot think of that music and you'll be amazed by how much you remember. Music memory is one of the strongest. Alzheimer's patients will remember music the longest out of any memory they have, and some even attach memories, like the first dance between spouses, so even if they can't look at their spouse and remember them they remember that song and the memory attached to it. Same theory works for music in study especially if you have a lot to memorize.
I’m failing a lot of my classes. My step-mom wants me to be a split image of what she was when she was my age, a perfect A student. Never a single bad mark in her life. It’s so difficult telling her I’m not that perfect little angel that she was and never will be. Ok idk why i just ranted but sorry, i need help with my classe
Don't apologise for needing to rant. What class do you need help with?
I HATE clowns. My twin sister, on the other hand, LOVES clowns. I am very embarrassed that my sister loves clowns. What am I going to say to my Clown-loving Twin Sister without her getting mad about it?
Just say something along the lines of "Hey, I know you like this, but it freaks me out. I'm fine with you liking it, but please keep it away from me"
I find myself having trouble focusing in class... i try all the tips i can find.. but i have no idea what to do now...
Write in blue pen. It helps memorise things better. Also if u write things down you're more likely to remember them. Listen and take notes. Ask questions even if you know the answer, to test yourself. Get plenty of rest, maybe set a time schedule for studying. Rewrite things to remember more. Do extra research if possible. Create flashcards, or a recording of your voice saying the question, a pause for you to answer, then the answer to see if you were right. Ask friends to help you study. Hope that helps 😊 xoxox
Okay, so I have a crush on my best friend and I want to tell her, I know she's pan so that's not a problem. I'm scared she doesn't like me back and when I confess it will get awkward and I'll ruin our friendship. I've never let someone get this close before and I don't want to lose her. But what if she does like me back and she gets over it by the time a tell her!? HELP?
You need to tell her because otherwise she'll start wondering why you're being a little weird when you're together. So 'fess up, all of it: "I need to tell you something, but I'm scared about what it might mean for our friendship: I have a crush on you. I don't want to pressure you into anything, but I thought you should know." Yes, it may end the friendship, but keeping this from her almost certainly will.
I have a lot of trouble sleeping some nights, it might be the online schooling or I have anxiety and I will start crying even if I’m not sad, I will be up until 11 at night and not falling asleep. Is there anything that could possibly help?
I really need to come out to my parents, but i want to do it with flair *Jazz hands* Any Ideas?
Don't mind me i am just having a panic attack right now............