What career would you like to pursue? What lifestyle do you hope to have? And don't forget to mention what are your dream pets!


To have a big, safe, secure family and to raise those children to become happy, decent adults who will do their part to help improve the world. I also want to do my part to help improve the world and spread love like Jesus said we should do.



    Dont Die today. I have a 100% success rate so far.



    To be a good person. That's literally it and it's really fricken hard to do.



    My goal is to grow to be an old lady who lives all alone and talks to no one and has a cat, dog, and makes art all day.



    I hope to finish college and start becoming a singer!


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    Billy The Kid
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Good luck to you. Anything is possible when you put your mind to it!

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    When I was younger, I had depression, and nobody really noticed, so it was kind of up to me to focus on the good. I really hope to find happiness in everything in the future, an find the best of myself.



    To prove my parents wrong. I am going to marry a woman and have kids and also have top surgery. I want to prove everyone wrong that has made fun of me for my sexuality and gender.


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    Billy The Kid
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If there is something you want to do then you do it for yourself. What other people think is not their business. As long as you are happy - sod them!

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    My goal is to get my own place and take care of myself better.



    I hope to do some traveling, then create a happy family, get a house or apartment at some point, and two pets (a cat and a dog preferably).


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    Billy The Kid
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Before having kids, enjoy your life. I was 17 when my first was born. My life was work, work, work. Be free while you can. I don't regret my kids i just wished i had waited a little longer.


    I want to have a room mate and to have a job that makes me happy. Multiple holidays abroad and staying single and having pets.



    I want to be a teacher, basically always have, and i wanna have axolotl pets because they are ADORABLE but only when i can afford to have everything they need because they're already endangered and i want them to live comfortably :) Oh and also a little dog because why not, and puppies are adorable, but i wanna wait until i can get what the puppy would need first


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    Owen May-Nolker
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    hmm my husky eats anything so do all dogs keep the axolotl out of reach

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    be a phlebotomist (the person who draws your blood at doctors)


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    Foxxy (The Original)
    Community Member
    4 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Me too, I actually applied to do Cert III in pathology this year but missed out coz I applied too late. But if I apply early August this year then I should have no troubles being approved for next years course, especially since I already passed the entry exam. Good luck to you.

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    Be able to pursue careers which apply all of my talents and to be able to enjoy my passions in the meantime.


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    Stop having some sort of panic attack in my sleep, stop having nightmares, and be happy. Easier said than done..


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    I have finally met most of my goals, Bought my own home, raising amazing children and marrying my best friend this coming December. Now my new goals is to finish raising my amazing children (youngest will be 13 this weekend) retire in 4 years and 10 months with a pension and start career #2 and travel and enjoy grand babies if they come by then. And finally just enjoy life. No more overtime to survive no more stressing about bills, just enjoy it.



    to stop smoking and cutting....... i slowed down withthe smoking but i still cut......please dont ask why



    Join the Navy SEALs


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    Billy The Kid
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Good luck. Every time i see the ad for the commandos i always say i wished i joined. I get weird looks from the missus.

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    Honestly- I think just to have a good time. I don’t need all the money and I don’t even know if I need true love. The world is beautiful and I want to explore it.



    Become a good person; find 'true love'; become a therapist/psychologist; get my farm, which will have cows, pigs, goats, a dog, and a cat; adopt a child; and die having accomplished everything i wanted in life.


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    Being a good person. I've made a lot of mistakes, hung out with the wrong people, and I regret all of it. I'm the most morally gray person I know, so I'm just hoping to redeem myself.


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    Easily Excitable Panda
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You can. More people are "gray" than you realize. You're not alone, and you're never too old to start over.


    i want to have a husky live on long island ny and be a marine biologist


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    I have a lot of goals. 1. Get my license 2. Lose weight (already lost 8kgs) 3. Travel around Australia 4. Study pathology and lab technology 5. Better at managing my mental health 5. Help my kids grow to be happy, decent people 6. Growing old with my hubby 7. Be debt free and finally 8. Be more organised.


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    Billy The Kid
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That is a lot of goals. Im sure you will conquer if you put your mind to it. Good luck


    to just get through life and own a bird and live happy with him/her


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    To live morally and show kindness to other sentient beings every day. I’m 66 years old and had the most wonderful career for 20 years as a teacher of young children. I was so fortunate to also be able to raise 4 unique, fascinating sons with my beloved spouse of (so far) 31 years. I’m looking forward to the next great adventure in my life!


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    Billy The Kid
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    For everything you have done in your past you deserve all you dream off in the future. Good for you




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    Joanne Hudson
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    How will you earn the money to do that? Do you realize you will need to have a job to live?

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    Just simple: well fed and get enough sleep. Be happy and die in peace



    I want to be a field biologist, have at least 2 kids, and 5 cats.



    Have a nice family have a good job and be able to have a nice house and have gummy bears



    Get a good job, preferably as a senator or president, visit the Anne Frank house, get a tattoo, and jump out of a plane.


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    Owen May-Nolker
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    i would like to visit the robie house in chicago made by frank lloyd wright


    Well, I'm sort of pretty miserable in high school, and a big part of what I want is to NOT just transition into a miserable job. I would really love to go into some artistic career, because I feel that artists (of all kinds) are really the people who positively affect my life (like, as a career position. aside from my family/friends.) I would love to be able to become that positive influence on other peoples' lives and bring them happiness through some kind of visual art, writing stories, or who knows what. (And it would be SUPER cool to have an independent job where I can work from home!) Another big goal of mine is to meet and someday 💕marry💕 my soulmate (the guy God has planned for me to be with😊). I trust myself to listen to Him and find the right person who will be loving and kind and have some similar interests so we can have fun together and we accept and love each other as we are... But it'd be nice if he's a little bit cute too. 🙃 I've always wanted to have two kids, maybe three. And I'm hoping that AS SOON AS POSSIBLE I can go to an animal shelter, hang out with a bunch of cats, see which one comes to me and takes a liking to me, and bring them home to be my best friend! 😸 (Maybe up to 2 or 3 kitties, after that I might start getting worried about space, finances, and attention divisions. Or perhaps a cat and a dog, if they get along super well!)


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    Survive this pandemic ._.


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    Owen May-Nolker
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    already lost to much my grandma my other grandmas dog well at least trumps gone

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    To get to the end without anyone finding out who I really am.


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    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Well I don't know... getting to the end takes a while (in Minecraft or real life)

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    I want to start living life for myself, not for somebody else's dreams or ambitions for me. You're never too old get away from toxic people and to start over.


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    Billy The Kid
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I always say "the less people you know the better off you are" no one knows your business and you don't know theirs. I'm not unsociable i just don't like gossipers. People that gossip to you will gossip about you.


    My current 10 year goal: Pay my house off in two years. Put up new siding on my house. Fence in my property. Build a studio/barn. Get some sheep, two alpacas and some goats. Build up a client-base with my fiber and soap businesses. Retire from my real job.


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    I'm currently a lawyer in Child Protection. There are many children who are born with Foetal Alcohol Syndrome, who are removed from their alcoholic parents and go from foster care to foster care. I would like to start a Non-Profit to promote IUDs for alcoholic women. One of the easiest ways to alleviate suffering in the world!



    At my advanced age, I have only a few goals. I want to spend my last years in my own home. Don't want to be a burden to anyone. I want to always have my pets. If at all possible I want to care for my own property until I am at least 92 years old.



    i want to become president start women equality and LGBTQ equality cuz we rock UwU


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    I want to have a loyal friend group, a stable youtube channel and discord server, three cats named mars, cosmo, and zelda i hope to have a degree in engineering and astrophysics and i want to have a nice gaming setup for my yt and just for games and i want to have fun with my friends and just feel genuinely happy



    My goal is to be a traditionally published author with my cats and boyfriend beside me.


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    become a robotic engineer



    1. Perfect partner for me
    2. Amazing children who are happy, hardworking and kind
    3. The right job (preferably creative and/or artistic)
    4. Be a good person
    5. Find happiness
    6. Cat n dog
    7. Help out with other people
    8. Have enough


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    get meh





    Complete school, move out when I’m 18 rent an apt with my best friends in the world get our medical degrees and haul our smexy asses out to Arizona



    To buy my own plot of land where i wont be bothered by anyone but family. A farm house, a barn for my collection of motor bikes and a big field to put an amusement park for my grandkids.


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    to go to uni and become an equine therapist


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    turn pro at skateboarding


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    To publish a novel, I’m already a hundred pages into it. Honestly, I just want to write for the rest of my life. I haven’t told many people that this is my dream. As far as anyone is concerned, I’m just working towards a Political Science degree and then “naturally” going to law school...


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    My goal is to Grow a good life go to a good college and get a job as a cardio surgeon also get married have kids and be the best husband/father ever.


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    I want to be president of the united states and before and after those years of my life when I'm not running for president be a computer scientist, I know it sounds like a lot but I now I can do it plus I already started computer science and I am a exceptional leader so I know what I am doing. thank you!


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    To get a good job and live in a boat.


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    To be able become a freelance artist who works from home so I can spend all my time with my pets


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