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Once upon a time, in an office block far, far away...

My work colleague, Let's call him... Ian (because that's his name), was complaining that he didn't want to be there and wished that he had 'pulled a sickie'. I suggested that he just fake feeling ill and ask to go home, but he was not confident in his ability to pull off the role.

So I hatched a plan. I would pretend to feel faint, "pass out", and then he could offer to take me home as, he knows where I live.

I stood up, acted a little unsteady on my feet and, when I neared the bosses desk, I "fainted". Only...

On the way down I actually hit my head on his desk, knocking myself clean out. I came too a few moments later to find that the computer monitor & tower came crashing down and landed on my neck and back. I heard my boss telling me not to move because I might have seriously damaged my spine and that an ambulance was on it's way. I felt fine... I WAS fine, but now it was too late to back out of the scam.
I asked if Ian could accompany me to the hospital and the boss agreed.

The boss kept calling Ian for updates, so he couldn't leave me.

6 Hours we spent at the hospital!

Ian got home later than if he had just stayed at work.


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