A safe space to open up about our insecurities, because I've found talking to people about mine helped me to overcome them.
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I’m a bit curvy and feminine-looking. I hate it. I’ve tried (diy) binders and oversized clothing but it doesn’t really help my dysphoria. I might get some surgeries when I’m 18+ to help me look less feminine. I’m trying to let my parents go thrifting alone with my friends so I can (possibly) get an actual binder or smthn. They’re pricey though and im just a broke 13 yr old, I barely have $10. I have no idea what to do.
Bahaha I can’t write anymore, I meant to say: “Im trying to get my parents to let me go thrifting alone” (btw, upvote this so it stays on top of the comments because my post has a completely different meaning without this correction lol)
Hahaha better question is what am I not insecure about? (Answer: absolutely nothing)
My weight and my gender. No wonder I suffer from an eating disorder and have horrible gender dysphoria.
When I was at my lowest point in depression and gender dysphoria I developed an eating disorder, luckily that was over two years ago and I’ve recovered since then. The best advice I can give is to hang in there and reach out for help if you need it. You can contact a hotline on a platform for LGBTQ+ youth or talk to a therapist if you gave one.
Too many things to list all of them lol. My s****y social skills and body have been the worst lately tho
I’m insecure that everyone knows things that I don’t or like if there is some unwritten social code that I don’t know about. I’m also insecure because I’m in an all girls school and my parents won’t let me shave my legs
I totally understand the first part. What I’ve been doing is observing and copying other people’s behaviours while also trying to be my own person ig
i'm kinda short, but other than that not much
I'm a guy, my hieght is 168cm (5'6") I have always been insecure about my height since a lot of women are taller than that, at least where I live.
I have a benign essential tremor, so I am always insecure about how I look when doing basic tasks like, drinking coffee or writing.
A lot of things, to be fair. First off, my hairy arms. I can't stand them at all, and it makes me feel happier with looser shirt sleeves. Next off, my legs. I don't like how it feels that they grow in size every dang time I sit down on something. Last but not least... my double chin. I genuinely hate it, I feel so ugly because of it.
I’m insecure that my online and irl friends are mad at me / they hate me.
I’m also insecure that I’m tall (I want to change body’s with a short person)
My belly, my hands a little bit, boobs, chin, birthmarks/moles, and I used to be insecure of my nose but eh idc about it anymore.
I’m incredibly insecure about my intelligence, height (5’2f it could be worse), my body (I’m trying to feel better about my self but it’s a process), whether or not my friends really care about me, or what will happen if I’m completely honest with them about my opinions.
My bf (I love him very much) has assured me that I’m amazing and loved, but it’s hard to believe it sometimes.
The hardest one for me is definitely intelligence. My parents have made past comments implying that I and my siblings aren’t as bright as our relatives, and even my bf once made a random comment that unintentionally made me feel bad about it. I’m currently taking the hardest classes I can in school (IB) to try to prove to myself and those around me that I’m smart. I don’t care if it destroys me along the way.
If you read this, please don’t worry about me. I recently got a therapist I can talk these things over with.
My face.
I have a cleft lip, an underbite, my nose is flat, my mouth is always gaping open, I hate my side profile, I just don’t like my face.
Occasionally my upper body depending on if I’m feeling more masculine or feminine (I get both gender dysphoria and no gender dysphoria! Yay…plus a bonus of not knowing what to wear to make me feel comfortable everyday), whether or not I’m dumb, insane trust issues from past experiences, and hating myself every afternoon!
My body. In middle school I was considered thick when I weighed in at 135 lbs. I hat our society
Letting people down. Now that I'm retired, I wanted to start a part time business but I'm afraid of letting potential clients down by not being perfect and getting horrible ratings and REALLY failing. I retired from a job that was the same for 30 years and you follow a flowchart with no deviation. Glad to be away from there!
My novels, my friendships, my body (I'm a little cubby), my face (I have pimples and scabs, I hate puberty), my sexualities, etc.