Hey Pandas, share your costume and character ideas with us in the comments! We are really curious about the characters you are planning on dressing up as, be it an original character, a character from a well-known pop culture show or a movie, a character/creature that's just pure classic for this season, or maybe even a character from a newly released book or novel.
All options are great and considered!
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I am dressing up in a yellow HAZMAT suit. I think it will fit perfectly with this pandemic, and it will be funny.
It was supposed to encourage masks....Why is it bad? It would be a zombie survival HAZMAT suit, and I would wear a mask underneath it.
I am dressing up as Trump with X's for eyes.
I was inspired by an artist (can't remember their name) who posted their adorable comics on BP. Thus, I am going as the pink reaper.
I am going as ink sans from the undertale AUs. I spent a month making his paintbrush and spent over 200$ on making the full outfit
here is what he looks like ink-sans-5...8583c1.jpg
I’m being an anime schoolgirl, Yui Hirasawa.
All of my friends and I got together and are doing Percy Jackson characters!
I am going to be a Dungeons and Dragons character i made, named Shannaria. She is a high elf and her clothes are somewhat like a forest elf's. Long dark green hooded cloak, thin(er) sword, a flowy white shirt, blonde hair that is always down, and white silver knotted belt with the sheathe of the sword on it for easy carrying. I HAVE NO IDEA IF TRICK OR TREATING IS GOING TO HAPPEN PLZ PLZ SAY IT IS!!!
i'm either going to go as a moth
or Hermione Granger from Harry Potter
i love both so yee
moths are cool. My personal favorites are the poodle moth and in close second the maple moth.
I’m going to be a Starbucks barista.
As an assassin with a candy gun if possible :3
Vanya Hargreeves, White Violin version, from the Umbrella Academy
I'm going to be an inflatable dinosaur and do the renegade.
i'm planning for going as my among us character
My Among Us character is brown with ram horns, named GOAT. GOAT stands for Greatest of All Time.
I was going to go as Annabeth Chase from Percy Jackson because the costume is so easy but I won’t be trick or treating this year 😭 As a 12 y/o who loves candy and dressing up this is a disappointment 😖
Hexadecimal from ReBoot
I was going to be Cher from Clueless, but lack of money and effort has changed my choice to be a Zombie. Because I love putting on Zombie makeup.
mabel pines from gravity falls, my brothers going as dipper
Machi from Hunter x Hunter!
Sadly i have to dress up as the pink chippete named brittany (im 12 btw) and i hate the color pink because it doesnt match my personality and i just flat out hate it because it is to bright
Omg I’m literally the same age and feel the same way, I hate the color pink 🤮
I'm not sure, but maybe one of Trump's poll watchers or a ghost. Maybe both.
A severed body. I'm not really going trick-or-treating. I'ma dig a hole in the ground and get in, then cover myself with dirt and have a pair of pants stuffed with paper next to me. I'm gonna be a lawn decoration.
I am dressing up as an infalatable dinosaur! Ain't no virus gonna get me when im in my dino suit!
I'm gonna be a dementor from harry potter.
Yes i'm a nerd
I'm dressing up as a Karen, becuase it's the scariest thing in this world XD
As a modern witch. I have a witch dress and instead of a witch hat, I'll wear a baseball hat and a mop instead of a broom stick
i am going to what the anime generator tells me to pick and i got kuroo or sugawara and i dont no which to to pick
Considering the pandemic, im wearing a most appropriate outfit... I'll be a Plague Doctor.
OMG, my sister was gonna do that! She found some really swaggy suits on Pinterest. Almost as swaggy as Thomas Jefferson from the musical Hamilton
A among us person I might be red or white >:D
A bush. Leaves and all. Just a bush.
I’m a couch potato. No really, I am. I’m not going ANYWHERE. I will sit on the couch, eat candy and watch a Halloween movie. Every. Single. Year.
Aesteria, an antisocial galaxy themed fox. I've drawn her, if you wanna see it, just let me know!
A SilkWing (or a RainWing, if I can't figure out the antenne)
im dressing up as a karen as there has been so much karens this year
Lydia Deetz from the Movie Beetlejuice! Not red dress lydia but the lydia when she is taking pictures of the house being remodled. I even have a mask that says, "I too, am Strange and unusual"
I'm going as Revenge Era Gerard/Frank.
I'm guessing a lot of people have no clue what words just came out of my mouth, so let me explain...
Basically, a black button-up, a red tie, some red eyeshadow, X's over my eyes, and tattoos on my hands and neck.
if you look up Revenge Era Gerard and Revenge Era Frank, I'm just doing a mash-up of that
Gerard Way is the lead singer of a band I'm OBSESSED with called My Chemical Romance, and Frank Iero is the rhythm guitar and back up vocals.
(that turned into a longer rant than i wanted it to be)
Me and one of my friends are doing a scary movie night and I'm going to be Catra and shes going to be Adora from shera!
Mario. Why? Because I can!
Me and my sister are going to go as really cute ghosts!
I'm also considering the Slit-Mouthed Woman
I'll dress up as a couch potato watching TV and drinking wine who doesn't observe this holiday. (Not because I have any issues with it, it's simply not a traditional holiday in my native country.) I already have the PJs for it, all I need to still source is the wine.
Going as 2020 (it’s the scariest thing I could think of) 🤷♀️
I'm being a Starbucks barista. I don't really know why, but I really want to. A plus is that my dad said that if I AM a Starbucks barista, I can get a Starbucks to carry around. (I recommend the Ghostbusters Frappuccino. It's on the secret menu, so you can order it all year. It's AMAZING: https://www.tasteofhome.com/article/ghostbusters-frappuccino-starbucks/
A sorceress elf who raises dragons or can shapeshift i can't chose!!
I'm going as Coraline! I'm going for a more modern look, with yellow rubber tennis shows and overalls. I'm also dying my hair for the first time!
I bought some light blue scrubs and a bottle of fake blood from amazon. So I'm just gonna be like a bloody nurse so I can wear a regular mask with it since it fits the costume.
I'm dressing up as Jason, and maybe next year I'm going to dress up as leather-face.
I'm going to be Kokichi Ouma from Danganronpa V3! I'm going to try my best!
A Dia de Los Muertos catrina (day of the dead skeleton).
My friends were a bit shocked when I said I had nothing to wear this year. I'm a somewhat popular figure in the cosplay sphere, so my friend and I usually use Halloween as a way of showcasing our skills. This year has obviously put a bit of a dampener on big parties, so we won't be doing anything big. I'll be going as Elvira because I get to wear balloons under my dress. The friends did suggest that I use one of my existing outfits, but because you'll always find at least 10 other people doing that in any given dress-up setting, I don't like other people to have the reaction of "..oh, another one?". It kinda sucks because I've got some very detailed cosplays, but it's nice to wow people with something different.
My brother is going to be a dinosaur, and I chose to be a dinosaur hunter... but I really wanted to be Lysithea von Ordelia.
Corine as a witch. I made a ylow cloak with a blue lined hood. Still working on a light up wizzard staff
my friends and I are going as the sun, moon and stars
I'm going as Cher Horowitz from the movie Clueless! (if you haven't seen it, you should definately watch it!
A promised neverland character! Probably just myself if I was in the Grace Field house. I'm doing it with a few of my friends!
(This is the best show of all time highly recommend.)
Paramedic! Or doctor? Ya know, the whole pandemic thing. Also my mom was a paramedic and I love helping and taking care of people. :D
Im going as Harry Potter, although I might not do anything, because there is no trick or treating this year, which for me is the main part.
2020. The scariest thing I could think of
A pilot from Titanfall 2. Costs me $100 but it's probably the coolest costume I'll ever have
A cat. Same as last year. Dark pants, black shirt, kitty face made out of liquid eyeliners....
Simple but effective for bothering the neighbor's kids 😈
An elf. I can do a good impression of one.
I’m dressing up as either a vampire or a superhero in disguise. The disguise is a unicorn onesie. And for the vampire/superhero outfit it will be something in my closet that resembles a vampire/superhero.
A witch. I bought the dress, then added jewelry (earrings, a necklace, a bracelet, and a ring.)
So, last year I was a uninugget (unicorn and chicken nugget hybrid, a species I created :>). This year, my family and I wanna go together as sea creatures involving our hair! My hair is long and down in box braids (This is not a real picture of me, but the basic idea of my hair: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ancestralstrands.com%2Fproduct-page%2Fbraids&psig=AOvVaw3MKMqoH6jS1piS84ADOMux&ust=1603463245191000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAIQjRxqFwoTCOjTxZ-0yOwCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD ) so I'll be going as a jellyfish. My brother's hair is in short twists, and he looks like an anemone, so he'll be going as--shocker!--an anemone. My mom has beautiful red hair with gorgeous curls, so she'll be going as a koi fish!
Ok, I have news. My mom decided we're not going trick-or-treating, for 2 reasons: 1, COVID. 2, she was looking at a few videos that were discussing the origin of Halloween, and it's actually really demonic. Even carving pumpkins is demonic, so the huge pumpkin we picked out is becoming a pumpkin pie. :(
I'm going as a shot army soldier. Imma have black contacts and a big army suit and I'm going to be shot in the stomach. This is smart because my teacher will only see the army part and not the gorypart! 👍💀
WAIT i should be the victim of my sis who is Jeff the killer! Instead of getting shot i should get stabbed!!!!
54 responses this thing is blowing up faster than i thought
i'm not going trick or treating but if I could I'd go as female Duncan from Total Drama Island / Total DramaRama
:0 you watch it too le gasp
Load More Replies...I heard on the nightly news that one town over from me is doing a "reverse Halloween" parents sign their house up and a local theatre troupe will come by in costume and drop off free candy and crafts :) I love people's ingenuity
I honestly don't understand why people want trick or treating to happen
54 responses this thing is blowing up faster than i thought
i'm not going trick or treating but if I could I'd go as female Duncan from Total Drama Island / Total DramaRama
:0 you watch it too le gasp
Load More Replies...I heard on the nightly news that one town over from me is doing a "reverse Halloween" parents sign their house up and a local theatre troupe will come by in costume and drop off free candy and crafts :) I love people's ingenuity
I honestly don't understand why people want trick or treating to happen