Hey Pandas, What Are Things To Say To Anti-Maskers When They Say They Have Rights? (Closed)
I want to know so I can tell those Covidiots that what they are saying is bull.
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You also have a right to dance nude in a blizzard with a machine gun.
1. It’s my right not to serve you or give you access to my place of business or home. 2. It’s my right to live 3. It is my right to tell you to get f****d 4. It is my right to not live in fear of your stupidity.
According to Karen on Facebook (sorry to anybody I offend with that terminology) your right to live is invalid
You have the right to be somewhere else that doesn't require a mask. Please go find it.
"What's the right that authorizes you to endanger others? Please cite it"
"You may have rights, but you have responsibilities, too"
"What rights?"
"How can you possibly talk about rights for a thing that wasn't foreseen or wasn't regulated before"
Have you had Pneumonia.
No ?
I have, twice, this was the treatable kind of Pneumonia. With the first one I ended up with a collapsed lung, on a drain (tube from my lung), in hospital for a week, the second one my lungs filled with so much fluid that I was in ICU for a week then on a ventilator for 2 weeks - bear in mind, what I had was a TREATABLE form of Pnu, this current form (COVID19) is not.
I now have scarred lungs and severe COPD as a direct result of these infections.
If you don't wear a mask and I get breathed on / sneezed on / am in the same enclosed space as you if you are not wearing a mask and you are infected, there is a really high probability that I will end up in ICU again.
F**k you, f**k your 'rights', put on a mask you selfish, ignorant bastard.
1: I have a right not to get covid because you won't wear a freaking mask
2: you also, therefore, have a right to watch your family die
3: bye.
Yes you do. Granted by the Constitution and the Supreme Court. So name the amendment, because none of them talk about masks or endangering other people because you are uncomfortable. Not the first, second, or any of the others.
"I'm an off-duty ICU nurse, but I'll take my mask of if it makes you more comfortable".
Sniffle and clear your throat.
They'll leave skid marks.
"You have the right to endanger others with your stupid behavior? Haven't heard of that before?"
Is "defending your rights" really worth risking the lives of people you don't even know? People during every war in history had to take precautions; in World War 2, people had to tape their windows. This is a war against the virus, and we're not winning.
May God Shower Wisdom on you
Well I have the right to scream in your face. So there
Yeah, you have rights, even the right to be stupid. Doesn't mean you have to use that right though. Another option is:
Get Rekd you disgusting, parasite infected, toe eyed, Facebook obsessed, negative i.q. turdmuffin
You also have rights to jump off a cliff, poke yourself with needles and drink stupid amounts of alcohol.
You have the right to not wear a mask but you also have the right to see you and your family die cause you didn’t want to wear one
If you don't wear a mask you can't participate in rights because you'll be coughing up your guts.
Ask them to actually quote where it says they have this right, I can almost guarantee they won’t be able to directly quote it let alone anything that says Karen’s don’t have to wear masks.
Your right to personal choice versus my right hook. Choose wisely.
Ive got a banging left myself, if someone has a genuine reason to not wear a mask, cool. But some douche bag coughing on me? Watch out...
I was a late in life baby. My father fought in World War II. He got on a troop ship, fought in places far away from home, and saw things that he would never, ever speak about. He did this because his government asked him to. To protect democracy and the lives of others. And now there are some special Americans who are so weak and selfish that they can't wear a 3x4 piece of cloth on their faces while they are around others That is not an exercise of rights. That is spitting in the faces of every decent service man and woman who fought and still fight to protect our democracy. There is blood on the hands of the anti-maskers, and I hope they live in shame.
I don't say anything.I just spray funky smelling cologne in their face. (I'm too young to be charged with assault, but old enough to understand that wearing a mask is not a choice, but common sense.)
I'm an anti-masker to but I wear a mask just because I don't wanna hear other people bitch at me.
Tell them rights come with responsibility. Grow up and listen to the expert
Tell them rights come with responsibility. Grow up and listen to the expert