Hey Pandas, What Are The Worst Stereotypes About The LGBTQ+ Community? (Closed)
What things do you always see, or never see, about the LGBTQ+ that is wrong or hurtful that should stop? Happy Pride Month!
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I know it's usually as a joke, but People thinking that me being panromantic means i'm romantically attracted to pans.
i make jokes about me being romantically attracted to pans, but that's my pan a*s
The one about people making it our entire identity. Sure, some people do, but people do that with literally anything, from being boy-obsessed to loving horses to needing everything to be orange.
that ace people are robots. damn i'd love to be a robot though
This is one that my mom actually said when I came out to her. That pansexuals are sluts and/or they're only using the label as an excuse to sleep around. Also that pansexuals or panromatics are attracted to pans (or bread if you speak spanish), although no one's ever actually said that one to me.
Yeah, after asking my aunt what she thinks about pansexual people she said: ¡El PaN Es CoMIda No Algo A lo qUE QuerEr! Basically that you can’t be attracted to bread. Sorry OP
That gay people are obnoxious about their sexuality. That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard in my life! And that trans people aren’t valid, they are valid, and they don’t need this kind of hate!
Replying to @Grady, no, I have a friend who has terrible body dysphoria(??? Is that how you say it?) and he feels like he has to cover up his legs bcs they've got curves and other stuff that I'm not gonna say cause it's too personal. But he's not misguided, he just isn't what society labelled him as.
People saying that we shove our ideas down people’s throats. But it’s not like every single gay person comes together and conspires on how to represent ourselves. The actions of some people doesn’t reflect everyone
And then there's the Christians in the world who are like "jEsUs WiLl SaVe YoU fRoM yOuR sInS" while also in the same breath putting Queer people down for "shoving it down our throats." lmaoooooo I can't...
I think a very strong stereotype for my bi friends is that we are confused about our sexuality. We are not confused. People will say that we are the middle step when someone can't "decide" whether we are gay or straight. Bisexuality isn't a pit stop, it's its own thing.
I think the sterotypes within the community can be harmful as well, because if you don't fit the stereotypes, it can feel alienating.
For example,
Non-Binary people changing their names, typically to nouns. I am agender, and I like my birth name, and want to keep it. It's used typically as a female name currently, but it is gender-neutral, and there's even a fairly well-known male composer with the same name as me.
Or, even kinda simple, dumb things, like lesbians wearing flannel, or bi people listening to Sweater Weather.
It's not something that's really talked about, and stereotypes from within the community can be as hurtful as ones outside of it.
This brings up a question I've had for a while- I don't care for my gender or what people think it is, I just stick with girl because I don't care enough to change habits. Does that change what my gender is? .---. Idk this might be stupid.
That we hot on everyone we see. I've got a few people thinking that I'm looking them up and down in swimming and it's really getting me down :(
Friendly reminder to be yourself, no matter what people say! Remember to eat good healthy food, drink lots of water, and take your medication (if you have any). I love you all and I don't mind who you are, what you do, or what you believe in. I believe in you all. Remember this quote: Even the smallest spark of hope can start the brightest flame of happiness in a sea of darkness ^^ Love you all!
Friendly reminder to be yourself, no matter what people say! Remember to eat good healthy food, drink lots of water, and take your medication (if you have any). I love you all and I don't mind who you are, what you do, or what you believe in. I believe in you all. Remember this quote: Even the smallest spark of hope can start the brightest flame of happiness in a sea of darkness ^^ Love you all!