Hey Pandas, What Are The Worst Fashion Trends Ever Created?
Say what you think the worst fashion trends are or were!
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Half Mast Trousers… but they can be amusing!
Many years ago I was on a train with my friend. We were sitting opposite an older woman who was probably in her late 60s, early 70s. Well dressed, small solid heel on her shoes, handbag primly in lap.
About two stops up three young lads (about 16) with droopy draws came lopping onto the train and sat down, two next to us, one next to the other lady. They were just being typical teenage boys, a bit loud (but not rude) and sitting legs akimbo.
They commented where they were getting off a couple of stops later, and I watched as the lady glanced down, then subtly moved the heel of her left shoe and plant it firmly on the tattered hem of the boys jeans and shift her weight to that side of her body.
I could see what was coming so I nudged my friend and told her to watch. The woman’s face was still the perfect picture of serenity.
Sure enough, the lads stop came and all three went to get of the train. Except, when the kid with the now tethered hemline stepped off his jeans went *thwup* and fell down around his ankles causing him to pitch forward and faceplant on the train floor. The best bit… He was going commando that day!
Mrs Prim is all like “Oh my dear! Are you ok?” As the kid hurriedly stood up and threw himself towards the door frantically trying to pull his jeans back up while his mates hysterically howled!
My friend and I started to giggle.
It was only then that the woman looked us directly in the eye and said in the MOST proper term…
“**** that was fun!”
Best. Train. Ride. Ever!
Not sure why you got downvoted as this is a fun story. Take my upvote.
Sexy sayings and sexy styles on children's clothes.
Small pockets for women so we’d have to carry purses. I hate holding things in my hands. Including purses.
That whole a$$-hanging-out-of-their-jeans phase.
If I want to see your bottom, I'll buy you dinner and engage you in light-hearted but moderately suggestive conversation.
This trend actually originated in men's prisons. Inmates who wear their pants so that their butt shows are advertising their availability for sexual connections.
Super long fake fingernails. I mean seriously, how do you even wipe your butt or type on a keyboard?
Shoes not being shaped like feet for the sake of "fashion". Yes, let's ruin our feet so we can have shoes that coordinate well with the rest of our ridiculous outfit.
Stolen from somewhere:
Any pants with something written on the butt. "Pink" "juicy" etc.
I've seen girls do this and then complain about guys staring at their butts
Fake eye brows.
outfits so skimpy you might as well go naked.
Used to be schools had dress codes and stuck to them, what happened?
The idea that certain people have to dress a certain way based on their size, "body type," gender, etc. Let people wear the things that bring them joy. Period! Exclamation mark, even!
there's definitely stuff that suites different body types but as long as it makes the person feel good then whatever lol
Similar to what "scag$y" posted:
The extreme sagging pants: almost down at the knees, underwear all over the place.
The fact that genuine fur has become fashionable once again. Why would you support animal cruelty?!
Animals are killed every day for use as food. Every part of that animal should be used for whatever it can be used for. Shoes, coats, hats, gloves.....every. single. part. And if you disapprove, don't eat meat of any kind
Open-toed boots. They make no sense at all.
They look like someone took and axe to the toes. And open-toed shoes are just as ugly.
I dunno but I think everyone is allowed to wear what they wanna wear. Your body, your choice!
Extremely pointy shoes.
Puffy shoulders.
Knee holes.
Skinny jeans.
Those raggedy a*s jeans that everyone thinks are so fashionable, when our jeans looked like that, we threw them away. Ours wore out because they were worn and worked in. People now just want to look like they have worked so very hard that they must proudly wear their ragged jeans to show the world how hard they labored. And they are dumb enough to pay stupid amounts of money for them!
Dayglow and fishnet. When I was in high school in the 80's they were all the rage thanks to early Madonna fashions...blech.
Pulled up/high underwear so people can see, they just make me think of the wedgie they're getting for✨Fashion✨
Camo on anything not worn in a duck blind or deer stand.
I like to bump into people at the store wearing camo and be like sorry, didn't see you there 😆
Not sure if this is already on the list, but high heels. Impossible to walk with, hurt so bloody much when you accidentally step on your toe.
I wore 3" heels whenever possible. They made me almost 6 feet tall! LOVED IT!!
Super uncomfortable, tight clothing. Maybe just a me thing but I would love to be able to move sometimes.
Fake everything. Fake hair(I understand needing wigs for health issues, I'm not talking about that), crazy fake nails, fake lashes, fake b*@bs, veneers over perfectly fine teeth, fake bu+|s, blown out lips and face lifts... just tired of all the fake
What is the purpose of those huge, fake looking lashes. They don't look natural or nice. They look very fake and yet I see women wearing them while working at fast food places. I worked at McDonald's in high school and the last thing i wanted was to dress like i was going to a club.
Crocs, if that’s fashion and it’s not
I LOVE MY CROCS I WILL START A WAR!!! They're so comfy, like a better version of slippers.
Socks with flip flops.
M u l l e t s
If the mullet is cut and styled correctly, they're damn sexy. For example, Toby Keith rocked his mullet in the 90's!
Historically, I'd say bound feet. Generations of Chinese women were tortured from toddlerhood until they stopped growing and were made prisoners in their own bodies, not to mention some died from bone infections going septic. All for the promise of a well-off husband.
Then there's female genital mutilation still happening everyday
The MC Hammer Pants.
Anything neon.
Any shoe that causes health problems (I'm looking at you high heels).
Wearing leggings as pants.
Anything that impairs natural breathing.
Ok, so this was a loooooooong time ago. The 1800 I think, though I'm not so sure. Basically women glued strips of mouse fur to their EYEBROWS! It was apparently "becoming"? Maybe we thought for a while string thin eyebrows were nice, but MOUSE FUR!
I'm going to have to go with how skimpy womens fashion is.
I go to walmart to find a nice hoodie and it has to be cropped with a low neckline and made into a crop top. Also finding jeans that aren't ripped to shreds or look like they were made from just the scraps of other jeans. Or the tiny tiny shorts that look like they could be underwear. I shop at thrift stores most the time because name brand stores hardly ever sell clothes in my price range that aren't super revealing.
Corsets. Crinolines. Bustles. Heaven help us all, still available on Amazon. High heels for men, although that made something of a comeback in the '70s, I think? Builders bottom jeans. I do not want to see your a** crack, thanks.
Corsets and bustles are good if you're cosplaying. In normal interactions, not so much
False eyelashes, plumped lips, breast implants, hair extensions, etc. I feel sorry for the guy that unwraps one of those packages!
This doesn't make much sense, you don't take these things off of an evening ?
Candies shoes. They were introduced in the 70's when I was in junior high school. The school banned them after a student broke her ankle falling on the stairs.
I was in South Korea when a child died from wearing "heelys" in school, falling down the stairs. Nice idea, but highly flawed unless the user is thinking about the consequences.
Everyone is acting like they forgot Shell suits existed!
They were easily the worst fashion item invented!
Those baby hairs in weird shapes, slicked on a forehead. It gives me the biggest ick.
Every time I saw this I can't avoid remembering a girl at school which her mother never wanted to bath her more often than once a month so in hot weather the poor girl really smelled and her baby hair stuck in her forehead. In general she was miserable with the strange actitude of her mom and the water
The wrong clothes for the job/adventure.
Also, fast fashion.. find quality clothes that won't rip from a paper cut.
Its hard when you don't have a lot of money. Even thrifting has gotten pricy. I do buy quite a bit of fast fashion because it's what I can afford, but I take care of my clothes and wear them until they are dead.
Lulu Lemon. No way in hell am I paying for one pair of 100 dollar leggings, when I can buy a 3 pack of higher quaility from Costco for 20 dollars.
My daughter's (nick)name is Lulu and she loves lemons so Lululemon has been one of her nicknames for years. At one point I thought it would be fun to get her just like a Tshirt or something that said it, I knew the leggings were overpriced, but I'd never actually looked at what precisely that meant, and thought a basic tee would probably be cheaper. O. M. G. I about swallowed my tongue. Yeah, she did not get a Lululemon tshirt.
PJ for all occasions... Still don't understand this - get out of bed and go to the party ahahaha
Working at the airport, is amazing how many people I see that travel in jammies
I just HATE how I buy a new jacket or smthing
and when I open the pockets,
wOw YoU hAvE nOo PoCkEts HeRE
I bought a pair of pants that said it had pockets. TECHNICALLY they did. But they were these weird teeny things that, despite looking like functional pockets, were actually so shallow you can't ever put your hands in past the second knuckle. WTF is the point of that? Like, you've already done the hard part, you put pocket openings in. What clueless braniac decided that tiny scrap of fabric, barely enough to hold a tube of lip balm, was a reasonable thing that people would want, and then to advertise as "pockets"?
Thongs. Who on earth finds these comfortable? I really want to know. Not to mention the bacteria that must accumulate on the back part.
1970's men's fashion in the UK; high waisted oxford bags with turn ups , tight at the top, flaring out to 16 " at the bottom (6 button in brown or beige were my favs), coupled with stack heels - up to 6 ", topped off with tight cheesecloth shirts. I was young and easily led, although, many years ago I did get a thrill when clearing out my late Father's attic and found some of my clothes from back then (we're talking at least 40 years later), and I could still fit in my Ox Bags !! Bit snug though ;0))
I had know idea what he was talking about! I would love to see a pic! Lol
"Mom jeans", also known as high-waisted jeans. They make your butt look 8 feet long.
Also, "tight rolled" jeans, where you make a cuff at the bottom of each pant leg that is tight against your leg (looks similar to if they had an elastic band at the bottom, like on track pants)
gotta say something, mom jeans aren't just the one type of high waisted jeans. I personally don't look good in mom jeans, I like baggier super high waisted jeans 😁
Ripped jeans. My mom spent ages patching mine as a kid, imagine not only buying them like that but paying extra for the privilege. What are you trying to express, that every inch of your thighs alternates between freezing and toasty?
Black hoodie and pants with bright white shoes.....everything is perfectly created to disguise any dirt except for the articles of clothing closest to the dirt?
Bell bottoms
JNCO and Bondage pants are definitely up there -- guilty party of the late 90s/early aughts and I don't seek your forgiveness, just to save future generations
Jump suit/rompers for women. You have to undress to use the restroom, and often, time is of the essence. Not cool.
Ha ha I remember when the 90’s came back in style and I saw cute rompers again and had flashbacks of having to go completely nude to pee and I was like “ha ha fooled me once!”
Grey track suits unless you doing sports.
Skinny jeans, but this is a me problem. I'm trans and my legs are feminine as hell so I always wear shapeless jeans to hide it, bit skinny jeans make that very difficult
I'm hetero and hate skinny jeans for the opposite reason. I have calves like redwood tree trunks and the are very tight or rise up my leg. Unflattering and uncomfortable.
80s big hair and skinny jeans on any oversized man.
Unpopular opinion here: Ballet Flats. The kind that offer zero arch support and have no protection for any part of your foot. I’m honestly more comfortable in a 5” platform than these toe pinching, useless, slippery, ugly excuses for shoes. For someone with tailors Bunyan’s and high arches they’re a one way ticket to plantar fasciitis and puncture wounds.
I spent over 15 years waitresses in ballet flats because they were cheap and comfy like walking in bare feet. Today I have arthritis in both feet, my feet are totally flattened and my left foot has developed a condition known as Charcot foot which leaves me highly prone to fractures. Please invest in good shoes and orthotics!
Men’s brightly colored, wide-lapeled, double-vented, full-on polyester leisure suit with rayon shirt to match and white slip-on shoes.
Yoga pants. Please stop!
Low-rise jeans. I reminisce on the haute pair of designer jeans I rocked in college (specifically 2003) with a six-inch rise, zipper barely longer than the pull tab, and personal grooming required before a night out and . . . well, I begin sounding like a journalism student asking open-ended questions: why did fashion embrace that trend‽ how did I manage to stand for the entire night at the club because sitting wasn't an option‽ and what was I thinking‽
Pants with fake/ inadequate pockets.
My husband and I have the same model phone. His fits in his pockets, mine doesn't. Any time I go to the bathroom, if I don't remove my phone from my pocket first, it ends up on the floor. I broke two screens that way.
Also, pre-distressed jeans. They wear out faster from disintegrating in the wash, and they cost more anyway.
Low waisted pants
Cropped tops
Most of 90's fashion tbh
Guys wearing jeans pulled ridiculously low. I'm not seeing it as often as I did, so that's a good thing.
bodycons, suits worn with t-shirts instead of shirts, baby clothes with sexual or adult messages. Also this is is not really fashion, but a trend: the pressure on men and women to be the peak of physical perfection to be considered attractive.
Skirts over pants. This was a brief trend maybe 20-25 years ago. Not skirts with leggings; actual pants. It looked awkward and disappeared almost as quickly as it began
And I just looked it up and see it's trending again. Shows what I know, lol
Just all of it. The fact it exists and the structure around it. The people getting together and saying "blue will be really in this year" or whatever and then every retailer buys nothing but blue and if you don't like that then tough cos that's all there is now. The while thing designed to keep maximum turnover instead of supplying you with clothes. And everything all out of step with the actual weather - shop in (Northern hemisphere) March and it's all summer dresses, by August it's winter boots. Even children's clothes, which is insane because children not only grow but routinely spill things and lose things. If it's winter I want the shops to contain hats and coats, not sundresses, and I want a choice of cuts and colour.
Stirrup pants, gauchos, and belly bags.
During my pregnancy I lived in my gauchos day and night. They were stretchy, flowy and cool. No shame I'm my pregnancy comfort game! 😆
Skorts and jorts for me
parachute pants... gotta love those 80's
As a teen just coming into my s3xu@l being, I had a crush on a guy who wore parachute pants that showed off his bulge. He was a guitar player, rock style, and those pants with his rebellious attitude drove me wild. People who wore parachute pants looked cool in a rock style, but people wearing red parachute pants trying to look like Michael Jackson were a bit strange.
Fake drawn-on eyebrows. The gascination with dark penciled on eyebrows wil always baffle me. Why in the world would you want to look like an angry crossover between Groucho Marx and Mister Spock??
Also: 'Botox-faces' why would you want to lose the ability to have your own unique facial expressions, just so you can look like lots of others with the same unnatural face and balloon-lips?
Btw, no offence meant to anyone!
Staring into a phone while pursing your lips.
Hmm, no one commented here. I think 99% of folks are guilty of this, lol
one thing that really isn't a trend but annoys the c**p out of me are purses that have both a shoulder strap (which usually gives the option of removing) and handles to carry with your hand/in crook of arm which are not removeable. if i want an arm bag i will buy an arm bag; same with the shoulder strap. using one as a shoulder bag is annoying because the handles get caught on your coat, doorknobs, etc. designers just need to make a decision one way or the other.
Totally removing body hair. Keeping things near and tidy is one thing but looking like Ken and Barbie is a bit creepy and too much like hard work.
Judging others for their choices. As long as your clothes covers bits that are NSFW, wear what makes you feel happy and good about yourself. I'm completely comfortable with my historical fashion, complete with bum pad and corset, but I'll never judge you for going out in your favorite threadbare sweater that makes you feel cozy and warm. Just please keep those bits covered, okay?
80s big hair and skinny jeans on any oversized man.
Home cut Mullets. Ewwwwww! Absolute the worst.
But I had this kid in my class a few years ago and he had a skullet. He shaved the top part of his head and had a mullet coming from halfway down his skull. It was the ugliest thing I've ever seen
I don't know if it counts as a trend. But bras are so uncomfortable and annoying. But yet women wear them all the time
I'm a horseback rider who has 29G breasts, not wearing a bra isn't an option for me...
Torn pants and clothes that look worn have been mentioned many times, but I would also add that they are future waste because I have worked at a recycling center and only intact and clean clothes could be put up for sale. The second is that you have to dress trendy, even if it doesn't suit the weather. Enjoy those painful frostbites in your ripped jeans (sunburn in the summer) or your frostbitten ankles in your now so trendy Milhouse flood pants.
‘Business in the front, party in the back!!!
80’s hairstyles in general were horrendous!
Head banger layered hair, a hair sprayed helmet of teased hair.
Oh, that's easy. That "fashion" IS trendy. Once saw pictures from a "fashion show" where all the clothes were made of burlap.
High waisted shorts. I hate them. I think they make waists look too short and butts look like they're long, flat, and saggy/droopy.
Fake lashes that look like a spider on your face.
Thick fluffed or penciled eyebrows that look like said spider just had a fit on your forehead.
nails so thick and fake that Yoda would be jealous.
Fake cheek fillers that make you look like Kryton from Red Dwarf.
Lip filler plumping up lips that are always slathered in greasy looking gloss/balm that either make you look like you have a bu77hole on your face or you've been suctioned to a window for far too long.
Crop tops- I can’t find comfy shirts that actually fit me because they’re all too short.
Fake or sewed shut pockets. >>:(
Those giant rough tags that are so f*kin itchy but you can’t pull them off because there’ll still be even itchier scraps left.
Anything will that has to go right up against your skin. So. Itchy. Argh.
Compression socks. I don’t need my feet to feel like they’ve been duct taped, thanks.
Women’s dress shoes. I swear they are medieval torture devices.
Well, really, any fashion that restricts natural movement (like the Edwardian hobble skirt, or the current tight skirt, especially with high heels), distorts and weakens the body (like corsets), or uses unnecessary amounts of fabrics (like farthingales, hoopskirts and bustles). Of course, most of these fads were mainly popular with the rich, who didn't have to worry about expense and mobility.
•REMINDER• These are just *opinions*. Wear what makes you feel good and what you think looks good, cuz in the long run, who the f**k even cares? Lots of love from me, K. ❤️
I hate that some people in this post are so creepy and hateful. If you want to be creepy and hateful, kindly f**k off to reddit, where you can hang out with your fellow incels
•REMINDER• These are just *opinions*. Wear what makes you feel good and what you think looks good, cuz in the long run, who the f**k even cares? Lots of love from me, K. ❤️
I hate that some people in this post are so creepy and hateful. If you want to be creepy and hateful, kindly f**k off to reddit, where you can hang out with your fellow incels