Whatever kind of music you like, we've all heard song lyrics before. Some are heartfelt and emotional. Some are poetic. Some of them are calls to action. And some of them are straight-up weird. As an occasional poet I often pay attention to lyrics, but some songs just leave me perplexed as to what their meanings are. The weirdest ones I think I've ever heard were in System Of A Down's song I-E-A-I-A-I-O. I don't mean just one line either. The entire song is just... strange. If anybody knows the meanings of the lyrics someone heard, be sure to post a comment with your thoughts!
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The entire song "Santa Rode A T-Rex This Year" by Tyrone Wells. It's funny and adorable, but I would love to know what the inspiration to this was...
forgot about this one when I said IEAIAIO-- "Parachute your chocolate soul // Cobblestones under your pants" I googled it and it was different than the lyrics on my streaming service so idk lol
“Give birth and stuff” Isle of flightless birds by Twenty One Pilots
Well, this project kinda fizzled ... I thought the comments section would be chock-full of offerings from those who never saw the original "Hey, Pandas ..." I've gotta think on this one for a while. I'll be back with my own personal choice in a bit. Or at least, I fully intend to. Most likely, I'll forget all about it by tomorrow.
Well, this project kinda fizzled ... I thought the comments section would be chock-full of offerings from those who never saw the original "Hey, Pandas ..." I've gotta think on this one for a while. I'll be back with my own personal choice in a bit. Or at least, I fully intend to. Most likely, I'll forget all about it by tomorrow.