Be they lost, sold, stolen, or broke, what are some items you wish you still had?


Even though I'm not a little kid anymore, I still miss my stuffed rabbit named Bunny. It was a very special gift from my grandmother. But my parents got rid of it for no reason.



    My mom's wedding dishes. Someone in my house has taken them or tossed them, either way I'm PISSED!


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    My sanity. I wish I could remember when I lost it but if anyone finds it please return it to me!



    my old wii that i got from a distant cousin, it disappeared during our most recent move.


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    my dads urn. it was stolen by my crazy ex



    I miss my telescope. I loaned it to a friend (former friend now for a myriad reasons) years ago, and he stuck it in his garage and forgot about it. When I went to retrieve it, his garage was so utterly full s**t that he couldn’t find it, and I never got it back. It was cheap, but I loved it and I can’t prioritize buying a new one now. I couldn’t demand he pay to replace it at the time because he and wife, with twin boys, were really struggling.


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    Who Panda 420
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I feel this one. My mom had a telescope we had to sell during hard times. I so would love to buy another but I live in the city. Light pollution makes that harder than ever. Good memories attached to stargazing!

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    A robot dog, was nothing special, he could just bark and run when you pressed a button, but for me it was something special. Don't know where he went....
    A necklace with the head of Tutanchamun. Got it from my aunt. I pretended that it had magic powers. Also it was very beautiful.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    And a necklace my mum bought for me, when we were in Spain .... Man, I'm not good at keeping stuff. 😅

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    When I was a child I had two particular soft toys, a fluffy dog and a knitted tiger that my sister left in the shed when playing with them, by the time I found them, they were moldy and covered in cat pee. I begged my parents to try and clean them but they were thrown away. I am 43 now but still think about those toys sometimes and wish I had them back.



    I miss my Dad's binoculars, think they were sold in a garage sale?


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    Last year I sold my 1984 Mercedes James Cook camper van, which I bought in a really bad condition and restored it together with my father and a few friends.
    It took us nearly a year of work but we finally brought it back on the road and I even got a oldtimer certificate for it, which is not so easy in Germany. In 5 years I travelled 40000 kilometers trough europe (16 countries, just counted it), most times just me, my dog and that van. So many good memories and special and unique moments. Never knew that a holiday vehicle can be that reliable and affordable.... and that I can feel such closeness or maybe a sort of love for an old, slow, loud and rusty piece of metal.

    Sold it last year, because my live changed and I didn't have the time to take care of it properly any more. Old cars need time and effort to keep them healthy. Another reason to sell was the camper market and the prices people pay for these cars nowadays (COVID pushed it, its crazy). I paid 6000€ (and found 2000DM in the car while cleaning the furniture, so basically I paid just 5000€ but that is another story), put maybe another 3-4000€ in it while restoring and was able to sell it for unbelievable 14000€.

    It was the right decision and I'm already searching for the next camper (will be an 80ies 4x4 offroader which I want to convert to a 1 man 1 dog camper) but my heart is still bleeding. For luck I found a buyer who really appreciates that special car and will drive it through Africa, where it finally can feel the desert under it's tires - one of my goals I never achieved until now. Maybe with the next car... :)



    My self respect, and esteem. These things can break too. Nearly all my childhood items were, taken by an estate sales company or utterly destroyed in a flood and my family could have cared less.


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    Who Panda 420
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm so sorry! Taking children's possessions like that should be illegal.

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    I just lost my watch a few days ago and keep looking at my wrist like a weirdo



    An old P38 that came out of Daddy's C-rations. There was one that I played with from the time I was about 8yo. Then it went on my keychain as a keepsake. Then I actually used it the kitchen for a bit. I haven't seen it in years.


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    My old oven. The place I currently live in has a gas oven so small that you can't even fit a regular sized pan in there. I bake often, and if I'm impatient, I end up not spacing out my cookies so that I can squeeze them in there, and then the edges bump into each other.


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    I just moved and my parents told me it would be stupid to bring all the dolls and toys I’ve collected over the years and I kind of agreed since all they did was sit on my shelf, but now that I’m here I really miss the bright colors and fun fashion.


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    Who Panda 420
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You'll always miss the old collection but the fun part is now you get to start again. I had to start over a while back too and I'm sure your personality will assert itself on your decorations and before you know it you'll have a funky new collection.

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    I had a small prob Spanish silver coin I found on the beach in Florida. It was so old it was stamped out so not quite round. It had been so tossed by the sea that only a cross on one side was visible. I had it for decades and always wanted to get it appraised but after my grandpa's death it "vanished" from his safe. I still miss my small link to pirate treasure as it looked like the silver equivalent of the gold pieces of eight. I can only hope whoever has it appreciates it's value.
    And to my ex roommates who stole my laptop with the only pictures I had left of my deceased 16yr old brother. Hope that dope felt really good in your arm. Some things can't be replaced 😢 One day of drugs for you and I never get to see a picture of my brother again.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    While I understand that all too well. You carry your brother in a far better safe. Your memories, with a “back up” in your heart. No one can ever take that from you.

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    My High School ring. Just disappeared. No idea where it went.



    Um….my Jean jacket. The one I wore last week. The one I cannot find anywhere in my house. The one that is driving me crazy!


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    LOL I lost a jacket 2 years ago. Retraced my steps, never found it.


    My old microscope.
    Still remember putting specimens on the little glass slides.
    It was great as a kid closely examining random things from the garden and beyond


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    Everything I owned as a child is missed. Parents shoved everything in a storage and then didn’t pay at least monthly. I guess living in a motel means you can’t keep much. The thing I miss the most in the entire world is my teddy bear. He was wool or something that looked like it with the little bumps all over, off white, brown sewn nose and glass eyes, round ears and a pointy triangular head. Round tail. Non-articulate arms. His name was Cotton. Because he was white-ish. I miss him. I still have the ribbon from around his neck because I turned into the weird kid who stuffed everything in their pockets. When my mom left me “for the weekend” I didn’t have him. 6mo later I woke up to a lawn covered with baskets of my clothes and a few personal items. No bear. No parents. Still pissed 16 years later. I’d pay to get him back.


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    A rabbit foot I had as a kid. I loved playing with it. I used to think it really was lucky too. One day it disappeared. I was crushed. Mom got me a new one but it just wasn't the same.



    I used to have a HUGE collection of antique diecast vintage cars that got stolen. Those were my most prized possessions and I was collecting them for like a year or so :( to whoever stole these, I HATE YOU SO DAMN MUCH. but it was so long ago and I've kinda gotten over it, I think about it sometimes and those were the most coolest things I've owned..


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Perhaps the better take away, is the memory of the joy of collecting them. No one can take that from you. The joy and elation of finding that hidden gem. As for whom ever took them? They will never know the sheer passion it takes to collect something.

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    One day my grandma asked me to sort through all of my childhood stuff in the basement because it was taking up a lot of space. I made one box for the thrift store and one to take home. Well, she accidentally mixed them up and unfortunately I lost my music box, box of important letters but most importantly the only baby picture I had of myself. I try not to think about it. My daughter looked identical to my baby picture so I've got hers to look at :)


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    My front carrier for my son. The ones you can tote your baby around while they are strapped to you? Yeah that. It had his smell on it. Idk why I took it back. RIP baby boy.



    My grandfather's fountain pen. It was an old model, those that have a little lever to pump ink into the deposit. It was lost when my parents moved. I loved the way it wrote...


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    This may not be significant, but I lost a cool hat on a train, and I still miss it :/


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    Lina Ponce
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    As long as it was signigicant to you, no matter what it was or how you lost it, it still counts. I'm facinqted by the verity of odds and emds items peopl've listed so far.


    my dissappearing ink. it was dark blue and i loved it


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