For me it would be things with a bunch of holes in them and spider webs.


I don't know if it's unusual or not but I get spooked in open water. The ocean definitely but even lakes. Lakes are scarier I think because of tree limbs sticking out of the water always freaks me out.


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California Jones
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You would hate the river by my house. It was used for logging, so when we're boating I have to sit in the bow and watch out for underwater trees.

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    Diving into a swimming pool...
    Even going swimming with no goggles on...

    I’m a young lifeguard.



    Eggs 😱 i found blood & stuff in a egg when i was little and thought it was a dead baby chick, no idea if was or not but eggs have really freaked me out ever since it put me off them for life, i completely freak out if someone cracks one open 😬



    Sometimes I get scared when I am in a car. Also on boats



    Globophobia, the fear of balloons.
    Lots of people are scared of them popping, but it’s not just that for me. I see a balloon and I kind of freak out, and I can’t blow them up.



    do Centipedes count as 'unusual'?



    Bridges over water. Chickens, I'm terrified of chickens. Attics- no way!!!!


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    Kathy L
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The attic in the house where I grew up was haunted, so I totally hear you on that!!


    I have this constant fear that someone can read my mind



    Worcestershire Sauce

    IDK why But I’m frightened by it


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    Kona Pake
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Are you afraid of not being able to spell it correctly or not being able to pronounce it properly?

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    Ladders. Not superstition but legit fear of even getting on a step stool some days. The sensation of falling I fear more than heights but those make me nervous. June bugs. Basements.


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    Okay.....This is really weird and irrational but I have an intense fear of the sound of didgeridoos ( An Aboriginal Australian popular instrument) I don’t know why but it really creeps me out.....yes I’m Australian!


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    Defientely elevators and escalators!
    Elevators break down 4 TIMES PER YEAR


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    Blake Ingram
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This may not help your fear, but I got stuck in an empty building at 10PM on a Friday night (school campus) after dropping off my camera equipment from a soccer game. It started working like 3 minutes later, but I was scared. I didn’t ride that elevator for a while again.


    I'm afraid of bags of bird seed. When I was a kid, I put my hand into one to fill the bird feeder, and instead touched a dead mouse that had gotten inside. We still always feed the birds, but the fear of the closed bags that could have a dead mouse inside hasn't left me.


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    Stickers. They make my skin crawl.


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    1. Someone getting a crush on me

    2. Me getting a crush on someone- I don't want an identity crisis thank you very much


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Well thank you for identifying some fears that I had not yet put words to.

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    I’m scared of….ducks.yup, reason,they just scare the s**t outa me.



    Railroad crossings. I know a train does not appear out of nowhere just to kill me, but still...



    Escalators! And those moving walkways that go diagonally. I am fine with the ones that are horizontal though and I am fine with ramps and elevators of any kind. But escalators and moving walkways that are at the same angle as escalators I dislike. And it is always at the same height each time. It's like cool, cool, cool, cool, cool WTF!



    Vomit. Not just the "Ew gross vomit😭" I am literally scared it will jump at me and eat me.



    Fear of big cities, I would not want to live in big cities. I love the mountains


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    Amy Bindokas
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I love mountains too I like visiting cities but could never live in one.


    Mocking birds, they are scary!! I mean dang birds are so underestimated as monsters. They will attack you and your pets ,even if you simply walk by their tree. Point of the story , Mocking birds are crazy!!


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    Lepidopterophobia. Ovophobia (but only cooked). Anatidaephobia. There are probably more, but I can't think of them.


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    Kona Pake
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    See comment above for cure of Anatidaephobia. It’s delicious!

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    I can't sleep if my closet doors are closed. I'm afraid if they are closed that someone is hiding in them, so I leave the doors open. My reasoning is that if they are open no one can hide in them.


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    What if I die suddenly one day but my family can't inform the news of my death to my friends because their contact info is saved on my phone behind several airtight passwords



    Houses that have enclosed second-floor porches above an open porch below. It just creeps me out. Open second floor porches or balconies are fine. It's the enclosure that freaks me out. I fear being inside the second-floor porch or anywhere underneath it. I don't have any experience or history of a porch collapsing, so I don't know why the heck this is.


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    mimes.... not clowns but mimes... I find them very creepy..


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    Lazer tag guns. They sound like real guns and scare the 💩 out of me.

    Also being naked. Really private about my body.


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    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The sound of a gun scares me because I was told about school shootings a while back. If I hear one I fall to the ground and ball up.


    Idk of its unusual but
    I'm afraid of rats. As a child I used to be afraid they would sneak up on me at night and run over my bed. I don't have that fear anymore, but I'm still very afraid of rats.



    A slightly irrational fear of being misgendered at my funeral (I mean there is nothing I could do but I would absolutely HATE it). (Btw I’m nb)

    Also cockroaches, I hate them and I won’t go near them, I don’t even want to sweep them up.


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    Getting in trouble. Is that unusual?


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    Not actually fear but a friend of mine has a fear of tomato sauce packets cuz she thinks they look like blood.


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    Stairs, but only the ones without hand rails, I think it's because I like to have something to grab if I trip? I won't go up or down stairs or ladders if there's no hand rail, but I almost never put my hand on rails if they're present as I'm also a mysophobic!


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    Having to crawl through a narrow space in a cave and no way to turn around and get the f out.


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    I know this will sound really weird, but I will freak out if I’m in a pool and the bottom slopes downward toward the deep end. One time I literally screamed when that happened. I’m also vermiphobic (fear of parasites) and trypophobic (fear of holes)


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    Slugs! I tried to drown one in a cup of water when I was a kid and thought that I was successful... so then I got distracted by something else... and it crawled out of the cup and back out onto my hand; I have been irrationally horrified by slugs ever since. Seriously - if I see one crawling up some smooth dewy surface a foggy morning - I will literally run away screaming "SLUG!"... then will inevitably end up inside grabbing a salt shaker, only to come back out, salt the hideous thing, and stand -satisfied - as I watch it shrivel up and die. Once it dies, I then begin looking around in a panic... as I remember that there could be more that have crawled out nearby...


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    I have bathmophobia, the fear of stairs. im starting to lose this phobia, but its still there
    i also have ophidiophobia, the fear of snakes
    most people love snakes-


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    Not me but my sister has really intense trypophobia.


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    I have anti- fear of heights. If I look up in a tall building, I get nausea, but if I look down from a height, same reaction


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    Glass floors. They terrify me


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    Dani Alexander
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    3 years ago

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    Fear of police



    Millipedes. I have something called xanithiaphobia. (If I spelt that right) they creep the hell out of me, but for some reason, centipedes don’t! It’s really weird!


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    Snails, but it's gotten better....they use to give me nightmares as a child and had me waking up and not being able to go back to sleep, ugh. I haven't seen one in real life ever since I moved from my country, so maybe that's why it's gotten better.
    It all started when my cousin and brother told me that they could stick themselves on people ;-;


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    Infinity. It's called Apeirophobia.


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    Having my photo taken. I cannot STAND having a camera pointed at me. It makes me feel deeply uncomfortable and anxious.

    If people try to show me the resultant photo it's even worse.


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    Unexpected raisins. Imagine biting into that chicken salad sandwich and...WHOA! was that a bug? What was that AAAAAAhhhhh! Or seeing one on the floor. Is that a huge tick? Is it fat spider hiding his legs?
    Now expected raisins are fine, they have identified themselves and we are prepared, all is well. Unexpected ones....
    Honestly freak me out.


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    I posted somewhere on IG, but here goes. My deepest fear, and perhaps unusual to other people, but makes sense to me, is when the day comes that I won’t be able to remember all of the good times I’ve had. All of my memories will at some point deteriorate to the point they won’t make sense, and I am a rather nostalgic person. I am young, just graduated high school, but I love reminiscing of what I have already done with family and friends, my accomplishments. I love the little things, and the big things. And so where most people are worried about not being able to take care of themselves, I think that as long as someone is willing to help me, they care for me. But, if I can’t remember my life at that point, I don’t want to live.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If it makes you feel any better, it is actually more the case of "if" you start to forget than it is guaranteed "when." Not everyone who ages will experience dementia. My grandpa died at the age of 92 - memories intact and still actively gardening, mowing his lawn, etc. I do get it though... even the remote possibility that it could happen is a hard pill to swallow.

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    Putting my hand in the garbage disposal to retrieve a spoon.

    Also putting my hand in the toilet tank to fix the chain. Ridiculous because you can see everything in the tank but it's terrifying.


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    New one just this year. Having a large tree branch fall on me. We're in a drought and our neighbors maple tree dropped a huge branch on our garage from the water stress. Now whenever I'm near large trees, I'm quite anxious.


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    #1 isnt unusal
    Fear of heights
    #2 i have a condition in my ears that makes the sound of the blood rushing through my ears sound like footsteps so i always think someone's in my house. But this only happens at night,never at day


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    María Hermida
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It happens all day long, but during the day you are busy and it's noisy so you don't pay attention to it.

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    Not really sure how rare this is but I'm absolutely terrified of spiders. Any size or type will send chills up my spine. Some of my friends and family like spiders & insects but I can't stand them!


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    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    What about Jumping Spiders though? They have the biggest eyes and cutest personalities... they even do a spider-like version of adorable doggie head-tilt! I don't like many other spiders (for instance, the grass spiders that get into the house and only become apparent as they run across the floor at lighning speed), but I do like to catch the Bold Jumpers I find, put them in a terrarium, and watch them chase the moths I catch hovering around my porch light!


    having things touch my neck. not exactly a fear, but i get really uncomfortable and stressed.


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    So I’m just gonna skip the sob story because most of you prob don’t wanna hear the whole story, but I am terrified of buzzing sounds. If something buzzes near my ear I will immediately start hyperventilating. For a little backstory I had a bad experience with bugs that made a buzzing noise because I got put in a terrible situation.


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    The wooden stick for popsicles. I can not deal with texture. I have to open the top of a package first, hold a popsicle with lips, and fold the package and wrap the stick with it.


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    I'm afraid of dead clocks - let me explain.

    Whenever there's a power outage, or the electricity shuts off for a second and comes back on, the digital clocks that start blinking 12:00 are the freakiest things in the world. My heart starts pounding and my palms get sweaty, and I don't have a clue why this happens!


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    Avalanches, even if I have never been close to one.


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    Um well i was hoping to find someone with this but i didn't so uh... i have phobophobia. yeah. you figured out the word correctly. i have the fear of fear. i'll explain more later bye


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