Hey Pandas, What Are Some Things You Do To Stop Boredom On Long Flights?
What are some things you do to stop yourself from getting bored on long flights?
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Offline games, read books, listen to music, watch movies in my head that I have memorized, sleep
Read, adult coloring, games, movies,
Adult coloring...let's just hope that's not the type that gets you banned from the airline. :) plus, so what if you had a kids coloring book and crayons? What's so wrong with that?
Break up the time in weird but better-sounding increments. An eight-hour flight is still under 10 hours. It's 2 x 4 hours, and 4 hours are ok to pass. The first and last hour don't count because taking off / descending is entertaining (well, almost) and everything sub 1 hour is ok anyway. Cross out another hour for eating (including longingly staring at the trolleys, come on, serve me already!) So we're down to a much shorter time if I succeed in fooling myself :)
I have a notebook I bring with me that's I've written in in nothing but code. I write poems and journal entries and all sorts of other things. I love it when my travel neighbor notices and inevitably stares in confusion. Lol
Get on the Wifi and check out BoredPanda! Said with all intents of being cheesy but hey, it’s a lot of time to cacth up.
I'd say look out the window however on every flight I've been on that had a window seat every one around me choose the ever popular sleep method.
If however you are on a more modern plane then you can look at the flight information/map screen. Once you get bored of that or if you don't have one you can sit in silence and contemplate the oddities of life.
If I'm not sleeping, I'm looking out the window, playing on my phone, reading or watching movies from the screen. The longest flight I've been on was a little over 12 hours. I wasn't bored, but my asš fell asleep around hour 6.
On the long non-stop flights between Boston and Paris, I bring a book which I read until the meal is served. I eat the meal, drink that little bottle of wine you get when you fly any airline but Delta, pop a Xanax, and sleep until we're about to land.
Generally, I try to book the window seat so I can snooze leaning away from other passengers in my row.