We all have goals and experiences we'd like to accomplish and reach in life, what are some of yours?


being able to properly walk again (I have chronic pain)


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mama pug
Community Member
3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This is exactly me. Good luck I hope things ease for you and you can walk again 💜

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    I really just want to grow really old and gross and crusty with my wife! I literally can't think of anything better.



    I have early onset dementia. My goal is to find someone to take care of things at the end.



    I want to sit in a desert on a cloudless night and watch the Milky Way move across the sky.


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    Katie Morris
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Have done this !! Amazing need to do on a cloud free night though hahaha with absolutely no other light

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    Fall in love again before whatever is making me sick wins!



    The first thing I ever put on my bucket list was to swim in the devils pool at Victoria Falls in Zambia, when I was 12 years old. And after a horribly abusive relationship where I almost lost my life I did it!!!!! In November 2019 at the age of 35!!! It was one of the best moments of my life and an adventure I will never forget


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    Go on Pilgrimage again in Haifa, Israel. Go to Juno Beach France to the museum to visit and touch my dad's memorial brick, visit the African American Museum in Washington D.C., and people may think this odd and macabre, but visit Auswitzch (apologize if spelling incorrect.). Its the only way I can be a "witness".


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I don't think it's inevitably macabre, quite the opposite. If you pay the proper respect and use the time to increase your awareness, visiting Auschwitz is a way to learn and know. You can increase your knowledge about it now at home and don't need to go there to be aware of the crimes committed, but sure it is usefull to see and "touch" the very places. At least for me sometimes it's strange to know that something like that has happened in a so recent time, and going there, seeing the museum, the photos, the personal effects, and all the peace of those places that just some decades ago were an hell it's very disturbing, but it's important for us to know.

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    i am 48 year young female and i want to learn how to play the bass guitar ..


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    Satirical Duchess
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I have a theory that bass is secretly actually short for badass... just saying, I don't make the rules, bass is epic...

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    Look I know I'm gonna get yelled at in the comments like "that's stupid dont you want anything to do with your life?" I'm trying to get through today ok? I want a snake named Ramen.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Nothing wrong with that!! Your Bucket List should be about things that make you happy, and anybody who doesn't like that or support you... well, you can send Ramen after them! :)

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    #2 move to/travel to new zeland/ iceland (amazing and one of the few places LGBTQIA+ people can safely travel to)


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Be kind to yourself along the way. The journey to self acceptance can be bumpy.

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    To live without daily chronic pain. (I have Sickle Cell Amenia)


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    Miss Frankfurter
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    So many people do not realize/understand the pain people who have that endure. Education please!

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    I want to buy the place where I had some of my happiest childhood memories. I would spend a week there every summer. It wasn’t Disneyland, it was my grandparents farm. That was my magic kingdom. Grandma’s still there and she’s 90.

    I might be able to pull it off. It would be a serious financial burden, but hey, my own magic kingdom. It would be worth it.



    That I will be the mom my kids deserve. Grief has stolen the mom I used to be.


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    Jette Wang Wahnon
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Seems to me you have already started to become that person by writing this post...best of luck to you...


    1. Pay off my study loans (done!) 2. Pay off my husband’s study loans 3. Prevent my kids from ever having to get study loans.

    That basically takes all money I earn, so the rest of the bucket list is no more.



    Travel around Australia. Swim with a whale shark (need to get over my deep water fear first). Go to a decent theme park. See Wicked the Broadway show and so much more.



    I used to have a bucket list, did it all. Now I am hoping to have a long life with my husband and pets.



    Get my own apartment and pay for it for 30 years, sounds exciting!



    1. Meet Queen Elizabeth II and the Dukes of Cambridge
    2. Travel to Japan, Hawaii and Maldives with my family (24 members)
    3. Move to one of these places from point no. 2
    3. Play in a movie with Sandra Bullock, Ryan Reynolds, Vera Farmiga or Sarah Paulson


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    David F
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I want to invent a teleport. A doorway that you can go through to any place in the universe as well as a box that delivers any kind of item instantly copied to you.

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    Followed our family's long-time dream of moving from California to Paris. We are on our third year here and we have already visited 12 countries!



    Be an astronaut, and get to set foot on another planet. Even if someone else already has. (Btw there is no wind on the moon so the prints last a long time). I want to say to my mom that I did it. I was born premature (1lbs 12 oz) and was bullied every day for a year.. and I want to say to my mom that I finally did it. I want to prove to the world that those who were knocked down can get up. They aren’t a lost cause. They aren’t worthless. I spent so much time thinking about how stupid and fat and worthless I was for 3 years. I don’t want anyone to make the same mistake I did. I want to prove to the world that the premature can be strong too. That girls aren’t your sex toy anymore, they are people and have dreams,ideas, feelings and a mind that isn’t all about getting to screw someone. (However, I am also going to say that males have feeling and ideas too. Most think males only want sex. Most men get flowers only when they die. Males have problems too,but in this time where females are actually being recognized, we’re forgetting about boys.) I want to advocate for people with anxiety, depression, and sensory processing problems, like me. I also want to advocate for people with autism and other mental health problems. Nobody should go through them alone. I want to be an Astronaut to see the stars and everything. I want to also advocate for the reasons I said above.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    A good list. Keep working on it you have a lot on your list there’s no reason why you can’t get there

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    Meet Nikki Sixx, visit Norway and track down extended family that live there, and move to Scotland for at least 6 months when I turn 50 (I’m 43 now, from the US, and have lived here my whole life). Most everything else I’ve already completed!


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sounds good to me!! Especially the move to Scotland part I have never been my family comes from there and I would love to see this country


    1. reduce my mortgage to the point I can't feel that I‘m still paying for it
    2. Traveling to Europe
    3. write and publish international journal/paper
    4. meet a suitable partner
    5. help others



    Fully transition one day.


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    Graduate. Just started college at age 48.


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    Going to Japan, America, Iceland, and many more countries. Living in a forest next to a lake. Getting more dogs and other pets.



    Getting an apartment/house, getting a corgi and a cat, also would like to travel all over asia!



    To exit out of my country for at least 2 weeks, to get a tattoo, and to ride the MindBender



    Wing Walking! I saw this on An Idiot Abroad, and it immediately went on my bucket list.




    Love forever is at the top of my list.


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    Umm probably fly in an airplane on 4th of july, like through the fireworks or kayak through the grand canyon.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Better get your name on the list for going down to Colorado in the Grand Canyon, Apparently it’s a pretty long list for people to gain access to the river.


    I want to travel. My dad has so many cool stories from when he traveled for the military and I want to experience some of that myself


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    I also want to help animals. There are so many animal injustices


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    There are so many places that need volunteers all you have to do is call. Good on you for this and I hope you attain this soon


    1:meet my idols, example: Philza Minecraft
    2: make it past 15, I know that’s a stupid thing to want to do but I’m having trouble
    3: hopefully have a successful YouTube/twitch account
    4: get in a platonic relationship.
    5: teach my siblings about the LGBTQ+ community



    To NOT kick the bucket!


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    Going to the library of Congress and feeding a giraffe


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    Pay my son's way thru med school, and pay off my own debt before I die. Hard to do as a widow.


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    become a gentleman


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    I'd like to :
    - See the Aurora Borealis
    - Hear wolves howling in the wild


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    Jodie Osborne
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    These are also called the northern lights....I live in Northern BC, Canada and we see all the time. They are amazing!!


    move to another country or travel around


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    1. To finish physical therapy (I have trouble with my Achilles tendons.)
    2. To finish fostering my current cats, Tiger, Gray, and Vampire, who were dumped in the woods behind my grandma's house. Vampire is the Mama cat, and Tiger and Gray are her kittens.


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    this is stupid but like break a sorta minor ish law and don’t worry about doing it as i do it


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    go to Hawaii with my daughter to see the volcanoes. Then travel to Washington DC for zoo


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    To walk on the Reichenbach falls (I think that’s how you spell it), maybe push my enemy other the edge while I’m there, possibly fake my death if I was feeling bored.


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    Start a new life


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    travel on a train to see Yellowstone with my daughter


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    I have my “bucket list” fashioned differently. On my list I write down everything I have done/ gotten to do. Then when my time comes, I can look at my “bucket list” and see everything I have done/ accomplished. I want to go everywhere, see everything ,and try everything once so…..


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    Travel to Australia and New Zealand and live in another country.


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    Miss Frankfurter
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My comment was deleted because I put my list in the wrong place. But yes New Zealand. There because there's next to no, if any beings, that could kill you in a split second.

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    I want to go to Costa Rica again, I had an amazing time there. I also want to get arrested at least once but for nothing major. I want to meet my grandpa too, I have never met him before


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    I'd really like to visit New Orleans next spring. We've booked the trip and made our deposit but there seems to be a lot of obstacles cropping up already.


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    Going to ANY Disney park with my family. 25 now and im fearing I may never get to see it


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    Attend the opening of The Grand Museum of Cairo.....and next year visit Mexico and participate in the festivities of the All Saints celebration...I have wanted to do this for so many years...


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    To improve my physical form so that I could actually do all the things I have in my bucket list as some things require better endurance or more strength than I have right now. So now I'm doing just that and parachute jump is next.


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    - Swim with dolphins
    - Touch the ocean, any ocean
    - Ride an alpine sled in Switzerland
    - Learn to swim like a mermaid, with a monofin
    - Move to UK
    - Learn to mold glass figures
    - Go to Disneyland



    Finding love honestly 😊


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    Mieke Mcdonald
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yes, my one true wish. The other, to live pain free, and not b so constantly tired because of it........


    I got jumped by Quadzilla. #rollerderby


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    I got jumped by Quadzilla. #rollerderby


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    Just to be content in life


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    Mieke Mcdonald
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Happiness has no price, and when u happy, u don't want/need anything u don't/ can't have......

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    1) Own my own home or buy my dad a home. He’s never had his own home before - just always rented
    2) Met some of my dads family I’ve never met.
    3) Get a tribute tattoo in honor my mom.


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    Get off my blood pressure meds (diet and exercise) and jump out of a perfectly good airplane (with a parachute of course!)


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    Visit all the contenents ( can’t spell lol )


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