Tell the panda community some things that you do when you are bored that you don't think anyone else does. It can be something you have done recently or something you have always done.


I have this huge stuffed rabbit that i will fight. i have done this for as long as i can remember and i have punched it so much so hard that one of the eyes fell off



    I have literally no idea why, but when I am bored measure myself. I rarely measure my height but I will measure my feet, waist, bust, hips, neck, wrists, fingers, leg inseam and facial features. I mostly just do my waist, bust and hips though. My measurements don't really change and I don't bother to write them down but that is what I do.



    not TOO weird but i go on a certain site thats made for fighting boredom (got any guesses to what it is?)



    I lie in bed and think of scenarios that'll never happen in reality. Sometimes dreaming is the best escape from reality...


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    Doggo Froggo
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I do that whilst doing things sometimes. It is sometimes the only peace you get.

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    Do something normal you do for fun, like watching TV or even eating, but hanging upside-down. You can do it off of a couch or a chair, pretty much anything you can sit on.



    I make up elaborate stories using characters from multiple fandoms (Undertale, Harry Potter, Minecraft, etc.)



    i talk to myself, in my mind or out loud even tho i live in a house with my sister, grandma, grandpa and mom but sometimes i feel lonely



    I go on bored panda until i have read every recent article that intrests me, and then i ask my sister for a random emoji so i can combine it with an among us character and something else. For example my most recent one was Pink from among us, but i used the Zoom "Ta-Da" reaction upside down as a hat, and added the tail and ears of Pinky-Pie from MY Little Pony.



    I practice TaeKwonDo. Ill just spar the air, pretending that im fighting off some immortal guy.



    a lot of things but the most funny one was turning my mic to auto-tune then i would say "we would like some pollen" "im getting a sense im getting a whiff" " THE QUEEEN IS DEAD" "the queen is dea- my Pheromones are f*cked!" "jgdAIYGDSVUHJdsvhj"



    Is putting glue on my palm, waiting for it to dry then peel it off out of the question ?



    I will talk to the resident ghost in my house he's actually really nice he helps me through high school even though he doesn't talk back its nice to just talk to someone



    I will just sit there and pretend to be dead, I will breath but other than that, NOTHING will be done



    Don’t judge me for this but, I pet and pose moon ( my tiger plush ), I’ve seen toy story SO many times, my brain when I was little was convinced toys are totally alive, and I still think that now



    Listen to Yagami Yato, which is comforting to me, pretend I'm in a different place, like an anime world... I know, it's so weird!!



    ...I laugh at my wall


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    Honestly, I feel like this is the weirdest one yet. I like to pour Hydrogen Peroxide in my ears. I don't know why. I think the most likely reason is that I like to feel the bubbles. Sometimes there will be big bubbles. It will feel like it suddenly goes down, then it pops and overflows my ears. Again, I don't know why I like to do it, but I do.


    See Also on Bored Panda

    I have a whole collection of slime since I really like it. Some of my slimes have small glitter flakes that I don't like. When I'm bored I take tweezers and pluck those glitter flakes out.


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    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    i used to love slime. whenever i got new slime, my mom would beg me to take the glitter out. now i understand why she made me do it


    I start to talk in a Russian or Irish accent


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    Telling you i felt the same when a teacker didn't give two f***s about kids with f*****g adhd which i f*****g stresfull and fuking annoying and you get f*****g bullied every f*****g day of the week i also have adhd its just f*****g my life up


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    ......bro thats what i sound like when a teacher annoys the heck out of me

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    make potions


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    Wiggle my toes and come up with song in my head about idiot ideas and my toes duet them!


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    Well I play songs on my radio and then just sit there and make my own little world inside my head. I also think about how I will take over the planet....I mean how I will uh...make the planet a better place. 😅😅



    I play triplets. It’s a percussion rhythm


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    Teddy Bear
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Triplets aren't very hard on the cello, but I've done them and I think 16th notes are the hardest. Try playing 2 16th notes in a row with 8 different note changes... I had to ina solo once and let me tell you, it was awful. I got a 1 on the solo tho, so I was happy!!

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